Sorry but this has nothing to do with any of these articles. Out for a run today with my wife for a nice 8k run and I started thinking. Am I a runner or want to think that I am. What actually makes a runner. Living in Ontario Canada 40 minutes from the US border of Buffalo were we normally cross to do numerous runs in the US and Florida throughout the year. We where actually suppose to be leaving for Germany in the next couple of weeks to run the 3 Country Marathon. This would have been a destination run for us our second Marathon. Forgot to mention we started running 6 years ago and I just turned 61. Now everything ifs virtual and that is not the same. Standing in the slot waiting for the gun to go off is a great high. Maybe I'm just missing all of this. Comments appreciated.

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Hi Scott! I totally hear you, and I know you're not alone in feeling the way you are about virtual races. It's just not the same, there's no getting around that. The examples I've seen of people having fun with it are those where a few runners get together to run a virtual race as a small group, which is (relatively) safe in our Covid era. I'm counting every day until we're back to normal, whenever that comes or whatever it looks like -- I'm definitely ready for all of this to be over.

As for as whether you're a runner, or not, if you were training for a marathon, you're DEFINITELY a runner in my book!

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Thanks -- Wanted to mention I am planning to run 9.11 miles on Friday to honor the people that lost their lives on that 9/11. Hoping my body co-operates.

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Thomas, I love this idea. I might do the same myself -- thanks so much for the inspiration!

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Appreciate the inspiration you give us every week

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Thanks for sharing words of wisdom from experienced runners! It's always a pleasure to read your emails. I want to share what happened during my run yesterday. One of my common routes I run near my house is a dirt road with multiple hills and rocks. I like the challenge of the hills but always worry about the uneven road and rocks. Unfortunately five miles into my run yesterday I tripped on a rock and skidded across the dirt road getting an impressive road rash. I had to walk it off for a bit but still finished my 8 miles!! The upsetting part was that I was making my best time yet. I had to get over that disappointment and focus on finishing the goal for the day.

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Tricia I’m so bummed for you and hoping your rash is feeling at least a little bit better today! I’m even more impressed that you finished your 8 miles! That’s an inspiration to me 😀

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Hey Tricia. I remember reading a list about runners. It was one of those "top 10 things that runners do" or "you know you're a runner if," something like that. Don't remember the details, but "falling while running" was on that list. At the time, I wasn't running as often or as long, and I had only ever fallen once. I remember thinking that no way was that me. Since then, I have fallen while running 3 times. Always spectacularly, and miraculously, without any serious injury. I'm glad you were able to get up and keep going. My fear is that one day I may sustain an injury that keeps me from running. Wondering if anyone else reading this has any advice on how to avoid this, or if as that list stated, it is just something that is bound to happen.

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Just listened to the Sarah Canney interview. Very nice

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Thanks, Karen!

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Honored to be in here!

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