Sep 22, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I loved this subject. I am a new runner and have a labrador with which I would love to run. I need all the advice I can get. My first question is how do I get her to do the same pace as me? Is it as simple as a running "heel?" Maybe it's because she's 2 that I am having the issue of her running out of my hands. :)

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Sep 14, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I had a shepherd mix, Abby, for about 10 years, who was one of my best running partners. One of my favorite places to go was on a dirt/gravel road up to an aviation tower (because I didn't have to use a leash). She got in all kinds of extra distance as she ran up and down banks. The reward at the end of a five-mile climb is the aviation tower and the view. I'm usually fairly depleted and may sit down and rest for awhile. However, on one occasion, a herd of goats was at the tower, and chaos ensued, as Abby started chasing them. No rest for the weary! I never could figure out how or why a herd of goats was up there; I've never seen them again. Anyway, I'll never forget that run.

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I love that, Amanda!

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Sep 13, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I really wish I could take my dog on runs! He's a rescue who we think is a Lhasa Apso, possibly mixed with some other terrier breeds. His legs are a bit stubby to keep up, but the bigger issue is just his stubbornness. We've had short stretches where he'll sprint and have fun. But when he's done, he's done. He's great at digging in his heels and plopping down whenever he's had enough and nothing can really motivate him to keep going. And yet he always seems eager for a long meandering walk just after I finish a tough run and want to get off my feet, haha.

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Sep 11, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Twix is so incredibly cute! We had a family corgi (he passed away end of 2021) but he was never a runner, a brisk walk was already enough for the little legs so I am always fascinated when people can run long distances with their dogs.

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Thank you, Minh!

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Sep 10, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Unqualified to respond ... grew up with yard dogs, no walking required. When we moved into our house 46 years ago, we got a cat ... cats do not go for walks (or runs) ... they sleep and eat and groom so the can look beautiful!

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Sep 10, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I really want a dog!! But sometimes long days away from home didn't seem fair to a dog. So. I got a cat and the leash training is a slow process..But we're getting there.....

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I love running with my Portuguese water dog, Moses. We started when he was still a puppy, and ten years later, he's still going strong. Noting your last post about being in the moment, I'm never more than running with him. He loves to go out on an all out sprint now and again, whenever we reach a trail of grass. Now whenever I want him to run faster, I say, "Grass! Grass!" and he vaults forward. Makes the run fun everytime.

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I don't run with _a_ dog, I run with a pack. On any given day it might include:

My Border Collie female

My old (11) Border Collie/Corgie

My wife's Labrador

My parents Idaho Shag (enormous cow dog with floppy ears and much shaggy fur)

Four offspring of said Idaho Shag and Border Collie.

Yes, chaos usually ensues.

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that's a lot of dogs!!

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Wow, Justin!! Now that’s impressive! 😀🙌

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Borderline crazy is probably closer!

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I tried to run with a Scottish Terrier once. Last time. I ended up carrying the sog most of my run. Too many distractions and could not keep up with me with his shorter legs. My son and I do walk with his German Shepherd/Husky-mixed dog on the weekends. He has to be pulled along as he tries to mark each mailbox.

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This is so cute haha, I used to have a corgi too and his short legs just couldn't keep up. Started panting after 7-10 mins

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

OMG! I love this and her...gorgeous. I have the funniest story about running with our bernese mountain dog Zoey. There was a 5K for dogs close by ~ Zoey likes to run, so I convinced my husband that I should do it with her. We get there, Zoey is all wound up and ready to go. We get about 1/4 mile in, she stops dead in her tracks, turns around and won't budge. Where's Dad she says? Then starts running OPPOSITE way (I have to tell the runners don't follow us) and bolts across the field back to the start to look for Dad. In the meantime, my husband was winding his way to the 1 mile marker to wait for us...OMG! It was just too funny. Lesson? Zoey, our beloved Bernese Mountain Dog is NOT, NOT a running dog! HA

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Thanks, Michelle! She *is* gorgeous, if I do say so myself 😃 I love your story about Zoey! Our dogs don't forget who their people are, do they?

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I don't have any dogs anymore, but the ones I see on my run every day love me. Frosty is the latest. She's a golden lab. . . perks up her ears and stops when she is out with her owner. And Murphy, he's a wire-haired pointing Griffin. We've been friends since he was 2 weeks old. and the old Jack Russell who is 17. So many more--I mostly know all their names I don't know what it is, my daughter says I smell like food, but no matter where I go, dogs just gravitate toward me. I don't think their humans like it too well. . .:)

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Ha! Wow, seventeen years old -- that's Methuselah for a dog!

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She's great! Her owner, who is about my age--in her 70s, takes her out for about 2 - 3 miles on the dirt trail everyday. They move at a pretty good clip! When it gets too hot, the dog gets to go in the river. She loves it. Such a perky old dog, inquisitive, but very polite. I don't know their names, but meet with them almost everyday. The highlight of my run--a mutual admiration society!

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Sep 9, 2022·edited Sep 9, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I really like this leash. To be able to have your hands free makes all the difference in the world to my run. My dog runs out in front of me, if your dog is trained to run alongside of you, that would be even better.

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

We've got a Westie, though I only walk her, not run. Similar to others, she's super excited when I get home from work just to see me and, as amazing as this sounds, has learned that when I put sneakers on [usually walk around in flip-flops - Florida life] she starts to bounce and hop all over, knowing we're going out.

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I love that, Stan! They know, don't they?

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I have a doodle that I run with. Most of the time its wonderful, unless we see something else that breathes. So I prepare by tightening my grip and whispering no, no, no. But I have to admit the biggest problem is when we are flying along and he has to pee. So run 20 seconds, stop, pee, run 20 seconds and so on. Anyone have a clue on training other than dragging him back to a run?

