Aug 25, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I grew up moving around alot, and it always was exciting to me. I think it helped me adapt to meeting new people and places. Being in a comfort zone to much can really limit your perspective and it can make you miss out on alot of things, in my opinion. I come from a family of 8, and not everyone feels the same way I do about how often we moved, so I think it may have alot to do with a persons personality.

I have experienced a year of much change. I was diagnosed with breast cancer end of February, surgery beginning of March. Radiation thru June. My son got married in July. Now I'm dealing with pneumonia and have been sick most of August, likely a result of radiation. My parents moved next door from out of state in April. So, to say the least these have all been a little overwhelming and my son moving out to be married was one of the happiest and saddest days. Thru all this change I have found the familiar routines of daily life have been my mainstay. Running whenever possible, I was able to run thru my entire radiation treatments and was able to get back into it a couple weeks after surgery. This month has been a different story. Keeping as much of an unchanged schedule as possible tho as helped me feel like I've had partial control over my life when for the past several months i was reacting to everything else around me. So, long story short I think loving change and needing stability, finding the right balance is key to handling whatever life throws at you. :)

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Wow, Rebekah! I had no idea -- I'm so glad you're feeling better and well enough to get back to running! It's amazing what routines can do for us, I totally agree. I love your spirit and attitude.

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Aug 25, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I am not that great with change, though I try hard to be. It amazes me that I come from DNA that did some amazing (to me) changes. My father and mother immigrated here from Mexico about two years into their marriage. They came here not speaking the language and knowing only a very few people. They managed to buy their own home, raise four kids, make some small investments, then, retire back to my moms tiny village back in Mexico. They lived their for 10 years going back and forth twice a year to spend a few weeks with us until my father got sick and my mom made the decision to move back here again at age 77 (my dad being 79). And if that isn't enough, my parents came here not because they were "looking for a better life." They were doing ok in Mexico. No. They came here because my paternal grandmother, who was 51 at the time, decided to come here and talked them into giving it a try! She was born in 1913 in Mexico and came here in 1963 because someone offered her a job that she didn't need. Just for the adventure. Meanwhile, I live 7 miles from the home where I grew up! I'm still waiting for that adventures gene to turn on.

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Aug 25, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Correction, she was born in 1912. BTW, she passed away in 2012 at 100 plus 8 months of age.

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Wow! Maria, this is an amazing story -- what did your grandmother tell you over the years about all of this, about why she decided to up and move like that?

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Like so most humans, my grandmother was a complex person. She was not your typical, sweet, cuddly grandma. She was rather intimidating. Because of this, sadly, I didn't have too many deep conversations with her. She shared stories about her life, but not the motivations behind them, and I'm not sure if she even knew what they were. I have discussed this with my mother who had as good a relationship with her as anyone and we agree that my grandma was born in the wrong place and time. She was a strong independent woman in a time and place that valued these qualities in men, but was suspicious and even intolerant of these in women. We think she did it for the sheer adventure and also to get away from my grandfather who was a sweet, docile, but not very ambitious man. We think she was bored with him and that life. She would go back to Mexico once or twice a year, so it never looked like she left him, just that she was off working. She was a very interesting woman and I often think her life would make a great book.

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Aug 25, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

My whole world is changing because I am now in the Menopause phase of my life. I have had to change things up and realize that it is okay that I cannot run as far and as fast as I did before. I have added a special exercise routine that is to help me with this transition. I have added some different supplements to help with this and this in addition to my rheumatoid have created more issues that other women don't meaning extra trips to the doctor and rheumatologist to get my prescription meds adjusted. It is still a work in progress, but the first step was for me to give myself a break and that is not something I am very good at. :)

Everyone have a great day and do what is good for you and your body for today because we don't know if we will even be around tomorrow!

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You are SO right about that, Nelda! I'm glad you're giving yourself a break.

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Aug 25, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I am probably strange but I actually find change inspiring (most of the time). The last 16 years of my life I have limited change in my life to create “stability” in my sons life as much as possible. In the last four months I ended a relationship that was never going to be what I wanted in a long term relationship. I also changed from a Monday-Friday job that I held for 16 years to a job that I will work nights/weekends/holidays (people think I’m crazy). I ended a relationship with someone I love and a job that I loved for 16 years. Even though I loved these things they were keeping me from things I want/need in this phase of my life. Sometimes you have to open your hands to let go of good/ok things so you are open to better things. Fortunately For me I am still friends with my ex and with my former coworkers and that helps. I think it is important to remind yourself of past changes that have ended better than expected and not let fear rule your decisions. Most things you can go back to if it doesn’t work out (you can always move back) but you never know if you don’t try.

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It sounds like you have really grabbed life by the horns these past few months! I love your sense of adventure and willingness to strike out and break new ground. (And that's so great you have a good relationship with your ex, too!) The last thing you mention is so key -- not letting fear rule your decisions. I find that it trying to hold on to what you have can have such a gravitational pull that I'm not even aware of it. I heard a great line once -- "the chains of habit are too light to be felt until they're too heavy to be broken." That has a way of putting guardrails around our courage that I think we're not often aware of. I'm going to come back to what you wrote again, I'm sure.

