I am 65 years old and love to run. I did not start running until I was 57, one year after being treated for cancer. Running a marathon became A Bucket-list item. I was able to complete 3 marathons and then my cancer returned. I am now cancer free and trying to run ONE MORE Marathon (LOL)! But I continue to be plagued with injuries such as insertional achilles tendonitis. I will not give up until I cross that 26.2 mile finish line! That is what keeps me going. That and waiting for some grandkids!!

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Thank you everyone! I’m looking forward to a great run! Good luck to all of you on your goals!

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Mar 20, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

One of my goals is to do an Iron Man, and record a run in every state!

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All I can say is WOW!

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Now that is one lofty goal! All I can say is GO for it!

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Seriously! That would be amazing, Benjamin.

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Mar 19, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

i finally feel (mostly) healed after an achilles injury from august. i'm thankful to be able to run again! yesterday was the first warm day in maryland and i went for an afternoon run. it was hot and hilly and when finished i was like, gosh that was tough! then i realized i was able to do it without pain and i was happy. my goal right now is to just keep on injury free and build my mileage back up.

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Mar 19, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

When I first got serious in running at the end of ‘15 I got the bug big time. I ran a 10k on Thanksgiving Day, 1/2 in Mar ‘16, 1st full in May ‘16 & 2nd in Sep ‘16. It was a crazy first year. At the time I heard of a 50 miler in MI in Manistee Natl Forest. I have been mountain biking there when I lived in that state in the ‘90’s. I absolutely would love to run the 50 there. Beautiful state for sure!

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Is that the North Country Trail run? If so, I’ve heard so many AMAZING things about the race!! I’m running the half marathon race for that for the first time with year and am so excited. I can’t even fathom racing 50 miles let alone on the North Country Trail!! Best of luck with your goal!

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It may be called that now. I think it used to be called something else but I can’t find the bookmark for it in my browser. It is not necessarily my goal, but for me it is a dream race. Maybe someday if I do not need to have a full time job it would work.

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I’m running the Brooklyn Marathon in April because I want to break 5 hours. I have done NY and Chicago. I’ve come close, but hopefully it happens. After this I may stick to half’s because marathon training takes up so much time.

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Agreed @ time! It’s like a whole job! LOL

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Ha it really is! Half’s are much easier to train for because of that reason

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Good luck in Brooklyn, Erin!!

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

My goal is to run a half in all 50 states!

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If you want, let me know when in Florida [SW Florida would be perfect] and we'll try to meet up and run it.

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Mar 18, 2022·edited Mar 18, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Running NYC half on Sunday....definitely one goal. And headed for ONE marathon within the next two years. Never ever did I believe I could do any of this a scant 5 years ago! And a race in every state...up to 16 so far...oh and a 2 hour half! Dreaming big over here!

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That's what drives me... making my dreams come true...

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Wow! Good luck on Sunday, Michelle! I ran it back in 2010, but the course is totally different now — and it looks really cool from the maps I’ve seen.

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Currently, I’m focusing on half marathons, the longest official distance I’ve run. Trying to get back to my PR, then faster, and eventually to the point that halves aren’t the slog they’ve always been for me. If I can ever get to that point, I might consider something longer, but I recently turned 50 and my legs and feet keep reminding me of that. It would be fun to do some traveling for half marathons when that becomes reasonable again.

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Marathons are tough no doubt about it... At 72 I like the half marathon because their still tough but to me more fun.

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Traveling for half marathons - great way to do two things I dream about

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In my very best dream, I'd be running the Barkley marathon. Since this is more of a hallucination than a dream, I'd also be the first woman to finish it just so I could see the expression on Laz Lake's face when it happened. If I were 40 years younger, I'd actually give this dream a go if only to meet the great Laz in person!! He is just awesome!!

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That would be a dream come true! I don't believe anyone finished last year!

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This past weekend I encountered a gentleman in his 80's who runs runs a 5k almost every weekend. The ability and courage to do that is the best goal I can imagine for my running.

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And I bet if yiou asked him, he'd say that running is what keeps him young...