I am also curious what types of leashes people use while running. Right now I have one that fastens around my waist and that keeps my hands free (to catch myself if I fall, off course)

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I've always wanted a leash like that, but have never gotten around to actually getting one. How do you like running with it? (I've only used the ones I hold in my hand, which kinda becomes a pain if your run is beyond 2-3 miles.)

I wish I had advice for you! Maybe he's just marking his territory...

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

My former roommate had a Belgian Malinois who we could rarely tire out, even with both of us being runners and hikers (6 miles would mellow the dog out, but not tire the dog out). Luckily we weren't far from a big open public park running along a river (no one could build there because it was a flood plane) where dogs could run around off leash, and it was frequented by some beautiful German Shepherds, Goldens, and a magnificent Bernese mountain dog.

The solution? After the run, we would throw sticks downstream as far as we could, so the dog to swim fast enough to "catch up" with the stick, and then swim back against the current. It seemed mean, but the dog was always enthusiastic. Honestly, I always found it was unnerving watching the dog struggle against the current, but he always wanted a another round and never really faltered, even after a thunderstorm or snow melt. 5 or 6 rounds of that was enough to tire the dog out.

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Not hard to see why! They're probably bred/evolved to love swimming, though, and it sounds like your roommate's dog loved it!

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It really makes a challenging bc it could be an adult bike or a child with training wheels. And then sometimes she doesn’t care at all.

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Any advice for questions I posted earlier ??

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In the app thread, right? I'll take a look 👍

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I think so lol

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I have an almost 2yo black lab, Foles. We do run/walks together. When he was a puppy we put him on a leash and would walk him on our left side only and taught him to sit (heal) next to us. Now as a 90# monster he knows his place when we run/walk. Teaching them takes a lot of work but it's worth it❤️ I'm enjoying the stories😀

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These little guys get so big, don't they? Foles sounds wonderful -- and you really did put in the work to train him, if he's still doing it two years later! I tried training mine, but I found it hard to be consistent.

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My Golden, Avery, would come to a dead stop while running with me. To poo. My doodle, Ted, will lunge and knock over skateboarders while running. One day I'll get a dog to run with that has manners ;).

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Ted sounds like a handful! (But probably also a lot of fun!)

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

My old Chihuahua passed many years back and I never got another dog, and no, he never went on any runs, but we did go on walks. He loved going on walks and got so excited when the leash came out that it was near to impossible to put it on him. Invariably, he would practically pull me in the beginning of the walk, but towards the end, I had to carry him back. He was way more eager than he was capable.

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I've done that with my dogs too in the past. Especially when Murphy was a puppy, if I attempted walks that were too long with him, invariably I'd have to pick him up and carry him in my arms for the last half-mile or so. I love that sentence: "he was way more eager than he was capable" 😃

Do you ever think about getting another dog now?

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No. I do love dogs, don't get me wrong, but my husband and I love to getaway and trying to find someone to stay with our cat has now become an issue. As he's aged, (he's 15), our cat is more like a dog in that he always wants to be around us. I feel so guilty leaving him. I can't even imagine what it would be like with a brand, new dog. I think it would be like having a baby again. So, at least until we want to stay at home more, no more pets.

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My older dog would just completely stop and refuse to move when she was done moving. My younger dog freaks out when she sees a bicycle. She is very anti bicycle. Makes running with her slightly difficult.

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Now *that* is really interesting, Erin -- what do you think it is about bicycles? This could be an episode of "The Dog Whisperer"...

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I think it’s ironic that I am a runner and I have a handicapped dog who cannot run and can barely walk. But it has taught me patience. She stumbles along as best she can and when she is tired I push her in a stroller and she is just has happy. She has been handicapped since birth so she knows no other life than that. But if I hadn’t adopted her. She wouldn’t have a life at all as the breeder was going to put her down. She is beautiful and a full bred French Bulldog. I wish I could post a picture.

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Oh wow, Jess! What a story -- she sounds like an absolute love. Send me a photo (just reply back to the email with a photo attached) and I'll post it above. (Substack is working on changes to threads so you guys can post photos too, but it's not quite ready yet.)

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I have two breeds. Bassets hounds puzzle me- bred to track rabbits for hours on the hunt, in reality, get half a mile down the road and they lie down and request you to please carry their 50 lb body home.

I also own a great running golden. Storm can run forever ride at my side , UNLESS, he’s sees a chicken. His entire brain turns off then and he had to follow the chicken obsession. He’s close to 100 pounds of muscle so I’m sure my Amish neighbors have gotten a lot of amusement watching me wrestle him to the ground and distract him from random free range poultry.

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100 pounds! Storm sounds like he's amazing -- and powerful! Love this story 😃

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

He's actually a 100 marshmallow -except for the chicken part :)

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I love goldens! I have 2 of them. We’ve ran a few times. One is more lazy than the other. I laughed at your statement about your old one laying down. That’s a true golden. They just want love and attention ❤️

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They do -- 24/7/365! 🤣

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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

That’s funny !! My Great Dane Lily is a rare one most Danes can’t and won’t run ( not good for them ). She is awesome and even pulls me up hills when she senses I am struggling . That’s priceless . The only thing she runs after is wild turkeys lol She does go left to right often won’t stay on one side of me for more than 1/2 mile lol . How do you post picture ?

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Love that, Dawn! Right now, only I can post photos here (though I know Substack is working on changes that will allow you guys to post photos here soon). But, if you’ll email me a photo of Lily, I’ll add it to the post above! 😀

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