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Aug 25, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I needed to hear this today. Today is my last day in Texas…I’ve lived here my entire life. Tomorrow I hit the road to move to Arizona to start a new job. Was having lots of worry/doubts this morning about this decision but I keep being reminded of this is exactly what I’m supposed to be doing. Thanks so much!

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I'm SO glad to hear that, Jody! Good luck with your move -- where are you moving to in Arizona? We visited there 2 years ago.

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Aug 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I’m moving to Phoenix! Great city and I’m very excited.

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Such diversity of experiences in our running community! My life experience, Terrell, may be the polar opposite of yours. After growing up in a small Ohio rust belt town and never venturing more than 50 miles, I escaped to college and got my first small look at the big world. Immediately after graduating, I went into the Army to begin a 38-year military career accompanied by my amazingly supportive wife. In our first 26 years we moved 18 times across 10 states and three foreign countries. In addition, we raised two wonderful daughters who were educated in three different countries and I can’t remember how many states. We worked through the challenges (like the more than 5 years Jan was a single parent while I was off on one of six combat tours), and thrived on the opportunities. I’ve been able to do runs in six countries, not including a 20k skate “run” on the windmill-lined frozen Dutch canals. Change has been great, and in my opinion, offers more to gain than is ever lost.

(p.s. Speaking of “pulling the ripcord,” that’s exactly what I did for a living).

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Oh, wow, David! Did I know that? Your military career sounds like it was an incredible adventure. And I've got to hear more about the 20K in The Netherlands!!! Love hearing all this, love your spirit about all the changes. Really glad you shared.

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Aug 25, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Change is something i have a really tough time with. I will never seek out change but i am always pleased with the result when it is thrust upon me. I wish i was better with change. "The only constant thing about life is that nothing is constant".

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To be completely honest, Brian, I do too. I'm a little like those grizzly bears who (I've read) never leave the same few square miles their entire lives! But sometimes you become aware, maybe change is good. Maybe a new adventure would be a thrilling thing, you know? Just thinking out loud, really...

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Aug 25, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

That's the frustrating part to me. When i look back at my life 99% of the time change ends up being a good thing yet i still fight it like I'm Mike Tyson. Life and human nature are confusing things lol but boy do i love them.

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Aug 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Grew up moving every couple of years, lived in a number of states and have seen this country from coast to coast. I went to three different high schools my senior year. lived in major cities and small towns. I always thought that was the reason that change came so easy to me and also why I do not develop long term friendships. Being self contained can have it's advantages and it's drawbacks, but as as Rebekah C pointed out maybe that just me and would have been regardless. But from my perspective change is not only ok but essential to growth.

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Aug 25, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Love this article. I left the midwest to go to college, lived all over because of a military spouse. Now that I'm 50 and an empty-nester, made my way back to KC. Sometimes you gotta leave and experience new places to really appreciate where you came from. ~Midwestern Girl

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Thanks so much, AM!

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Aug 25, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Just a quick note about the Kiawah half marathon that Terrell mentioned: It's a beautiful course! It's a bit more pricey than average, but if you run it and love it, they offer registration for next year's race at a significant discount if you register within a week or so! (At least, that's what they've done in the past.)

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Thanks for sharing that, Derek! Really good to know 👍

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I know it changed his heart and I realized this in the past year why last year why I want to move back home to North Carolina I want to be around family shame and I'll miss people out here but I need to be around my family I spent way too much time alone I have 2 jobs to keep me occupied in my running in my virtual running but I still want to be round bnd y special for holidays

Iam tried of theweast coat



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A couple of pithy sayings from authors I know you'll recognize. . .

"There is nothing so stable as change. " Bob Dylan

“Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn’t.” Erica Jong

My business instructor had a couple of truisms, too

"Rent for five years in an area before committing to buying, and always have a job lined up before you move."

I've moved a lot, seen the US and Hawaii along the way. Imagine living and being married to someone who would wake up in the morning and say, "Pack up, honey,were going to find the end of the road today." Happened too many times to count, no planning involved, no discussion, no job. Needless to say, nothing worked out and we wind would up in much the same spot with nothing. . .We still are married, but live far, far apart from each other. The phone works just fine!

Most humans hate change. I learned that in Organizational Behavior. I don't love it or hate it, but I like a plan. For now, I see myself in Washington. We have to be cautious with the CoVid onslaught. I do like it here , but need to get out of the Seattle area before the rents go up, up. The state has everything going for it, including water, which was nonexistent in some of our travels.

Biggest change in my life was when my son suddenly became a daughter. It was a wowser! On top of that she brought her internet friend out from the East Coast who is even stranger. Apparently (she?) (he?) it is a lawyer, but hasn't had a job in 4 years. Supposedly, it is a good relationship, but I question the dependency. I have had no reaction to it openly, preferring to remain unattached, but mentally there is a lot to go through. Had it not been for consistent running along with a spiritual perspective, it could have been a lot different.

Off for 45 min. Gotta keep up that training for a Half. :)

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