Oct 6, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I remember you writing about food earlier this year! I’ve been plant based for years. Currently training for a marathon. I’ve never felt better. I’d be happy to share some of my faves!

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I was thinking of you as I wrote this, Jeanne! I’ll reach out this week 👍

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My wife and I went plant-based two years ago. The only problem is sometimes you find something you like, and they discontinue it...

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"They" may have discontinued what you like. . . did you ever try making it yourself? Yes, it is possible. . . it takes time and research, but it can be done. :)

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We found substitutes, but they weren't the same. Morning Star used to have veggie ribs that were as good as the real thing, and one day they disappeared ... the people who had them online were trying to gouge you big time... also the Mediterranean burgers were around for a while, and, like the others, disappeared .. Have you tried their veggie bacon? My wife swears by it when we have BLT sandwiches ...

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Morningstar used to be good. I used them a long, long time ago in the 70s and 80s. The company discontinued a lot of :sausage-type stuff, but I goofed around and figured out the patties. I make my own burgers from tofu and mushroom. or just mushroom. Better than anything on the market. . . and homemade buns. The fakin"bacon is good, I guess. A lot of people love it. Not being a bacon lover, I don't use it. Baco-bits from soy is OK-- I don't even buy them anymore. Just Fresh Tomato and Fresh Lettuce on homemade bread fill the bill! (You're talking to an experienced baker here! :) )

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Excellent. Fool fuels life! Bananas & Sweet potatoes with local honey beat Gels for me any day... on protein, I use Sunflower seed butter w/ favorite whole grain bread/bagel before runs, has always served me well.

Also, consider pure dark chocolate for caffeine instead of coffee on race days, gives more carbs and ready energy, less dehydration & tummy issues!

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

This is so timely, Terrell. I’m doing the Marine Corps Marathon in 24 days and I have been thinking about how to make sure I’m eating well in the next few weeks (and beyond) so I have the best staying power. I think your point on carbs is great, and I probably don’t eat enough carbs. Nor do I get enough sleep which is another key ingredient.

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I'm so EXCITED !!!! I'll finally get to run the MCM in person for the first time. It's been my goal since December of 2019, but the pandemic put it on hold. Good luck. Maybe I'll see you there!

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I'm really, really excited for you, Maria! You're going to absolutely love this run -- so much to see, so many people along the way. And my guess is the weather will be fantastic -- can't wait to hear how it goes!

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Maria! Congratulations! Run for all the Marines who have been/ or all still active in the Mathis Family! Good Luck!! :)

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I sure will!!!

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Thanks Lots!! Have a great run. . . maybe next year I'll make it if I make it through my first Marathon! :)

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Awesome, I've been waiting since then too. It would be great to connect. Feel free to shoot me a text 307.314.8091

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I'll test you.

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I Applaud you Terrell for venturing into this highly charged topic that frightens off so many who fear alienating their subscribers. However, you have a unique opportunity to educate your tribe who are motivated to improve their health and performance but also the earth upon which they walk/run. Plant based diets have a powerful way of healing us and the earth. I look forward to weighing in with some of my knowledge informed by years of reading and studying this subject. I leave you with one sentence I always find true: “You can’t outrun a poor diet”.

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Thanks, Clark! As luck would have it, I spotted this article last night on the prevalence of diabetes in America, and it got me thinking more about all this: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/05/health/diabetes-prevention-diet.html

I used to think that our own desire and willpower as individuals was all we needed to do/eat the right things, and exercise -- but now I see how limited our willpower really is. It wears down over time, and we need environments/surroundings that nudge us to eat the right things, walk and exercise, rather than always having to push ourselves to do those things. Sure, you can muster up the willpower -- but it's like the tortoise and the hare: yes, the tortoise may occasionally beat the hare, but it's not the way to bet.

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Love it. And you are in a good position to help “disrupt” conventional thinking on this complex subject. I look forward to your leadership in this space. You might find Jonathan Safran Foer’s book: “We are the weather” quite compelling as he discusses in a unique way the intersection of food and climate change and how we ALL matter in the mitigation of Climate Change. Ok. Off to my hour walk/run at my tortoise pace as I meditate on what I must do to become a good ancestor for my children and grandchildren. I visualize my “future self” and let it pull me forward in a thoughtful and meaningful and strategic way....♥️👣♥️

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Love the subject on correct way to fuel our body. Hi Terrell, I've commented before on trying to do 35 h/m right before turning 70. I did at N'ville half in Apr. Did One at Ft Benning 3 wks later, just did The Amish half in Lancaster PA, 4 wks ago this Sat. In 2011, did half in N'ville so poorly that I couldn't even get to my husband, had to lay down in grass. So dizzy, and stomach upset. Took 3:01 to finish. Decided to make it change, or quit doing half's.... Bought a Nutrition Book for runners, did a half in Savannah GA that Nov in 2:26!!!! At 59 yrs old. I don't know how I finished any half up to that point.

