I'm enjoying running. There are no signs of races coming back anytime soon in California. This week has definitely been tough with the time change but I do enjoy the consistency of training without races right now.

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Mar 5, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I kind of like the way things are now. No structured training, no schedule, nothing. I am so much more free than before. I just run or cycle when and how and with whomever I want, as I want, on my terms. In Jan I ran across the country in 6 hours (Singapore) and in Feb I started MTBing. I like the freedom.

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Mar 3, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Oh, COVID. The days before the pandemic hit I was training for the Bataan Memorial but the event was cancelled as well as the Wild West Relay and the Equinox in Fort Collins. I have greatly took my foot off the proverbial gas and decided instead to "winter well". Looking for a good half to train for to get rid of my pandemic weight.

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Feb 28, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I’ve been training by running on my treadmill and increasing my mileage. I ran a trail race yesterday, 13 miles, but my time was off. I need to amp up the mileage and try to get more runs in outside. The goal is to run a half after I get vaccinated later this year.

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This is awesome!!! Where was the trail race yesterday, and how was it?

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It was in Moncks corner, sc. The almost 30 miler. Nice weather but I’m not a “woods” person but an nice, tranquil run.

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Feb 28, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I ramped up my mileage this month and I managed to do three weeks of over 100km which I never done before. Admittedly, I'm a seasoned but never did over 400km until this month.I feel awesome and I'm taking two recovery Weeks starting tomorrow.

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Wow! This is amazing, Thabo. Because you're measuring in kilometers, may I ask where you live/run?

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I had a partial knee replacement 7 weeks ago. I’m walking 8-10 miles a week and I hope to be running by May. If I can race I’ll be running 5K - 10K this summer. I hope to run Falmouth Road Race in August.

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Feb 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I’ve been training for the NYRR United virtual half and plan or running it the 20th w friends. I’m getting my 2nd vaccine dose on the 17th, fingers crossed will be in good shape to run. I also invested in a new treadmill- Horizon 7.0- and love it. I’m using the Peloton running workouts which are fantastic.

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Awesome about the vaccine, Laura! 🙌 Also, I’m very Peloton-curious. A friend of mine got one a few months ago and loves it. Are you using the app?

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I’m getting the bike next month but am using the app for running workouts with my Horizon treadmill. They have a nice variety of workouts for running which is appealing to me. I think you can try it for free for 2 months; it’s worth exploring.

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Feb 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Planning on the Austin half 4/25. Training is just beginning. I was always a walker with a jog thrown in from time to time. Since I figured out that I wouldn’t drop dead from a heart attack (lol), I’m jogging more.

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Herniated disc’s in my neck I’m nursing them

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Feb 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Currently running just to run and mid-March will start training for a half in June.

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Feb 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Hi, Friends, with the cold weather in the teens..I haven't been able to do more than like 3 miles. I'm signed up for the May 31 Cour D'Lain 1/2 marathon. I hope to remain more in earnest starting in late March when the colder temps are done. Currently struggling with some old injuries as well 😭

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Feb 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Happily, I have been able to keep up with my training. My goal has been to be half- marathon ready at any time. It's working out great as I have now done 2 in-person Halfs. One a road race and PR and the other a trail race that was just so much fun that time didn't matter. Although, I think it was a trail PR for me. 😁 I'm not quite old enough for a vaccine (might make the cut on the next go 'round) so I just continue to be cautious.

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Got my second shot and starting next week I will accelerate my training program, adding in strength training and treadmill work on days when I don’t feel like heading out into cold or wet weather.

In a normal year I map out an annual program of six half marathons of varied terrain and climate conditions. I schedule in shorter training events to help maintain momentum. I am 60 days out from the Football Hall of Fame half on Canton, OH and am studying the expected conditions to incorporate appropriate race-specific training starting now.

Unfortunately, it’s very hard to project what the fall schedule will look like, since many of the halfs I would like to do still can’t commit to an in-person race. I’m hoping things will become clearer as we get closer to summer so I can build my program and start making travel arrangements.

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Beautiful daffodils!

My daughter and I are hoping to run The Mountains to Main half in SC mid May. We haven't actually registered yet since a few races close by have recently postponed their spring races to Oct. We're training for it....hoping for the best.

