Oct 21, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

As much as I have made running a huge part of my life, I actually know very little about professional and elite runners. The people who inspire me are the every day people like everyone that posts on this newsletter who have jobs, family, and all types of obligations and who manage to make running a priority, who find meaning and pleasure in it outside of competition and winning. I can't devote the time an effort the pros put into it, but when I read your newsletter, Terrell, and the posts of the subscribers, I know that you all lead similarly busy lives and still make time for running and that motivates me.

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Oct 20, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

Really great article and clips of Sara Hall! Loved it. She is an inspiration to me. The other, of course, is Dean Karnazes!! The first to inspire me to do distance 13 years ago!

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Oct 20, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

Wow!! Sara Hall is inspiring! So happy she placed second in London. It was helpful to read what she’s learned from others about running/training. Thank you for sharing!

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