Dec 13, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

I agree with all above. I’m interested in meeting up with runners in my area. (SO CA). I’m in denial but my birth certificate doesn’t lie. 75 in March, still trying to keep up with those younger. I believe I have one more 1/2 in me! Would like it be a special one and don’t mind traveling to make a memorable birthday gift yo myself! Enjoy reading the comments. Thanks Terrell

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Well, I’ve been rehabbing my injured hamstring for a week so I haven’t been participating in the December running challenge. But today was the BMW Dallas Half Marathon, and I have been training for that for a while, so I was determined to do it in spite of the pain. And I was doing it with two of my daughters, so I just really wanted to do this.

And I did. For a while there I thought I wasn’t going to be able to finish. A few miles were pretty painful. But Bio-Freeze and a repurposed knee brace got me through. And in fact a burst of energy at mile 8 helped me to a pretty respectable overall pace and finish time. So I’m a half-marathoner now, and I’m pretty proud of that.

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Chris, I'm so, so happy to hear how you persevered and finished the Dallas Half -- especially about what happened around mile 8! You deserve a victory lap! 🙌 I hope the pain has subsided and you're okay now; and I hope tomorrow you're feeling okay too!

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I need some rest and a heating pad but I’ll be fine 😉 - and thank you so much!

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

I came down with a cold, but stubbornly went out and ran it anyway. Finished the half in 2:22 and change. It was a great race (Bryan College Station Marathon & Half), well organized and our son's friend BQ'ed and placed 4th with a 2:47. You know you are getting slow when people are finishing the full not long after you finish a half. Thankful to still be able to do it though.

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

i am 26... how likely do you think it is that i could run 26.2 miles for my 26th year of life with minimal preparation? i’m primarily interested in saying i did it; i feel little about how quickly it happens lol

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Dec 10, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Just thought of it now, Terrell. . . have you come across any articles (books, podcasts, etc) that say how many younger runners are coming up? Seems like a lot of us are "aging" runners, yet there are not that many new ones to fill the gap.

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I know a few years back, Chi running was offering a course for younger runners and athletes. I don't know what became of it. . . just sort of faded away

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I went to Cuba years ago when they opened it up for a short while... Trump stopped that!

I get updates on Destination Marathons. Cuba has a marathon I was going to do. I was a little leary, but my travel agent said it's the safest place on Earth. NO ONE there wants to stop the flow of tourist dollars from coming in. There was No One begging for money and no tee shirt or trinket stands every few feet. I bought rum and a few cigars for my son-in-law but mostly wandered the streets. Before Castro took over, it was a destination that people in Florida flocked to... a great night life with gambling and alcohol. It's still a beautiful place and if it ever opens back up going to take another cruise there and run the streets. Hope I don't die first!

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

I like Darryl Beatty's idea. My goal the past several years is to run a half marathon every month. I live in Southern CA so it's easy to find races that are within driving distance of home. Over the years I've been returning to run the same nearby races over and over again. It's getting dull, and I feel like I'm just checking a box rather than truly enjoying the experience. I promise myself that I'll make this half-a-month endeavor more fun and adventurous by finding new fun races or fun cities. But that takes planning which is not my strong suit.

And another thought . . . It would be nice to form connections with this group. Are some of us neighbors in the same town or participants in the same events without knowing it? Maybe we could do an occasional Zoom happy hour (like the ones I hated during the pandemic)?

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In reguards to the same faces, there is a guy in my age group that comes to most 5&10K's near me. I have raced him for YEARS and never beaten him. I've come close, within a second or two, but never actually beaten him. A nice guy but I wish he'd move! LOL...

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

I forgot to say what Darryl's idea is (and I haven't discovered how to edit a post) - I would enjoy seeing information about unique half marathons that would be good to combine with a short vacation trip. In other words, what is really special about this particular race and experience.

