Wondering what the comfort level is for you all with in-person races (depending, of course, on the vaccine rollout and when the race occurs). Are you feeling safe with the safety protocols races are adopting, and if not quite yet, when do you think you’ll be ready to go back? — Terrell
I am so ready to be back to in-person racing!! I have done some virtual races to promote local venues/charities. But...it cannot replace in-person racing. I want to go to an expo! I want to go to a destination to race! I want to race with other runners! I appreciate all the safety protocols that have been adopted.
I especially am looking forward to the destination race aspect of all of this -- I miss running with my friends here in Atlanta big-time too. Right there with ya!
Tried the virtual thing and it did not work for me. I appreciate the thought behind it to keep us motivated but just not the same. I am ready to get back to racing in real time, with real people, having real fun, and doing real running. And all the post race FUN!
I skipped Joplin half marathon for first time in five years due to mask requirements at packet pickup, no after race party, no one allowed near finish line, etc.
I ran 11 half marathons in 2020 and have ran 2 so far in 2021. Each of those races and communities were not only problem identifiers with Covid 19 protocol, but also “problem solvers” in regards to protecting the racers and race volunteers.
I do not do virtual races,.....as they are known in my house as weekday trading runs.
I’m so ready. Virtual races are not fun. We’ve done three and it’s not the same. We are signed up for the Austin half in April!! Here’s to in person racing!!!
I will never do a virtual run, Please stop the insanity, put on Races, and you'll have a lot of people showing up to run, like me my wife my son and my friends.
I'm in training currently for a half marathon in Versailles, KY the first weekend in March. It was the last half my wife and I ran before the world changed. I signed us up in July 2020 hoping that by March 2021 this craziness would be behind us. I recieved an email last week saying the half was on so it's a good thing I've been training...ran 7.5 miles today. Can't wait to race 4 weeks from tomorrow through horse country!
I’m so hopeful! Positivity rate dropping dramatically combined with vaccination efforts and even news of a new and apparently effective treatment out of Israel makes me very optimistic that the worst is behind us and that we can slowly start getting back to some prepandemic ways, including in person races!
wondering what were the covid specific protocols put in place? I feel fine and ready to participate too, but haven't actually read what races are doing, am curious.
Glad to be back to racing. I've done 4 events recently. 3 small and 1 large but all with plenty of covid protocols. I felt safe. I've been training harder this year due to reduced work hours. So I set a half marathon PR goal and nailed it last weekend. Running the Natural Bridges Cavern half this weekend. So excited!!
Have a great race this weekend!!! Wondering what protocols have been put in place at the races you have done? Feeling comfortable about participating too, I'm just curious what kinds of changes are being made.
Mainly masks, distancing, and staggered starts. Very little or No after parties. Even awards were low key or non existent. One event had Start whenever you show up. It was different. I started alone, so I couldn't really gage competitors. So it was truly race your own race. I kind of loved that. 5k PR. My most recent though had the beer after party, big open field, so plenty of social distancing but still party atmosphere.
Looking forward to live races again!! Second shot in about 10 days—-will be ready two weeks later. Ninety-five % efficacy rate is very assuring!! Still continue with masking, social distancing and washing hands.
Definitely ready and not the least bit worried and never have been. I did the Bad Dawg 100 in November and looking forward to a 12hr Racing for Daylight March 14th and the Prairie Spirit 100 two weeks later
The last race I attended, the runners went every 10 seconds. It was a smaller event and well organized. At the start and finish, every runner was required to wear a mask but during the run, you did not. I felt very comfortable and would participate again.
I am not a fan of the virtual races. What's the point, honestly? The rush is being at the event and actually participating. I have signed up for 2 half marathons this year and on the hunt for more.
I'm waiting until I get the vaccine - but then I'll be ready to do in person races. I'll still be wearing a mask, though, until they are no longer recommended.
I think its to quick, as a retired RN we can't be in a mind set of False security . We need to see how well the vaccine goes and the new variants. Other wise we will be back in another lock down with major deaths.
I agree with you. Second shot 2/23. I have a friend retired RN, went in to help when things became bad In Michigan. She said on all her years she has never seen anything like this. Two shots or not want to be cautious. Good luck to you.
