My only goal is to keep the fat monster off of me, and stay ahead of father time.

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Right there with you, Bob!

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Bob, you would get a kick out of the "Beat the Blerch" marathon in Washington! I'm signing up for it in 2020 just because it sounds hilarious and fun, it'll be a great race-cation for me: https://www.beattheblerch.com

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It's a trifecta fall coming up for me...Blues Cruise 50K in October, followed by Marine Corps Marathon and then Richmond Marathon. A little bit crazy! But training is going well, so here's hoping. To quote a co-worker the other day: "not exactly a normal activity one picks up in one's mid-50s, is it?"...to which I reply "exactly, which is why I don't feel like I'm in my mid-50s!"

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I mentioned in a comment that I had not run in many years. I’m 70 and did my last half marathon in my mid-30s. The coolest thing about running when one is older is that I have come in first in my age group in every race I have done so far! LOL

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Love that, Katrina! I'm gonna have to steal that line 😊

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I am traing for the NYC Marathon. This will be my first marathon. I have run a few halfs and was surpsirsed that I got in for NYC. The training is so hard but everyone tells me that the end result will be worth it!

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Keep the faith! I'm 72, was picked in the lottery this year, this is my 1st. Doing 20 miles tomorrow. See you there!

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Thanks. I am running 24 (4 - 6 miles each one) miles this week. Next week a long of 15 miles to go with 2 more runs of 5 each for 25 miles. Then long runs of 17, 19, 19 and 20 every other week.

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Did a 20 this weekend with 3ea 1 hr runs this week---- another 20 in 2weeks, 23 2 weeks later and Maine Marathon walk/run in October.---- This week uncovered need for cushier shoes with more open toe box,, (now I will have 10k, 1/2 and full Marathon shoes) otherwise feel reasonably good--- Also now know I will do this! No Doubts!---- Time to reserve a room----You are certainly working hard, power on!

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Just did 23 miles today in my New Balance More shoes they are great.

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I have a course elevation map if you are interested. Reply with your email and I will send it to you. I don't think they have it on their web site any longer.

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Make sure to do hill work. The bridges provide most of the elevation but going up Lafeyette in Brooklyn is a long gradual uphill. Enjoy the experience, it is truly amazing!

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Thanks. I have read that. I have a run some pretty good hills a couple times but only towards the begining of the run. Know I need to do more.

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Not fall but enter my taper this week for the inaugural Geneva, NY HM next weekend. Going to be a small one, but huge in importance to me - the 8th of 9 (HMs & Ms) I am running in memory of a young angel. Each specifically chosen for locations significant to her life.

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Oh wow, Debra, that's incredibly moving. I'm honored that you shared that with us. You and she will be in my thoughts.

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Good morning. I’m training for the marathon in Grand Cayman in December where I live 🏃🏼‍♀️

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How cool!

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8 halfs this year, with 4 down and 4 to go. Rock Hall of Fame in Cleveland this Sunday, Marine Corps Half aiCamp Lejeune, September; Crawlin Crab, Virginia, October; and Norfolk Harbor Half in November. Also 8 shorter runs this year along with my 70th birthday.

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Rock Hall of Fame complete, with first place in age group. 2:13 time.

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I'm reading everyone's responses on this thread! Such an impressive (and fun!) list of races! Good luck to everyone out there training! This will be the pathetic response! haha. I've done a few half's including this past spring! Although life has made training for anything right now impossible (elderly mom with a hip fracture and my daughter is pregnant with our first grandbaby) I'm trying to just be on "maintenance". Running at least a few times per week interspersed with biking, elliptical, yoga. When things settle down, I want to ramp it back up! To stay inspired I'm reading Susan Lacke's Running Outside The Comfort Zone (thanks for featuring it Terrell!). Her story and writing touches me on many levels.

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You're welcome, Lynne! I love her book (and all of her writing) too. I didn't know this until shortly before having her for our live discussion a few weeks ago, but she's written a ton for magazines over the past few years as well. Here's a piece she just published for Triathlete magazine earlier this week: https://www.triathlete.com/2019/08/lifestyle/going-all-in-led-me-to-endurance-sports-and-alcohol-abuse_382144

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Very interesting article and perspective. I wonder if some people run from a desire to make up for other issues in their lives such as alcoholism. I personally can struggle with a desire to overeat and I sometimes exercise to feel better about doing so.

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Love that article and her honesty! It's probably the thing I admire the most about her.

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You are managing your life issues well; your day in the sun will come!

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Hang in there, Lynne! This past week I finished Susan Lacke's book...and I echo your "thanks" to Terrell for featuring her, too!! While reading her book I laughed, cried, admired, thought, and realized we who run can also claim the title, REAL RUNNER. Because...we belong. Thanks for your post!

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REAL RUNNER - you said it Howie! and ditto about all the emotions that surface reading Susan's book - including the LOL one!

