May 1, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Good morning running friends. This hits home cause honestly once I get my mind right and declare I’m doing a half marathon and prepare I lower the bar and say nope. Can’t do it. Maybe next year or next time. I get so afraid of being too slow or even seeing results that the moment I miss one day of my training plan I instantly feel I failed and give up. Not this time. I’ve stuck with it so far and will continue to do so till race day no matter how fast or how slow I am. My race my pace.

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Good morning, Valerie! I'm right there with you -- I know this feeling, because it's been me as well in the past. Our other life responsibilities can have such a hold on us, I know, that it's easy to put our own goals aside. This month I'm going to focus on making it a reality and *not* giving up on myself, to see if I can make this all actually work. Love your spirit.

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May 1, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Thank you Terrell. I’m tired of giving up on this particular goal because it’s all I’ve wanted to do and still do. I just have to give myself some grace and allow myself to mess up but recover and start again. Giving up is not an option this time around.

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YES! Mindset Val, Run your pace…..run your race💪🏻 If you want to do it, you will. One step at a time. :)

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Thank you Jill!!

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One day at a time sister

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May 1, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

I’m up for the challenge and thanks for the encouraging letter from Courtney.

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May 1, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Thanks T. Good quote and needed. I am in for at least 100. And open to check ins as well.

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I’d like to 100 miles. I’d need to be pretty aggressive with foam rolling and PT exercises to pull it off, but it’s possible. 20 miles/week might be more realistic for me though.

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Totally hear you -- and I might not make it to 100, either. Just go with what works for you :)

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May 1, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Thank you, Terrell. I posted Courtney's story on my FB page so others can draw from it as well. Thank you also for the goal-setting. 100 miles sounds like a good one for May which will definitely stretch me based on my current mileage. I've been adding some cross training recently and am pretty sore, so I'll start with two miles today. Appreciate the accountability!

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Thanks, Jonathan! When I think about all the emails I've received from readers over the years, motivation is at or near the top of the list in what readers ask about -- how to get (and stay) motivated to run, especially when you hit a plateau or just get bored. That's why I love the whole spirit and vibe Dauwalter exudes, because it's about having fun and taking a light approach, even though she's doing something (very!) difficult -- I think her approach is one more of us can emulate than the often very serious, very intense, very exacting approach we see some other runners at that level take. (Not that it's not right for them, but I just don't think most of us can adopt that kind of approach.) I'll be rooting for you!

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May 18, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

I’m sort of on track with the challenge. Life is in the way but I just keep pushing on.

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I hear you, Jill! It's done that, at times, to me too. How is your mileage so far?

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Not counting the total until this weekend, when I can “catch up”. I am determined 😃 Teaching is so stressful that I’m exhausted when I get home. I fight it and go out even if it’s 3 miles.

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May 13, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Adding 5 more. Pismo Beach Ca. Pismo Preserve trail. Blessed

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Awesome, Matt!

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May 3, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

2for 2 so far. Hotel treadmill thanks to work but 🤞🏻🤞🏻

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That's awesome!! 🙌

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May 1, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

I'm in for at least a mile-a-day! It's a starter, but once I get the Courage to Start (The Penguin!) and get out there, who knows!

ChiMarathon training starts on May 16th. I'm signed up. Should be a further challenge for this older body! Missed my Big Sur Marathon yesterday. In looking back, there was really no way I could have done it. . .there are many, many more. It was a valuable lesson, though, of putting too much on my plate.

Daily check-ins would be a Big help. . . it would certainly keep me accountable and the bar in sight!!

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Awesome! I'm so glad you're in, and I'm bummed to hear about missing Big Sur, but sometimes it just doesn't and you're right, there will be more. Daily check-ins it will be! Look for tomorrow's in the Chat. :)

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May 1, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

That Courtney Dauwalter quote is 🔥!! Wow. Keeping that thought close today.

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Definitely! I'm a huge, huge fan. If you're interested, here's a great interview she did with Ryan Holiday: https://dailystoic.com/courtney-dauwalter/

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Much appreciated—I’ve bookmarked this listen for my next run! 🤗

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May 1, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

I’m in! We do the best we can; It takes a village:) 👧🏻🏃🏻‍♀️

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That's the spirit!

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May 1, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

It's nearly all walking for me these days, but my April mileage was 121, and 464 so far for 2023. I'm not sure I can maintain those numbers when the Phoenix heat kicks in - 102° yesterday.

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May 1, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

For those like me whose knees cannot not take running a full marathon (e.g. cannot run more than 2 -3 hours and best mile time is about 10:30), another challenge is to pick 2 Half Marathons within a 2 -4 week period and do them both.

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I’m in, Terrel and friends!

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Amen to that Sis!!!

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I’m open to email check ins

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