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Jun 17, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

I stated my running with a group. My sister and I were running together before that, and I would end up hurt because we didn’t know what we were doing. I joined the group in 2005, and they had multiple small running groups according to pace. You had to “try out” so to speak. We met every Saturday and they gave us a schedule for the rest of the week. I found that I was not a fan of all the chatter in the group; I just wanted to run with my own thoughts. I noticed another person who seemed the same. We introduced ourselves after one of the first runs and became best friends. We stayed with the group runs for 8 or 9 years and then just ran together, the 2 of us. My friend and I split for about 4 years. The group thing was all put on by the local running store and I still shop there. I went into the store last year and asked if they still had the program, but they said COVID ended it. Some of the people that used to lead the groups were doing it on their own post COVID. Recently however, my friend and I have reconnected. I had kept running, she hadn’t run in 4 years. We now meet three times a week to run again- together but on our own. We go to breakfast after and chat then! So I’d say the group was great for introducing running, but once I got the hang of it, I’m good on my own. I do enjoy the social aspect of being with someone at the end of the run.

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Jun 17, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Never joined a running group, because indeed, always afraid they were too fast for me...

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Jun 17, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

There are a few run groups in the Phoenix area with options to run on Monday thru Thursday mornings or evenings and Saturday mornings. I did feel intimidated at first but have found that they welcome all levels. The leaders of the groups will adjust up or down and make sure there is no one left behind. I really enjoy being a part of Riot AZ in Scottsdale AZ because they make you feel like you’re part of the group and they make it fun. I would encourage those that are skeptical to try it, at least once 😊! Happy Running 🏃🏻‍♀️

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Jun 17, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

I was very hesitant at first. I wasn't sure if I would be able to keep up. I showed up, some were just walkers, some were very fast. I managed to find a couple that did slow training runs. That worked for a year or so till they moved away. Now. I usually end up running by myself even though we start out together. Not fast enough to keep up with fast group, and to fast for the slow group. Sometimes if there is only one or maybe two fast runners they will slow it up for me. Which is good because even then, it pushes me to run slightly faster. I have been improving.

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Jun 17, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

I signed up with a county running club a few months ago when I desperately needed some running motivation. The group meets 3-4 times in a week including a park run on weekends but I haven’t managed to get myself to a single one so far. No sure whether it’s sheer intimidation- they all sound fast - or that I don’t want to give up the only “own time” while running. But some day soon hopefully...

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Jun 17, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

i LOVE running groups and there's an amazing one in my area. now that i have a baby i find it hard to commit to the 6:45am time, as well as living in a bigger distance from the starting point. i've been running with baby and dog lately. i miss the camaraderie of the group! i didn't care so much for the after run hang but just running with a group of people was so fun. i miss it! when my son is a little order i'm hoping to jump back in.

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I am an in-person running group runner. I try to host one on Saturday's, run with one on Tuesday and run with a different group on Thursday.

Other than the support I find they keep me accountable. I would run anyway it is a lot easier to run knowing that you are not alone out there on the road.

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My local running club has been instrumental in helping me form a friend group in a new-to-me city.

Every Sunday morning, they meet at a coffee shop, take a group photo that gets posted on Instagram, and then everyone runs at their own pace for 3-5 miles before meeting back up for coffee and a chat. I stalked them on Instagram for a few months before finally showing up...as much as social media has its drawbacks, it also helps draw in newbies!

I'm so grateful I decided to take the plunge and join them that one fateful Sunday. 🤗

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Jun 17, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

I was so fortunate to stumble upon a great tight knit running group.. I was the outsider that crashed their party, lol, but they welcomed me with open arms. A good mix of paces, very accommodating if anyone was feeling particularly fast or slow (I've been both). There was always someone who would branch off and slow down or speed up with you. The back of the pack would still be included in breakfast after or sometimes a beer. No one left behind and no FOMO.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

There are quite a few running groups here in WA. I've never joined one. . . just not a groupie, never liked/wanted a time dictated to me! Too much like a job or a class--I find it too confining. When I can run, it is solo, so I can enjoy my surroundings and try out new techniques.

The community that has been built here on The Half Marathoner is about as close as I get to a club. I really enjoy the group. the people and mostly the "no pressure" attitude. Everyone is different. This is what I like to consider "my space!" Thanks for keeping it alive! :)

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

I think I would want to try a running group - always seems that my schedule, as it is far from consistent, precludes it. I think the ideal is sound - would love the group to gives pros and cons!

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I used to attend weekly running groups through two running stores here in South Denver. I quit going to one after a day in which I was the only female and they took a new route that I didn’t know. I ended up alone, and had to find my way back to the store. I was so furious that I never went back again! I also stopped shopping at the store. the other running group I quit attending because I discovered that I truly like running alone with my thoughts and I don’t have to keep a pace with others. If I want to stop and walk or take a photo…..I can!

