Oct 2, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I've tried audiobooks for long runs and really enjoy it. I love the armchair expert podcast. Love the recommendations on this thread. Will have to check them out!

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A great podcast…Pressing Beyond.

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I’ll check it out! 👍

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Oct 2, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Like so many of you I listen to audiobooks when I run, hike and even swim. Waterproof headphones and pouch are great. During races I’ll listen a podcast or nonfiction like author Malcolm Gladwell or Mindy Kaling. If my mind starts to wander then I don’t feel as though I’ve lost the plot line. Sometimes I find that I add on to a run just to listen to more of the book or podcast….or my cool down is a lot longer. 🏃‍♀️🥰

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Oct 2, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I’m really into podcasts too! Some of my favorites are Anthropocene Reviewed (cute podcast with a few chuckles), the Darin Olien show, This American Life, Parenting on Purpose, and Life is a Marathon are my current faves. If you haven’t already, try S-Town (slow to start but stick with it), Up and Vanished (the first one), Murder in Oregon, Missing Richard Simmons, Prince: official podcast, Finding Fred and Someone Knows Something. Dateline and 20/20 are always good if you need more podcasts to listen to but I have this thing about having to put a face with a name so I’m constantly looking people up while listening at work, so it’s more distracting than anything. I also really liked the Functioning Minimalist, the Runners World Show and More Perfect but they don’t have new episodes. Guess they stopped.

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Oct 2, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I generally listen to music and I find that it helps me with my pace. I haven’t tried audiobooks but you all have convinced me to give them a go. I loved the last Erik Larson book I read and I am down for anything spooky, true crime, horror - you name it. I like a good scare!

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Oct 2, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Tracy, I started listening to books for 2 reasons: 1) I was starting to get bored of my running playlist, and 2) I wanted to run at a slower pace at times and it was harder to do with the fast paced music. Now, I will listen to books, and then switch to music when I want to pick up my pace.

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Oct 1, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I never used to be able to run without music. But along the way I dropped the music and just listened to my own breathing. That being said, for walking and driving, audiobooks are the bomb diggity. And Eric Larson is a new discovery for me in the last 6 months. He hasn't let me down yet

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I almost always listen to audiobooks. In a race I listen to nothing or maybe a little music if I need to up my pace. The last book I listed to was a real doozy! The Chain by Adrian McKinty

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Oct 1, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I recently discovered how much I enjoy listening to audiobooks while I run. I've been listening to books that are already favorites so I'm familiar with them vs. books I've not yet read. If I space out for a few minutes, I can get back into the story quickly.

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Oct 1, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I listen to Justin Su’a. He is a mental performance & leadership coach. He is AMAZING! He was an athlete growing up & when that didn’t pan out after college, he turned to working with athletes. He works in MLB, as well as with other sports, & has great, realistic advice. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

Other than that, I’m a true crime/mystery junkie. I’ve been listening to Unsolved Mysteries & Dateline. I’m hooked! 😜

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Really interesting, Corrina -- does Justin Su'a have a podcast I could check out?

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Yes! “Increase Your Impact,” with Justin Su’a. It’s a Mon-Fri podcast. About 2-4 min long each day. He also has a YouTube channel called “Justin Su’a.” He posts there once a week. He’s got the life experience & the degrees to back up his work. Good stuff! 👍🏼

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I do not have anything in my ears as I do very little in a location that would make it convenient. I do not use the gym so I am outside all of the time. I am also running with a group a lot of the time so there is natural conversation. These run occur on trails with bicycles and you need to be able to hear them coming up from behind, or on streets with cars that do not pay attention. Last point is I am a "happy" runner, I wave and say "Hi" to the folks going the opposite way.

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I'm currently listening to new episodes on my Zombies, RUN! app. Happy Fright Month everybody!! 😱👻☠ 🎃 🧡

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I started listening to music because I heard it would increase your pace, etc. But I found that I was constantly thinking about my speed and distance. Now I listen to either a podcast or an audiobook and time seems to just flyby. I have a subscription to audible and I mostly listen to crime and mystery books. I also have a lot of podcasts that are perfect usually a 40 min. To one hour episode. My favorites are 20/20 or serial, or some other crime podcast.

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Have you listened to “My Favorite Murder?” It’s true crime but also laugh out loud funny (I know - how??) and my favorite!

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No and thanks ! I’m always looking for something new!

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Oct 1, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I am currently listening to a very LONG and fascinating book, The Power Broker by Robert Caro. It is a Pulitzer Prize winner that came out in 1974.

First a little backstory to why this book. Before going on trips, I like to learn about the place I'm visiting. I find that reading/listening to books on the area and people, (both fiction and non-fiction), enhances the trip. As some of you know from my past posts, I was supposed to run the Marine Corps Marathon end of this month. It was sadly cancelled a week ago. Since I have never been to the East Coast, my husband and I decided to make a vacation out of it and aside from D.C. where the race was being held, we were going to NY, NY. I deferred the race to next year, and with it, the vacation to the East Coast, but I had already started the book.

I also chose this book because one of my daughters is an Urban Planner and this is closely related.

The book is about a man, Robert Moses, that I had never heard of before, but who was extremely influential in shaping New York City and New York State and also had great influence on the entire country. He did this even though he never held office. A quote from the book about the man, "We're taught that in democracy power comes from being elected. He had more power than anyone, and he held it for 48 years." A quote from Moses himself, " If the end doesn't' justify the means, then what does?" Like so many influential people, he was very complex. He accomplished so much, but in the process, ran over so many.

