Jul 14, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

My advice is to go to a store that caters to running. Allow them to do a gait analysis, and let them show you the best shoes for you personally. I overpronate so I have to have a different shoe than most.

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Jul 14, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

How often do people generally run a big race (10 mile or half marathon or marathon)?

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Great question -- so are you looking for how many half marathons (or marathons) you can run in a year? As in, what's the recommended number for a beginning runner?

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Yes- I did my first half marathon in December and have since been shorter races for high school track and cross country but would love to know what is a healthy amount of long distance races to be running a year at this level

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Hi Keira. I'm 59 and have usually run 2 half marathons a year, but this year I'm running 6 to celebrate 6 by the time I'm 60! It's a little crazy and may be a bit much, but I know there are people out there (the Half Fanatics group, for example) who do many more. I think it depends on you - how much time you have, how much "mojo" you have. :)

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Jul 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

For me, I would like to know more about a proper pre-race routine or is that strictly personal? I'm talking right down to how long before the race to wake up, what to ingest (liquids and foods) and even the day/night before. Also how to avoid potential bathroom disasters when there in no bathroom...thanks!

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Jul 14, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I would love to hear about the 6 world major marathons - how do get into all of them. I’m 45 and new to Marathon’s, but not new to running. I’m afraid that I won’t get be a Boston qualifier.

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I love this one! Will research for you.

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Jul 14, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I’m running nyc this year ! I want to run all 6 by 2024 lol !

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Jul 17, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Thanks ! I love the newsletter! I applied for the London lottery in April ! Thanks 4 The info !!! Learned a lot

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Jul 14, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

It gets harder every year. I have run all six but each has its entry challenges. Boston is obviously the qualifying issue unless you choose to run with a charity. London, New York, Chicago and Tokyo are all lotteries and the number of entries gets bigger every year making the odds more difficult. I ended up running for a charity to get into Tokyo because it was my sixth. I actually think London is the hardest one to get into but again, the charity option is there too. Happy to answer any specific questions.

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Jul 14, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I’d like to know how to transition from running half marathons to full marathons. How do you know you’re ready for that? I want to train for one, but all those miles scare me.

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Jul 14, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

How do you handle running psychologically- we all know running can become addictive and even if you're body is injury free you might feel worn down and yet you continue to run. How do you stop the guilt of either taking rest days or doing something less taxing on the body like biking or swimming?

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Excellent question! There's a lot to this one. Let me dig a little deeper on this (instead of just replying quickly) and get back to you. I can see this being a great topic for an upcoming newsletter issue. Stay tuned. :)

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Have an SRD (scheduled rest day) every week, as well as planned cross-training days. Both will help keep you healthy. Also, and most important, listen to your body and rest when you're feeling run down.

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How hard do you strength train? I think I may be going a little hard , because my muscles are so sore for the. Extra day

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Do you stretch after your workouts? If not, perhaps you should consider it. I am far less sore (if at all) if I stretch after a workout than if I don't. If that is not the issue, then perhaps you do need to back off a bit, or to take an extra recovery day after strength training.

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Yes stretching and foam rolling is a daily practice for me but you are right , I need to back off a little. In my mind of I back off then I am giving Jon to the age think and i don’t want tooo hahaha

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I run every other day. In between that, I do push-ups, sit-ups, and stretches. That’s how I handle it. It helps you become stronger also.

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Jul 14, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I'd like to know about any training techniques to maintain a lower heart rate while running. I have a low resting heart rate of 57. When on a run I do not feel like stopping due to fatigue, but because my heart is pounding.... and I'm not running "fast" between 9:00 and 9:30. My heart rate consistently increases to 165-170 (I am 49); walking for 30 seconds returns it to a more "normal" level. I am most comfortable running when my heart rate is 145 or less. Are there exercises that I can do to reduce my heat rate during a run?

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Do you run with music? I'm 69 and have asthma and still manage to run 5 miles a day. Run slower until you train your body to relax... I average 125-135 BPM and an still shocked sometimes after a long run it's not higher... You want to learn to get in the zone and you can't do that pushing your run.... go out and run to have fun not for a new personal best... that will come...

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Are u encouraging music? I usually do listen to music when I run but haven't noticed any discernable difference

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I have asthma and DO NOT want to hear myself breathe... I find that music can both relax and pump me up... After running for over 30 years, I run to get rid of stress, to relax and running lets me eat those few extra calories I shouldn't... I can't imagine going on a long run without my Apple watch that has 400 songs on it...

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Thanks! I really needed that advice. I was about ready to give up!

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Jul 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I want to stay in shape and live a long time in excellent health

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Right there with ya.

