Running a half marathon for the first time seemed genuinely impossible, but this race is paving the way for more marathons in 2024

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Dec 17, 2023·edited Dec 17, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

The thing I am most proud of this year is moving my family to Spain. 11 months ago we hired an immigration attorney and this week we completed the process, picking up our resident ID cards at the police station here in Girona. We sold nearly everything, I left my job, resumed my private practice part time, and then we moved across 9 time zones and I single-handedly found a place for us to live, a good school for my son, and a welcome community to help us integrate. It has been the most adulting I have ever done in my 45 years, even more challenging than learning to be a parent! I started my Substack to document the process, which is then what led me here.

Integration is hard and learning how to be an adult in a new culture with new rules and ways of doing everything is also hard, but we are so much happier here than we were in the USA. I've solidly earned the extra grey hairs that popped up this year!

Running - I had big plans this year which may have been beyond my capabilities (shaving 7 min off my half marathon time) and what was possible was assuredly derailed by our international move and the stress of that process. I've spent the last month reassessing my training, which has felt more like torture than anything the last 2 months, and am bailing on my Seville half marathon because my heart is no longer in it. While in time I may be proud of myself for 'knowing when to hold them and when to fold them', right now I'm still a little disappointed, although I have put the grief of possibly never reaching my pace goal behind me for the moment. I am committed to not signing up for another race unless I am 100% certain I will not bait myself into expecting a PR and have no performance expectations beyond enjoying myself. I want running to be fun again. In Q1 of 2024 I am committed to just running a base plan and relearning how to enjoy running. I also want to finally be consistent with weight training, aiming for 2-3 times a week.

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Dec 17, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

I’m so happy to have completed the Dopey Challenge at Walt Disney World. That was a bucket list for me. But one and done. I did 23 races this year (I over committed myself). I did all the Disney races this year. So I’m super happy to check that off the list too. At 56, glad to still be running! And hope to be into my 70s!!

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I ran my first 10k in 2 years! And accepted that the physiotherapist needs to be a regular date at my age 😂

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I wholeheartedly agree! At a certain age, one needs a whole team of professionals to keep up upright and running well!

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Dec 16, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

I'm proud of running in Richmond with you all too! What a great experience training and racing together. I hope we meet up again in the spring. My December challenge is 31 miles in 31 days, and so far I am up to 15 (this week was busy-don't judge). Today was a slow and steady three miles on a warm December Saturday-it hit 50 degrees here on LI. Some days I am most proud of just getting out there and doing something positive for my body and mind, like today. Enjoy the weekend all!

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Right back at you, Jen!!!

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I’m nowhere near up to half marathon distance as yet but this year I rediscovered my love of running, joined a local parkrun group, raised hundreds of pounds for Cancer Research UK by doing a 100km challenge throughout September and have achieved a personal best 5km time of 26:29! I have booked myself on to 2 x 10km runs in the New Year. I have lost a lot of weight, feel half my age and have a more positive outlook on life. Not bad way to end the year. Hope everyone is safe and well.

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Dawud, this is everything right here -- I'm so glad to hear all of it, that you've made so many strides in improving your health and getting lasting satisfaction from running. And from life itself, it seems! I can't imagine a better ending to the year than that 🙌

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Dec 16, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

A lot to be grateful about in 2023. Managing to pull out of the plantar fasciitis from last year and run a couple of halves and a marathon without pain was huge for me running wise. But more importantly my husband and younger son’s health challenges (different for both) transitioned from extremely serious in 2022 to now slowly fully recovered. What a year! I hope the positive trend continues next year

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I have suffered from plantar fasciitis myself and I know how bad it can get. Sending my thoughts over to you and your family.

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Running Berlin with a cold that was not planned. Meeting a wonderful group of people that together finished the race that I now count as friends.

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Dec 16, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

I am on a quest to run a half in all 50 states.

I started 2023 at 14 states and I am ending 2023 with 25 states completed and one state KS was a PR.

