Well, nothing actually inspiring. I like to get away, so mostly fiction. I probably read way too much Scandinavian stuff. I was crushed when Stieg Larsson died & so started reading every other Scandinavian author I could find, and I have found a lot of really good ones from Henning Mankell (quite depressing) to Haken Nesser, Maj Sjowell, Camilla Lackberg (became a bit too formulaic) Fredrik Backmann and Malin Giolito, and have recently settled into Jo Nesbo. A lot of good writing, much of it crime fiction, but all great escapes.

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When I picked up "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" for the first time, I couldn't put it down. (And I don't mean that euphemistically -- I didn't stop reading for like 36 hours, until I'd finished it the next day. I've never done that with a book before or since. It just grabbed me!)

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No I have not read any of his other books. Thanks for the tip. I might check that one first.

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I know I'm late to this thread, but here goes: I've been on a reading-for-pleasure fast due to school, however today I've reorganized my time and plan to start "Bird by Bird: Some instructions on writing and life" by Anne Lamott tomorrow. I don't know what to expect except it comes highly recommended by writing/reading friends of mine.

The last book I read for pleasure was Helena Sorensen's latest book "The Door on Half Bald Hill". It was the first time I read one of her books, and while her storytelling isn't for everyone, I found her book strangely healing and perfect for such as time as this. It's a fictional story set in a celtic-inspired mythical world that yet delights in taking time in the gritty everyday details of life. It's plot: All the people are dying from a blight. They believe they are doomed, that they have come to the end of time. The young Bard dares to hope for an answer and a cure and goes on a journey of discovery to find life. It's one of those stories I didn't know what to make of for the first half of the book; I kept thinking I might put it down yet I didn't and I'm glad I kept going. When I read this in November the despair of the characters seemed to echo my own. So in some ways it's a hard read. But very, very good. And the ending does not disappoint but makes every step of the journey worth it. Some folks might be interested in checking it out! Though take note: its NOT a children's book. The author never claimed it is, though apparently, some have marketed it as such? Nothing overly graphic, just very dark themes of life and death, despair and hope.

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I've heard so many wonderful things about "Bird by Bird" through the years, too, and have skimmed it here and there but never read it from start to finish. I need to add that to my list too. The Door on Half Bald Hill -- that sounds AMAZINGLY timely. I'll have to check it out too. I get into books like that.

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I just finished "Bird by Bird"s introduction and I'm looking forward to it! I think it'll be a hilarious, honest and helpful read. If you ever do read and finish Door on Half Bald Hill I would love to hear what you think of it!

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I just finished a book called The Pioneers by David McCullough. Right now I am reading the book "News of the World" by Paulette Jiles. The movie for this I saw advertised and I the saw the book in a store and had to check it out. I am just getting into it but it is interesting and I hate to put it down.

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I've heard the movie is amazing! (For "News of the World") I love McCullough too -- have you read his book on The Wright Brothers? I have it on audiobook, and hearing him narrate it is just the best.

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I read every single comment here. I can't believe that two of my passions can be combined like this. It's like you picked this topic just for me. I have LOVED reading since I could read. Running, I have only started falling in love with, though we had a rocky relationship for many years. All these suggestions! Thank you, thank you for this!

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It warms my heart to hear that, Maria!

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Running related, I really love Murakami's What ITalk About When I Talk About Running. I've recently Range by David Epstein which I can't stop thinking about.

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I’ve seen that one (Range) in bookstores and been really interested... definitely need to pick it up. Thanks for the recommendation!

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I finished Running with Sherman, Running Home (both recommended here) and my favorite has been Run for you Life by Marc Cucuzelli (sp?)

I'm reading some other things

(great at starting, not so great at finishing). I've also got Running till you're 100 by Jeff Galloway saved to start up soon...🤪🤪👟👟🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️

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What a great topic!!!!! My three favorite running books (to date) in random order are: Running the Dream by Matt Fitzgerald is really interesting if you've ever been curious what life (and races!) would be like as an elite runner. Deena Kastor's "Let your Mind run" is so interesting because she had a pretty ho-hum college career, and then trained to become one of the fastest female marathon runners ever. It is humbling how hard she trained for years at a time to trim a few second off her PR. I also really enjoyed David Goggins, "Can't Hurt me". It is amazing how that guy had such a crappy childhood and early adult life and then completely turned his life around. I don't think anyone can makes excuses about anything after reading that book!