Now I start getting in carbs on Mon before a half on Sat. The most important thing is to get enough carbs in, esp last 3 days bef race,, and most importantly is the right fuel during race....My time at the very hilly race in Lancaster wasn't that great,, 2:42, but I was strong through out,,, never dizzy, or thinking I couldn't finish.... Eating correctly is as important as the Training,,, and keeping strong mentally... Thank you for all you do.

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Thank YOU, Betty!

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I may have some recipes to share also. Can’t wait to see what new ideas come up.

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Awesome! Love to see them -- just reply back to the email and we can connect.

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Terrell - I mostly agree with you and as someone who has spent most of his adult life trying to teach people how to eat right, I applaud the notion of looking to real foods and avoiding added sugar most of the time.

But I'm wondering if endurance athletes, while training, play by different rules. From a physiological perspective, during prolonged, hard efforts our bodies respond differently to "free sugars." There aren't the usual insulin issues and, in fact, they play an important role in glycogen restoration.

So, while I agree that one should be picky and that garbage food isn't needed, gels, gummies, bars, and hydration mixes with added sugar can be valuable tools to a serious endurance athlete WHILE TRAINING.


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Love this Terrell and would love to share a few of my favorite recipes as well. I'm also plant based and love my carbs! I'm happy I've finally let the diet fads and trends go. Write on!

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Thanks, Julie! I'd love to reach out and exchange ideas/recipes!

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Absolutely! I would love to. Great idea Terrell. Let me know the best way to connect.

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Love this topic!!! Can’t wait to see what you & others share!

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Hi Terrell! I’m a nutritionist and currently training for a half marathon. I wrote a post about how to properly fuel for race day, if you’re interested and curious! https://karolinacook.substack.com/p/5-how-to-fuel-for-your-half-marathon

I’d love to hear your thoughts!

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Karolina, I read this and thought it was fantastic! Would you be interested in writing a guest post for us, or publishing that post with us?

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Hi Terrell, sure, I'd be happy to repurpose this post with you! And we can chat about future guest posts as well.

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Thanks so much for sharing this, Karolina! I will definitely check it out! Going to read now...

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Great topic again, Terrell. As a nurse, I do not hesitate to say that diet is if not the number one factor in a person's health (or lack thereof), it is at least in the top three. I have many thoughts on what and how we're supposed to eat. I am interested to see what others think. For now, what I will say is this: we need to switch the focus of diet as a way to mange weight to a way to optimize health. I also have as a core belief that the science of evolution is key to what we should eat and how much of it.

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I would love, love to hear more about this -- do you have any suggested reads/articles/etc.? And, what you say about the science of evolution is really interesting -- let's email about this!

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Sorry for the late reply. My daughter's wedding was on Saturday and we had a very busy weekend, but it was so worth it!!!

I don't have any specific articles I can cite off the top of my head. This is more years of education in the medical field plus my personal experiences in healthcare. Diet affects every part of health. For instance, one group of people who suffered more morbidity and mortality with Covid where the obese. People in their 40s and 50s that were significantly overweight did at least as poorly as people in their 70s and above who were of average or mildly overweight. This is true even if the obese younger individual didn't have any other diagnosed medical problems, (no diabetes, no hypertension, etc).

As for the evolutionary thing, I have read several books that have really influenced me. One of them I read because you recommended it. Don't remember the name right now but it is the one about how we breathe. It correlates our diet with how we have evolved and how that has affected our breathing. I will email you any others that I can think of later.

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

So excited to read more on this topic. It's hard to know what "healthy" means anymore. Also, has anyone found a less processed substitute for GU's?

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That's so true, and what I find so hard about figuring all this out -- what "healthy" is. We face a blizzard of options in the supermarket, and unless you have a degree in this area, it's almost impossible for the average person to make better choices. It'll be an intellectual journey for me, for sure!

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Oct 6, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Hi! I’m a new paying subscriber - is there somewhere I can see the training plan in its entirety?

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Oct 6, 2022·edited Oct 6, 2022Author

Hi Mariah! Let me put that together and I'll send it out with a PDF link for you.

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Thank you!

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Interesting topic. Recipes and beautiful photos abound on the internet. Most of mine are in my head. I don't consider myself or family "Plant-based," just vegetarian. If one gets specific, Lacto-vegetarian. Really had a good laugh the other day when I saw "plant-based butter" on sale. Had to ask my daughter "isn't that just margarine?" Well, yup, it is. She looked it up and I guess Whey is not included.

Just a few years ago, wasn't it trans-fats the bad thing in hydrogenated vegetable oil??? Go figure.

I shy away from anything that say's "plant based" seems like it is a new buzz word. . . Oh well. that's what one gets for living for several decades and having been raised on real food.

Off and running. Looks like it is warm and dry for awhile. Being October, it can change any minute. We shall see!:)

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