Ideally I'd love to have someone join me on these adventures, either as a runner or sherpa (as one friend has 😄) but I have found the running community to be so supportive that it's uplifting even on my currently solo journey which is PRICELESS!🏃‍♀️✈️🥰

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Dec 16, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

I’m doing the 50 states here along with another member of our club. We have two races we’re doing together in 2024, possibly three….Donna half marathon in February, Rocky Mountains vacation race in August and maybe Atlantic City in …ugh later in the year, can’t remember now. Please hit me up and let’s do some together. What a jump you made this year…huge congratulations to you!! I think I’m at 28?

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It helped that it was cold and a lot of snow this past winter.🥶🤣

I just adopted a dog so will still be running at least 5 a year but perhaps not 11.

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I can't wait for her sake.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

I'm especially happy to find my running family. I joined the Honolulu Marathon clinic back in March and we trained every Sunday leading to last Sunday's Honolulu Marathon. I thought it would be my best PR but ended up going in with strained calf and a fever. Overall, I'm proud of showing up at all our trainings and cannot wait for our upcoming fun runs. Happy Holidays everyone!

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Can't say I've done anything monumental this year. Moved from an apartment in WA into a house that my daughter bought in Oregon. Lots of hills, but we are learning to cope with them. Ran/walked an in-person 5K in November. . . first one in 2+years. I have a half marathon scheduled in April here in Eugene and a 10K in July in San Francisco. I am hoping to meet-up with everyone in the community for our Spring meet-Up which should be fabulous! Read a couple of good running books that I actually finished Now I'm on to Tuesdays with Morrie that has been waiting in the wings. Lots of wisdom to be absorbed--even by someone almost as old as Morrie! Running with Raven will be here in a few short days. Reading seems to be what most intrigues me at the moment. . . I'm told it is good for the brain!

Foggy and in the 40s here. Looks to be the same til the beginning of next year. :) Take Care! :)

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I do miss those foggy PNW mornings! Every time you hate the hill, remember it makes you stronger in the end!!

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Really foggy and cold this morning. (Brrr!) We had an inversion layer settle over the Willamette Valley--that is until the rain comes up from California!

Oh, the hills are doing their magic and making my legs and breath stronger. At least I can walk up them now without hating them. If I could just get out of the suburbs and sidewalks, it would be heaven up here! Have a good run! :)

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Tuesdays with Morrie is one of my top ten fave books. Happy and sad tears alike.

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You will LOVE Running With Raven, Nilima! And the foggy weather with temperatures in the 40s sounds fabulous!

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Dec 15, 2023·edited Dec 15, 2023

I can hardly wait! It was a special I found on Amazon, so I guess it is Special!

I'd love to run in the fog, too! I never have adapted to the hill intervals. . . maybe someday! :)

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Solo backpacking trip and graduating from grad school.

Already got my 2024 physical challenge planned out - Grand Canyon Rim to Rim.

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WOW, Jake!! How are you planning on training for the Rim to Rim? I've heard from friends who've run it -- it sounds absolutely amazing.

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Dec 16, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

We're prioritizing time on feet. So, the most we'll run at one time during the training is 10 miles, but we're working up to a 30-mile week. We'll accumulate the remaining miles through rucking, hiking, and weighted mountain ascents (Mountain is a loose word, though. We're going up and down Crowder's Mountain, which isn't so much a mountain, but a large hill.) We're mixing in strength training and longer AMRAPs & EMOMs to get ourselves used to working for longer periods! A few friends are doing it with me. We're beyond stoked.

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

The running goal of the past year was the completion of the 4x4x48 challenge which was an adventure in itself. I also did a compliment of other events. If you would like to read about my 4x4x48 adventure I have my first essay of maybe many posted at https://open.substack.com/pub/mikechekal/p/the-4x4x48-essay?r=2swvz&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web.

On the non-running side of my world, I finally saw the light late in the year. This was how my position was affecting my well being. That came about through a job change (not of my making but). Now that I can see the signs the hope is to not repeat it and maybe even help others see it as well.

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Thanks so much for sharing both of these, Mike -- I actually have a family member who's in exactly the same spot you describe with a job, only he hasn't been able to make a change yet. He knows he *has* to, and I'm hoping he'll be able to soon. I bet you have a lot to tell about the signs!

