I have not gotten back in the habit of checking this on Fridays but am still very interested. It is 8/24 today. Have been training for the Air Force 1/2 in Sep. It has been a long road of recovery from C19 in Dec 20. I did not have a severe case but took a long time to recover energy level (which is usually low anyway) and struggling with motivation to run.

So it has been exciting to get back into training. However, last week they converted it to a virtual run. On top of that, I have been struggling with plantar fasciitis for the first time ever in my 6 years of concentrated running. That has been very frustrating. While I am not a fan of the virtual races it was a welcome reprieve from PF.

I started back today. They gave us Sep 1-30 to run it so I am going to try to accomplish it by last Sat in Sep. Better running shoes and a Dr Scholls PF insert has helped considerably. If I can’t do it I can’t do it but I will try. There is a 98 year old runner in my city. I started near him in the AF 1/2 in ‘17 when he was 94. I am pretty sure he beat me. Regardless, I feel I have 41 more years to run as long as him and refuse to let any of this permanently side line me!!

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Aug 15, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I've gotten back into rock climbing, which I'm been away from for far too long. However, fitting it into my schedule while training for a half marathon (and raising a toddler) is challenging!

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Aug 15, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I’m late to the table but want to shout from the rooftops that I’m going to be a grandmother! Summer was ho-hum until my daughter told me she’s pregnant. Ever since then, I can’t stop smiling. She lives in DC so I’m getting on the plane here in California and heading East as often as I can. Will try to keep up with my walking/running there, while dreaming about my first grand baby who’s due in January.

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A little bit late to jump into the thread, but as always, summer for me is lousy: vacation, easy chilling and empty training schedule. Winter is more easy to stay disciplined and stick to the schedule :) Anyone in the same boat?

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Aug 14, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I'm focused on recovery. I had arthroscopic surgery to repair my left meniscus on the 13th, so I'm focused on my strengthening exercise. No racing for me right now.

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Aug 14, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Did 2 Live runs, the third next weekend. The run I direct is scheduled to go. Probably change a few things so everyone feels safe.

Waiting to get the come pick up your new puppy, which should be in couple of weeks. After 4 mini Doxy’s a English Labrador retriever will be a big change, but we always wanted a lab. So we keep telling Mollie she is going to have a “big little sister “ Should be interesting, stay tuned. Lol. Everyone enjoy the rest of the summer, run on Deb

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Aug 14, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Going to do my 1st in-person half on 8/28 … Sunrise, FL (near Fort Lauderdale) … expect HOT.

Also, we’re planning a trip to Naples in October … unique, because it will be the first “Travel-for-a-race” trip since we started this craziness back in 2008 that won’t involve at least one of doing a half marathon. We’re doing a 10K for the fun of it!

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Aug 13, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Summer is for rest and relaxation in whatever form that may be. Sounds as if your vacation was just what you needed. I’m in the last week and a half of training before the one 1/2 marathon I do . July was hotter than hades, and I’m hoping that it will help power me down Spearfish Canyon in SD when it will be in the ‘60’s and ‘70’s. Then our lives won’t be consumed by training runs. Times are a lot slower than they were, but I’m just happy at 76 that I can still run 13 miles.

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Still recovering from a reverse total shoulder replacement 60 days ago that is supposed to correct an old Army parachute injury that destroyed most of my right rotator cuff. Currently at about 65% range of motion and about 35% strength. The good news is I started running training two weeks ago and am doing ok at a 9:00 5k. Strength training starts next week. I’m registered for the Army 10-miler in October and the Norfolk Harbor half in November, so I have some goals to work toward. Success will be finishing, even if they have to time me with a calendar.

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Aug 13, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Glad you were able to get out of Atlanta for a break. :) It's hot and dry here in WA. Unusual, but I've been out almost every day. Taking an accountability course on Chi Running, Chi Walking. It has been a good refresher. I do wish that most of it was not on Zoom! Not something I enjoy.