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I crewed a friend at Tunnel Hill 100 2018 and wound up running 28.8 miles. Funny thing is I have never done a full, SO I am training for my first full October 20, and my first 50-miler at Tunnel Hill in November.

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Wow, Lisa! You go!

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I'm training for the Fort Worth Marathon in November. This will be my first. I've run a few half marathons in the last year, and last weekend's long run of 15 miles was my longest distance to date. The training is no joke. All the questions and doubts swirl around my brain, usually after mile 8. The summer heat is also distracting, but I just slow down and trudge through.

I never realized how important the encouragement of other is for this kind of journey. I always preferred to run privately and not make a big of things, but the deeper into the training the more I've realized the accountability that bringing others along does to my motivation.

But, I ain't gonna lie. I'm still just a wee bit (read: largely) intimidated and cognizant of the distance of a full marathon. Lord, help me through this! :-)

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I feel your pain, Bill! It was like that for me when I ran my first marathon, which was a LONG time ago. Training with a group was what made the difference for me -- I never would've even gotten to the starting line without them. It's an intimidating distance, for sure -- we will be with you in spirit!

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Started my training for the Rock-n-Roll half in Las Vegas! Very excited - my stepdaughter invited my husband and I to join her along with her running club - we'll be the old fogies in the group :) I'm out of shape so training is slow, but my husband is killing it!

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I love that, Beth! Good luck in Vegas! (Just don't wake up with a tiger in your hotel room 😉)

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Currently, I am training for my 43rd 1/2 marathon, yes, I'm doing the 50 state challenge!!! My next race is Wyoming in September, which is going to be amazing, but HARD because I'm a flat lander training in Illinois at 650 feet above sea level and the race is 5500 YIKES!!! There is NOTHING that I can do about that so I am finding the hardest trails with the most hills and turns to challenge myself technically and (like all of us) training in the blistering heat of summer!!! My training is going great! My challenge is pacing myself on race day...wish me luck and don't make fun of my short distance goals...it seems kind of puny compared to some of you ultra people!

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I am also trying to complete 50 states 1/2 marathon challenge, but I have a long way to go yet. What race is in Wyoming? That is a state I need to check off my list and it's close (I'm in NE).

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Buffalo Bill 1/2 in Cody, quaint little town, can’t wait!!! Population about 10K. Not a hilly run, high altitude, mostly slightly downhill.

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I loved reading your comment. I too am doing the 50 state 1/2 marathon thing but have a long way to go. I too am a flat lander (illinois) and it really makes it hard to train with any type of hill work. Definitely wishing you the best of luck. It will be beautiful! I love Wyoming!

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Good luck to you!!! I have found hills here and there that have helped me but Illinois is not Wyoming, amirite?!? Have fun on your quest, mine has been a wild ride!

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I am training for the Chicago Marathon. My husband was supposed to run it last year but had to defer due to injury. I figured what the heck and signed up for the lottery for this year's race, thinking I probably wouldn't be selected. Well, I was selected so now we are both running it. We also have a few friends who are running it too so it should be a fun event. Training has gotten off to a slow start but I am pleased with where I am right now. This will be my second marathon, having run NYC last year. I am considering running all 6 majors but we will have to see how Chicago goes. NYC was a rough one and I am hoping Chicago is better. Good luck to everyone running races this fall!

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That's awesome, Stacy! I've always wanted to run Chicago; I haven't run a full marathon in a long time, but when my friends and I were running 26.2-milers that was on our list. Just never got around to running it -- maybe someday! 😊

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I’m training for the New York Marathon! I’ve done a plethora of Half’s but this will be my first Full. Goal is to qualify for Boston. I try to get a loongg run in at least every other week. Did 20 recently and it went very well, but need to be a bit quicker to qualify. It’ll be a tad easier when the weather starts cooling down, very much looking forward to that!!

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That’s awesome, Cody! It looks like there are quite a few subscribers who are planning on running NYC this fall, which is very cool.

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Training for the Dopey Challenge in January 2020. It's part of the Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend. It is a fun-filled and mile-filled weekend that actually begin on Thursday with a 5K, Friday with a 10K, Saturday with a half marathon and culminates Sunday with the full marathon. :). My running buddy and I felt it was time to kick it up a notch with our events. We've run about 16 halfs so far (3 in 2017), (5 in 2018), (8 so far this year) (1 marathon this year)and we have signed up for 4 more halfs so far before the end of the year. So we really thought it was time for something a little challenging. Into the 8th week of training so far. Trying to follow it as best as possible. My problem is I love to run, so I'm running a few more miles than the schedule calls for in a week. Oh well.