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I'm reading "Running with Sherman" by Christopher McDougall, author of "Born to Run." It's a heartwarming story with an adorable protagonist - a rescued donkey.

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Oh, I love that book, Julie. McDougall's storytelling style is just the best. Hope you are well, my friend!

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Nice to hear from you. Am doing well in CA. Love ‘connecting’ with you through your wonderful newsletter. Stay well.

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Wheelmen: Lance Armstrong, the Tour de France, and the Greatest Sports Conspiracy Ever

Anything Armstrong is captivating 🤙

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I watched on the edge of my seat every year he raced.. My wife and i would get out our road bikes and make believe we were on the tour... that is until we realized how fast they were actually going on a flat road... can you say in awe? I was heart broken when I found out he like a lot of others were cheating... watching it now isn't the same...

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Love or hate him, he's one of a kind! Every book about his journey is so well written, and enthralling. Versus the autobiography about Michael Phelps which was 3rd grade content at best. I will always root for special talents like Armstrong, but I won't advocate cheating in any sport. It is what it is 🤫

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For Christmas this year I bought myself a pair of Nike Air Zoom Alphafly next shoes. I don't scrimp when it comes to shoes after two bouts of planters in my early years of running in crappy shoes... still, $275 was still over the top in my mind but I did it anyway.

I wrote Terrell and said after running in them a couple of times, I felt like I was cheating. I ran a 10k two days ago and averaged 8 mins 3sec per mile. That is well over a min plus faster than I've been able to run it in years... My goal this year is to break the 7.. 50 mark without killing myself. At almost 71 I'm in heaven and will buy another pair when this one wears out.

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I've been reading Marathon Woman by Kathrine Switzer. Really great book for all to read but particularly female runners. :)

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Joel Cohen's "How to Lose a Marathon." It's hilarious, Cohen is a Simpsons writer, and great factual information for marathon beginners.

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Love the title! I'm sold!!!!

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No way! I definitely will check that one out!

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Both book titles you listed sound interesting. Though I read a lot...no "books" lately other than "THE BOOK" lol. A chapter in the Holy Bible is my daily read, and just like physical training...my earthly father taught me at a young age "Start with your core & the rest will follow". I just love words of wisdom, he was right and He is right. 😊 Sean

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Start with yourself. This is the message.

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Right there with you, Sean

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26 Marathons - love the first/second page where (I am paraphrasing) he states - there’s some point even for elite runners where you ask yourself - why am I doing this? His experiences, the manner in which he relates his running to the everyday runner (regardless of level) and helpful hints make this book an excellent read

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I agree. I've thought the same thing!

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That's one of my favorites, David. I love how he takes you into his thoughts at so many different points in his career, it makes him really relatable. I love that question "why am I doing this"!

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Hi Terrell- thanks for the book suggestion I have added it to my wish list. I just finished Emotional Agility by Susan David and Atomic Habits by James Clear. My favorite running read has to be Scott Jurek Eat and Run. I also really enjoyed his newest book North. Inspirational, what a great adventure!

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I love Atomic Habits so much (a Terrell suggestion from a different newsletter), that I bought the hard copy in English and Spanish to share. My mother read the Spanish version and loved it too!

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All those are such great choices, Gwen! I especially liked Atomic Habits too. I've got to check out Scott Jurek's book too -- it's sitting on my bookshelf, but I'm a little intimidated by him, to be honest. Will give it a shot!

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LOL! I feel the same way about him. From different books I have listened to where he is mentioned, I feel like if I read about him, I will be ashamed of myself.

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Honestly I’m not reading anything running related. I’m so into the movie Rocketman, based on Elton John’s life. I think I’m so deep into his life because I can relate to so much of what he went through. Mainly though it amazes me that he was/is such a wonderfully talented and good person inside and yet endured so much rejection. So heart wrenching. Anyway I bought the book “Me:Elton John”. I’m only about 30 pages into it but I really want to know more details and how he overcame it. I feel maybe I’m going through some of what he went through too. It always makes me smile when he calms down and says “I’m sorry” and they always say “I know”. Lol! BTDT.

