Mar 17, 2020Liked by Carissa Liebowitz

With a 2 year old at home am using my daily runs 6x/week as the rare 'quiet' space. Did the Skyway loop on the Pinhoti trail last Saturday, and it was a beautiful 5 hour run. Using the Headspace app twice daily now as well. My wife and I just started a 'no social media, no news' policy where we will alternate who reads up and updates the other, every 48 hours. So far it is still just as scary and overwhelming, but "digital distance" is definitely helping us

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That's a really interesting idea, Ben, especially as the news and everything coming in via social media can really be overwhelming right now. (As someone I know wrote, reading all the science-y articles on coronavirus can make you feel a lot worse about things, especially as you become aware of things you had no idea about before.)

We might try that too.

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Good idea on the digital distance!

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Mar 17, 2020Liked by Carissa Liebowitz

I was thinking about this group this morning on my run here in Vegas! As runners we are a unique group. We are focused & goal oriented. It’s hard when things out of our control change.

I’m sad my race at the end of March was cancelled, but I was thinking this morning about how running is still something I can control in a crazy, out of control world. My focus & goals have changed slightly. I’m training/maintaining for me, not for a race.

I’m also a middle school teacher, so I suddenly find myself at home with a LOT of time on my hands. I miss my students, I miss my schedule, and I miss my co-workers. But I can now run pretty much whenever I want, how far I want. I’m not squeezing in 5 miles between school & a church activity or evening class I’m taking. It’s kind of freeing, but I feel a bit guilty & I wonder if I will be happy going back to a busy schedule again.

For now, I’m looking for the silver linings & enjoying each run!

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I'm liking that aspect of this a lot too, Corrina. It is actually quite a relief not to have to rush off and get in my normal morning commute every day; I went for my run today around lunchtime and it was such a nice way to break up the day. (Though I wonder how I'll be feeling after a few weeks of this!) We shall see.

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As I saw Corrina your other comment about our teachers, I got an email on our neighborhood network (I live in Lantana, TX) - the title was silver lining and lady mentioned about teachers!!! It's not a coincidence:) Now I have two 7th grade and one 12th grade (yes, he may not have an official graduation ceremony) - managing my work and to keep them busy with learning is a challenge - please know we miss you and it's something that we can't move online 100%.

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Thank you!!! It is not a coincidence! By the way—I teach 7th grade English. 7th grade is the best age! Hang in there for the next few weeks! I hope your 12th grader gets a graduation.

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I hope all seniors get graduation - I have so many students who should graduate this May and of course a lot of my son friends. For sure it changes them and I hope they take it all serious.

Now I know who to ask if I have any questions about English 7th grade:)

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Hee Hee! Don’t judge my grammar on posts! 😜

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Mar 17, 2020Liked by Carissa Liebowitz

I've been following the feedback on both the Half Fanatics site and the 100x13.1 site and I must say, we runners are an emotional bunch. Here's my take on things.

I'm definitely disappointed to have to cancel all my various reservations, but I know the race directors are grieving right now. All their planning, the sponsors, organization of volunteers, etc. is a massive undertaking, and to have to pull the plug is daunting. I don't want a virtual race; I like the energy of the race event and the post-race banana (LOL). I will continue with my training and look forward to (hopefully) racing in the late summer/early fall.

I'm not concerned about the loss of the race registration costs; I consider it a donation and hope the race will be available next year.

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That's so well said, Belle! As you probably know, a lot of these race directors operate right on the edge of solvency; unless they have a big sponsors that can provide big cash infusions, many of them make little to no money from the races they put on. I'm so grateful and encouraged when I see posts like yours -- we'll definitely get through this.

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Mar 17, 2020Liked by Carissa Liebowitz

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. I am sure we all don't want it to be the new normal and I personally am in the process of rearranging my days to know what I need to do, what kids need to do and how to stay healthy. With all cancellations and shutdowns, I pray we still can run outside - this morning I was running my 5 miles and thought about the same as you - that it will be the time when we can go back to normal - normal touch, normal distance, normal thoughts. Stay well everyone!

