
I should add: you don't *have* to train with us if you don't want to. It's totally optional, and you can enjoy the newsletter equally as much as everyone else if you don't 😃 I just thought I'd ask, to take the temperature of where our group is.

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I would love it . I have tan 4 half’s and a bunch of 10ks and 10 milers ( in Philly) . I have not done much the last few years and my tearing my quad tendon slowed me down this past year. My plan is to do a 10k , the broad street run (may) and a half marathon this Spring . I need a push and a plan . So yes !!!! I’m currently golfing a ton and getting about 17,000 steps a day so I am on the move .... time to ratchet up . Oh and I will be 66 in October . I ran my first 10k in 2004 when I was 48 :-)

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Awesome with the 17,000 steps a day! That's amazing! 🙌 So you'd be looking for a plan for 10K then, right?

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Aug 30, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Never trained for a 1/2. I run about 17 ish miles a week now, about 3.5 on ea run . Might be fun to "think about it" . I like the idea of going thru it w/ others (maybe)

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Please resume! like other posts, I've been truly struggling due to overuse cramping and turning 60 (ugh). So a 10K would be great, but any distance will be a motivation for me - I'll just adapt to my level.

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I need all the help I can get. My running has gone from can't live with out, to not being able to get out the door........

I have a running trip early November and Disney Half in January. I would love to get back on track.

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Aug 28, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Terrell yes please!!

I’m a little lost with my running right now. A few weeks ago I shared that I had the goal of running 7km every other day in July, which I achieved, but since then I’m struggling for a purpose and motivation to continue regularly, going for a casual 7/10km here and there in August.

A dedicated plan towards a 1/2 marathon later this year would be fantastic.

My one question/suggestion would be to offer different time oriented plans, rather than a one size fits all approach.

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Aug 28, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I am interested! I'm using the 18 week plan from the Spring to train for the Wicked Half Marathon on September 17 ( Salem MA). Also signed up for the Chickamauga Battlefield Half on November 12.

I am especially interested in any tips/suggestions for what portion of the plan to use to train in between these two races.

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That's a great suggestion, Erin! Will do some noodling on that...

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Honestly I have only one half coming up on the fall, the Detroit Free Press, but the rest are ultras. My friend from this group is joining us!! Any fall planning is welcome as I’m all over the place lately. Let’s roll with it :)

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I have a half coming up the 2nd weekend in October. I’m always up for training. What I really need to work on is my core however. BY the time I finish my run, get something to eat and shower, life kicks in. I just keep putting off doing anything extra. 😩

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I’d like to join the group. Motivation and encouragement go hand in hand with running, alone or in a group.

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Definitely interested in a fall training program. No races planned but I always enjoy organized training with other runners!

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Yes, I am finally back from my injury and feeling ready to tackle a half. Would love to train virtually with everyone.

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Aug 27, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I think this sounds great!! I’m coming back from injury after injury- I have a half scheduled for mid October that I’m not sure I’m going to be ready for. I’m looking at another one at the end of November just in case. In any event, I’d love to be a part of this. I really look forward to everything you send Terrell, and I enjoy reading the group conversations and threads. Thank you for the constant inspiration!!

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I'm in! I 'm already training for a 1/2 marathon for Paris in October and use the same training plan we had last time. Anybody ran Paris previously and can share what's it like? It's my first destination race all the way from Hawaii.

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Nice! What’s the half in Paris you’re running? How amazing is that?!

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Aug 27, 2022·edited Aug 27, 2022

It's their annual historic race with a combination of virtual or face to face and varying distance. The finale is a face-to-face 1/2 marathon that starts and ends under the Eifel Tower. on Sunday, October 9. http://www.20kmparis.com/

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

My son and I are signed up for the Berkeley Half in November. I’m in —Definitely need inspiration to get ready.

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Hey there! I have current plans with my coach but would somehow love to train/connect over training with the group. How does it work? Kinda new to the newsletters! Thanks! Inspired.

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I would love that,,,, IF, they're not training plans that start out way to fast...I'm a little discouraged with plans on how to finish h/m's under 2 hrs,,,, or how to finish in 1:30!!!!!!!

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I’d love to

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Would love to participate in whatever training plan is decided on.

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I am in! 🤩

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Awesome, Alex!! 🙌

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Still waiting for that 10K plan that you promised somewhere way back when in another newsletter. :) My thoughts are for a shorter distance. . .Berkeley is coming up in November and it is a 10K. Would fit in nicely! Might give you something different to do, too! Thanks for asking. :)

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I did! You're right... put me on the hook for it now! 😃

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

BTW, as a side note, I did pre-order Born to Run 2 by McDougall and Orton for training. Should be a good one! Thanks for telling me about it! :)

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I'm waiting. . . ! :)

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I would love to participate. Half marathon

I live in the mountains and it difficult for me to find a training group

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Awesome, Gloria! Consider us your training group 😃

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I have signed up for a 10K for April next year so would definitely want to start training this Fall. Not sure about the time commitment but will join in as much as I can, this sounds fun!

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Awesome, Minh! Glad to have you on board 😃

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I'd love to be a part of this- regardless of which training plan. I'll adjust as necessary. I need the moto to run when it's cold.

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Awesome! (And I love the phrase/word "moto" for motivation -- gonna use that!)

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I'm game; count me in. Really enjoy your emails!

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Thanks so much, Mike!

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I’d love to do this! I’ve been training for a long distance swim so having been able to run as much as I’d like to (plus my body just cannot deal with running in the heat…) - so once that’s done in a couple of weeks and it’s a bit cooler I’ll be in need of some motivation to get me running again

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Awesome! Are you training for a triathlon?

