Love this! Thank you so much for posting. <3 I’ve been beating myself up for feeling so sluggish and tired and believing I should be able to do more—but let’s be real, I had a baby four months ago and lost my mom one month before that. I’m still recovering from blows mental and physical and it’s natural to need extra rest. To think I would be where I was a year and a half ago is pretty unrealistic and to try forcing it is asking for burnout and injury. This writing really reinforced that, as although I can recognize this objectively, it doesn’t mean that feeling I should be doing better and need less rest from training dissolves. It’s always good to get an outside reminder. :-) I have a 10k on Saturday and even though I’ll be moving at paces a sloth would zoom past I’m excited and will be sure I’ve tapered and rested this week appropriately with my little dude who’s still up three times a night. ;D
Oh my gosh Kait -- yes, you definitely need extra rest! Congratulations on your baby, too! That's so, so awesome. Yes, please take it easy -- you're going through so much right now. I remember what that was like with our youngest -- he's 8 now, so those all-nighters are a thing of the past now, but I remember!
This brought up a point that most people don't consider enough. In the last 10 years, we've changed beds three times. If you're not comfortable you're not going to get a good nights sleep. Since my wife needs to have the bed on an incline, and I can't sleep bent up like a pretzel, we FINALLY settled on a split king Sleep Number bed... It was expensive, but I've gotten the best sleep in years with it... Like any bed it's not perfect and over priced, but it works...
I'm as competive as hell but I agree, posting your workout and times sometimes has a negative influence on how you run. I push myself only as much as my body lets me... At one time, I was with a group and over did it trying to keep up with the other runners. I like every other runner wants to be the best, but sometimes I ask myself... at what cost? I let my body dictate the length and pace ... sometimes I feel good enough to push the pace or do an extra mile if I still have something in the tank... in the end, I only do what my body lets me... The last thing I need is to get injured ...
I also run for fun... but when I enter a race... God help those in front of me... I hate to lose but at 72 I'm computing with the senior crowd and usually do well...
Don't worry, I stay well behind and watch the action. I still was proud of myself coming in first in my age group on the last 5K ( ages 70-79 ) . No speedster, but I had a great time walking and talking to a 10 year old who thought I was in my 40s! :)
In my area there is someone in my age group who is faster... go goes out very fast and even though I'm always close, I just can't beat him... Though, I keep trying...
The only reason I took a first in last Sunday’s Paradise Coast Hal in Naples FL is that I was the sole person the 70-74 age group. Once again, an opportunity to kibbitz with my fellow runners and to cheer on Jennifer when I found out that she was doing her first half marathon.
Still fun! I think there were only 2 or 3 in mine. It was cold and rainy. No one wanted to get out and about. You know how old geezers can be! Some of us never keep trying! :)
Very true, Steve! That's good advice on the bed, btw. We're actually probably due for a new mattress for our bed soon, so I will be thinking of what you've said for sure. And yes, "at what cost?" is a great question. I think as long as you're enjoying it and getting what you want out of it, then great. But, as we all know, sometimes that competitive spirit can go a little too far, and then before we know it we've gotten into a pattern that doesn't bring us that satisfaction or enjoyment any more. It's a puzzle.
Thank you! Sleep has been my nemesis this year. I think mine is due to anxiety with my job. It’s weird this year in schools, especially my district. (I’m moving schools & that should help.) I miss the innocent sleep of my youth . . . 😁
Oh I hear you. Sleep is my Achilles heel, for sure. I've always been a very light sleeper, but I've never really thought to make it a priority, you know? I basically have always just fallen into bed and then, whatever happens, happens. What Walker is trying to encourage us to do is to develop a routine for sleep that will help trigger us to get a good night's sleep on a routine basis. Again, easy to write, not always so easy to implement 😃
Just downsized to a lovely space with western exposure to nightly sunsets. 20 boxes left to unpack from 150. For those contemplating future downsizing, I urge you to start purging sooner than later. More work than you can imagine. My running goal to celebrate 75th birthday year is to run a 10k under 60 minutes. I will be ecstatic with a 59:59. Humble goal but necessary to keep moving, breathing and blood circulating. Soon will be planning first steps to launch of “The Great Human Race”. Keep you advised of quarterly progress…
Such great advice from a fellow septuagenarian! I seem to be following the same pattern including getting rid of "stuff!"