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Yesterday I signed up (cautiously and optimistically) for an in-person race, my first in almost 2 years, on St. Paddy's Day weekend! Training has been a breath of fresh air and it's informing my day-to-day decisions and I feel great already. This race is 5 miles, with the hope of my third half marathon in April!

Free beer at the finish line is always good incentive too! ;)

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I’m running for continuity and serenity right now. Hope to run a half in the Fall. Contemplating working up to a 15+ mile run (longest I’ve ever run is 14 miles) this Spring as a distance goal.

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Running just for the experience! It's a stress reliever

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I don't have any races planned until September, but I walk 5-6 days a week and intersperse running in the mix. I'm trying to do longer walks so my legs get used to the distance again.

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

My Fleet Feet group has started having runs (responsibly socially distanced with masking) again so I am training with them right now. I am following a half marathon plan but have no race on the calendar. We have a 10 mile event at the end of April that I will do if it is actually in person. I deferred last year's entry to the Berlin Marathon to this year so I am hopeful that I will have that in September and that is another reason I am following a half marathon training plan. I will have a good running base established when it is time to start training for Berlin.

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Glad to hear you guys are starting to run together again (safely, of course). I have my fingers crossed for you for Berlin -- I think this fall is going to be a huge time for running events.

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

So nice to see daffodils! Ours are out but not blooming. I run to see if the flowering quince is blooming almost every day. . .a good 4.5 mile run. By March 1, the pink flowers should be in full bloom!

I'm training for a Virtual Surf to Surf in Maui which needs to be completed by the end of

March in one run. I've been following the 8 Week Half Training program which is on your website. It is a killer--5 days a week running, and the distances go up fast!

I'm on the waiting list for the Lake Sammamish Half on March 6 with 6 runners ahead of me to finish two races at one time. I doubt if I'll make it, but no worries. It would be nice to complete an in-person event, but if its not meant to be, it's not meant to be.

I've been reading Jeff Galloway, "Running Until You're 100." Some good pointers for us older runners. His Run,Walk Run Method has become my new norm for training and makes a huge difference in times and how one feels after a run. Thanks for pointing it out!

Nothing new in the future. I am waiting til the Johnson & Johnson vaccine comes out. One shot is enough for this girl! In the meantime, I run solo, wear my mask and social distance. It seems to work! :)

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

i have only done 1 or 2 virtual races, NOT fun or even a realistic race experience, (in my opinion). I am a social runner, so I enjoy the group runs, rides and races, and especially the Thirsty Thursday 6pm runs from Green Cheek! I’ll be happy to get back to a regular schedule of running, supplemented with biking. Currently I am doing mostly biking, split maybe 60/40 spin/road. I am much happier, and willing to race when i am mostly running, with a little biking as active recovery, maybe 90/10, running/biking. I’ll be far happier in the summer after vaccinations and lower numbers, and we can run in groups again!

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I hear you on that! Where is Green Cheek?

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Monday through Friday I get out the door by 5:30am. Run for 1 hour - get home and then go with my wife and our 2 dogs for another hour and half walk... Then go to work. Weekends we just go for extended dog walks. I do like the solitude of the early morning. Plus I can mix up the runs with either street running or trail running. Not really training for anything. Just trying to keep my 66 year old body from turning into Jello!

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Your morning routine sounds lovely, Jay -- especially the hour-and-a-half walk with your wife and your dogs. I bet that's a wonderful time to spend together. I'm trying to do the same with my 50-year-old body! 😃

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Yup... At least it gets both of us out of the house. The dogs love it. A definite "win-win" situation!

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Haven't stopped training runs, even though all 5 races were cancelled last year. Have re-scheduled all 5 halfs for this year- first 2 in WI. and IA. coming up in April.

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I have a race in Tucson, AZ at the end of March that me & the hubby are driving to. I’m excited!

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Nice, Corrina! What's the race in Tucson?

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Vacation Races Saguaro Half.

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I was in a great running routine when I got sidelined by cancer in early December, I abandoned running once chemo started. I'm half-way through chemo then it's on to radiation. I've been walking just about every day. I have a favorable profile so I'm targeting July 4th (fingers-crossed) as my return to running, hopefully a 5k or 10k by December.