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A 2 mile open water swim, so a whole new challenge! It might pave the way for a triathlon in the future though

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I'd love to train for a half. I love your inspiration, but time to put it on the road!

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A few years ago, used to think the same thing. Just started running, wanting to also "complete" a half. My niece works for Disney so she and I signed up - put a time to what I wanted to accomplish. Amazing how I "managed" to find the time [yes, off-hours, etc.]. You can get it done, just do it day-by-day!

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I appreciate this, Stan. "Managing" to find the time, day-to-day. With the structure of a training, will get it done!

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It is time, I agree!

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Yes! I'm on year two of recovering from an injury and would love to be part of a community training for a half again. I've missed it.

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I would love to do this! I don’t have any races planned so would need this motivation!

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Awesome! Good to know -- have any preference on the distance we'll train for, or would you like more than one option? (As in, if I put out training for a half as well as a 10-miler, and maybe a 10K too?)

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I like the options! Most likely I will do the half as that is the distance I want to be ready for at anytime. This is motivating me to find a race to train for yay!!

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I haven't tried anything like this before, so I would certainly like to give it a go!

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Awesome, Tom!

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I’m in. I have a half scheduled for October 1 and one for November 20. I learned of a possible scheduling conflict for the Oct. 1 half, but hope it clears up. Would love to see the difference an extra seven weeks of training provides. I look forward to whatever training this group can provide.

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Seven weeks will make a big difference, I'd imagine. Bummed to hear about the conflict for Oct. 1 -- which is closer than you think! -- but you'll definitely be ready with that much extra time to get some training runs in.

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I would love to have some extra motivation. I would absolutely love to follow along with others!

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🙌 Good to know, Leah!

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

While I wouldn't be able to join due to timing, I think you might be a few weeks late with this. Anyone running their goal race in September, October, and even early November are already well into their training plans. Here is an idea: maybe start training for a turkey trot. Everyone can either run a live race or do a virtual with a distance of 5+ miles. We could even submit photos from our turkey trot runs to the group! I have a group of friends who get together to run every Thanksgiving morning. After the run we all have treats to share along with some apple cider mimosas. It's a great way to start Thanksgiving day.

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That's an excellent point, Stacy -- also part of the challenge with a group that's the size of ours, as we have lots of people doing different runs/races at different times during the season. Hmmm... let me noodle on it.... I do love your idea of targeting the Thanksgiving season, though 👍

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Very true, I'm already in the throws of training for a 15k end of Sept [tough in SW Florida, amazingly hot!] but I'm still looking forward to the interactions -it's what makes it good.

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I think most communities have something either on Thanksgiving or that weekend, so anyone wanting a live race shouldn't have too much trouble finding one.

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Perfect.........I trained for a Virtual Half (which I completed as a virtual race ) 2 years ago........I have had 3 separate health issues since and just as I get to running again something else happens!!!! I planned on doing a 15K in November last year, only to tear my meniscus the week before the race........ugh!!! This year they are running a 5K, 10K and 15K..........the 10K being a new addition, as I am just starting to run again, (major surgery in June put me back) I am thinking a 15K is too ambitious but 10K sounds like the perfect fit. Thoughts????? I have kept walking, working out, spinning, and have just started running on our high school track which is cushioned. I am ready to move forward!!!!

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Great to hear, Marianne! Will definitely look at a 10K plan.

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Thank you!!! Definitely getting more and more anxious to run as those temps become more fall like!!!!

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Aug 26, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I have not participated in the past due to personal timing. Right now I am still in need of motivation to move forward. I am only doing a couple days a week. So I would participate. Not sure that I’ll do a 1\2 this year but I do have our T-giving Day 10k to train for. This would also give me a head start on a 1/2 I run in March here in Cincinnati- The Heart Mini Marathon benefiting the AHA.

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One thing I'm thinking about is, instead of just offering a plan for 13.1 miles, instead offering multiple -- one for a 10K, one for a 10-miler, one for a half, and so on. What do you think?

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Great Idea! Thank You. I personally in the winter like to stick to 5 km Races. Never know what the weather is going to be like.

Also since I am slow I love the Timed Workouts over Distance. It closes the gap when I Run with others we are start and finish at the same time even though our distances are different. Timed Workouts are harder to find. Would be nice to see Tempo Runs/Tempo Intervals on one day and Speed Work including 100 and 200 meters another day. Mixed in with the Easy and Long Run Days. Most plans that I looked at doesn't include 400 and below. Also they include either Tempo Run or Tempo Intervals. Alternating between both I really love better. Also hard to find is 3 days of Running. Mixed in with Cross Training. 5 days a week program is hard to find. 3 Running Days and 2 Cross Train Days. One week Speed Workout with Easy Run and Endurance Run. Next Week Tempo with Easy Run and Endurance Run. Something like that. There is the Less is More Program but I feel that it is still more. Just my Wish List and my 1 cents.

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I use time over miles. Times 3X during the week and miles on the LSD on Saturday. Fun run or cross training on Sunday Been doing it for years. Works well for me. :)

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It is not a bad idea. For me I will head towards the 13.1. To me, it has been good to train for longer, even if the race is shorter. I was training for a marathon five years ago, and I had to cut it back to a half that year. (Training injury) So I was fully prepared for the half since I had been preparing for the whole. 

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Aug 26, 2022·edited Aug 26, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

While I did not do it the last time, I loved reading about it. I'm in, as much as I can be...

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Love that, Stan! 🙌

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