Dec 12, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

A friend of mine was high school/&college athlete whose coaches pushed them 24/7 they never got better they broke. I salute the bravery of those coming forward Deb Stuart in Texas

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Dec 12, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I’ve only been running for a few months so maybe it hasn’t gotten to me yet but I started to maintain a weight loss and found I rather enjoy the endurance challenge. A nice bonus is the impact it has on my stress levels. I’m not out there trying to “perform” or even improve. Maybe that’s my laziness coming through. I don’t really even enjoy race events because of the crowds! And swag = clutter. I sign up for a few to keep me motivated to continue running but I’m not trying to PR anything and my 5K pace is the same as my HM pace. I sense I am an outlier but it works for me.

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