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My wife is now a 5-year survivor, so you can beat it. She recently did her first 5k in a while. Just keep the faith. I run our local “Here for the Girls/Run for the Hills 10k” each year to support the ladies in at least a small way.

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Thanks David, that's the kind of news that is really great to hear right now.

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All the very best wishes for your recovery and future running events. Great to hear you are walking often!

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Oh my goodness, Maggie -- I hope it's going well. So glad to hear that you're walking every day. I will be thinking about you re: July 4th! Thank you for sharing this.

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

After the Kennedy 50 walk trying to extend my long runs as I registered for the NYC Virtual Half 3/21 -> 3/27 I believe

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I think I might run the NYC Virtual Half with you -- is it too late to sign up?

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

check this site -- https://www.nyrr.org/Run/race-calendar

as it is virtual looked like you can still sign up

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I suppose I could look for myself, couldn't I? 😃

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Good morning. I find that I'll always run for a competitive goal, even when a ways off, as it allows me a focus to drive my training. That being said, I'll also then choose races for distances different that half-marathons, which I use for competition in the winter months. Over the summer, I'll run 5k's and 10k's, working on speed throughout training as I've got the "stamina" from longer races to meet the distance.

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I love that, Stan. What's your next big goal on the horizon?

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Thank you, I appreciate the reply. I've got a half-marathon next week, March 7th, in Sarasota, Fl [from Cape Coral, Fl so close by] and then I've got to "find" something to drive me again. Too hot in Florida to run long in the summer, which is why will look short. I've got an "outside" idea, in NY [where I'm originally from] if the race will be run, not virtual, in July to look forward to and I've already signed up for the Key West 2022 half-marathon. I use the races twofold, to stay competitive [long time ago former college athlete] and to see places in Florida [here 4 only 4 years]!

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No way! What did you play in college? And, I've visited Key West once and loved it, and would absolutely love to run the half there. It's a magical place.

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Played D2 Baseball [pitcher] & basketball - graduated 1988

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Running for myself these days. I'm on a streak of sorts for me. I'm on week 35 of 20+ miles. For me, that's a great accomplishment. I got my first shot of vaccine so hoping to get back to running with people soon. Maybe a virtual 1/2 marathon soon - I realized yesterday that a new goal would be fun! Hope everyone is doing well! (p.s. Terrell - I just requested the Strava group but it's under a different email. Will that be a problem?)

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Not at all! I just saw the request come through and approved you -- so you should be good to go 😃

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Great! I just noticed that too! Thanks - take care!

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Just got my second shot yesterday...YEAH!!!!

I'm still running by myself and had not up until yesterday even thought about racing... I'm working on a new streak..141 straight days... trying to break my record of 163 days and unless I'm on my deathbed I'm going to do it... My aim this year is to do 4 half marathons a week apart (On Sunday when there is no traffic) and do my first full marathon in six years this fall...

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Wow is right!! Are you the Hulk in real life?

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

is WOW enough!!!!!

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Wow! I'm seriously blown away by the streak. That is amazing. And four halfs in consecutive weekends? You are a madman, Steve! 😃 (In a good way!)

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

He's invincible! And with his new shoes--it's a piece of cake! Keep on truckin'! :)

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I'm actually training for 2 races right now when is the Blue Ridge mountain one and the other 1 is vacation racing Recently outside of Bass Lake I'm looking for today's races and also I have joined a lot of different challenges in that motivates me to go out every day some days I walk some days I run and I also bike knows well There a lot of fun am arriving communicating with a lot of people through the Facebook pages and we motivator selves to keep going What is the run the edge not once 2021 miles for the year and the other one is called the roundup based out of Texas and I do the fit challenges and a do the conquered challenges Him and I do other ones as well

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Is the Blue Ridge mountain race the Blue Ridge Half Marathon in Roanoke? That's on my list when everything opens up again.

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You can still register for it is open this year I am actually flying from Seattle to Raleigh North Carolina for More this race because I have family in North Carolina area in them driving up to the area and I have my hotel ready my affairs already paid for I couldn't do it last year because the race was cancelled but the this year there gonna do it and I am really excited

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Like others, I'm training for the 3rd time for a 10 miler in Portland ME in April that might get rescheduled again. I got my first Covid shot yesterday (very exciting) so am confident I can join the April race if it is held. Unlike others, I love my treadmill!! Currently running hill climbs on it to be ready for the annual 8 week trail runs at my local ski area all summer. Just 5k, but a brutal elevation run every Wednesday night...followed by a run group barbecue. Didn't happen last summer due to Covid, so looking forward to it this year.. Guess that's what I'm really training for right now. 😁 Stay safe everyone!!!