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Not to sound like a broken record, but my dream as far as running is and has been for the last 2 years to run the Marine Corps Marathon live. I signed up for it in 2020 when it was cancelled for the first time. I ran it virtually and and got deferred to 2021 which was also cancelled. I got deferred once again for 2022. Hopefully, I can make it this year. Much more vaguely, I think I would like to run the Big Sur Marathon, either a whole or half in the Redwoods area and either a whole or half across the Golden Gate. Even more foggy of a dream would be running a 50k just to say I did an ultra, lol. But definitely, that would have to be a particular set of circumstances coming together. We'll see.

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Hope it happens for you.

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Do run the Golden Gate! I've done the Half twice and will never regret it! This year, I'm signed up for the San Francisco Marathon Inaugural 10K on July 24th along the Embarcadero. You can tell that I love San Franciso! :)

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Well, my Big Dream came back in 1988 when, after watching the Marine Corps Marathon participants run by me on Key Bridge year after year I decided, "I'm going to run this thing next year." And I did. It was fantastic. I went on to run 6 more marathons (I still think 26.2 is plenty long enough) and now have settled in to at least one half every year (Binghamton Bridge Run this year in May) and at least one 5K each year with my grand daughter.

At 71 my goal now is to keep exercising (walking one day, jogging the next) to fend off physical and mental disease as long as I can, and be prepared for that annual half. So far so good.

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Today is my 72nd birthday and it's 63 outside and misty rain... As I put my shoes on, I think about how lucky I am to be healthy enough to go out , do my long run...

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Happy birthday Steve!

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Happy birthday, Steve!!! 🎉🎂🎁 I hope it’s a great one.

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Dreams are big. . . Personally, I still long to run the Great American Trail (Rails-to-Trail Conservancy) . It's not something that could be done in a few hours--actually it could take months, however, I think it could be done, even at my age!

Second on my list is the Badwater Ultra from Death Valley to Mt Whitney, purely because I know the country and would like to see it on foot. It's only 135 miles!

Realistically, I have to focus on Half Marathons that I can go to easily in Washington. I don't drive, so it holds me back. Maybe once I get the cataracts removed this year and don't have to rely on other people, I can go again!

Probably going back to 10Ks. They seem to be easier and more fun . Fortunately, there are more now and race times are longer. My times are not as fast anymore whether I like it or not, but that's OK. There is no time limit on gawking. . .:)

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It seems that there are 5 & 10K's everywhere these days...

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There sure are! :)

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Really interesting topic Terrell. I am with you and have never dreamed I would run as far as i have now. I don't think i want to go any further. Looking forward to reading peoples thoughts.

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

My most immediate goal is to run in the Eugene Marathon May 1 (albeit the 1/2 marathon). Running with family members in memory of my mom ( their grandma) who passed away from colon cancer last year. The last two times I have trained for 1/2’s I have been knocked out with Achilles tendinitis, it usual hits around the 9 mile mark when training. I have gone to PT and do all the stretching and strengthening exercises, but still seem prone. This week I hit the 9 mile mark and am really hoping to not have it happen again.

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I lost many in my family because of cancer...I do the Relay For Life to remember them by... I run, walk and sometimes crawl at the end... but in the end, it's all worth it...

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Sorry for your loss. Good luck!

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

My initial goal was to qualify for the Boston Marathon. I ran 32 marathons and came close a couple of times but was foiled due to changes in the qualifying standards. In 1980 I ran 2:56:20 after they dropped the standard from 3:10 to 2:50 and again in 2012 when I ran 3:44:57 after they dropped the standard from 3:45 to 3:40. Now with A-Fib and a leaky heart valve I am only allowed to run every other day and no longer allowed to run longer than an easy 5 miles keeping my heart rate under 150. Only goal now is to log miles and reach 50,000 miles lifetime which could take another decade. I will turn 65 in November.

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Mar 21, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

32 marathons is incredible!!! Very well done, that is amazing to me.

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I hope you hit your goal...

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Those are all amazing times, Laurence -- no matter what the folks at Boston say. Fifty thousand miles -- just, wow.