I'm flying high... After signing up EVERYWHERE to get a shot, a friend text me and asked why I didn't go to Groveland... a small town near me. "Their giving shots there on a first come basis... Ten minutes later I was on the road. I expected to wait 4-6 hours... there was hardly anyone there. An hour later my wife and I were on the way home with an appointment to get my second one on the 25th... With two shots under my belt, I'm strongly thinking about running a few races.
Virtual races don't do much for me.... I need the rush of the starting line crowd and reeling in the runner ahead of me. I think that the more people get shots, the more races will he held.
Oh boy, great question. We're waiting to hear from the Flying Pig committee to see if the government will allow the race to take place, it's the first Sunday in May. I think it'll be virtual to be honest. As for the virus, I've been careful about following all the mandatory guidelines, more and more people around me are getting sick. Some have few symptoms and some don't do so well. I'm on the fence with the vaccine, not going to get it any time soon. That said, it could come down to proof of vaccination in order to attend just about anything in the future! Happy running all!
Dear Steph, please choose to get vaccinated as soon as you can. All of us who are healthy and strong need to protect those of us who are immunocompromised, including people I love dearly. And we need to reach herd immunity as quickly as possible to stop the development of all these variants. Whatever you decide stay safe!
Hello Marion, I do agree 100% as we have to protect those folks, they're in my world as well. Thank you so much for your kind words, I hope the Johnson and Johnson shot gets great feedback as that's the one I've got my eye on. You too, be well!
I just signed up for Milwaukee’s Lakefront Marathon in October so I’m hoping it does take place! I’m assuming I will have had the vaccine by then so that does give me some peace of mind. If the race doesn’t happen, runners can either get a refund of their registration or defer it to next year. 👍🏼
I’m vaccinated and ready, but I think we should still practice the usual recommended precautions with masks at beginning and end and our own water/fluid containers. There are still a lot of people who for various reasons are not going to get the vaccine, so for everyone’s safety I think those measures are appropriate. So ready to run with people again! Have you two recovered fully by now, and are you ready to get back out?
One thing I've noticed about mask wearing is not only is it protective, but it sure keeps your face warmer while running into a headwind! Since there are few people on my trail, mine goes off and on, depending on the direction of the wind! :)
Yes, I run alone and pass anyone infrequently, so I don’t wear a mask either when running. Out of courtesy, I run wide around anyone I do encounter. That said, I agree with your comment that masks keep your face warmer. I wear one while walking in to work and I’ve noticed it is a good face warmer!
I run solo as well. The only reason I wear one around my neck is I read somewhere that Dr. Fauci does that on his daily 4 to 5 mile runs. I figure if he can do that as a courtesy to other runners, so can I! It really isn't asking that much. Mine always gets stuck on while I'm hauling groceries home. Too much of a bother trying to drag it off while carrying something. Sure does help when it is rainy and windy. :)
Hi Anne! We've recovered and have tested negative, and I'm feeling back to normal now, like 99% I think. Also, I think you're right -- especially in winter, I can see masks being much more a thing we do every year, and races permanently not using communal water/refueling like they did in the past. (Which wouldn't be the end of the world!) So glad you got vaccinated!
I, too, had Covid in mid-Dec. I was truly lucky: I felt like I had the beginning of a cold & still ran, slowly, 3 miles several days. I live out by the cows & not many people, so no mask required😷
That’s great to hear! I hope you’re close to getting back out to run or walk. Yes, I’m now so used to carrying my own water, it won’t matter to me at all if they make that a new requirement! And it’s nice to have water “on demand.”
I hate running with water bouncing on my hip. A physical therapist turned me on th how best to take water. Instead of around your waist, wrap it around your chest... It sounds crazy, but it works.
Me too! I usually just carry it in my hand, but that’s an interesting idea to wrap around the chest. Got a photo you could post on Strava? I’m having a hard time picturing it.