Surprise, surprise! Turns out that somewhere in the depths of 2020, I signed up for the Golden Gate Marathon when it was cheap! I don't remember it at all, but must have been something I did because the event informed me, and I did pay for it.!??! Amazing how things can absolutely be forgotten! Back to training for 13.1 on November 7. 2021. Noticed, though in looking at airfare, that First Class is now cheaper then Coach on Alaska. . .Go figure.

Running in the Heat, I've lost that 10 lbs and am back to race weight. Never thought I'd see the 125 lb mark again! :)

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I've decided to lose the last 10 pounds of chocolate weight and have the best race season ever this fall.. I've hit my workout numbers for the last 309 days, and no, at 71 I don't work. I ran a 5k at 8:10 MPM and a 10K at 8:40 MPM... Plan to do Disney this year... tired watching everyone else doing it on television...after all the shutdowns over the last year, I want to get out and live again...

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I’m 71, too … cheers for us old guys! Check back in late December after I turn 72.

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I don't hit 72 until March 20th of next year...

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Although I’m a veteran of 14 Disney runs and the coast to coast, castle to chateau, and castaway cay challenges, and have 3 Disney age group awards, I won’t be doing Disney anytime soon. It’s a combination of the ridiculous cost and the current COVID climate in Florida.

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I've done marathons in Minnesota, California and Florida but never Disney... When you add up the cost it can get a little crazy... but it's Disney right... and if you sign up, there are no refunds if life gets crazy again.. Toying with the Space Coast but it's already August and nothing is for sure right now... I'm one of those guys that will strap on my running shoes, put on my blue tooth, start the music, and let my body dictate how fast and how far to run... Thank God for my Apple watch... I don't have to wonder how far or how fast I'm running... Now if the the temp will just cool off a bit more I'll be a happy camper...

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I did do the Disney Star Wars run the first year with Institute but the cost is a little high. From Florida so get to make some nice choices in my runs. Doing one in Saint Augustine in November, going to the key west run in January and doing one on the south west coast, Port Charlotte in March. I’ll hats. Looking forward to an event full winter and hoping that I can maintain what I finished with last year. When you get older, you just never know…

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I did the Space Coast (north) two years ago. Nice flat course. Perfect for you younger guys. (I’m already on the other side of 72).

The Disney runs are great fun, and maybe when things settle down I’ll grab the grandkids and join 20,000 friends at the start line for another go.

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I have 10 I need to lose too. It's not easy!

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I would love to do a 31 mile because I've done 2 full marathons and many half marathons That would be so much fun I do 13.1 no problem no problem so and if I can do a marathon it's only an extra 5 miles so I'm for it

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You go on with your bad self, Sharon! I'm in awe -- 31 miles is huge!

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Aug 13, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Ran the Thousand Island HM on Wellesley Island in early June (upstate NY, almost in Canada, in the middle of the St Lawrence River), did a spontaneous Astros game & night in Houston, and a quick four-day wine tasting in Napa and Sonoma. Trying to get through a very hot and humid Houston summer!!

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All of that sounds awesome, Howie!

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Aug 13, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Good morning Terrell. Its great to hear that your summer was good and normalcy and routine is starting to return, particularly as we attempt to move into a post-Covid type running world. Back at school myself so it definitely feels like summer is over - weather in SW Florida notwithstanding! Summer personally has been okay. It's never bad to get a mental health break - it's always needed from an educator perspective and life always makes it interesting as I've gotten older. Running has been very mechanical lately. Felt at times I was running to maintain conditioning [which I was] so wasn't as enjoyable, particularly with the local weather here - having to run either late in evening or early in the AM when off is never pleasing. It's amazing how much a cool night can provide the needed invigoration, silly as that might seem. Now, as the "season" has turned, I'm looking forward again to my running season [really mid-Oct thru end of March] as I can think of distance preparation and it has started to make the runs much more enjoyable. Each year this occurs, I'm still amazed how I've turned into this idea of a runner as it was quite unexpected. Looking forward to running a viable 10k, Oct 23rd, and seeing the possible "improvements" being looked for in my running. I'm curious from the group also, whether running [for me in the summer here] in the off-season would be better with a group. I've always be solitary in my work but am considering a change for next summer to just see if it could be a healthy distraction to help the mechanical aspects be minimized...