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

I run with a beer shop run club on (Peakway Taps) Monday nights, and often on Tuesdays there is a group that gets together to run from downtown Apex, NC. I enjoy seeing my friends and getting a fair price beer on Monday. The other group is good for checking in with my friends. I was doing Saturday morning runs with different groups but we have a toddler so it's harder to make it out at 7 am or 6:30 am nowadays.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Not my cup of tea. I like running at my pace when I can schedule it. I was always too busy with my family stuff to join a group and now that we are empty nesters, I’m good doing my thing. I do like running with people at races though! 😁

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There was a Sunday morning group I liked to go to occasionally in Madison, WI put on by a store called Movin' Shoes. They had three routes, usually ~3, 7, and 10 miles, and dedicated pace groups so they were able to accommodate a lot of people with different goals. This was a free group, but they also had a running club and other weekday runs. It really was amazing for a relatively small city. I don't live there anymore and I miss it!

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

I have tried some running groups but I'm so slow and getting older... at 65, most of the groups are not even close to my age and they leave me in the dust. I must say they have all been very gracious to me, nonetheless.

I run later in the day, with my audio books. I love that time. But recently, I have thought it would be nice to have some others to hold me accountable to the run. Here in Lincoln NE, we have a great trail system. I was thinking a running group of old farts, with a common start and stop time with an after run conversation would be nice. But how do you start that? I'm not on social media and safety is always a concern. Any ideas?

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Up until this year I have been running with the Fleet Feet group in my area. This was a group that I paid to join, and despite being a slower runner, I felt mostly included and part of the group. Last year, they had a new coach who really didn't pay much attention to us slower runners and I really felt like I was no longer getting the value for what I was paying for, since coaching had always been a big part of the experience. I decided to start my own group, which a number of my friends from Fleet Feet seemed anxious to join. However as the year has gone on, I have not had the participation from these people that I had expected which is very disappointing. I made the decision to grow the group based on how involved these people said they would be. So now, I am running alone fairly frequently. I do have a couple of people who have been pretty good about participating, and I truly appreciate their dedication to our group. Starting and growing a new running group can be difficult, but I will continue to work at it as I think that I can have a group that welcomes all paces and is free to be a part of. I do miss having the large group that Fleet Feet offered, however I really did not care for how the group changed its focus to speedy runners last year.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Runnings groups are important. Encourages and like mindedness. It doesn’t take away from “me” time. New friends with the same desires. It’s accountability and fun. It all depends why you run. I love the groups because we volunteer to organize fun runs. I love the running community.

It’s a huge community of people and profession! I say get connected, the running community are great people!!

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I've never tried one!

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Over the years, I've tried in-person running groups. Most didn't work out for me. A lot of the time, no one showed up, or they became more like a social club. I've trained and run by myself for the last twenty years. I can set my own schedule and pace. Some days I like pushing it, and other days, I'm more interested in doing a long easy run. After being down for the count for six months with a lung infection, I'm back, and it feels like heaven. Non-runners don't have a clue what it's like not to strap on your shoes, put in your earbuds and lose yourself in doing what you really enjoy. I do like this group, you keep me motivated with your stories and your enthusiasm

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Yeah, I agree with Marianne. Running is my "me" time. Plus, groups start late, like 7AM which I am already running and lost with thoughts and my playlist. I usually get upset by seeing someone walking their dogs on my path that early. :-) , like go back to bed, leave my path to myself!

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Here in Sacramento, California, I have been running with the Sacfit running group for 7 years. It was started by a man named Ken Press who was dissatisfied with some of the other elite running groups, and created a group for every person, regardless of ability. Two seasons, Jan-May and Jun-Dec; they start with a pace assessment, and you get placed with a group of runners who run within 30 seconds of your pace. Talking is encouraged, all do run/walk depending on your group. All groups have the same time on feet on Saturday workouts: faster people go farther, slower people (like me) don't go as far. Winter/Spring builds up to the American River Half Marathon in April; Summer/Fall builds up to Urban Cow Half in October, a point to point half in November, and the California International Marathon in December.

Cost for an entire season is just shy of $100...total!


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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

I get my "inspiration" from the online groups..........I have friends in the area that run but we all just share when our paths cross........maybe at a Yoga class or community event or a day we work out at the gym. I actually like to run by myself.......it is my "me" time.........my running partner is a black Standard Poodle named Samson........but his running days are limited by heat.......however full speed ahead on cool or cold days!!! Happy Running!!!

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Oh yeah! I love all-levels running clubs. I just wrote about one that builds routes around movie tourism.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

There's a fantastic run club near me that meets at a local brewery and people can hang out for food and brews after the run. They're wonderfully inclusive and mean it when they say all paces are welcome! As a beginner runner, I've never felt "left behind" and it's been a fantastic way to meet new people after moving to a new city. I wish I had joined sooner!

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