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Jul 14, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

In 2017 I saw a pic of my and I was like, omg!! I look like a 225 pounds pig 😱 ( I was 225 for real), I decide to do something, I went to see a nutriologist to help me, so I started losing wight, my friend invited me to do a 5’K, I wasn’t sure but I did it, now I love it!! when I started I wasn’t on shape, but little by little I’m being improving, I added music I think with music you focus more, so now I want to run but for some reason it’s hard for me, I’m 54 years old.

How can I start running I know it’s not hard to start but I’m been trying but I can’t my legs feel heavy, that it’s my next step is run more then walk, when I do a 5K I start walking then I run like 30 seconds and that’s it because my legs aren’t helping😥

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Good for you for working to get in shape! You might want to go to an outdoor track and walk a lap, run a quarter lap, walk a lap, etc. Gradually increase the distance you run to 1/2 lap, 3/4 lap, 1 lap, 1.5 laps etc. If you can go 3-4 days a week, you can increase the run distance weekly if that works best for you.

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Early Sunday morning is the best time of the week to run... it's cooler, there is hardly any traffic and when the runners high kicks in.... you can run forever it seems... It's something I look forward to all week long...

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Jul 14, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Running with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. How does this disease affect your running and what changes nutritionally will help improve your running with this condition

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Jul 14, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Other than running when the sun is barely peeking through, how do you run in the humidity here in the south?

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I live in Florida and run 5 days a week... You have to learn how to run in the heat... hat with a good sweat band, sunscreen, plenty of water and know that it's going to be brutal .... Your body will get accustomed to it and when it does get cooler, you'll find how much stronger you've become... if you can run 5 miles in the heat, you'll breeze through a 10k in the fall...

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Jul 14, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Well, Terrell, you invited comments, so here goes:

I wish there was a formula (all things being equal, which isn’t possible) to predict how much longer a given distance might take time-wise during senior years.

At 77 years, I would like to know if my slowing finish times are on track with what would be the norm. Cheers!

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Great question! I'll do some research on this.

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Me too

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Ditto this question.

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Matt, Dead leg syndrome- Had it myself about 4 years ago. Tried the shorter runs, sometimes that works. In my case it did not. You probably won't like my suggestions, but... Take 2 weeks off with no running. Start back with no long runs (10 miles or more). Also no fast running. After 4-5 weeks start adding in long runs and add in some speed. The dead legs never came back again.

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It works! I just did the same routine after my last Half and feel like I could run forever--at least right now! 2 more half marathons this year and a 17 mile run/walk at Lake Tahoe. I can hardly wait! BTW, I'm 72 years old and have been doing halves for the last 3 years. :)

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Ok so needed to see your age ... 72 awesome. I am 59 and very unsure of where I want focus . Next sat is a sprint triathlon. But a marathon coming up in October and only my second but I am just not mentally there ... I need some encouragement

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I started running--and I mean really started-( I did yoga before that)--when I was 61 years old. I've found I can't just keep beating myself up and trying to stick with a program after a race. If I don't feel like running, I don't. It is not like the training is just going to go away. It will still be there in your mind and in your body. It feels better for me to stop and then start again when I'm itching to go out. I went out the day before yesterday on a 3 mile run after finishing my half on the 30th. It felt great and my time was really good for me--a 13 minute mile. You could take a break after your triathlon and start again on your marathon. There is still time before Oct. sets in. My 17 mile run/walk is on the 13th of October, Golden Gate is on 11/3 and Maui is on 1/19/2020, so you can see they are fairly close together! You can do it, don't get caught up in the details, remember to breathe! :)

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Thank you thank you thank you... I needed to stop beating myself up and compare to these young friends of mine... I’m getting tired. That why I tried the tri

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I have decided I want to try a sprint. Is this your first? I am not sure how to train safely for an open water swim. How have you trained?

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Yes i love in bellflower ca. And close to the ocean so I go to the bay. But most is done in the pool

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In Long Beach? I'm planning on going to watch that sprint next week! Good luck!

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I’m training for my third half which will be in September. I live in NJ and because I’ve only done my running during winter and spring, it’s taking some real adjusting to run in the heat. I know to take it slower and to try to get out as early as possible, but my motivation to train has decreased over the past several weeks. How do you stay motivated running in heat and just work through the runs when it’s uncomfortably hot and humid?

Also, I’m planning to run my first full next November (woohoo! TCS NYC Marathon) and see all sorts of different training schedules. I have only been a long distance runner since December, so what’s your suggestion for someone who is so new to this as far as training goes? How many weeks should I give myself? I know this is over a year away, but I’m crazy when it comes to planning. 😂

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Hi Lindsay- being in Hoboken, I feel your pain this summer! Wear a wet headband and bring water- it helps. Congrats on the NYC Marathon! I ran in 2016 and it is truly the Super Bowl of Marathons. NYRR has a number of great plans (12 and 16 weeks). They're cost effective and easy to follow. Good luck!

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Jul 14, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Yes, water! Forgot to include that! I froze part of it for tonight’s run in hopes that it’ll keep me better hydrated.