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Love this. I have been trying to do the same - A HM each month with one or two “destination” races (as budget allows). I try to pick races in beautiful locations with relatively flat courses so that I can (a) enjoy the view, and (b) actually sustain myself through a race / month.

I think it would be fun if we had a community-built database - maybe a Google doc? - where we share info about the HMs we’ve run. Websites, good places to stay nearby, inside info on the course and course support. They could be come “Half Marathoner Approved” courses. 😉

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Dec 9, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

I do like the idea of some sort of database. . . please, though (shudder!:) ) no zoom meetings!!

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

It would be great to hear more about unique running groups and races that are preserving the running culture without too much glitz. It is weird how expensive races have become - just burned 200 signing up for the next MCM and even 5Ks and 10ks which used to be some 20-30 bucks cost more now. Wonder if running events have become ageist in reverse order -- older people like me are likely more at ease spending money on races and running gear. But there might be low key races and running groups spread across the country we don’t know about. I ran one such this past weekend for only ten bucks and it was so much fun and collaborative at the same time.

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

You do have an idea there, Rupa. Races are so expensive! I had to plunk out $$$ to run the 10K with Alexi Pappas at the San Francisco Marathon. Not to date myself, as I am old, but 5Ks used to be no sweat. $15 -20. would do it, they were fun and the medals were small. Not everyone got one, either! One had to work for it!!

My husband told me that years ago, he ran the Honolulu Marathon for $10. Yes, the event planners do have a point as an event is expensive to put on, but I think they reach beyond what they need. There is no need to make a medal that is as big as I am (or heavier!)

As a runner, I'd be happier to pay less and just be allowed to run the course with other people for the fun of it. . . I'm sure others would agree!

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Try running a Disney event. As with anything Disney does, it's a first class event down to the scheduling to the medals given. I did the half years ago but it was CRAZY... I live a couple of hours away and had to leave like 2:00am. If I ever deciede to do the half or full marathon I'm getting a room nearby.... $$$$

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Never did do Disney event. We used to live in Mt. Dora, which is pretty close to Orlando. We did make it to Sea World--once. . . and I still have a Japanese friend who works as an entertainer at Epcot Center. . . Amazing. . .he's been there forever! He's a runner and an endurance horseback rider, too.

The Lakes area has gotten awfully expensive.--wasn't too bad when we lived there. Hope you don't have to go for a race. . . like you say it costs $$$ and is pretty stressful! :)

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I'm with you Nilima. I race maybe 4-5 races a year now because of the expense. It really does add up.

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Yes, it does! If you have to factor in travel, too!

I frequently pass on races as just too plain expensive. I used to race Halves all the time, but now it is one (which is close by) and another which involves air fare and usually includes vacation.

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I'm very similar. I have two small children so I like to pick one marathon and make it a vacation too. LOL...kids are happy when the marathon is over and then it's there time to have fun. :)

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You know it. My daughter usually comes with me, but she is sure glad when I finish so we can do other things!

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This has always been the Raven's perspective too. (Remember him? He's the man who's been running 8 miles a day on the beach in Miami all these years, with a group that joins him every day.)

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When I lived in Jacksonville FL I tried running on the beach after my 3rd shift. If you run close to the water it's not bad, but in the loose sand... it's brutal ... I take my hat off to those that do.

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Yes, I do! Seems to me he had scads of people who wanted to run with him all the time!

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Perhaps an interview with a running doctor who sees a lot of aging runners?

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Good Idea!

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One goal I have each year is an idea given to me by an older running friend 20 years ago. He said every year on his birthday, he would run his age in minutes. 50 years old, 50 minutes. Speed doesn’t matter. He is still doing that. So each Jan 14, I make sure I am prepared to do that. So coming up here in a few weeks, I better be prepared to run my 64 minutes.