Instead of wrapping it around your waist, you wrap it under your arm pits and I fit it between my breasts ... not sure how that will work for a woman... sorry about that.. I keep it snug and the entire bottle rests again my chest and thus, doesn't bounce like it does against my hip. I didn't believe it would work and it took me a couple of runs to get the right adjustment.. I fill it up 2/3 full and that gives me more than enough fluid for any length of run... Someone also mentioned a camel pack.. I've seen runners and roller bladers using those... The only modification I did was to the bottle... drilled the top and put in a plastic straw... Pulling it out while your running takes practice... I like to just stick the straw into my mouth for a couple of sips... I'm not a good grab the cup and get a sip or two at the water station... also like I said, I only use it on longer runs... I hydrate before 5 & 10k runs and can get enough with a sipper two at a water station to get me to the finish line....
I’m hoping to run the Berkeley half in November. We should reach “herd immunity” before then. Remaining cautious for now. Getting outside daily, masked, to get in three miles.
I'm desperate to get back to racing, but I've already had too many let downs and too many people around me get sick, so I'm waiting til I'm vaccinated and I see the majority of events actually start going forward as planned without too much negative impact resulting from them doing so before I dip my toes in the water again. Fingers crossed that'll be sooner than later!
I hope so too, Aleta! I have this feeling -- it's a hope, really, but I'm trying to be optimistic -- that the second half of this year will open things up a lot more 🤞
On the Waiting List for the Lake Sammamish Half. Orca Running and Evergreen Trails have had the "go" here in Western Washington since December. The only reason I didn't sign earlier is that I'm not really into early Spring races (silly reason!) If I should get into the Race, It means that I can finish an In-Person Event and a Virtual at the same time. . .efficient, no?
From what I have seen from the racing criteria that Orca is using, it looks as safe or safer as when I normally run the Trails around Seattle.
I'll be there when the races open, vaccine or not! I'm 73 years old. . .WA State says I am not eligible to get a vaccine yet. If I get a choice, I'll wait for the one dose. Needles are not my cup of tea.
SO ready to run in person, but will wait until I'm vaccinated...and just as importantly wait until I don't have to pay $400.00 for my husband and I to get tested so we can cross the state border. I have a 10 miler in Maine in April that I signed up for in June 2019. Sure hope I can run it before I expire from sheer boredom!!! 😉
On one hand, I miss racing so much. On the other hand, I don't see myself running that is a roll or wave start because the reason I like racing is competing against other people. The other reason I like racing is the social aspect.
So I guess I don't know when I'll feel comfortable.
Totally hear you on that. What I miss most are going to races with friends, and running in really amazing places. I'm a little slower than you are 😃 But I get what you're saying, too.
I’m ready. Shot number one is in the arm and number two is three weeks away. I have signed up for the Football Hall of Fame half at the end of April. The race description explains all the protocols that will be in place and, coupled with my vax status look good to go. I am about to resume serious half marathon training, while waiting to see what else opens up beyond May. I am hoping to get back to my normal program of three halfs in the fall and three in next year’s spring season.
I would be comfortable doing smaller, local races but races are not allowed in MA until Phase 4 of reopening. I won't take the risk of traveling out of state to a race yet due to quarantine requirements and my family...I have 2 teens who are able to go to high school in person, don't want to jeopardize that for them. I'm hoping to be able to do a half in September or October, maybe the Nantucket Half over Columbus weekend, fingers crossed!
Very excited to run a live race Marathon. I have only ran one and it was a virtual. Very cool but people have told me the experience is completely different. Palm Beach Marathon is my goal.
I'm ready to roll! I ran two halfs last year and had no reservations then, so I certainly don't right now. To be honest, I only worry about spreading Covid to others, but I don't worry about myself. If I get it, I get it, but even if I do I doubt I would be down long.
I am having surgery on my ankle, so even training is off for a few months. My goal is to do a half marathon by the end of the year. I will not be nervous about covid by then. My worry is having to run with a mask. Running with a mask has been hard.
I look forward to in-person races, but I like to travel and that is where I have my concern. I've had my first vaccination and the second one is on 2/20/21. The race itself doesn't concern me and once I've had my second shot, I'll feel better about airplane travel to races.
I ran a 4 miler in Central Park and felt safe with masking, limited capacity, and staggered starts. It was very different than the usual races but pretty exciting to be racing again.