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I am assembling an advisory board and will share short and long term goals as we develop them.. thanks for your on going encouragement Terrell and All…

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Please, keep us all posted. I think it is an amazing idea.

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

My original goal was 6 by 60. Half marathons, that is. I surpassed that goal easily. So as I started to do destination races, I thought why not do a race in every state? That goal got sidetracked with the pandemic. I’m not even sure it is realistic anymore. I completed my 19th state in TX this spring and have the WY Chugwater half over labor day, which will put me at 20. If I could do 3 a year, it would be 10 years to finish and I would be 77 years old. Seems like a still worthy goal to keep active. Stay tuned.

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You never know! What you've done already is awesome, though 🙌

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I only starting distance running 4+ years ago. When I began, it was simply to be more healthy so I really had no goals. I am also a former college athlete so that didn’t last very long! After about 1 year of running, maybe less, I decided to “try” half-marathons. My goal now is to not run longer, not really enough time in my life to do the training for a marathon, but to continue to run the half at a faster pace. I’ve been lucky so far and have been able to consistently lower it. My niece, an amazing runner, makes me push to feel like I could “compete” with her [not realistic but one can hope…she’s run a 3:30 marathon!] so that’s my drive to improve and excel!

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Like you said...you have a goal and at least you're out there trying...

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A Half is plenty long! I think I'll go back to 10Ks and see how fast I can do them. . . at least that is what my daughter suggested after she picked me up at the finish line of several Halfs! :)

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Nilima, I do that in the summer months here in Florida - too hot to do more! Trying to get 2-3 in between now and Oct.

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I also live in Florida and am thankful I can run year round without snow shoes...LOL

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That's a good idea! I run the long runs during the summer because I really like the heat, but that's usually only about 3 months. It becomes more difficult after September cuz it cools off. I must have looked really flagged out after my 2019 Half at the Golden Gate or my daughter would not have commented!

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I don't know why that didn't occur to me. I don't have to run further but i can always run the same distance faster. Thank you for that.

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3:30 would be a really great time, Stan!!! What sport did you play in college?

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No worries, no where close to that - my PB 1:47 [last race I ran - Space Coast Half].

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4 years baseball; 2 years basketball - D II level! LONNNNNG time ago 🤣

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

In the process of recovery of an Achilles injury from NYC full - once healthy again, get back to training to qualify for Boston - in the meantime, cross training, strength work, etc. - cannot emphasize enough the process of proper recovery - hopefully be all good by summer :)

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I'm sure you're already doing this, but take your time with that Achilles -- they need lots of time to rest and heal. You'll be back!

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Very much so - just beyond frustrating as I miss running - missed so many races & “winter” in Florida

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David, injured my patela tendon and was out about six weeks. It killed me not to be able to do what you want to do but the time goes quick and you’ll be out running again. I’m already back and running. There is a light at the end of the tunnel…

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My “dream” is to take my passion for running and runners and create an Annual National Run called “The Great Human Race” with the tag line: “Banking Food for the Long Run”. The funds raised would directly support local food banks. Since most of us can agree that in this wealthy country no family should face food insecurity when faced with a life crisis, I can envision this event to be run on the same day each year to raise awareness and consciousness that no American family should go to bed hungry & the positive role food banks can provide. This running “dream” will be my lifetime project. And as I embark upon this dream, I know that I may not see it’s ultimate realization, but I am comforted by the belief that our great running community will one day turnout in incredible numbers to support an idea that is meant to give us all a common purpose beyond our individual & merit worthy goals and challenges! Yes it is time to become “The Great Human Race”! And who better to accomplish this then Runners who break thru barriers of one kind or another every time they lace up!

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Awesome idea!!! one idea is to do this in different locations and have these locations compete with cans of foods raised. I am happy to help our here in Utah.

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If you set it up, I'll come!

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Thanks Steve. I will keep you posted!

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Now, that's a Great Idea! When do we start?

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Clark, wow, a GREAT idea.