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Stan, you speak to an element of staying in shape, or trying to get in shape, that's so true: it can be really boring sometimes! Repeating the same things over and over, our minds just naturally rebel at some point, and we want to stop, or do something different, or shake things up. As far as running with a group, I highly recommend it -- I used to run weekly with a group of friends for long time, and I long to do it again. I may see if I can put together a group here in Atlanta.

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Amen … I long for the pre-Covid days when running came naturally when you were yakking up a storm during 10Ks and half marathons.

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Aug 13, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

My summer's been good! I traveled to San Diego for the first time and also got to visit family!

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How nice, Rosalie! How did you like San Diego? I went there back in the summer of '01, when I ran the R&R San Diego Marathon with a friend of mine. LOVED the city and would love to go back.

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That's awesome! I loved it as well. Spent a lot of time at the beach and even got to see whales and dolphins!

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Aug 13, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Nothing much here. Battling humidity here in Wisconsin! Going through a kitchen remodeling, so cooking only with micro, pizza oven, instant pot and crockpot! Delay on practically every thing, so 6 week time-line gone! Thank goodness for Pinterest! Trail series going well. Stay safe and healthy everyone!

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Glad to hear that, Nelda! (And how cool how about the kitchen remodel!) Stay as cool as possible 😃

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Aug 13, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

welp, i've got an achilles pain which really stinks. i tried running on it last week and have been limping ever since. taking some time off and if anyone has any great ideas for a fast recovery i welcome all comments! on the plus i've been enjoying sleeping in (can't end my post on a sad note:)

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May you heal quickly

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Take time to heal... I know from experience that a body doesn't heal very fast without rest...

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Aug 13, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Took on summer marathon training which I swore I’d never do.

PR’d the Peachtree despite making race day mistakes no one 30 years into running should make 😆

Started a new job that 3.5 years ago I became aware of and thought, “THIS is what I want to do.”

Thoroughly enjoyed the mounting evidence that our soon to be college freshman is really going to miss us💕

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The summer PR! So what were the race day mistakes? And the new job? I've got to hear more! 😃

Also, I feel you on your soon-to-be college freshman... we'll be there in 2 years, and I'm already preparing for it :(

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Thought about bringing a gel to the start line due to 3+ hours b/t eating and starting. Didn’t. (WHY?!?!?). Had a chance to grab water on the way to the start line. Didn’t. Again - WHY?!?!?!? I was PARCHED at the start. Completely and uncomfortably dehydrated. Eyeballing others discarded half full bottles of water and contemplating….😩

I was hired to teach for Emory’s coaching program! When I went thru the program myself years earlier I thought - I want to do this.

It goes so fast, Terrell. Gonna miss that girl!! But so excited for her!

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no worries, mine now are out and ending. The older just went off to Grad school and we now will miss him more than he missed us. The younger is finishing up her teaching studies so is home [to save housing $] and we'll again get to enjoy having her around. They come around, but much different - better - on the return...

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Aug 13, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Ran the Rocky Mountain Half in Estes Park last month. The elevation was tough, but it was so nice to run a race with people! My hubby & I drove from Las Vegas to Estes Park & back, camping along the way. It was a much needed vacation & he had never seen Colorado.

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I'm envious! Always wanted to go to Estes Park for Iyengar Yoga training, but never got to it. Guess I'll put that on my list. :) My trainer, Lisa, just did the Trans-Rockies--120 miles over, I think 6 days. They did get caught in numerous Thunderstorms, climbed some incredibly high peaks. Guess it was a muddy run, but she loved it. Think I'll have to stick to Half Marathons. . .I just cannot get over-excited about Ultras!

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I agree. A half is a good length for me! You will love Estes Park. Just lovely.