I like 10ks. They are still fun, but do take some work. Half Marathons are a bit much, but being a Die-Hard, I keep telling myself "just one more!" Who Knows? I'll give it my best!
Looking forward to news of "The Great Human Race." :)
Thanks Nilima…I have found that running & walking allow me to be pretty much pain free. I love the Half as well but willing to give it up in order to keep running without too much pain. Don’t want to live on ADVIL which works short term but is terrible for you long-term. Yoga & Jacuzzi are my short and long term RX. Take care…
Fortunately, pain does not hit too often. I have to take the old Ibuprofen about twice a year when I do something stupid running! My rule is I can only take pain-killers four hours or more before bedtime. . .I'm afraid I won't wake up! ;) (Think of all the good things I would miss!)
Yoga has been my go-to forever. Jacuzzi sounds wonderful!! I'll be out today for a short jaunt. From what I've read recently. Easy running seems to be the key. Seems it is better for endurance than the intensity a lot of runners put out.
Thanks Dave. Without goals I struggle to stay on track. I have no one to impress but myself and fortunately that is sufficient. Looks like you are of a similar mind set?!?!
Being in our 70s, my wife and I believe the key to maintaining our health (besides pure dumb luck) is to keep moving. Like I tell folks at these races, I do it for the exercise, the shirt & medal, and the camaraderie.
Good morning Terrell! Goodness…200% more likely to have heart issues? I cannot remember the last time I got more than 6 hours of sleep. I will be reading that link you provided…hopefully some thing helps.
As for the book, I actually have a signed copy! I think she was at the Nebraska half we did before Covid. Anyway the book debunks just about everything. All the ideals and running rules we live by were disproven, by her account, and it left me kind of blah. That’s just my take on it… don’t get me wrong, I’m now reading Born To Run and it debunks the idea of our current cushioned footwear probably not being the best thing for our feet and/or running form, but it also takes almost the entire book to make you realize it may be true. I did end up buying “finger feet shoes”…if I got that wrong, forgive me 😂
Anyway best of luck to everyone on the tapering…I know that lately I struggle with that, which is a nice change because before I couldn’t find a good excuse to get out of bed. I just ran the Delaware Running Festival half marathon last weekend and am doing the Indy500 Half in two weeks, the Cruel Jewel 56 mile race the following week, and Martha’s Vineyard Half the weekend after that. I’ll have time to rest before starting back up with training for the 100 miler at the end of the year (November).
Always love your emails. Thanks for keeping me motivated!!
Good morning, Jennie! ☀️ That's really good feedback! One thing I've found is that discussion on all these things with how our bodies work tends to ebb and flow -- I absolutely loved Born To Run too, it's such a great book. But from what I've read since then, most people need to be *really* careful with barefoot running, especially with the surfaces they run on. (It is amazing how influential that book became -- even with people who aren't runners, which shows you how good a writer Chris McDougall is!)
I want to hear more about the Cruel Jewel 56 and the 100-miler -- those sound amazing!
You may grow to love your five fingers! Barefoot running is fun--you run like a kid! Born to Run got me going. I'm older now, but find the cushioning on zero-drop shoes does help.
Thanks so much for sharing! I needed this reminder and know a dear family member who could use it too. (I don’t typically forward member-only newsletters, but I might for this one, if that’s okay.)
In other news, hello again! It’s been a while since I chimed into a half marathoner conversation. So thankful for great community and encouragement here! I’m running the Eugene Half Marathon on Sunday and am so excited for it! First official race since COVID times! (I signed up for two others, but they were canceled before race day). I didn’t follow a strict training plan, and this past week I haven’t been able to fit a run in due to life, but I feel strong and ready and able to finish. So excited!
Well, Terrell, get the Credit Card out. General Registration for the Monterey Half begins on May 1, 2022! You can get some sleep in before November!