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If you are looking for a beautiful fall marathon try the down hill Emerald Bay Half Marathon at Lake Tahoe October 13. Maybe the most beautiful race you will ever do. The Emerald Bay Half is part of the Tahoe Trifecta, 3 half marathons in 3 days and two states (CA & NV). The Nevada Half Marathon on Friday is also a spectacular all downhill half skirting the side of Lake Tahoe. The Carnelian Bay Half runs from Carnelian bay on the shore of Lake Tahoe to Homewood where you can cool off in the lake. Here is a short video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFtIfAcQ4Dk&feature=youtu.be. or go to: Http://www.runtahoe.com

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So fun reading about all of these races that I have either run or want to. My girlfriends and I are doing Nashville in November. It will be my 3rd time running it but may do the full this time. Also, want to do one in February just trying to figure out where.

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Same here!

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One day, when I'm really ambitious and have the time to get properly ready, I'd love to do the Tahoe Trifecta, do all three halfs in one weekend. Looks amazing.

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AF Marathon Sep 21st and Cincinnati Thanksgiving Day 10K. 10k is the first race I ever ran and this will be 5th year straight. AFM is because I am an AF v et and it sounded interesting. 3rd full and one half in ‘17 while recovering from hernia surgery. The mesh they put in is causing som soreness now, 2+ years later, so training is difficult. But today is Day 75 of my streak running and it is starting to pay off!

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You are the man, Ben! How many miles have you run in that 75-day streak? (Just curious)

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I ran the AF half a couple of years ago. Great race! Very organized and the course is awesome. The fan support is pretty good - the folks who live on the base come out and pass out bacon, donuts etc to the runners...I can't eat while running but they provided some laughs during the run!! Good luck! Thank you for your service! My son is in his first month with the AF.

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Very much so. AFM is a really good race. Much flatter than Cincinnati’s Flying Pig which was my first ever marathon. The TD 10k we do is a blast because it has about 15-17k entrants. I have improved each year and got under an hour finally last year. So that was exciting.

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I’m going through menopause and most days I feel like I just can’t be my best, so many changes to my body and I’m always tired or bloated...so keeping my body in tune with my mind and vise versa is such a challenge. That said, I’m training to run my second California International Marathon (CIM) in December. My goal is to beat last years time by 35-45 minutes.

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Just finished doing a half iron man and during the training, i injured and now have a strained upper hamstring. So.............sadly, I am not training for anything. I love fall races thou. The air is usually crisp and not so humid.

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I had a few weeks of downtime this spring for upper hamstring tendon woes. PT did the massage but also lots of work to strengthen and learn how to activate the glutes to take stress off the hamstrings. I still get an occasional twinge from the bad hamstring but I’m running pain free with glute power!

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Oh thank you so much for giving me hope!!!! Hamstrings are hard to heal but am dedicated to doing the strengthening exercises as well as the dry needling. I am trying to be positive and hopeful.

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Best wishes for a sound recovery.

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Best of luck on your recovery. I highly recommend therapeutic massages for the injury. find a therapist who is good with MFT and they will be able to help facilitate your healing process.

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Thank you!! I am doing both PT therapy (dry needling) as well as therapeutic massage. The hard part is that you use your hamstring every day, just moving around. Hard to let it rest. But am being hopeful that these therapies will help

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I'm training for my first marathon, The Detroit Free Press in October. I'm very excited, yet trying to stay injury free... having some knee issues at the moment. I hope to run the NYC Marathon someday as well 🤞 Other than that, I'll be sticking to Halfs!

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Thanks!! Yes downtown Detroit is amazing...many improvements!! Food, new businesses, activities, etc.

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NYC for me! This will be my fifth Marathon so I feel confident now to not only be able to finish but also enjoy it! Training on my on with a 16 week advanced schedule I got from NYRR . The heat is hard to get through this last week, so by November it will be nice to have cooler temperatures.

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I'm just getting back to full speed following surgery that has had me sidelined since March. I have to get another half marathon in before the end of the year. On the quest for 50-halfies, I stand at 48...only two to go. It will have to be a fairly flat one this time. Maybe Mission Inn/Riverside or Two Cities/Clovis, both are in November. Onward and upward!

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Training for the Urban Bourbon Half on October 19. Just completed the Georgetown to Idaho Springs Half on August 10. Happy running!

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That's awesome, Jennifer! How was the Georgetown to Idaho Springs race?

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Ooof. Very challenging due to the altitude, but that’s why I signed up! It was not a PR but the scenery was beautiful, I checked off a state on my half’s in half the state challenge and I got Beau jos pizza in Idaho Springs as my reward!

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That's the best part! 😊

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Local Marathon in Albany NY. I ran it before, about 30 years ago. It's pretty flat. My training is getting hard, I'm having trouble figuring out the recovery from the long runs. Plus the ups and downs, why am I doing this type stuff. I'm in all the way, it'll happen baby.