If you decide to give it a read/listen, please be forewarned, it is LONG (1,336 pages).

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Oct 1, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I can really recommend to listen to the “the 5am club “. I really enjoyed and gave me a lot to think about and improve my quality of life . Ideal for the morning runners 😉

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Oct 1, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I really enjoy listened to "the Bible Project" podcasts. Even if you're not "religious" these two young guys from Portland are so fascinating discussing what's in the Bible.

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Oct 1, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I'm always listening to music when I run, not sure how well I'd do if I wasn't. It allows me to get thru those points when you "need help" in every run. The music also allows me to get lost in the movement, helping to clear my thoughts. My "listening" is always through Pandora - the free version [commercials break up the music, allowing my to reset a little, a good thing] - and lately has included "Counting Crows, Hooters, Darius Rucker, Squeeze and The Goo Goo Dolls" in a bit of a rotation. Most of those always include either a strong guitar or drum beat, helps to create a cadence!

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Oct 1, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I agree with Cap’n Bagel about no distractions. I do listen to some music at times. Usually fast paced worship music that gets my blood flowing. I ride my bike a lot for cross-training. I do not listen to anything while riding. You definitely have to hear more then.

Last Sat I ran the Air Force half (virtual). I was so excited because my training season had been kind of bad. But, I have ridden my bike a good amount the last 2 riding seasons and it helped tremendously. I was hoping for at least an average of 13 min per mile based on what kind of shape I was in. I did it in 11:38 average. I was really pumped about that. And 2 days later my plantar fasciitis was about 95% gone.

I ran today for the first time after the half and did 11:17 miles. That is exciting too in that I really feel as if I am getting back to a good form and speed. Next race is our Thanksgiving Day 10k I do every year. (Except 2020) and very excited that I might set a new PR there! Best has been 58:27.

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Oct 1, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I love listening to murder mystery audiobooks on my long runs! I've listened to some really great ones over my marathon training, but my favorites so far have been: Good Girls Lie by J.T. Ellison, the 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle by Stuart Turton, and the incredible NON-FICTION Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil by John Berendt. It was unbelievably engrossing, read like a fiction novel, but was a true story of the strange folk in Savannah, GA. 10/10 would recommend.

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Oct 1, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I absolutely LOVED Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil!!!! It's been years since I read it and I think it's time to give it a listen! I also love the movie. Have you seen it? It's an Eastwood movie and it is packed with amazing actors, but the whole thing is stolen by a virtual unknown: The Lady Chablis playing herself!!!

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Absolutely LOVED Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil -- one of my all-time favorite books. How he found the stories he found in Savannah amazes me still after all these years. Have you tried out his follow-up, about the opera house that burned down in Venice?

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Oct 1, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Terrell, I'm curious to know what you thought about the depiction of Savanah? My husband and I have been wanting to visit ever since we saw the movie. Not sure if you are very familiar with it, but thought you were likely to at least have visited.

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Hi Maria! I have visited, quite a few times. You really should go. Parts of it (like the Riverwalk and the Pirate House restaurant) are pretty tourist-y now, but it's a gorgeous city to walk through, and it still has its magic. I ran the Rock & Roll Half there several years ago, and you get to run through some of the most beautiful parts of the city -- moss-draped oaks that hang over the streets, and garden squares throughout downtown. I give it two thumbs up.

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Thank you! You sold it!

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Ok, clearly I need to read these.

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It is unbelievable. You'd think the author was just making all of it up, but it's a non-fiction book! I hope you love it.

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It was incredible!! I didn't know there was a follow up, but I'm adding it to my Kindle right now! Thank you!

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Oct 1, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Fantasy Football Podcasts this time of year. I love seeing other people's ideas. Have a good weekend.

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Oct 1, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I listen to audiobooks and podcasts that are either about running or about mindset. Just finished Deena Kasor’s Let Your Mind Run for instance!

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Have you listened to any of Gretchen Rubin's podcast? That's a great one too.

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As a classical pianist, it's fun to hear the music in my head that I'm working on. I've tried listening to music or to audiobooks but I prefer the quiet and time by myself. It also allows me to be focused on my surroundings.

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Oct 1, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I love the On Being podcast! Krista Tippett and her guests are so thoughtful and uplifting, almost like they are running next to me :)

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I could listen to Krista Tippett read the phone book. Love her voice!

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Oct 1, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I tried listening to music when I first started running many moons ago. I decided that I'd rather be aware of my surroundings to avoid being injured on the run. It's easy to get distracted by what you're listening to and given the number of distracted drivers today, I firmly believe you need to alert to any sounds that could be a warning that you're potentially in danger.

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Totally agree, Cap'n Bagel! It's why I switched to bone conduction headphones which don't go into your ears. Instead they lay flat against your cheekbones just forward of your ears. The music/audio is clear as a bell, and the sound of cars, etc. is also completely unobstructed. What are we going to do when most cars are quiet electric models that sneak up behind us no matter what headphones we wear (or don't) ?!?

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I drive an EV but alas most cars are still ICE vehicles. ( I am an EV evangelist) I do believe some EVs emit a beeping noise to warn pedestrians.

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I'm in the market for an EV and will look for the beep noise option...thanks for your great piece of advice!!

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Very good point!

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