It was in early January so I will admit I did miss being able to check a jacket or sweatshirt for the chilly walk to the subway after. But in the scheme of things that's nothing, I'll gladly take a chilly walk to be able to race and ensure good safety protocols are in place.
I actually ran 1 in person race last November that had a really great set up &they're having the same race again this yr in April.I'm slightly apprehensive about running it, but only because I have a half Ironman 2 weeks after and it's a 33 miler.If all races had similar setups I would be completely comfortable, but I'm definitely not comfortable jumping right back into no mask, hundreds of people at the starting line right away.I think I'll be comfortable enough by November or 2022 though.
Even at age 83, I'm out there training and have scheduled 5 half for this year to make up for the 5 which were cancelled last year. The five this year are WI. and IA. in April and 3 in New England in Sept. There is still some threats of quarantines at some of the races but I'm hoping those will be lifted soon!
I am so ready to be back to in-person racing!! I have done some virtual races to promote local venues/charities. But...it cannot replace in-person racing. I want to go to an expo! I want to go to a destination to race! I want to race with other runners! I appreciate all the safety protocols that have been adopted.
I especially am looking forward to the destination race aspect of all of this -- I miss running with my friends here in Atlanta big-time too. Right there with ya!
Tried the virtual thing and it did not work for me. I appreciate the thought behind it to keep us motivated but just not the same. I am ready to get back to racing in real time, with real people, having real fun, and doing real running. And all the post race FUN!
I skipped Joplin half marathon for first time in five years due to mask requirements at packet pickup, no after race party, no one allowed near finish line, etc.
I am ready for real races. All my long races got canceled last year. We have got to get back to normal soon.
Ran a 1/2 in KC in November. Everyone social distanced and wore masks at beginning and end of race. It worked wonderfully. Let's get racing!
I ran 11 half marathons in 2020 and have ran 2 so far in 2021. Each of those races and communities were not only problem identifiers with Covid 19 protocol, but also “problem solvers” in regards to protecting the racers and race volunteers.
I do not do virtual races,.....as they are known in my house as weekday trading runs.
I am so ready for the in person run, I can not wait for real world run and the fun it will bring!! no more virtual races....
I’m so ready. Virtual races are not fun. We’ve done three and it’s not the same. We are signed up for the Austin half in April!! Here’s to in person racing!!!
I have been ready...no more virtuals for me
Really ready for the real world runs ☺️
Agree, have never to quite wrap my head around "virtual" run. Ready to get on with life. Let's run!
I will never do a virtual run, Please stop the insanity, put on Races, and you'll have a lot of people showing up to run, like me my wife my son and my friends.
I’m ready to go back:)
I'm in training currently for a half marathon in Versailles, KY the first weekend in March. It was the last half my wife and I ran before the world changed. I signed us up in July 2020 hoping that by March 2021 this craziness would be behind us. I recieved an email last week saying the half was on so it's a good thing I've been training...ran 7.5 miles today. Can't wait to race 4 weeks from tomorrow through horse country!
Sick of this nonsense. Can't wait to run live races again!
My thoughts exactly
I’m looking forward to doing a half and then a marathon when races open up again. I’ll hopefully get the vaccine soon. Until then...training!
I’m so hopeful! Positivity rate dropping dramatically combined with vaccination efforts and even news of a new and apparently effective treatment out of Israel makes me very optimistic that the worst is behind us and that we can slowly start getting back to some prepandemic ways, including in person races!
Huuurrrrryyyy UP and let me get my medals...
Ready and have participated in one and signed up for a mix of virtual and in-person races for this year.
wondering what were the covid specific protocols put in place? I feel fine and ready to participate too, but haven't actually read what races are doing, am curious.
Glad to be back to racing. I've done 4 events recently. 3 small and 1 large but all with plenty of covid protocols. I felt safe. I've been training harder this year due to reduced work hours. So I set a half marathon PR goal and nailed it last weekend. Running the Natural Bridges Cavern half this weekend. So excited!!
Have a great race this weekend!!! Wondering what protocols have been put in place at the races you have done? Feeling comfortable about participating too, I'm just curious what kinds of changes are being made.