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Hey everyone, I had a running year of 2 halves. In Winter and Spring I started trail running and was gradually extending distance on the mountain trails and was loving it. Then I started coughing which got worse and worse so I couldn't climb the stairs at home without breathlessness. After some time out following a diagnosis, I've resumed swimming - all's going well so will be hitting the trails again over Christmas. This year was all about experiencing the highs and the lows and learning to keep positive and to not ignore warning signs like persistent coughs. Enjoy your running everyone.

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Thanks so much for sharing this, Claire -- I'm so glad you got medical attention and didn't ignore it! And glad to hear you're hitting the trails again.

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I'm 5 books away from my Goodreads goal of 65 books read in 2023. (My goal at the beginning of the year was Stream Less/Read More.) I'm 3 chapters away from finishing my manuscript. AND I completed my second year of living an alcohol-free life. (A choice I made for a number of reasons, but longevity science tipped me over to the teetotal side.) So while I typically can focus on all the things I have NOT done--this is a pretty good list of the things I have...

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I love ALL of this, Diana! Especially huge congrats on the two years being alcohol-free; I would love to know what the longevity science that tipped you was!)

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I am going to write a post on my Substack in January talking about this--because it is so important and truly changed my life...And it didn't happen overnight (the "science of longevity" and connecting all the dots)--it was a journey, and because I think my "story" can be helpful to others I want to share it a bit more mindfully. I knew that my life would improve if I gave up alcohol--but that was a really sad proposition--that is: Giving something up that I LOVED so very much! That truly didn't sound like any fun. But what finally made it stick was when I had the mindset shift to "what I was getting" --not what I was going to have to do without. When I post, I'll ping you!

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I'm going to check your substack for it! I know my body would be happier if I drank once a month or less, but the enjoyment I get from it has not yet convinced me to give it up totally.

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You guys will keep me "honest"--aka cause me to actually write the post!

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I'm also very interested to read this post!

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Finished 3 half marathons this year despite surgery in March. Made it through my husband’s stage 3 kidney cancer diagnosis and treatment (which appears successful - but he now has CT scans every 4 months for the next five years before he is officially “cancer free”). Moved our oldest into his first apartment. And, remodeled the house we’ve lived in for 23 years. It’s been a long, challenging year, but we accomplished a lot and are still standing.

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That's a lot of stuff, Danielle! You deserve a VERY well-earned rest! :)

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Hey all... for me, it wasn't a successful year as far as racing or big gains in speed, but I didn't give up; i still keep pluggin away. Now I get more joy from encouraging others to either get started or to continue on their running journey.

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I'm kinda the same, to be honest -- it's more fun for me to see other runners do great things, than just for myself alone. I'll keep plugging along with you!

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Had some big race accomplishments for the year, but I’m especially proud of joining a running group and going regularly through my last training session. I might be the slowest, but it feels good to see the huge gains in a short period alongside new people (who I now get to cheer on!)

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Congratulations on your venture into joining the running club ... I need to make that one of my ‘24 goals

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I think we can make more progress than we think is possible, especially when we run with a group -- the effort we put into trying to keep up makes us faster! Glad to hear you're enjoying it. How did you find your group, btw?

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Instagram! The algorithm found me (and Philly has no shortage of groups to choose from.)

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

I did complete a half last February and a number of 5ks but the highlight for my year was traveling by myself to Europe(first time) and hiking the TMB for 8 days with a group called Adventures in Good Company. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done and may ever do but definitely the highlight.

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Martha, all of these sound so amazing -- especially the TMB hike!! Wow, what an adventure! I'd love to hear more about it. Where did you start/finish? What was the best part?

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

We started and finished in Chamonix France, went into Coramayer Italy and then into Switzerland. All the towns were very rural or ski towns. It was a mix of Heidi, Sound of Music and the Eiger Sanction. Because it was all new to me it was all the best parts. I did learn that treking poles are very important.

As I’m writing this we are heading to our youngest’s graduation from UF. Very proud and can’t believe it’s the last one!!!

