Jan 7, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Thanks for the info on pain. I think we (runners) have a higher tolerance for pain or we just flat out ignore it. It’s good to know that if it continues past a week or 10 days, we should seek help.

Hope you & your family are feeling better! I never saw a follow up on the 100 miles for December. I actually ran farther than 100 miles! 123.91 miles!!! I was shocked & proud.

As for the crazy stuff going on in the world—I feel the frustration of people who think they have been cheated, no one is held accountable or pay for their crimes, & nothing will change. I have participated in many peaceful protests for ideas I believe in. Violence is not the way to get change. That only aggravates people & causes more pain & despair. When you feel your voice isn’t heard though, that is frustrating. I try to do the best that I can with my actions, my voice, & influencing those around me. Change starts with me and with you and with each one of us. I hold tight to that & do my best to be a better person each day.

Thanks for all you do for us!!!

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Jan 7, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Timely post! The day after my long run last weekend I had severe back pain the next morning. I took a few days off from running primarily because I just didn't feel like running. After a few days of no noticable improvement I went to the doctor and was told I have a pinched nerve. PT is already helping so should be back to "normal" soon. However, it was a scary but good reminder to be smart and not try to run through the pain.

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Jan 7, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Thanks, Terrell!

I've had a little bit of ankle soreness off and on in the last few weeks, myself. I think running in the snow tracks recently and altering my stride/gait was a factor. However. tomorrow is a rest day and hopefully a 10K will be accomplished on Saturday!

Hopefully you and your family are recovering from the virus....

Thanks for posting

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Jan 7, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Thanks for the article! I hope you two are feeling better!!

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Thanks so much, Anne! We are feeling better now, little by little. It's like having a really bad cold for the most part. But definitely feeling like we're on the mend today 😃

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So glad to hear! 🎉🎊

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Jan 7, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Excellent read! Terrell---hope you and your wife are feeling better!!!

Yes, it was a crazy day yesterday-----better days ahead!!!!!!

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Thanks so much, Mark! It WAS, wasn't it? Let's hope so!

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Jan 7, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Very timely. I went to bed & woke up with a very sore ankle today. Time to rest. Waah!

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Time time to rest that ankle, Melinda! The roads/trails will be there when you feel better.

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Jan 7, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Great information and it comes at a perfect time after my recent sore knee. The most difficult thing to do is to stop running... that was my biggest hurdle (as I am sure for everyone else too). I am back to normal and realize I just need to cut back a little on my weekly mileage.

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It can be really hard to cut back. I know, from not being able to run these past couple weeks thanks to Covid, what that feels like. Rest can do wonders, though.

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No problem with getting this out late, Terrell. I, too, was glued to the TV in shock and horror yesterday. So glad you and your wife are feeling improved. I hope your son is OK. Thanks for the article on pain. I often have a tweak here and there but mostly ignore them. Good to have a reminder of when I should not.

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