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I'm with you, Nilima! 13.1 is plenty for me! :)

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Sometimes it even feels like a stretch, but I'm still happy I can do it! :)

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Corrina, I ran that also! The Vacation Races Organization is a new favorite of mine. I did The Tetons in June and it was very well organized, with great communication and friendly volunteers. The humidity @ Estes surprised me, but I guess it was due to the overnight thunderstorm (thankfully we didn't get caught in that!)

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How were the Tetons? Was it a tough race?

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Tetons was a tough race, but not quite the elevation gain as the Rockys. If you could handle Estes, you can do the Tetons! (the course is actually Wilson,WY just south of the Tetons)

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That’s good to hear!

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Amen we didn’t get the down pour! The altitude was tough. Also the first 5 miles about killed me. My race time was slow! Vacation always puts on a great race though. 👍🏼Love those guys!

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Nice, Corrina! How was the camping?

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We stayed one night at the Colorado National Monument & the views there were amazing! It was dry camping though. Two night at Lake Granby—beautiful but no trees. (At least they had showers!) The other nights were at KOAs. The KOAs were actually really nice! They do a lot to make things fun & we’re super clean. Overall, we’d camp again. (We just had a pop up too!)

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Spent the past 7 weeks trail running our local ski area...SO good to be back in person! Just got my very first running injury - peroneal tendinitis - and have learned how to use KT tape. Did you know the KT company posts YouTube videos with step by step instructions for taping specific injuries? So helpful!! Thankfully I'll be all healed in time to run the Portland ME 10 miler in mid-September. 😁 Best of all, my first grandchild was born in June, healthy & strong even tho 4 weeks early. He is such a joy!! 🍼 Celebrate life returning everyone 🏃🏃‍♀️

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Effortless with breathtaking views - what a combo!💕

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Aug 13, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Acadia national park is our favorite family vacation spot and we finally got back there after 4years. I took one morning on my own to have a solitary run on the carriage trails—-cool but sunny, breathtaking views, felt effortless—-really a great morning.

Inspired me to commit to my next half marathon in NH in October😊

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Janet, your trip to Acadia sounds just wonderful -- especially your solo run on the carriage trails! Which half in October are you running?

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Smuttynose on 10/3. A flat course along the ocean. I have a thing for views!

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Love to run along ANY water.. it has a calming effect on me...

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Aug 13, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Those are great questions, Terrell! And I’m so glad you were able to enjoy your family vacation! Where do you go/what did you do? (If you feel like sharing?) My family also enjoyed some time off together, and it was such a nice refresher and much needed re-set after a tough winter/spring semester.

I’m excited for this fall and what lies ahead! I’m finishing my last class toward my Bachelor of Science and am going back to work as a sonographer next week! It’s another travel-short-term contract job, since I’m not sure what I’m doing next year, though I have a couple of crazy ideas! In the meantime I’m thankful this job is within commuting distance of my Grandpa’s home, and for this opportunity to continue living with him for this season. It had been so good being with him!

One thing I have really enjoyed on our family vacations and traveling around is seeing people out and about and enjoying time with family and friends! I always sort of knew community was important, but now I’m convinced of it! Since grandpa and I are vaccinated I’ve found community and social groups at church and the Orange Theory fitness I just joined. It might be funny, but being around people, even strangers, makes me really happy right now.

It’s been a tough year+, and I’m sure the tough times aren’t done, but I’m thankful to be here, now, with what I have and what I’m doing and who I’m with! I feel like it’s cliche to say “I’m so blessed” but I am!

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Hi there Colleen! Yes, totally can share -- we went to Fripp Island, S.C., a small island near Beaufort and Charleston. It's only 4 miles long, so you can go from one end to the other in a golf cart in less than 20 minutes. The kids love it b/c it's safe -- very few cars driving around -- and the beach is fantastic, lots to do and explore. It's also a place we went to every summer when I was growing up, so it's nostalgic for me to go back too.