I try to get as much sleep in as I can. Being the support system for someone who works at home, it boils down to a normal pattern +/- 7 hours. For some reason, on the farm, my mom always got us up at 7:15 AM. That has been my wake-up call until now--of course, Mr. Robin helps in the Spring!
Fortunately, I don't rely on any apps or devices. Like you said, God only knows what the data really means. I only take a phone because my daughter likes to know where I am on the Trail. It is cumbersome, but I try to be helpful and cooperative.
I'll be out today to check on my trees. It's Arbor Day. . .they have been on their own for a month. Like to see if they made it!
You know that's right! Sometimes I use a wearable arm strap to carry my phone when I run -- holding it in my hand is such a pain, and I'm always afraid if I put it in my pocket that the weight of the phone will pull down my shorts!
Good idea! Lucky you can wear shorts. . .I'm still waiting for weather to warm up.
I use an SPI (Small Personal Items) belt with 2 pockets. Holds my phone in one pkt and the keys in the other. The elastic is wide and adjustable. Goes around my waist and I can clip my water to the back. absolutely no bounce when running.
Course, I don't bother answering the phone. People are crazy to call me when I'm out. I usually give them a quick text to let them know.
Terrell, really happy I found thehalfmarathoner. It’s been great inspiration for me. My half is this Sunday and I actually feel prepared. Did an easy 6 yesterday. Will probably do 5 tomorrow, rest Saturday, then see what I have Sunday. Thanks again.
I'm so glad you found us too, Jim. It's really great to have you here -- I'm so glad the training has left you feeling prepared. Good luck on Sunday -- be sure to let me know how it goes!
Love this! Thank you so much for posting. <3 I’ve been beating myself up for feeling so sluggish and tired and believing I should be able to do more—but let’s be real, I had a baby four months ago and lost my mom one month before that. I’m still recovering from blows mental and physical and it’s natural to need extra rest. To think I would be where I was a year and a half ago is pretty unrealistic and to try forcing it is asking for burnout and injury. This writing really reinforced that, as although I can recognize this objectively, it doesn’t mean that feeling I should be doing better and need less rest from training dissolves. It’s always good to get an outside reminder. :-) I have a 10k on Saturday and even though I’ll be moving at paces a sloth would zoom past I’m excited and will be sure I’ve tapered and rested this week appropriately with my little dude who’s still up three times a night. ;D
Oh my gosh Kait -- yes, you definitely need extra rest! Congratulations on your baby, too! That's so, so awesome. Yes, please take it easy -- you're going through so much right now. I remember what that was like with our youngest -- he's 8 now, so those all-nighters are a thing of the past now, but I remember!
You come first … behind your little one …. My hope is you find the right balance … remember … in about four years, you’ll have a 5k family challenge.
This brought up a point that most people don't consider enough. In the last 10 years, we've changed beds three times. If you're not comfortable you're not going to get a good nights sleep. Since my wife needs to have the bed on an incline, and I can't sleep bent up like a pretzel, we FINALLY settled on a split king Sleep Number bed... It was expensive, but I've gotten the best sleep in years with it... Like any bed it's not perfect and over priced, but it works...
I'm as competive as hell but I agree, posting your workout and times sometimes has a negative influence on how you run. I push myself only as much as my body lets me... At one time, I was with a group and over did it trying to keep up with the other runners. I like every other runner wants to be the best, but sometimes I ask myself... at what cost? I let my body dictate the length and pace ... sometimes I feel good enough to push the pace or do an extra mile if I still have something in the tank... in the end, I only do what my body lets me... The last thing I need is to get injured ...
Love and admire people are competitive. I must say I run for fun, but appreciate those who can push he envelope and know when to quit.
I also run for fun... but when I enter a race... God help those in front of me... I hate to lose but at 72 I'm computing with the senior crowd and usually do well...
Don't worry, I stay well behind and watch the action. I still was proud of myself coming in first in my age group on the last 5K ( ages 70-79 ) . No speedster, but I had a great time walking and talking to a 10 year old who thought I was in my 40s! :)
In my area there is someone in my age group who is faster... go goes out very fast and even though I'm always close, I just can't beat him... Though, I keep trying...