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Jul 14, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Steve said it best- running in the heat will make you so much stronger in the fall. I ran at 730 this morning and it was hot. Forget about your times/splits in this heat- the goal is to just get the miles done.

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Very true! Thank you!! Do you use salt tablets or electrolytes like Nuun at all? I find that putting the Nuun in my water while running in this heat just makes me sick, so that’s another thing!

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I have a water bottle I take with me on all runs. First, I freeze about 5-6 ounces of Gatorade or Powerade. After that is frozen, I freeze about 10 ounces of water on top. Right before I leave I top off the bottle with water. As I start out, all I get are sips of water. The longer I run, the ice and gatorade starts melting so I get a very diluted sports drink at first, and less diluted as I run. This way I don't get sick. I then have undiluted sports drink once I am home.

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I use Nuun either pre or post run. If you want to bring Nuun, make sure its dissolved well in advance of your run. I've had the people from Nuun try and sell it as an "on the go" option, but it's disgusting. Salt tablets help me on really long runs, but you can try it and see how it goes. I bring Guu packs on anything above 8 miles. You need more than water on longer runs, so that's one way of replenishing.

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We have a Greenbelt to run/race on. I just stop and get water as I need it. I can’t use gels, 🤢🤮. After my run, I have a large Power Aide waiting on me. When I run my neighborhood, I need to start taking a poweraide with me.

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This can be a tough problem. Luckily I grew up in a hot climate and had to deal with this problem early on. Sounds like you know what to do. You just have to get used to running in the heat and find your motivation. Frequent hydration is essential, as well as some type of sports drink. Water alone is often not enough to beat the heat. I like to reward myself at the end of a hot run with an orange juice with ginger ale or club soda. Very refreshing.

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Hi !!! Do the nyrr virtual marathon or mile high run club fall marathon

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Chilled fruit also works well...

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Stay motivated by having a training plan for your half and stick to it. I'm not good in hot weather at all, so I just stay focused on my goals, and use them to provide my motivation.

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GR, Running- When you start to slow down keep running, when you slow down a second time, begin walking. Walk like you mean it, not casual walking (Power walking basically). Same way on hills, you will likely keep up with some runners going uphill with a fast walk. As you lose weight and continue to get fitter the heavy legs feeling will diminish.

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Jul 14, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

The advice my trainer gave me is "keep running til you can't run anymore, walk until you start feeling guilty!" Usually that is only for about a minute and you get going again. :)

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Hi Terrell, my name is Greg and of course I love running! I made my life a "running life" What's your opinion on the run/walk method of running marathons?

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I'd like to see a short segment on common injuries for runners: diagnosis and treatment. I saw a post recently of a chronic right side tibial tendon issue. I thought "say what?" I'm thinking maybe addressing 1 a week or month.

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I strained my left IT band in the Bellin 10k in Green Bay WI the first weekend in June. I'm still recovering. I'm doing PT exercises, biking, strength training and yoga. Did I mention I'm also icing? I've probably tried running too soon, and had to walk for most of it. I am training for a 7th half in September. Should I continue to lay off running for a couple more weeks or test it? I'm 62 and not new to running.

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So cool thank you , we should connect if possible have a great week!

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Vacation races. Love info for a good race in a cool place

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Hi !!! Thanks Sue ! I didn’t know u could run with a charity for Boston !!! That’s so awesome! I was so worried ! I’m not fast ! I entered the Lottery for London !

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I’d love to hear nutritional tips. What does a typical runner’s diet include? (I know we may all differ but I suspect there are some fundamentals food items that all runners include in their diet.) Leading up to a big race, is there anything special or just stick to what one has been having? Is changing one’s diet occasionally a good thing or the body gets too used to the same foods? Yea, I’d love to hear thoughts on this area.

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Any tips about training for the MCM in October would be appreciated.

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Marine Corps Marathon, right? The big one in D.C.?

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Right. I am thinking people might have useful tips about what to expect and how to get through it.

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Coming off back to back tough, hilly half marathons at altitude. It’s been 3 weeks and my legs still don’t feel right. I’ve done some short easy runs and everything else feels good but my legs aren’t giving me what I’m used to. Im used to recovery after half and full marathons but my legs just aren’t there. Am I hurting my recovery by going on these short easy runs? Should I take another week or 2 completely off?

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Does anyone have any suggestions for types of shoes are the best, I know everyone is different, but looking for suggestions as to what to look for when purchasing shoes for 10k's?

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Depends, but I run in Newtons and won’t wear anything else! VERY lightweight and my knees never ache like they used to

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I have high arches and need a thick but light sole. I find Saucony's work great, my feet and kneews never hurt with them. They have with every other shoe I've tried.

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I love my Hokas!

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Asics Gels... it's the only shoe I now wear... feels like you've got pillows on your feet...

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