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I am training for the Spa Running Festival Summit 2 Summit in Hot Springs, AR. It's a race that climbs two mountains in Hot Springs. I ran it for the first time last year and couldn't get up both mountains. I live in Louisiana so it's hard to simulate mountains. This year I just want to make it up bot mountain without walking.

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You’ll do fine; I’ll be there also for the 10k as it’s an Arkansas Grand Prix event.

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My first response would be, "for life!" Not the answer you want! I am training for the the A1A Half, the Miami Half and the Excalibur. Yes, I'm feeling like I'm just half crazy right now!

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I'm training for the Door County, Wisconsin half marathon in May 2020. I said that I would never do another half but after a foot injury and not being able to run for 2 months and now struggling to run 1 full mile, I want to prove to myself that I can do it again. I chose this half because the other ones I have done were in late summer so the training was brutal! I also have very supportive running friends that run it and have their encouragement to compete! 🏃‍♀️🏆🎖

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Great location!

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Training for Chicago marathon. Injury sidelined me for a few weeks. Hoping to still cross that finish line!

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I hope that you get there.

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Good luck!

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training for.....life :)

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I been training for half marathon in Virginia Beach in 2 weeks. Rock n Roll Marathon. First time in Virginia Beach 😊

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Awesome! I’m pretty sure our writer Hollie has run that one. I’ve heard great things about it.

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I chose a January 19th race to keep me on track through the fall and winter holidays.

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After my first half this past May in Como italy. I am now focusing on a 30 km race September 22nd. La 30 Trentina... figured it gets me closer to the full marathon goal, as my CEO has challenged me to do the NYC marathon with him next year...

But recently I started looking into triathlon as well... don't really want to buy a bike, but I recently with friends already pulled off a 20 km run and 56 km bike ride.....I am in trouble 😉

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My biggest problem however is how to continue training after the race.... how intense, as I do not want to lose the condition I am in. I struggled with that after the half marathon

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Sorry, Como 😀

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Truly awesome!! Can't beat the scenery, even though they had 50 mile windgusts in the night and suggested windproof jackets... mine was in MI 😆. Waiting to start was cold but I came to kick ass and i did... luckily I brought long sleeves as a last minute thought.

And afterwards.... I indulged in pasta and tiramisu... best motivation ever 😀

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Wow, Romy! How was the half in Comp? I can only imagine!

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I prefer big fall marathons. They are a lot more excited and you get to run in these big cities like New York.

This fall is the Chicago marathon!

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Working toward my third St. George Marathon, and hopefully my third BQ. I'm doing things differently this year and working with a coach, so I'm hoping to get a nice cushion for 2021. I love this race ... both the scenery and the organization are phenomenal!

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Doing the Georgetown 1/2 November 2nd, just need to runaway from Bermuda.

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Do you live in Bermuda? I ran the marathon there back in the late 90s, and it was amazing.

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Sorry for the delay, I was born and still live here but we get what is called "rock fever" so we have to travel. We still have that race but now it is called The Triple Challenge. The Front Street Mile on the Friday evening, 10k on the Saturday and a full and half on the Sunday. I have done the 1/2 nine times but never the full.

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I am working my way up to the Nationwide Children's Hospital Columbus (OH) Marathon in October. 26.2 miles of inspiration.

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Columbus is a great race! I have only run the half but it was a great experience.

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Funny that you used a picture of the NYC Marathon; that’s my big fall A race. Why? Because I entered the lottery and got in 😜 it should be quite an experience !

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Our track club is hosting a 1/2

Marathon in our home town. It’s in September. Training 3x a week.

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I am training for the Army 10 Miler on 10/13, the Disney Princess Challenge 12/22-23 and the Little Rock Marathon on 3/1. I am no longer a competitive runner but I plan on staying at or under a 9 min pace for the 10 Miler and the Princess Challenge. I am running the Little Rock Marathon with my (much)younger sister-in-law to help her fullfil her goal of running a full marathon. Should be fun!

Good luck to everyone, train hard and stay safe!

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I'm training for the Craft Classic Half Marathon on 9/7 and the Bull Mountain 50K Trail Race on 10/5. First real big races I've ever done, so fingers crossed!

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Awesome, Ben! How is training for the Bull Mountain race going? Are you training on hills a lot?

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Yes elevation gain is the game! Road hills are easy to get to for morning runs, the harder part is making time for training on trails (and especially steep trails). Hence the plan to do Kennesaw Mtn this weekend! I've also tried to balance training with a bike ride once/week, at least one sprint workout/week, and a couple of strength sessions after my easy runs (weighted squats for example).

My biggest struggle is total # of miles per week, and if I need to really push to 40 or just focus on keeping it at 30 miles but with more quality workouts. Fatigue, both mental and physical, is starting to effect me more and more so I'm still sticking to Monday total rest day, and trying to find others to do these runs with me.

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