Aug 27, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

I started running, walking crawling all the streets in El Monte, CA, and South El Monte, CA one afternoon after they closed the trails. I make it a point to meet one person on my trip each time I go out there so 5-minute miles are not my goal, even if I could do a five-minute mile. There are lots of cul-de-sacs and streets are not laid out so you can just do a straight line first North and then South, then East and then West. But I have persevered and the end is in sight. I have been able to start doing a few of the trails again so some weekends there are no streets crossed off my map. But I am close enough to finishing the project that I probably have about about 8 to 10 miles in streets but 15 to 20 the way they are laid out and how I did the streets around them. I know I will attempt to work out a better schedule for the next city but who knows, I may just keep working my way out from those two cities into the rest of the San Gabriel Valley, and then who knows. I got the idea from reading about the man who ran all the streets in San Francisco in (Runner's World?) a few years ago. I tried to get a team together to run all the streets of LA but all I got were deer in the headlight stares. I will be 76 in December so I want to finish all the streets in the San Gabriel Valley by the time I an 80.

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Aug 27, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

Roy, I live in Monterey Park, border with Montebello, Rosemead and San Gabriel. I have been running the two bike trails (San Gabriel River and Rio Hondo) pretty consistently, but only since the pandemic did I start running the Rio Hondo Bike trail north. When I was doing some research on the trail for water sources, I saw that there's an interesting looking park not too far from the bike path in El Monte. It's called Gibson Mariposa Park and is a tiny, community butterfly themed park that is so lovely! Really enjoyed finding it in the middle of a semi-industrial area. Also, love running past the San Gabriel (used to be El Monte?) airport and having the small planes fly right over my head as I run!!! Really neat! Maybe I'll see you some day out there. Have fun exploring San Gabriel Valley.

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Aug 27, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

I completely relate to those runners in the article. I am one of those who train to race. Pre-pandemic, I averaged 2 halfs a month with shorter races peppered here and there. At the beginning of the pandemic, I was lucky to get 10 miles in for a week. Was completely unmotivated and felt lost. My husband noticed my change in mood and kicked me out of the house and said that I need to run for myself (and his sanity). So, during that run I came up with a new purpose for my running. I decided to dedicate certain days to speed work and others to just plain enjoying being out there to run and run as long as it felt good to keep going. That worked from April through mid-June then I started getting itchy to train for something and once again started feeling unmotivated. I kept running but it turned into a mantra of I have to run in order to not lose my level of fitness. Then I came across your virtual training program - and that gave me a new purpose and has motivated me. Long story short - I am a deadline/goal oriented person - in everything I do - I need goals/direction/purpose that are concrete to stay motivated. Unfortunately good health isn't enough of a motivator for me!!! So Terrell - you have made an impact in my running by giving me the boost when I needed it most!

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That's incredibly gratifying to hear, Sandra! You've impacted me by being a member of our group here -- I've really enjoyed getting to know you, even though it's only over email and in the comments here. And I love hearing about your progress! 😃

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Wow! 2 halves per month! You rock, Sandra! I'm more like 2 halves per year!!

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Aug 26, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

Love the idea of the sticker chart! Haha, reminds me of what we did for our kids, but hey, I might try it myself. Will do anything to stay motivated this days. I'm currently registered for Nashville RocknRoll in November, but no word on cancellation yet. Fingers crossed, but not optimistic! Appreciate your posts on upcoming races still happening in-person. Thanks for all your info!

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Aug 27, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

I save my running stream in the Nike app, and look at it about every 10 days to see progress recorded. Its motivating!

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It's awesome, isn't it? The whole idea is not to break the chain. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you on the Nashville race!

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Aug 26, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

I completed one Virtual race -- NJ Virtual race (Garden State Parkway 172.4 miles) 38 days and am current doing the Boone to the Banks NC Virtual race 400 miles. Hoping to be completed by Veteran's Day - Did a Half last Sunday for the monthly Strava challenge !!!

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I did a virtual for St.Jude Hospital last week, and got some great Scooby Doo swag which my preschool students are going to like😃🐕. I miss the live race, but I'm loving being part of this group, with the measured training plan and encouraging topics. My cadence, gait, and time have improved, and I'm still injury free!! New fall schedule starts next week,so I'm going to be running an hour earlier..😴🏃‍♀️might need some super strong coffee at first!!!☕☕

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