So excited for your new job next week! I know you've enjoying being able to spend all that time with your grandfather; I imagine there's a great book in that experience! I too have really valued spending time with family and friends (when we've been able to); it's really changed how I think about work and how much time I want to spend doing it. (I mean my day job, not the newsletter!).

So great to hear from you! 😃

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Aug 13, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

My job has been a huge challenge for me. It has been tough to figure out whether i should stay or go. I have been praying a lot for guidance and the answer i keep getting is "Just be patient". But then my doubts creep in and I wonder if I am being too complacent.

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Made that decision TWICE!!! One time it worked, the other... lets just say I wish I could have gone back.. You've got to decide what you're looking for and go with it...

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Probably the only thing Amazon doesn't sell is a crystal ball.

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They do have the Magic 8-Ball!

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I’ve been in a similar situation at the school I teach. I keep feeling like I need to wait a bit longer before moving on to another school. Maybe there is something here I still need to learn.

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That is how I am approaching it too. I am not wasting time here as long as I am learning new things.

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Hi Brian. I've been there before, too, and the toll it takes not just during the work day but also on the rest of our lives is awful. My approach has always been to start applying for anything and everything that seems like it might be a better fit--you can always turn an offer down, and it makes me feel a tad happier to know that at least I'm actively trying to make a positive change. Of course, if you're staying in your current job because it pays better than average for what it is, that complicates things. But ultimately even that is a question of want vs need-- recognizing that you may not have the luxury of being able to take a pay cut--and I agree with Terrell that happiness and quality of life are more important than discretionary income. Best of luck with whatever path you choose to take.

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I notice that just applying to other jobs makes me feel better. Like I am not trapped you know? Thank you for taking the time to read and respond. It makes me feel good to know that others have gone through the same thing.

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I hear you on that, Brian. I was having a conversation recently with my now-81-year-old mom, and she gave me some really good advice: do what's right for you. Not what's right for your organization/company; they'll be fine no matter what you do. Take care of yourself, and listen to what you really need/want/dream of.

I also heard some related good advice: "procrastination is information." Meaning, if you procrastinate and try to avoid something, that's a strong sign you don't really want to be doing it. That may (or may not!) apply in your case, but I found that really thought-provoking. Career is so hard to make choices about, b/c you don't have an infinite number of choices in front of you at any one time. And if you take a different direction, you might regret it. It's so tough, I feel for you. What does your heart/gut tell you?

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Aug 13, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Listen to your Mom! I'm almost as old as your mom and have given the same advice to my kid. Do what makes you happy, not something you think will make your employer happy. They don't really care. To them, you're just another cog in the wheel. You may take a pay cut, but you only need so much to survive. . . the rest is excess.

My daughter is in Software. She worked for Corporate for years. Smart Kid and hated the work. Somehow, thorough references, she is now a back-end games designer and working in games, which she loves. Turns out she is making more money ( Immaterial ) doesn't complain ( very important ) ,and loves what she does. She listened to her mom for a change and went for the offer!

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I LOVE that, Nilima! You are so right.

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You are the man and your Mom sounds like an incredible lady.

There have been so many changes in my company in the past month with people leaving. My gut is telling me to sit tight and see how it all plays out. I like the "procrastination is information" quote. Reminds me of Winnie the Pooh. "Doing nothing sometimes leads to the very best of something". But then I am scared I will be in the same spot I am in in 20 years.

Thank you for the support and encouragement. Glad to have you back.

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Aug 13, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Ran my first live race in ayear, June 26, Fairfield Faxon in CT. Lots of people, well organized BUT hilly , hot and 90% humidity. Felt good to be back out despite conditions and my 25 year old ran her first half(ahead of me of course, but not by much😆)Looking forward to more in person races and the ability to train for something! Not a virtual type of runner, wish I was but I need to fanfare .

Happy summer all, stay healthy

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How cool, Amy! What was the race? I'm not huge on virtual races either, so I've been really excited about running in person together again.