You CAN do it! Remember your wife says you are invincible!
… and I bet you live for the challenge … keep going!
The only reason I took a first in last Sunday’s Paradise Coast Hal in Naples FL is that I was the sole person the 70-74 age group. Once again, an opportunity to kibbitz with my fellow runners and to cheer on Jennifer when I found out that she was doing her first half marathon.
Still fun! I think there were only 2 or 3 in mine. It was cold and rainy. No one wanted to get out and about. You know how old geezers can be! Some of us never keep trying! :)
I don’t doubt it for a second!
Very true, Steve! That's good advice on the bed, btw. We're actually probably due for a new mattress for our bed soon, so I will be thinking of what you've said for sure. And yes, "at what cost?" is a great question. I think as long as you're enjoying it and getting what you want out of it, then great. But, as we all know, sometimes that competitive spirit can go a little too far, and then before we know it we've gotten into a pattern that doesn't bring us that satisfaction or enjoyment any more. It's a puzzle.
Thank you! Sleep has been my nemesis this year. I think mine is due to anxiety with my job. It’s weird this year in schools, especially my district. (I’m moving schools & that should help.) I miss the innocent sleep of my youth . . . 😁
Oh I hear you. Sleep is my Achilles heel, for sure. I've always been a very light sleeper, but I've never really thought to make it a priority, you know? I basically have always just fallen into bed and then, whatever happens, happens. What Walker is trying to encourage us to do is to develop a routine for sleep that will help trigger us to get a good night's sleep on a routine basis. Again, easy to write, not always so easy to implement 😃
Totally agree!!!
Excellent writing, sharing and advice Terrell. Thank you….
Thank you, Clark! How are you, my friend? How is the running going?
Just downsized to a lovely space with western exposure to nightly sunsets. 20 boxes left to unpack from 150. For those contemplating future downsizing, I urge you to start purging sooner than later. More work than you can imagine. My running goal to celebrate 75th birthday year is to run a 10k under 60 minutes. I will be ecstatic with a 59:59. Humble goal but necessary to keep moving, breathing and blood circulating. Soon will be planning first steps to launch of “The Great Human Race”. Keep you advised of quarterly progress…
Such great advice from a fellow septuagenarian! I seem to be following the same pattern including getting rid of "stuff!"
I like 10ks. They are still fun, but do take some work. Half Marathons are a bit much, but being a Die-Hard, I keep telling myself "just one more!" Who Knows? I'll give it my best!
Looking forward to news of "The Great Human Race." :)
Thanks Nilima…I have found that running & walking allow me to be pretty much pain free. I love the Half as well but willing to give it up in order to keep running without too much pain. Don’t want to live on ADVIL which works short term but is terrible for you long-term. Yoga & Jacuzzi are my short and long term RX. Take care…
Fortunately, pain does not hit too often. I have to take the old Ibuprofen about twice a year when I do something stupid running! My rule is I can only take pain-killers four hours or more before bedtime. . .I'm afraid I won't wake up! ;) (Think of all the good things I would miss!)
Yoga has been my go-to forever. Jacuzzi sounds wonderful!! I'll be out today for a short jaunt. From what I've read recently. Easy running seems to be the key. Seems it is better for endurance than the intensity a lot of runners put out.
Take care . . .:)
Your goals are admirable. Wow.
Thanks Dave. Without goals I struggle to stay on track. I have no one to impress but myself and fortunately that is sufficient. Looks like you are of a similar mind set?!?!
Being in our 70s, my wife and I believe the key to maintaining our health (besides pure dumb luck) is to keep moving. Like I tell folks at these races, I do it for the exercise, the shirt & medal, and the camaraderie.
Good morning Terrell! Goodness…200% more likely to have heart issues? I cannot remember the last time I got more than 6 hours of sleep. I will be reading that link you provided…hopefully some thing helps.