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Very exciting about the Covid shot! I love my treadmill too, to be honest -- Atlanta gets *really* hot and humid in the summer, especially late July and August, so it's kind of a must here if you want to keep running through the summer. Excited to hear about the races, too!

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Really glad to be back to normal with live races (in Texas), have done three live half marathons since December, a distance bike ride coming up this weekend, and hopefully, the Blue Bell Half marathon in April, before it gets too hot again. Our season is through the winter, then we drop back to shorter runs after about April. I really appreciate getting back to what we used to take for granted. At the live runs everybody is having a great time, no muzzles.

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I training for a marathon in April to be able to run marathon in Boston. Running 50 miles a week. In March I turn 70. The last Boston Marathon I ran was 2013 want to go back again in my 70's.

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Outstanding! I live in the Boston area, I’ll be rooting for you. 👏🏼

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You are my hero, Donald! This is amazing.

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Thank you!

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This truly is amazing, Donald. Can you share a little with us on how you've kept up your running all these years? I'd love to learn more about how to keep it all going.

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Not been easy working swing shifts at a factory but getting into the habit sticking with it and hard headed. I take advise from other or reading from runner magazines. Last year like everyone else not been able run races but had cataract surgery on both eyes a month later ruptured disk surgery caused by a wreck by a drunk driver in 2017 considered very blessed I'am walking. This year a new start a new year.

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What time do you have to hit at 70 to qualify???

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I believe 4:15

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It's been more than a few years since my last marathon... I'd like to just double my half marathon times but we both know that won't fly... With all the hills there I'll have to look at my time for Disney this year and add in a stuff factor... It and NYC are two I want to run before my body starts to reject what I'm doing to it...

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Actually, once snow hits I switch to xc skiing, but I'm still putting in the miles. My dogs would revolt if I didn't!

I'm hoping the Missoula half is a go this year. If it isn't, there is a race in Butte, Montana the following weekend I might try if it isn't full already.

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I'm jealous, Justin! Where do you go skiing (in Montana, I'm assuming)? My wife and I honeymooned at Triple Creek Ranch near Darby -- it was just the best.

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Actually, I live in the next valley over from Darby, about 80 miles next to the Bighole River. There are some pretty nice public sk trails I use now and then, but most of the time it's just playing dodge the frozen cow turds across the hay meadow!

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

The pandemic helped me to find Strava - and this group! It really helps to set a weekly and monthly goal, and to commit to a 5k, 10k and half each month. Everything is do-able except the half, which is stretching my limits! This month I also signed up for a virtual half as extra incentive. :)

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I'm so glad you found us too, Alex! I am in awe of you running those three distances every month! You need to be coaching me 😃

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

My husband and I laugh at how great a sticker chart works, even for grown-ups. :) Something about writing it down makes all the difference! So happy for this group - it makes a huge difference!

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I’m just running to run; no race plans, but keeping up the distance so I can be ready if something comes up. I run 3 days a week and walk every day. It’s just become my routine during the pandemic. I’ll start looking for a race later in the year. I don’t have a running partner anymore, so the motivation is a little lacking. ☹️

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I hear you, Anne! I miss an old running group I used to get together with most weekends here in Atlanta too. I'm hoping that things like that can get started back up this summer. Maybe you can coax another friend into running with you 😃

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Feb 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Terrell, I actually did find another person to do races with, however, she’s MUCH younger and faster than I am. So we only met at races and started together. She would wait for me to finish. Not at all the same, but something at least. I’ll probably check with her again as things open up. I’ve also thought of checking with a local running group to look for someone who runs my pace/distance. Post COVID of course.

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I have somehow hurt my metatarsal bone in my right foot so I now have pads in both shoes and been advised to run four days and walk three days a week!! My usual schedule was run five and walk on the weekend with a friend.