Mainly masks, distancing, and staggered starts. Very little or No after parties. Even awards were low key or non existent. One event had Start whenever you show up. It was different. I started alone, so I couldn't really gage competitors. So it was truly race your own race. I kind of loved that. 5k PR. My most recent though had the beer after party, big open field, so plenty of social distancing but still party atmosphere.
Looking forward to live races again!! Second shot in about 10 days—-will be ready two weeks later. Ninety-five % efficacy rate is very assuring!! Still continue with masking, social distancing and washing hands.
Definitely ready and not the least bit worried and never have been. I did the Bad Dawg 100 in November and looking forward to a 12hr Racing for Daylight March 14th and the Prairie Spirit 100 two weeks later
The last race I attended, the runners went every 10 seconds. It was a smaller event and well organized. At the start and finish, every runner was required to wear a mask but during the run, you did not. I felt very comfortable and would participate again.
I am not a fan of the virtual races. What's the point, honestly? The rush is being at the event and actually participating. I have signed up for 2 half marathons this year and on the hunt for more.
I agree on Virtual racing. I'm sad that running organizers are struggling but paying for virtual doesn't do it for me.
I'm waiting until I get the vaccine - but then I'll be ready to do in person races. I'll still be wearing a mask, though, until they are no longer recommended.
I like the staggered starts👍
Yes I’ve been ready! Waiting, waiting, waiting to join.
I think its to quick, as a retired RN we can't be in a mind set of False security . We need to see how well the vaccine goes and the new variants. Other wise we will be back in another lock down with major deaths.
I agree with you. Second shot 2/23. I have a friend retired RN, went in to help when things became bad In Michigan. She said on all her years she has never seen anything like this. Two shots or not want to be cautious. Good luck to you.
I'm flying high... After signing up EVERYWHERE to get a shot, a friend text me and asked why I didn't go to Groveland... a small town near me. "Their giving shots there on a first come basis... Ten minutes later I was on the road. I expected to wait 4-6 hours... there was hardly anyone there. An hour later my wife and I were on the way home with an appointment to get my second one on the 25th... With two shots under my belt, I'm strongly thinking about running a few races.
Virtual races don't do much for me.... I need the rush of the starting line crowd and reeling in the runner ahead of me. I think that the more people get shots, the more races will he held.
That's awesome, Steve! So glad to hear that.
Oh boy, great question. We're waiting to hear from the Flying Pig committee to see if the government will allow the race to take place, it's the first Sunday in May. I think it'll be virtual to be honest. As for the virus, I've been careful about following all the mandatory guidelines, more and more people around me are getting sick. Some have few symptoms and some don't do so well. I'm on the fence with the vaccine, not going to get it any time soon. That said, it could come down to proof of vaccination in order to attend just about anything in the future! Happy running all!
Dear Steph, please choose to get vaccinated as soon as you can. All of us who are healthy and strong need to protect those of us who are immunocompromised, including people I love dearly. And we need to reach herd immunity as quickly as possible to stop the development of all these variants. Whatever you decide stay safe!
Hello Marion, I do agree 100% as we have to protect those folks, they're in my world as well. Thank you so much for your kind words, I hope the Johnson and Johnson shot gets great feedback as that's the one I've got my eye on. You too, be well!
I just signed up for Milwaukee’s Lakefront Marathon in October so I’m hoping it does take place! I’m assuming I will have had the vaccine by then so that does give me some peace of mind. If the race doesn’t happen, runners can either get a refund of their registration or defer it to next year. 👍🏼
I hope so too! I feel like by October, we can be optimistic that events like these will go forward. We will see!
Just as good as I did in 2019 and 2020! "Worry is like a rocking chair: It gives you something to do but never gets you anywhere"
I’m vaccinated and ready, but I think we should still practice the usual recommended precautions with masks at beginning and end and our own water/fluid containers. There are still a lot of people who for various reasons are not going to get the vaccine, so for everyone’s safety I think those measures are appropriate. So ready to run with people again! Have you two recovered fully by now, and are you ready to get back out?