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You CAN do it!!!! I'm 71, wanted to do 35 half"s before turning 70, last year. I did a half, in 2002 in Nville, one month before I was 50...By the time I decided to go for making it to the 35th, back in Nville. In '22,,,, would be my 20th anniversary with running. Really excited till I did the numbers!! I needed 4, and this was little over 6 mts away.... First reaction was No Way... however if you think you can't, you won't. But, if you Think you can, you Will. I Did it... Bful race in Lancaster PA, very hilly, but I wasn't in it to do by certain time,,, breathtaking bful.... Mid Oct one was flat! In Franklin Tn, 25 miles away...

April 1st Savannah Ga, flat, so bful.. then last Sat in April did my 35 in Nville, 70 the end of May!!!!

So you're younger,,,, I Know you can. I've done 2 this year, and still love them.....However Really love them when there're over... !!!!

I've loved the older runner's stories, it makes you keep pushing it, even when conditions are not favorable that you can even run that day....

Just keep saying one foot in front of the other.... By the way I'm Betty Jones, and hope each one of you has a wonderful Christmas. .And, many thanks to you Terrell....

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You go Mike! Hope you make it.

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I agree with the comments about “running for life”. I am a month shy of 64 and I hear every day people saying “Mike, you aren’t getting any younger. When you gonna stop running?” I don’t post on here very often but reading Terrell’s wonderful words and stories and everyone’s support of each other is simply incredible for me. I was fortunate to run several half’s this year and just finished the year with the full in San Antonio. I do like to hear about people still running as we age. Thank you all for your support every day. And Terrell you are incredible.

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“Running for Life” seems to be an emerging theme. I second it. The joy of running into our 70’s, 80’s and 90’s is a hot topic as we Boomers age❗️

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If I'm not running, I'm thinking about it and considering what I need. Running shoes were never cheap but now they've hit a new high... I tell my wife "I've got a few more mile left in them," when she tells me to throw them out.

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I third it, “running for life”. It is what I want to do. I’m not ready to stop but wish I had a better plan in preventing injuries. I also love the random questions you ask and reading the responses. It is motivating and encouraging and positive. Always look forward to, what is Terrell going to write about this week??

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Do we have a choice?? Might as well keep at it. . . age stops for no one! :) Better to be healthy than not!

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One thing I would enjoy seeing is information about unique half marathons that would be good to combine with a short vacation trip. In other words, what is really special about this particular race and experience.

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... like the GTIS (Georgetown to Idaho Springs ) half ... west of Denver that my wife and I turned it a six-day vacation with stops in Colorado Springs and Vail.

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Could not agree more on information for “senior” runners. Being in my mid 60’s it seems to be in increasingly difficult to maintain consistency and avoid injury. Maybe not a what the younger runners in this group would want, but remember, you’ll be here soon enough! Happy holidays.

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Young/schmoung -old/schmold ... we all support one another!

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

I agree with the ideas posted here - more on older runners, which is probably a growing group! Thank you and enjoy your holiday season 😊

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Some of the newsletters I most appreciated this year were those that covered a holistic approach to fitness - topics like strength training, nutrition, even hearing aids. I think that when we focus our fitness training only on running, we’re missing some very important topics that make running even more effective.

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Great comments David

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Morning Terrell, how about some thoughts and insights for runners still running at 70. I may not be as fast as I once was, but the joy of getting out on the trail for me is nothing but pure joy.

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I ran my first and possibly last marathon at age 63...I'm still going at 67, despite a minor knee sprain last spring. I'm ready to go back to half marathons!

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Smart ... stick with what keeps you healthy and happy.

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Dec 8, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson


I just turned 70 also, always glad to see others still running at our age. Will be doing the Bryan/College Station half marathon this weekend, here in Texas.

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How did your half go, was glad to see your age of 70 still going strong. No one in my area runs, so at 71 really needed all this on our age group that's still getting out there. While our family and friends think we're Crazy....

Hope you had a good time doing it. Would love to hear about it.... Betty Jones

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Sorry , your Full..

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Have a great race

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Good luck Daryl!!

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