I'd love to run a marathon along the US east coast and pick up plastic and other garbage along the way and earn points/props for the amount of clean up we do.

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That's actually a fantastic idea. I stumbled across this article from a couple years ago on exactly that, it might be what you have in mind: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2018/mar/31/plogging-steven-poole

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Love it, I didn't know it has a name.

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Just saw this, too, and thought of you — it might be right up your alley: https://www.minaguli.com/plogathon

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I would love to do half marathons as tours of the major European capitals. I lived in Prague for a number of years and would be thrilled to do a halfathon going through Old Town Square and across the Charles Bridge.

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That sounds amazing, Mark, and I’d bet there’s a half like that in Prague — let me do a little digging.

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That would be awesome! Thanks!

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I like to do trail best Utah vacation racing 3 days of racing and this one up in Canada which is like 3 days as well elected to that well Good number 10 this type of racing before anything ABA challenge in fun staying there not just for one day but extra days

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Half Marathon Petra Jordan is a goal of mine.

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That race sounds amazing!!

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I’ve been meaning to sign up for the Bigfoot 200 mile race. I just need to do it. I’ve run 4 100-mile races and a number of 50-mile and 50k races, so the intimidating milestone of a 200-mile race really is next.

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Wow! Which 100-milers have you run? (I’m seriously in awe here)

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I’ve finished Superior Falls 100 three times and Antelope Canyon once. None of them easy but all of them so incredible.

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When I was on Kilimanjaro earlier this year for my 30th birthday, there was one guy on the same route (different group) who was running the whole thing. I was so impressed. After witnessing that, I made a plan to run the Everest ultra marathon once I get my last student loan paid off as a reward to myself and some motivation!! I'm super excited about it, I work very well with goals and rewards. :P Overall, I'd really LOVE to get to the point where I can do a 100 miler. I just ran my first 50k on the 7th so after a few more of those I think I'll go for a 50 miler and then keep upping until I hit 100. :D I'm obsessive and I won't stop until I do it!!

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That is so, so cool Judith!! I have to share this with you, as Carissa ran the Everest Marathon last year — it was nothing short of amazing, she said: https://www.thehalfmarathoner.com/p/what-running-the-everest-marathon-aa7

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I've never thought about a specific running adventure, but I'll definitely be looking on this thread for ideas!

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For me, sky running is not in the plans although it is something I'd definitely like to follow along with - I like some of the races mentioned here as well. My plans are to get thru this pandemic unscathed if possible and run literally ANY half marathon !!

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I spent this year running away from the virus and the post-election craziness... In 2021 I plan to run my age and raise as much money as I can for cancer... am a cancer survivor. Eight years ago, at 62, I ran my age in a Relay For Life fundraiser... I was still working and hit up all my vendors for donations... raised $8K.... and realized that no matter how slow you run, it's better on your feet than walking...

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That is awesome!

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I would like to do the Great Wall Marathon in China.

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I have some photos the folks at the Great Wall Marathon sent me a week or two ago -- it looks incredible! (And difficult -- those climbs are steep!)

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Big Sur for sure. Something across the Golden Gate. Yosemite, Yellowstone. Dreaming bigger, Paris.

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Ha ha, nothing so elaborate as what you will get here but I will be doing a half marathon in Key West Florida, something I’ve always wanted to do since I moved to Florida in the summer of 2017. I have always wanted to do a run there for its location as well as being the most southern spot in Florida. Will be doing it in January 2022.

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I love the way you think... Jan in Florida is ideal for a LONG run...

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HURT 100 in Hawaii...or really any island. I dont care as long as it warm and near a beach and there is a cold beer waiting at the end for me. LOL

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The Great Ocean Road in Melbourne, Australia. That's on my list!

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that's a great one -would love it

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Hi. I just want to run In wine country, Hawaii or Paris. I feel like it will take at least 2 years for things to get back to pre 2020.

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I think you're right about that, Lucy, though I spoke with a friend of mine yesterday -- a doctor who's treating Covid patients now -- and he says he's optimistic about the chances of the two new vaccines making a big difference for us. He told me he thinks we can be mostly back to normal by the summer of next year; let's hope so!

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Mine isn't actually running. I'd love to ski either the Birkebeiner in Wisconsin, or actually do the Vassolopet in Sweden. These are sort of the Boston Marathon of XC skiing, but anyone can enter and try. But, seeing as both take place at the busiest time of year for me, and would involve a lot of travel (in the case of the Vassa, LOTS and LOTS of travel) I don't see it happening.

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I just Googled the Vassolopet and it looks unbelievable! (In a good way!) Are you big into cross-country skiing? I've done it once, on my honeymoon with my wife, in Montana and it was a blast.

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Oh yeah, xc skiing is my thing! I've actually been skiing before I started running, though I'm not very fast. Nothing like taking off into the hills on a cold day, just me (and my dogs) and miles of trails.

What part of Montana did you honeymoon in? I live in the southwest corner of the state, not far from Butte.

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We honeymooned near Darby (I think that's where we flew into, maybe?) at Triple Creek Ranch. We still talk about it all the time. Absolutely gorgeous, so beautiful in the mountains out there.

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Yeah, Darby is a beautiful town. I actually live in the next valley over and my aunt and cousins live just down the road in Florence, so I pass through there a lot. Hope you guys make it back up here sometime!

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Someday I'd love to run Boston, but I don't know enough people to raise the necessary funds. Rich people who want to donate to charity, hit me up! Also next summer for my 50th I want to find a fun 50k to run.

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Both really interesting! So you'd like to run Boston via one of the charity/nonprofit fundraising efforts? I did that for my first marathon a LONG time ago -- it wasn't as hard as you think. (Depending on the amount they want you to raise.) That might be a good topic for a future newsletter, btw.

Where are you looking to run your 50K?

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I live in MA, so something within a 5-6 hour drive. There was a NY one I read about that had laps and you could run as much as you could in the time provided. I'm totally open minded as long as it's less than a day's drive

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I dream of running a half marathon (or marathon) in a scenic or exotic or otherwise cool location. The Big Sur marathon comes to mind, as do the Berlin and Paris marathons. Alaska, Hawaii, ...

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The Big Sur race is AMAZING! I ran the 21-miler there back in 2012. It was just breathtaking. Those other races sound amazing, too.

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Nothing too crazy I guess. Maybe once races start up again and half marathons and marathons become more routine, I'll start dreaming bigger ...

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Not interested in an Ultra, but love the idea of 'sky running'.

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It sounds magical, doesn't it? 😃

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My bucket list run is the Dingle Marathon in Ireland. You run along the ocean cliffs with incredible views!

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Definitely want to add that one to my bucket list.

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the name alone!

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Ireland has some truly amazing races, especially in western Ireland. Have you ever been/run there?

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I'm gonna have to check these races you speak of out. Last time I went to Belfast and it was right before Christmas and there was this 5k of Santas, the city was PACKED it was awesome. That was like 7 years ago.

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been there but not for a run.

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I would LOVE to be able to run an ultra one day! Doing something that *extreme* just really appeals to me. I'd love to run a mountainous ultra out west once I get a marathon or two under my belt!

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I would too! From what I’ve read, anything beyond 26.2 miles is considered an ultra — I’d love to try one someday. A friend of mine has run a few that take the whole weekend to run, like in excess of 70+ miles. It seems impossible! But he loves it.

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Nov 23, 2020
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Ha! I think that’s a great goal. How do you feel about running 26.2?

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