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I think this is a FANTASTIC idea, Clark. Seriously, it's a great, great idea. What do you think it would take to get it off the ground?

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Terrell, I’m wondering if we can do individual sponsorships, maybe even thru this blog page somehow, on our races or for the season and have all of the $ go to the this fund

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In the process of recovery of an Achilles injury from NYC full - once healthy again, get back to training to qualify for Boston - in the meantime, cross training, strength work, etc. - cannot emphasize enough the process of proper recovery - hopefully be all good by summer :)

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

For me I am using running to seee the country. I am on a journey to run a half marathon in all 50 states. I love to travel and I decided to use running to accomplish this as well. I try to pick a few statues each year and find races in areas of the states that I want to visit. It allws me to run and experience different parts of the country at once.

I just completed my most rewcent personal goal of running 100 Half Marathons and am working on hitting 250 half marathons now.

I'm also working on a way to run some of the more iconic marathons in the country. I have completed the Disney Marathon several times and the Marine Corps Marathon. I hope to run New York, Chicago and even though I will never have a BQ, run Boston.

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You are one driven person!!!

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What a great goal. I do the same, so far, in Florida - wanting to get to all parts in my state. Your goal is a great one to aspire to…

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Stan, I'm also in Florida. I try to get at least one new Half Marathon in FL that I haven't run. I know 'll never get to all of them but I try to diversify as mich as possible.

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Jamie, with Covid shutting down the rain last year I’ve got “free” ones in St. Aug; Key West & Port Charlotte. I want to add two more so I can run one a month from November through March so let me know where you might be going and we’ll team up.

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Two hundred and fifty! Wow!!! That's amazing, Jamie 🙌

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Not bad for someone who thought running was punnishment when I was young.

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

My dream will be to run in the NYC marathon. I am happy with finishing half marathons at the moment. Working on getting in shape for the Space coast Half right now.

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The closest I'll ever get to that is, watching it on TV and rooting them on!

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ha ha ha

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I ran it this past November, great experience!

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I love Space Coast! It was my first Half marathon and I have completed it each of the past 10 years. A nice fast flat course.

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Claudia, the NYC lottery entry is open right now through Wednesday. They will be doing the draw on the 30th. This one can be hard to get into, so have a backup plan if you want to run it in a specific year. I wanted to run it in 2018 and was not selected in the lottery. I ended up running for St. Jude Children's Hospital and it was a great experience.

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Thanks so much for the info.

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I am working on earning my Abbott Six Star Medal by running all six World Marathon Majors. So far I have run New York City and Chicago. I was supposed to run Berlin in 2020 but that has been delayed to this year. After that I will have London, Tokyo, and Boston to complete. I will likely have to run Boston for charity as I am not a fast runner. All of this from the person who claimed to have absolutely no interest in running 26.2. Then I fell victim to the NYC Marathon hype video, lol! We truly are capable of so much more than we think we are. Sometimes one just needs to work their mind a little harder than their body in order to believe.

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Even watching NYC Marathon makes me want to run longer and faster...

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Stacy, congratulations and go for the honor of completing the 6 majors. Come down to South Africa and run the Cape Town Marathon (7th major!!!). I will be running the Chicago Marathon this year and hopefully will also complete the 6 majors in time.

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I've seen that they are considering adding Cape Town as a WMM. It does look like a great race. Considering how hard it can be to get into London & Tokyo, it may be added before I can get all six, lol! You will love Chicago! It is a great city and and great race.

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Harish, are you in South Africa? (I've actually visited there, about 15 or so years ago... loved my time there!)

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Terrel, I am in South Africa (Johannesburg). I hope your stay here was memorable.

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Mar 18, 2022·edited Mar 18, 2022Author

It was. I went with a friend and we spent a couple of days in Cape Town, and then drove to Durban, stopping in places like Stellenbosch, Oudtshoorn and Gqeberha along the way. We spent a night in Lesotho as well. It was just a blast.

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I love all of this, Stacy. And I can relate to falling victim to the NYC Marathon hype -- it's intoxicating, isn't it? Love, love, love this.

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