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Aug 13, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

In Fairfield CT, put on by Faxon Law. Money goes to some great local charities. Was right on the beach. Built a summer vacation around it so was very cool. Probably 1000 runners which was a good number since first race back. Next one R&R Nashville in November!

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Aug 13, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Amy, fingers crossed for Nashville! It's the 3rd time I've tried to run this one due to all the deferrals from Covid. Hope they let us know more than 5 days in advance this time.

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Aug 13, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

My challenge was literally a pain in the butt and a burning pain behind the knee. After 4 weeks of being injected, pounded, scrapped, and dry needled, we got down to the real diagnosis of hamstring tendonitis. I have had the proximal pain seemingly forever but the distal pain around the knee was new. Never underestimate the value of getting PT when you need it. And stretching? Gotta do it. Glad to say after another 6 weeks of therapy I am doing much better and running a 5K on Sat.

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Thank you for posting this! I have had a "pain in the butt" since the end of April. I've been stretching and just trying other activities. But it isn't better enough to really run yet.

You have inspired me to finally make an appt with a local pt. My appt is at noon today! This is s big step for me. I really dislike drs (even though I'm married to one) or any medical offices. I miss running soooo much, and I'm starting a new school year next week....running truly is my therapy with 12 three yr olds!😂

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The muscles in our butt are a work of art. They make it challenging to get to the core of the problem. Glad you are seeking professional help. I wish I had done so much earlier. You need a specialist, which was not my primary who I fooled around with too long. He diagnosed me with a Baker’s cyst! Zeesh! My ortho thought I had a torn meniscus! Not! It took me awhile to get to the root of the problem with them. But just be persistent! We know when something is not right.

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Thank you again! I had an awesome appt! We're hoping my main problem since the injury has been doing the same exercises for quite a few years. They gave me exercises with pictures, a website to go to if I need to see a video, and made me do everything before leaving. I at least feel hopeful now!!!

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Agreed: Hooray for PT! Glad you're back up and running again.

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Wow, that's great, Sharon! (That you found what was causing the pain and have been able to relieve it). I will definitely take this to heart.

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Aug 13, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I retired from practicing medicine at 42 over the summer in order to focus on raising my five children (ages 1 to 14). Looking forward to doing some more running too!

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Wow, good for you, Jodi! What kind of medicine did you practice? How has the transition been to being focused on raising your kids? I've been giving a lot of thought to work/life balance over the past year too.

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Aug 13, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I’m a vascular neurologist. It was a wonderful profession, but I am finding that full-time motherhood is even better! The past year with kids schooling from home because of the pandemic put a lot into perspective for me.

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Aug 13, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Just came back from our 2 weeks in Maine! Ran a virtual in NH, making that my 13th state I have raced in...with the goal of hitting all 50 before, well, you know, I kick the bucket! And fingers crossed we get to go on our Sicily trip in late September. Started training this week for another half in October (Vermont...14th state!). And truly just enjoying the summer.

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I love hearing that, Michelle! How was Maine? Where did you stay/go there?

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Aug 13, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

We go to Ogunquit -for the past 7 years, love it! Icy cold ocean water, but worth it.

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My wife and I have been daydreaming about going to Maine for a while now. We need to just plan it and go! How did you pick Ogunquit?

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Aug 13, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I haven't gone there just yet--but I booked a trip to a place I've always wanted to go: Sweden and Finland in March of 2022 to see the Northern lights! It's an active travel trip--my favorite--and I get to stay in the Ice Hotel--where I've wanted to stay since the 1990s. Thanks for the prompt, Terrell, it's fun to report! Happy Friday, all.

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Aug 13, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Fingers crossed you will be able to get there and not spend your vacation in quarantine!

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This is on our short list for an anniversary trip next year!

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I would LOVE to go see the Northern Lights. I can't tell you how many times I've watched movies with my kids -- like "Frozen," etc. -- with the northern lights in them, and it makes me want to get on a plane right now and go there. I'm so jealous!

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This trip sounds amazing!!!

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