I enjoyed reading this interesting and motivating interview and will put in practice many of its ideas and of course buy and read David's book. Thank you very much and stay safe.

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So glad you enjoyed it, Ezequiel! I really enjoyed talking with Wes, and I highly recommend the Roches’ book as well. Love to hear what you think about it.

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Thank you for helping us find ways to stay active, motivated and in good shape while we wait for this difficult situation to end and go back to our passion: running.

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Right back at you! All of you guys inspire me as well. I’m trying to figure it out too, so talking with coaches like Wes helps me a lot.

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I really like the idea of setting a goal. Last year I started doing 100 miles a month and still strive for it. This past March, the morning of March 28th I realized I still had 31 miles to go to complete it due to a long drawn out sickness mid March, but I completed the remainder of the 100 miles in bite sized pieces. A run in the morning and short run in the evening after work. The goal alone keeps me motivated.

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Wow! That's a big, audacious goal and I love it. I came close over the past 31 days -- 99 and change. So you get in two runs every day?

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Not typically, especially lately with the quarantine. I usually only get in one in the morning, but because I had to reach that goal, I ran twice a day those last dayside the month. We also have a treadmill at work so if I run twice a day, it’s a morning run and a lunch run (usually a tempo run or interval training on the treadmill). Now that I’m having to work from home, that option is not available.

Are you getting in more miles now that we’re in quarantine? I hear a lot of people are lately and I’m secretly green with envy, but happy they’re able to do so!

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Thank you for sharing this! I really connected with what Wes said in this interview. (He’s only 28?!?! He has a lot of maturity for 28.) As we continue running thru these upcoming months, we ARE preparing for future running! Hay in the barn. That was cool.

I also liked the advice he gave to find something to motivate you—run a certain # of miles a week or practice speed work, etc. After my virtual race is over this Saturday, I will give some thought to what my plans are next. Thanks again!

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So glad you liked it, Corrina! I'm experiencing the same struggles you are -- how, exactly, to plan and what to focus on? I loved talking with Wes, he helped me feel positive, encouraged and inspired again. Good luck with your virtual race today -- how far is it? Let me know how it goes!

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My virtual race is this coming Saturday. (Sorry—I need to be more clear in my writing.) It’s a half.

Thanks for motivating us to run a 10K either yesterday/today! Running 2 10Ks yesterday to train for my half & support our running group was awesome! We should do more of those in the future. I kept thinking about where everyone was around the country running & hoping everyone had a good experience. Really cool.

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