As for the book, I actually have a signed copy! I think she was at the Nebraska half we did before Covid. Anyway the book debunks just about everything. All the ideals and running rules we live by were disproven, by her account, and it left me kind of blah. That’s just my take on it… don’t get me wrong, I’m now reading Born To Run and it debunks the idea of our current cushioned footwear probably not being the best thing for our feet and/or running form, but it also takes almost the entire book to make you realize it may be true. I did end up buying “finger feet shoes”…if I got that wrong, forgive me 😂
Anyway best of luck to everyone on the tapering…I know that lately I struggle with that, which is a nice change because before I couldn’t find a good excuse to get out of bed. I just ran the Delaware Running Festival half marathon last weekend and am doing the Indy500 Half in two weeks, the Cruel Jewel 56 mile race the following week, and Martha’s Vineyard Half the weekend after that. I’ll have time to rest before starting back up with training for the 100 miler at the end of the year (November).
Always love your emails. Thanks for keeping me motivated!!
Good morning, Jennie! ☀️ That's really good feedback! One thing I've found is that discussion on all these things with how our bodies work tends to ebb and flow -- I absolutely loved Born To Run too, it's such a great book. But from what I've read since then, most people need to be *really* careful with barefoot running, especially with the surfaces they run on. (It is amazing how influential that book became -- even with people who aren't runners, which shows you how good a writer Chris McDougall is!)
I want to hear more about the Cruel Jewel 56 and the 100-miler -- those sound amazing!
Kudos to you and your schedule
You may grow to love your five fingers! Barefoot running is fun--you run like a kid! Born to Run got me going. I'm older now, but find the cushioning on zero-drop shoes does help.
Thanks so much for sharing! I needed this reminder and know a dear family member who could use it too. (I don’t typically forward member-only newsletters, but I might for this one, if that’s okay.)
In other news, hello again! It’s been a while since I chimed into a half marathoner conversation. So thankful for great community and encouragement here! I’m running the Eugene Half Marathon on Sunday and am so excited for it! First official race since COVID times! (I signed up for two others, but they were canceled before race day). I didn’t follow a strict training plan, and this past week I haven’t been able to fit a run in due to life, but I feel strong and ready and able to finish. So excited!
Happy running (or walking) to you all!
So good to hear from you, Colleen! Of course it's okay to share 😃 Good luck this weekend in Eugene!
Well, Terrell, get the Credit Card out. General Registration for the Monterey Half begins on May 1, 2022! You can get some sleep in before November!
I try to get as much sleep in as I can. Being the support system for someone who works at home, it boils down to a normal pattern +/- 7 hours. For some reason, on the farm, my mom always got us up at 7:15 AM. That has been my wake-up call until now--of course, Mr. Robin helps in the Spring!
Fortunately, I don't rely on any apps or devices. Like you said, God only knows what the data really means. I only take a phone because my daughter likes to know where I am on the Trail. It is cumbersome, but I try to be helpful and cooperative.
I'll be out today to check on my trees. It's Arbor Day. . .they have been on their own for a month. Like to see if they made it!
You know that's right! Sometimes I use a wearable arm strap to carry my phone when I run -- holding it in my hand is such a pain, and I'm always afraid if I put it in my pocket that the weight of the phone will pull down my shorts!
Good idea! Lucky you can wear shorts. . .I'm still waiting for weather to warm up.
I use an SPI (Small Personal Items) belt with 2 pockets. Holds my phone in one pkt and the keys in the other. The elastic is wide and adjustable. Goes around my waist and I can clip my water to the back. absolutely no bounce when running.
Course, I don't bother answering the phone. People are crazy to call me when I'm out. I usually give them a quick text to let them know.
Terrell, really happy I found thehalfmarathoner. It’s been great inspiration for me. My half is this Sunday and I actually feel prepared. Did an easy 6 yesterday. Will probably do 5 tomorrow, rest Saturday, then see what I have Sunday. Thanks again.
I'm so glad you found us too, Jim. It's really great to have you here -- I'm so glad the training has left you feeling prepared. Good luck on Sunday -- be sure to let me know how it goes!
Good luck to you … did my 104th last Sunday .. each one is more fun than the last. No nerves … just go out and enjoy the day.