Aug 29, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I was signed up for the Jersey half that was canceled. I transferred my registration to the Atlantic City half. Also signed up for San Antonio in December. Fingers crossed these happen! It's hard to know when to go ahead and book flights, hotels, etc...

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Crossing my fingers for you that it all works out, Bev! 🤞

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Saturday night and just getting caught up on emails. Gotta say we are all jealous hearing about all of the runs that everyone is doing. We live in Ontario Canada and there are no races happening. All virtual. Had enough of that a long time ago. We are so close to the US border but unable to cross. My wife and I are both avid runners and love to sign up for runs in Florida. Two years of not being able to cross is very frustrating. I guess we could fly but the cost to do this is expensive and not easy anymore. We hope this will all change soon. Good luck to everyone at there races or as I say runs. I don't race

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Believe it or not, Canada is doing a lot better when it comes to Covid than the USA... You have more restrictions, but your death toll isn't nearly as high... Stay Safe... this to shall pass...

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I agree with what you are saying. It's worth the wait.

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I feel your frustration Scott. Living in Massachusetts, I'm used to crossing into Canada to vacation. LOVE Toronto...running the waterfront boardwalk is fun. Calgary is awesome too...people run and skateboard all winter there even in 25 below freezing temps. Gotta admire that, huh? Been hoping to run the Toronto "all downhill" half (one of the May races in the waterfront area) but sadly no race yet and no good options for getting there just to chill. Let's keep a good thought that "this too shall pass" ....quickly!

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Thanks for the comments. This border thing between Canada and the US sure gets in the way. At least you can now cross into Canada although there are no races going on. Ontario has quite a few of good races. Mississauga Half, Toronto Waterfront, Hamilton has a good 30k run in March every year. There are alot more. We are close to Buffalo so tend to go that way for runs in the US. I agree it will pass although it sure seems like its been a long time since we actually signed up for anything

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Aug 28, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Well, I have to comment even if it is late.

First of all, and most importantly, as a nurse who not only works in an acute care hospital, but has been the Charge Nurse of our hospital's designated Covid Unit since March of 2020, I'm here to tell you Covid is real. I have no reason, no incentive, I gain nothing by exaggerating or flat out lying. I have never, in my 30+ years in healthcare, seen anything remotely like this. My condolences to those of you who lost loved ones to this.

Secondly, I am not going to preach about vaccination, but I will tell you that we are currently experiencing a second surge, (the first big one being in December-January), and, at least in my community hospital, about 85-90% are unvaccinated folks. Of those who are vaccinated, all but 2 have been discharged home. Again, I have no reason to make this up. Helps me not at all. You can decide what to do with this information.

That out of the way, I want to say that I am signed up for the Marine Corps Marathon that is, as of today, still taking place on 10/31. I do not think that this is a mistake for multiple reasons. The closing down of our society last year had as one of its primary goals to help hospitals prepare themselves for what was coming and not overwhelm them. Although that goal certainly fell short of the mark this past winter, I believe that with vaccinations, more protective equipment, medical knowledge, and treatment options, we should fair much better now. I also agree that outdoor activities are much safer, especially if proper protocols are in place.

Traveling has its own problems, but again, following proper safety measures, such as masking, vaccinations and/or proof of Covid negative tests, should minimize these risks.

Though I never want to go through what we went through this past winter, I also don't want to go back to a closed society. If death rates start to go up again, though, I will understand if they cancel, and though disappointed, will run the event virtually as I did last year, and try again for 2022.

Sorry for the long post. Stay healthy and keep running (walking, swimming, biking, hiking, etc.)!

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One word for you from my heart... without you, many more people would die... Stay SAFE... without people like you, I hate to think where we'd be...

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Aug 30, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Thank you for your update and view of someone on the "front lines"........Prayers for your good health and may we continue to move forward toward a healthier Country.

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Thank you for sharing all of this, Maria! Very, very eye-opening.