So this is slowing me down which I have to get used to. I have run a half marathon three years ago but did not like the training or the actual race! So the purpose of my running is to get out and have some ME time and run/walk off the stress of the pandemic!

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Don't you hate it when you get an injury? Took a tumble 5 weeks back when I didn't watch where I was going. Scrapped the hell out of my knee... Has taken forever to heal..

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I hear you on that, Jean! No need to stress over it if it's not bringing you joy and relaxation (which is what it should bring, right?). I'm loving shorter distances right now too, to be honest.

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I plan to complete a 10 mile trail run sometime in May. Really enjoyed the virtual 1/2 in November!

Just received my 2nd vaccine dose, looking forward to everyone across the globe vaccinated!

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I am using the winter to rest (sort of) and recharge. After a couple of weeks off in December, I started a 10k training plan. Run 3 days, cross train 2 and strength train 2 (one of those days being also a short run day). I am staying at the level of "the week before the race," i.e. before tapering, and gradually upping my game with the individual workouts. Trails are snowy and impassable here in CT, so I am mostly doing the treadmill for running. On the treadmill I imagine I am doing a race or outside run I have actually previously done in order to relieve the boredom.

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

i'm just running for the fun of it and to stay in shape. it has been great! i've posted a few times about how i love the virtual races but right now i am signed up for nothing. i think for fun on st. patrick's day we are going to run a 17K lol.

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17k is a fun idea, I may do that too!

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Love the 17K! 😃

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Training for an in-person half in S. Florida & praying for NYC full in November - just running the stresses of the day out - all good 😌

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I hope they're able to run NYC this year, though of course I understand if they can't. Have you ever run it before?

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I'm currently training for a half marathon on May 2. I was doing some HR training because I have a tendency to overtrain and I really wanted to learn how to run easy on my easy days. So the HR stuff helped me to understand what that feels like, which has been helpful. But it's honestly too frustrating. So many things impact your HR beyond just how fast you are running that it was making my runs more stressful than fun (which also messes with your HR!). I mean, who wants to walk when the whole point is for me to run? So, I'm kind of bagging that now and just running on pace and feel. But I feel like the HR stuff helped me to be able to do that in a more informed way so fingers crossed I've learned enough to avoid overtraining.

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I'm with you Gretchen! My Polar watch can auto-set HR runs so I tried that about a dozen times. Running in the "green " zone kept me at a walk. If I ignored the watch and ran the watch beeped incessantly (annoying!!). So I started reading more about HR training but am still unsure how walking...or jogging at a snails pace...helps my training. SO...my strategy now is to run as much as possible in the red zone to see if I can improve my VO2 max so that modest running speed actually has me in the green zone (vs yellow zone). Probably a crazy move on my part, but I noticed in a month that my endurance improved and its harder to stay in the red zone. Your thoughts?

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That's really interesting, Gretchen. I've never done heart-rate training, but I've talked with running coaches about it in the past. It sounds like you've "graduated" to a new level now 😃

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I am so excited, and friend and I have signed up for the Grand Trailfest in Utah (late September). Thus, we have created a 7 month training plan that involves running, but also stretching and core. So excited to run near the national parks.

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I bet that will be amazing, Leslie!

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I've signed up for many virtual challenges since March 2020 - run, walk, bike, strength. Every activity I do goes towards some challenge I'm participating in. It has been fun and rewarding for me. I feel very fit! With the goal of running a half marathon in every state - 34 and counting - I'm prepared to travel to and run virtually in the new state, if the in-person race is not available.

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Having run 34 states is already amazing, Tyrone! I love how you've thrown yourself into the virtual challenges.

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Thanks Terrell! I'm averaging 2 -3 new states per year (I'm not in a rush). WI (Milwaukee 1/2 postponed until October) and SD (Mount Rushmore 1/2 scheduled for Sept, but not confirmed yet) are on the list for this year. Is there a Strava group I can join to stay in touch with everyone?

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Hi Tyrone! We have a Strava group for our paid members (along with a special extra issue that comes out on Sundays). We'd love to have you join us if you like -- here's a link for a discount for a membership: https://www.thehalfmarathoner.com/discount

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I'm running 3-4 days a week and walking on the other days. Outdoors on nice days and on the treadmill on bad ones. Long runs of 8-10 miles on Saturday. I've signed up for 2 local 5Ks, which are the only nearby races here in MD. Last year I did 43 virtual races and I'm tired of them and ready for live racing, with caution. I've got deferrals for several half marathons and 10 milers from last year. Got my first Pfizer vaccination today (71 years old) so hoping for bigger things later this summer and fall.