One thing I've noticed about mask wearing is not only is it protective, but it sure keeps your face warmer while running into a headwind! Since there are few people on my trail, mine goes off and on, depending on the direction of the wind! :)
Yes, I run alone and pass anyone infrequently, so I don’t wear a mask either when running. Out of courtesy, I run wide around anyone I do encounter. That said, I agree with your comment that masks keep your face warmer. I wear one while walking in to work and I’ve noticed it is a good face warmer!
I run solo as well. The only reason I wear one around my neck is I read somewhere that Dr. Fauci does that on his daily 4 to 5 mile runs. I figure if he can do that as a courtesy to other runners, so can I! It really isn't asking that much. Mine always gets stuck on while I'm hauling groceries home. Too much of a bother trying to drag it off while carrying something. Sure does help when it is rainy and windy. :)
Agreed! It’s a small ask and I always wear one if I’m going to be around anyone.
Hi Anne! We've recovered and have tested negative, and I'm feeling back to normal now, like 99% I think. Also, I think you're right -- especially in winter, I can see masks being much more a thing we do every year, and races permanently not using communal water/refueling like they did in the past. (Which wouldn't be the end of the world!) So glad you got vaccinated!
I, too, had Covid in mid-Dec. I was truly lucky: I felt like I had the beginning of a cold & still ran, slowly, 3 miles several days. I live out by the cows & not many people, so no mask required😷
That’s great to hear! I hope you’re close to getting back out to run or walk. Yes, I’m now so used to carrying my own water, it won’t matter to me at all if they make that a new requirement! And it’s nice to have water “on demand.”
I hate running with water bouncing on my hip. A physical therapist turned me on th how best to take water. Instead of around your waist, wrap it around your chest... It sounds crazy, but it works.
Me too! I usually just carry it in my hand, but that’s an interesting idea to wrap around the chest. Got a photo you could post on Strava? I’m having a hard time picturing it.
Instead of wrapping it around your waist, you wrap it under your arm pits and I fit it between my breasts ... not sure how that will work for a woman... sorry about that.. I keep it snug and the entire bottle rests again my chest and thus, doesn't bounce like it does against my hip. I didn't believe it would work and it took me a couple of runs to get the right adjustment.. I fill it up 2/3 full and that gives me more than enough fluid for any length of run... Someone also mentioned a camel pack.. I've seen runners and roller bladers using those... The only modification I did was to the bottle... drilled the top and put in a plastic straw... Pulling it out while your running takes practice... I like to just stick the straw into my mouth for a couple of sips... I'm not a good grab the cup and get a sip or two at the water station... also like I said, I only use it on longer runs... I hydrate before 5 & 10k runs and can get enough with a sipper two at a water station to get me to the finish line....
I agree. I have a camelbak. Holds plenty of other things too and hardly noticeable.
I’m hoping to run the Berkeley half in November. We should reach “herd immunity” before then. Remaining cautious for now. Getting outside daily, masked, to get in three miles.
I'm desperate to get back to racing, but I've already had too many let downs and too many people around me get sick, so I'm waiting til I'm vaccinated and I see the majority of events actually start going forward as planned without too much negative impact resulting from them doing so before I dip my toes in the water again. Fingers crossed that'll be sooner than later!
I hope so too, Aleta! I have this feeling -- it's a hope, really, but I'm trying to be optimistic -- that the second half of this year will open things up a lot more 🤞
Me too! 🤞
On the Waiting List for the Lake Sammamish Half. Orca Running and Evergreen Trails have had the "go" here in Western Washington since December. The only reason I didn't sign earlier is that I'm not really into early Spring races (silly reason!) If I should get into the Race, It means that I can finish an In-Person Event and a Virtual at the same time. . .efficient, no?
From what I have seen from the racing criteria that Orca is using, it looks as safe or safer as when I normally run the Trails around Seattle.
I'll be there when the races open, vaccine or not! I'm 73 years old. . .WA State says I am not eligible to get a vaccine yet. If I get a choice, I'll wait for the one dose. Needles are not my cup of tea.
Very efficient! I love the way your mind works, Nilima!
It may be crazy, but one can only do so much! :)
SO ready to run in person, but will wait until I'm vaccinated...and just as importantly wait until I don't have to pay $400.00 for my husband and I to get tested so we can cross the state border. I have a 10 miler in Maine in April that I signed up for in June 2019. Sure hope I can run it before I expire from sheer boredom!!! 😉
Very cool, Bren! Where is the 10-miler in April?