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Aug 28, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Did my 1st in-person half this morning (postponed twice from 3/30/20). I truly have missed the cheering on of the first timers, the jokes, the passing and be passed by pairs of runners, the general “family-ness”

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What event did you do yesterday? And did you happen to do Clay Loop 15k a couple of weeks ago?

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It was the Sunrise Half & 5K … just west of Fort Lauderdale FL … been in 80s and low 90s all month but it was cloudy and a little breezy for 9 1/2 miles … very good fortune!!

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Aug 28, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

So far so good here in The DMV (District/Maryland/Virginia) at least for the races I've signed up for. The one race I'm running in upstate New York in late September is also still a go - for now.

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To everyone who posted, liked and or sent a reply, this was one of the best Fridays since I joined. I love this site because there as so many different runners that all do the same thing... they lace their shoes up, go outside and enjoy a sport as old as time.

Everyone, stay healthy and keep pounding the pavement...

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Couldn't agree more, Steve!

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Aug 28, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Here in Massachusetts the races are happening. Happy to be doing the Beach and Back 1/2 in Cape Cod on Sunday. Anyone else doing it too?

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Yes, NO MORE VIRTUALS! I'm beginning to wonder if even smaller races will be held in person at this point. I've signed up for local trail race next month and out of state half in November. I'm wondering...will in person races be safe to participate in this fall? Im hoping more folks will choose to get vaccinated with the onset of this latest covid surge!

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I've been signing up for one race at a time, not planning too far out in case of cancellations. No virtual events please. I've been doing about one event per month, just finished Pikes Peak Ascent, wicked hard but so awesome. Next up is Best Damn Race Orlando FL next month.

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See you there in Orlando.

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I had COVID last August with minimal impact. I still seem to have immunity so I have not gotten the shots. In fact recently I’ve had friends vaxers and unvaxers who died in the hospital. None were runners. All died after the doctors followed their medical protocol and put them all on the ventilator. I would think runners as a group are very healthy and capable of surviving COVID. I have no fear participating in an inperson event by using common sense.

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I am fully vaccinated and am signed up for VA Beach 1/2 marathon Sept 5 and the Savannah 1/2 marathon on Nov 4. Hope they both go off. Will continue training for.

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Covid is not interfering with my races. I ran a half in Colorado last month (we turned it into a vacation & drove to it) & have another in Arizona in October we will drive to. The races I like to sign up for aren’t huge races.

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Which Colorado race did you do? Most of my vacations are Colorado and a half marathon. 🙂

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Vacation Races Rocky Mountain half. It was gorgeous! Tough, but gorgeous!

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Both my husband and I have been vaccinated. Two of our Spring 1/2's were moved to the fall. Consequently we now have one on 9-11, one on 10-10 and one 11-7. We also will follow all the protocols before and after. We are eager to run in person races. I just wish they weren't so close together! I'm in my 60's and my husband is 70. Still we've been training so I think we are ready. Now if it will just cool down a bit! Happy running, everyone!

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I’m 71 … I have 7 planned before years end … all in FL. I wish you both the best experiences in all your races. I still have races during which I joke at Mile-2 “why do I keep signing up for this insanity?” … but by Mile 12, it’s “Can’t wait for the next race,”

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Hi Dave

Another older runner here—69–and fully vaccinated. I’m trying to get all 50 states done and COVID Rele slowed that goal down-I’m about to do State 32–in Grand Rapids MI—tomorrow! Just worried about the heat not about my time-/just so dang hot here in the MidWest🔥🔥🔥

Also, tentatively doing a race in Iowa in September and perhaps IL-/we are starting nee mask mandates Mondaybso crossing my fingers!! And toes!

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Well … got 1 of the 7 done this AM … 9 miles of “partly cloudy” followed by sun and hot and humid. PA system on the fritz so race director sang The Star Spangled Banner a cappella and several hundred of us joined in … THAT was a first!

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

We did run a 1/2 in Idaho Falls last month! It rained bucketfuls, with thunder and lightening for 90% of the race. Still the weather was cool.