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I'm right there with ya, Langelia. And we're teaching kindergarten to our 6-year-old at home at the same time as we're working, which is interesting. My wife and I both have said that, even after just a day or two of this, we realize how incredible our children's teachers are -- and they deserve 100 times what we're paying them!

I got outside for a run today as well, just a quick three miles around where I live, because I'm wondering how long we'll be able to do that and just wanted to get outside while I can. Looking forward to normal, whenever it comes. 😀

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As I teacher, thank you! 😁

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Mar 17, 2020Liked by Carissa Liebowitz

I’ve signed up for the virtual Hot Chocolate 15K. Running and walking with friends and neighbors at a distance, working from home, next comes weeding them yard. This is a good time to do those chores you’ve put off, learn a language, make art, reconnect with friends and family by phone or FaceTime, etc. We’ll be okay😎👍

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Love the virtual race idea!!

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I was supposed to run half in Snellville, GA on Sunday the 15th and of course I couldn't. I did run my half (Terrell, hope you did run some miles as well:) ) and then sent my Garmin results to the organizer not even thinking about virtual running. Yesterday I looked at the results page. I can confess, it was VERY emotional to see my name there as virtual runner. A lot of feelings that I did not know exist.

Linda, agree 100% about all those "later" chores - though by switching to online classes at my university I spend a lot of time communicating online, answering questions, and preparing absolutely new mode of instructions in such short period of time. I miss our great teachers as well!

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I was training for the Shape Half in NYC on April 18. I’m continuing to run my miles although just for the fulfillment of getting outside and having the ability to run. My runs definitely help me to feel good, providing a mental escape while boosting my immune system. I have 3 teens who thankfully have school online during the pandemic. Hang in there, keep running and be well everyone! 🍀

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We had weekend company this past weekend. While decluttering in prep for that I put my running phone holder somewhere and have not been able to find it. So I have not run in several days. On top of that my gym has closed indefinitely so no treadmill running either. My silver lining is that the past 2 days I have taken up yoga. (Or what passes for a novice doing yoga) I am very excited about how it will help me strengthen my core for future running. Work is strange in that we had to implement some extra measures of cleanliness etc... And my state (Ohio) has closed all schools, restaurants and bars. So the times are somewhat surreal. I am looking forward to getting back to running even if I have to buy a new phone holder. Thank you for keeping us connected!

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My gym is also closed but they gave us access to online classes--including yoga. I had tried two yoga group classes and just felt like a newborn giraffe... decided it was not for me to try to learn it in a roomful of people who already seemed to know the 'routine.' I'm hoping to use the online classes to get up to speed so that when we get back to 'normal' (or normal-ish) I can try group yoga again with less unease. And still running so far; I live pretty far out in the 'burbs and have nice wooded trails very close, so probably will be able to maintain outdoor running and Vitamin D exposures--I hope.

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My gym (Planet Fitness) offered online classes as well. I just haven’t tried them yet. Being a child of the 70’s I remember a lot of cheesy workout videos which do not motivate me to try 😂 If you are saying a newborn giraffe is not graceful, I take offense at that. It was my goal to be at least that graceful, some day 😂 By the way Steph, I do not have my real or full name on here, but my last name is Weiss also.

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I always run outside through the neighborhoods of Seattle, so the only change so far for me is that my first 50k on April 4th was postponed, but not a big deal, just more time to PREP, and maybe even upgrade and turn it into a 50 miler!! I usually run year round, rain, snow or shine. The only thing that stops me is when it snows and then freezes and we get icy hills in Seattle, but then I just drive out and go hiking instead. Glad to hear everyone is still staying active during these times!!

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These are challenging, uncertain, disappointing times, all right. Everything I'm involved in has shut down until further notice: Deaf Club (I'm involved in the deaf culture as I learn American Sign Language), Deep Water Running, AA Meetings, Crochet group, Theaters, my favorite restaurants, so far, all upcoming races. I've planned and paid for Chicago Rock N Roll Marathon in July. Not sure if that event will get canceled as well. However, I know that this too shall pass, like everything else and life will get back to a normal structure again. What I am enjoying now is the fact the kids are not in school and the New York subways are less crowded with those obnoxious brats!

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