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2+ years into my breast cancer treatment I decided it was my turn to give back so I completed the Susan G. Komen 60 mile 3-day walk and, in the process, raised over $10,500 for further research. I've added running segments to my walking, I hope to complete a 5k and 10k in 2024, running all the way.

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Best of luck in 24 for a continued successful battle against cancer. We are all behind you.

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What wonderful accomplishments! Amazing.

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Maggie, this is just awesome -- I hope your treatment is going as expected and you're on your way to a full recovery. You will definitely be in my thoughts -- and good luck with the 5K and 10K next year! Do you have certain races picked out?

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Thanks Dave and Terrell, it's an adventure . . . haven't picked out races, probably in my home town of San Diego CA so friends and family can cheer me on !!

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Terrell, awesome job with completing the half marathon! What a rewarding and confidence booster that would have been.

For me, two things I am thrilled about. Two things I never thought possible. Going over 26.2 for the first time running my first 50k in June. And then running an exceptional marathon in Columbus nailing a 5+ min PR at 2:45:50. What made that truly amazing was my parents were there to see the accomplishment. Hearing them both cheer was special

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Thanks so much, Cody! The PR at Columbus (and the 50K!) both sound AMAZING. You are seriously fast!!! Did you do anything special in your training to prepare to run your PR?

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Made sure to eat!! Really focused on duration over intensity on my long runs and made sure to hit my once a week tempo at sub MP goal

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

great topic! i got through the year injury free. my running (and motivation) aren't what i want them to me, and i have a constant fear of another achilles injury, but this year was better than last.

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I would too, Kel -- but I'm really glad to hear the year has been injury-free for you. That's half the battle right there; SOOOO many runners get hurt out there. Glad you're not among them!

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Ran my first half marathon on Thanksgiving Day at the Invesco QQQ Half in Atlanta. Next up, the Publix half in February. Looking to continue my half marathon journey and take it to a full in 2024

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Which Publix half in February ... A1A in Fort Lauderdale or the Florida half in Melbourne?

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Tom are you talking about the half in the Melbourne Fl area? That is where I live. have run it a few times. Love all the music along the route!

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Tom, this is awesome!!! 🙌 Is there a particular full marathon you have your eye on for next year?

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I didn't get into Chicago which would have been the one, so I'm eyeing Richmond now

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Dec 15, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

running again after a partial knee replacement at age 74

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Jerry, that's awesome!! How long did you wait before starting running again after the surgery? (My father just had a knee replacement earlier this year, and he's had a tougher time recovering -- he is 82, though.)

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I recovered fairly quickly according to the doctor, due mostly to being pretty good shape before surgery. That's not to say there wasn't a period of Pain and struggle. By 6 months out everything was good.

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Despite the poor training conditions this year in Florida I finished both the Chicago Marathon and one month later the New York Marathon. Before this year I maybe did one a year, never two in one year and so close together!! Chicago was the second marathon that I did with my grandson. We did New York together last year to celebrate my 70th birthday. I will say I’m definitely not fast, never have been, but to finish is what matters to me!

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15 days into DC (December challenge). Lousy weather in south Florida wiped out two days but Palm Beach half made up for missed days. My knuckles are happy Chanukah is over ... I’m a purest who believes in hand-grating potatoes and onions for potato pancakes. Happy Holidays

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Hand-grating is the best and only way to go! For some reason it holds the flavor that an appliance can't!

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May 2024 bring continued good health.

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Glad your doing well. My wife is going to have her knees done after the first of the year. She FINALLY got medicare to agree to it. I've watched her go through so much pain and for what? Someone higher up the line to give his permission. Bone on Bone is not pretty and hurts! Glad you're doing so well.

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I've seen an X-Ray of bone on bone. My eye doctor showed me his! It's not pretty!! He had both knees replaced! The first one that was fixed looked beautiful (He had a horrific motorcycle accident years ago and finally got a knee replacement.) He was just getting the 2nd knee done as we were leaving WA. We have a standing date to climb Mt Si in Issaquah--which he has always wanted to do--next April--after I get the cataracts removed from my eyes. Good luck to your wife. She'll be a whole new person!

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