Portland ME...ocean view course. Really looking forward to running it!!!
On one hand, I miss racing so much. On the other hand, I don't see myself running that is a roll or wave start because the reason I like racing is competing against other people. The other reason I like racing is the social aspect.
So I guess I don't know when I'll feel comfortable.
You meet the nicest people on a half to full marathon.
Totally hear you on that. What I miss most are going to races with friends, and running in really amazing places. I'm a little slower than you are 😃 But I get what you're saying, too.
I’m ready. Shot number one is in the arm and number two is three weeks away. I have signed up for the Football Hall of Fame half at the end of April. The race description explains all the protocols that will be in place and, coupled with my vax status look good to go. I am about to resume serious half marathon training, while waiting to see what else opens up beyond May. I am hoping to get back to my normal program of three halfs in the fall and three in next year’s spring season.
Love hearing that, David! As soon as I can, I'm going to get that shot in my arm too 😃
I would be comfortable doing smaller, local races but races are not allowed in MA until Phase 4 of reopening. I won't take the risk of traveling out of state to a race yet due to quarantine requirements and my family...I have 2 teens who are able to go to high school in person, don't want to jeopardize that for them. I'm hoping to be able to do a half in September or October, maybe the Nantucket Half over Columbus weekend, fingers crossed!
Very excited to run a live race Marathon. I have only ran one and it was a virtual. Very cool but people have told me the experience is completely different. Palm Beach Marathon is my goal.
Let's Do IT!!!!!!
I'm vaccinated so YES to live races. Still social distancing. But yes!
I'm ready to roll! I ran two halfs last year and had no reservations then, so I certainly don't right now. To be honest, I only worry about spreading Covid to others, but I don't worry about myself. If I get it, I get it, but even if I do I doubt I would be down long.
I don't feel comfortable yet but would be open to virtual races!
I hear you, Rosalie! I'm hoping the second of this year will be a different story 😃
I am having surgery on my ankle, so even training is off for a few months. My goal is to do a half marathon by the end of the year. I will not be nervous about covid by then. My worry is having to run with a mask. Running with a mask has been hard.
I've been running solo, early in the morning. I run in a bike path along the road and its rare that I see anyone.
Good luck on your recovery, Anne!
I look forward to in-person races, but I like to travel and that is where I have my concern. I've had my first vaccination and the second one is on 2/20/21. The race itself doesn't concern me and once I've had my second shot, I'll feel better about airplane travel to races.
So glad to hear about your vaccination, Belle!
I ran a 4 miler in Central Park and felt safe with masking, limited capacity, and staggered starts. It was very different than the usual races but pretty exciting to be racing again.
Very cool! Was this recently?
It was in early January so I will admit I did miss being able to check a jacket or sweatshirt for the chilly walk to the subway after. But in the scheme of things that's nothing, I'll gladly take a chilly walk to be able to race and ensure good safety protocols are in place.
Ready to travel to and run half marathons held in other countries.
I actually ran 1 in person race last November that had a really great set up &they're having the same race again this yr in April.I'm slightly apprehensive about running it, but only because I have a half Ironman 2 weeks after and it's a 33 miler.If all races had similar setups I would be completely comfortable, but I'm definitely not comfortable jumping right back into no mask, hundreds of people at the starting line right away.I think I'll be comfortable enough by November or 2022 though.
Way to go on the half Ironman!!! You've got to tell us how it goes once you're done. I'm just amazed 👏
Even at age 83, I'm out there training and have scheduled 5 half for this year to make up for the 5 which were cancelled last year. The five this year are WI. and IA. in April and 3 in New England in Sept. There is still some threats of quarantines at some of the races but I'm hoping those will be lifted soon!
You are totally inspiring! I live in MA and run often in the other NE states. Which states are you running in Sept?
VT., CT., and ME. on successive weekends. I did MA. shortly after the Boston Marathon bombing and that was quite a surreal experience!
Those states are beautiful in Sept...perhaps we'll be at the same start line!
That would be cool!