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Both of those sound really good -- I'd heard his book was great. He has an Atlanta connection (he used to spend a lot of time here, not sure about now) which has always made him feel to me like a "hometown guy" for us.

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Oh! I need to look into that! Perhaps I can find something Atlanta related to visit regarding him when I’m in that direction. Thanks for the heads up!

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I have been reading the biography of John Newton (18th Century pastor, writer of Amazing Grace, and former slave ship captain). It is a wonderful testimony that no life is too debase for the Lord to save. I also have been reading GOATs by Jim Grey. Wonderful. I had no idea he was so close to so many GOATs.

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Both sound fascinating, Jack -- going to Google them now 👍

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I listen to books while I run. Lately, I've been listening to British Whodunits. I listened to the Robert Galbraith (pseudonym for J.K. Rowling) series, and am currently listening to the Elizabeth George series. If you like this type of escapism stuff, you will like these.

Running books that I truly enjoyed and found inspirational: Natural Born Heroes, Running Like a Girl, Running with the Kenyans, and probably my favorite, Running with Sherman. Thanks for this thread. I can always use more suggestions.

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When I go out on my Sunday long run, I listen to books on tape. It takes my mind off my run... however when I do my speed work outs I listen to one of my ROCK playlists..

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Exactly the same here! In fact, I have really been trying to do 80/20 running, (another book I listened to), and sometimes, I will listen to a book for 80% of my run, than switch to my RUN playlist and pick up the speed for 20%. It's been really working, and I don't get sick of my playlist that way!

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Running With Sherman is my favorite, too! I've always wanted to read the Galbraith/Rowling mystery/thriller series, as I'm a huge fan of Harry Potter.

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So am I!!! I'm a true nerd and love Lord of the Rings and the Chronicles of Narnia as well, but somehow, I just don't think Lord of the Rings is something I could listen to. Maybe Narnia, but I have read them so often, I could probably just recite those and the Harry Potter books while I run. Another Rowling book is a Casual Vacancy. I liked it, but many critics did not.

I really like McDougall, and I thought Born to Run was great, which it is, but Running with Sherman touched my heart. I can't see a donkey or even a picture of one without melting now.

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Also, if you're an Anglophile like I am when it comes to authors, a fun one to listen to or read is Douglas Adams, either his Hitchhiker's Guide series or Dirk Gently Detective Agency. I LOVE British humor!!!

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I have been reading, “My Best Race,” by Richard M. Diaz. He’s got some good info in this book. 👍🏼

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I just Googled it and this looks really interesting, Corrina!

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I can’t remember who told me about it. I thought it was you! Ha ha! But I wish I’d had it when I started running.

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Fast Girls by Elise Hooper. A novel about the 1936 Women's Olympic Team.

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Definitely going to order this one, Cherie -- thanks so much for suggesting!

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I'm putting your suggestions on my list! Thank you! I'm currently reading The runners guide to the meaning of life by Amby Burfoot. I love his running inspiration. For anyone who hasn't read What I talk about when I talk about running by Haruki Murakami....it is a must read!! Great inspiration and commiseration :-)

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I loved What I Talk About... too!

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Great recommendations! I've skimmed Murakami's book, but need to actually sit down and read it all the way through. And I love the Burfoot book!

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Meb Keflegzi (sp.) books about running are great - also, the Podcast Run to the top is well worth it

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I've gotta check out "Run to the Top"! I have one of Meb's books and it's fantastic -- so many great ideas you can put into practice right away, no matter your experience level. Do you have a favorite of his?

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I am admittedly not the best reader. I started listening to the Bible on my morning runs and have been very slowly reading "The Leadership Game" by Tom Mullins. Thank you for getting these conversations going. It is always something positive and encouraging I enjoy participating in. Happy Friday.

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Same here, Brian! It's my favorite thing about doing the newsletter, to be honest. I love hearing from you all -- I'll have to check out the Mullins book!

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I have been reading 50 50 secrets i learned running 50 marathons in 50 days by Dean Karnazes. Old book but good

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A great book..

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Interesting! I didn't even know he'd written that one. (I've already learned something new today 😃 )

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I have two other books written by him i have not started yet

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