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Ditto on the virtual races. I did only a handful, but they just don't do it for me. They've started doing in-person racing here in Ohio, so I've taken advantage of some trail ones this winter. Feels so good just to be out there doing a race with others, even with the COVID protocols in place.

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson


My last runs were a Boston (BAA) trilogy made up of 5K;10K and Half-Marathon in November.

Since then I have been doing about 20 miles a week at the local YMCA. I walk 1 mile on the treadmill (UGH);2 miles of running on the indoor track and back to the treadmill(UGH AGAIN)

for 1 mile (no elevation. The weather here in MA is cold so I seek the indoors to get my old butt(79 years old) moving even though I have to add the treadmill until better weather(DOUBLE UGH) Stay safe everyone--keep distance, wear the mask and leave the dream


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Right there with you, Moe! Stay safe in the cold up there.

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

running sporadically; using winter to return to Yoga and explore weight training. Running Salisbury half next month and planning on 8 hr and 10 hr runs in March and April. It will be ugly but that's ok.. Like others, I detest the cold, but enjoy running in it. I love the summer, but running in the heat/humidity is brutal.. Runners can be fickle..

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Really interesting! I'd love to hear more about the 8- and 10-hour runs you're planning -- where will those be?

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

One is located Calvert Cliffs, Maryland and the other is in Pa. somewhere.. People suggest I do stupid stuff and I do it. I'm really not well trained at the moment. But I 'll have fun and walk a bunch.

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“People suggest I do stupid stuff and I do it.” 😂🤣😂🤣 Love that!!!!!

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Well I found out yesterday that the half marathon that was scheduled for May 1st has been postponed until October 30th. I will not be participating. I have trained for this race 3 separate times. Now I am going to focus on training for a trail series that ironically begins May 1st and goes through October. I will take the training I have already put in for the half marathon and increase my distances that they offer for the trails. I will go to running 4 days a week with 4-5 miles for the 1st 3 days and saving the bigger run of about 7 miles until Saturdays and the remainder of the days, I will do 4+ mile walks saving Sundays for my complete rest day!!! Thinking all my sub-zero runs that I endured will help me!!!! Stay strong and safe everyone!

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I saw that about the Flying Pig race, Nelda -- really bummed for you, but I understand their decision. I'm sure all those sub-zero runs did exactly that!

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Feb 26, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Training for my first half . . . in week 7 of a 20-week training plan. This weekend I am due to run 7 miles, which is the furthest distance I have ever run. Loving the challenge, but ready to get outside. Everything is too slippery for me to feel good running outdoors. Come on, Spring! In Saskatchewan, it's still going to be a while.

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Good for you Laura! I love my yaktrax for running in icy conditions, they help me keep my rhythm without worrying about slipping. I hope you have a great 7 mile run this weekend!

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Feb 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Thanks for the recommendation, Kara. I will have to look into those.

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Be careful outside when it's icy.. I lived in Minnesota and know about slipping and sliding.

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That's awesome, Laura! How is it going so far? When does the spring typically arrive in Saskatchewan?

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Feb 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Thanks! It is going pretty well. Snow usually melts in April and green grass comes in May. I am from Oklahoma originally, so my heart tells me it's spring in March. 😊

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I have hope that my region will be open in August and I can participate in a 100 km run in Poland, Maguria region: http://magurski.com/trasy/#ultra105

For now, I'm running in my yard - a town park with trail paths and vertical meters and having hope... At present things going slow, main preparation will begin in the last week of May. If any interested - here I can share 100 miler preparation plan which is very easy to adapt to km: https://trailrunnermag.com/training/you-can-run-100-miles.html

For every single runner here in community, I wish your dreams to fulfil and run in peace!

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wow poland!

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It's "only" 1000 kms from my yard, so nice trip with a car, then, after the race, visit Krakow, Wieliczka salt mines and back to the home :)

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Thanks so much for sharing these, Dainius! So great to hear from you, my friend!

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