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I ran one there in July a couple of years back. A school put it on. It was fun! Love Idaho Falls.

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We ran in Idaho Falls as well a few years back. They served a baked potato dinner the night before the race. Idaho Falls is a really nice city.

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Being 71, we got Pfizer early. I have 7 halves (halfs?) … all in-person. Needless to say, I’ll follow all protocols (masking before and after), bringing my own Gatorade (learned that with virtual halfs), avoiding running behind other runners) and be as social as possible from >6 feet away. Biggest of the 7 will be Spacecoast in Cocoa, FL where racers will be extra careful are respectful

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Space coast was my first ever Half.

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it's definitely on my bucket list too for runs...

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I for one look forward to the Friday Thread... It's good to hear what's going on throughout the country. Have been training hard but had the misfortune to twist a knee... Even with a knee brace it's sore even after a light run... Signed up for a few 5 & 10K's in Nov & Dec and a half they run in downtown Orlando... I wanted to do Disney but I'm going to play it safe and wait until next year... Dealing with tens of thousands of runners isn't going to happen for me... Heard on the Thread about a Half in the keys... will think about that one. Most runners I know have already gotten the shot, so I'll stick with the local and smaller runs and hope for the best.

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Consider Mt Dora north of Orlando in December

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That race is only a half hour from my house... only problem is that I'll be just getting off a cruise the day before... it though is one that does not sell out, or hasn't in the past... have the E-mail for it saved since I did it years earlier... Thanks for keeping me in mind...

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I was also waiting to see what our Covid landscape looks like before signing up - sadly, many states and most certainly both political parties are in the same state of disagreement as they were well over a year ago. Only now it's the vaccines vs. animal tranquilizers. Add to that raging fires and bad air here in the west and hurricanes in the east. I'm running but probably no races until spring 2022.

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You can't fix stupid.

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I’ve been very hesitant to sign up for races until I know they are a ‘go’ from the RD. I’ve been staying with small races too - I don’t plan to sign up for any large races until mid-2022 at the earliest.

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

That being said - I DO need to plan a race, as my last one was in June, and I’m getting antsy!

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I like knowing that I have a race commitment, keeps me motivated.

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Exactly! Had a good spring because I was able to get halfs in April, May, and June in.

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Yep. I did half in Jan Feb, 15k in March , half July, Aug and soon Sept . Keep moving forward.

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I'm signed up for 3 halfs in NE in September and so far they have not been cancelled, as all 3 were last September. I will be devastated if they csncel again this year!

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

i'm signed up for a race in october and am just on a wait and see basis. i'm still on hiatus from running because of my achillis so right now i can't do much of anything anyway.

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Normally I run in a few destination races in Europe but all the races were cancelled last year. This year I will run in Berlin. I am 65 and acutely aware that you do not get these years back - there is a cost for excessive caution.

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What are the races you normally run in Europe?

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Plus, Ironman in Kona, cancelled... I actually thought that'd be the first big domino to send the others toppling... Yeah, touch & go for me. Still on the fence about Berlin and surprised by so many people around me that are set on making the hop across the pond. It sounds like Berlin has quite a few protocols in place, very German, but the idea that schools are opening, in LA here a school in Riverside had to quarantine a quarter of the student body after an outbreak just 4 days into the school year...

I think proven vaccination or neg test within 48 hours is an easy thing to make mandatory. You don't like it, go run virtually. But the idea people are still making it political, still have an "opinion" about one thing or another... We're not ready to race as a collective of adults. IMO. LA was the last big race in the world last March and just knowing how that event was a flashpoint, super spread moment freaks me out (was there, cheering on, high fiving everyone I could)...

I feel bad for race directors but it is what it is until we decide we're done with it and ready to move on with life (aka vaxxed) seems kinda wild to put on major events.

PS I think small fielded races are ok. No spectators. Ran a cpl ultras, masked at start, masked at finish, everything about it felt fine, no reported outbreaks.

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I hear you -- there's so much for these race directors to weigh, and in some ways they face an impossible choice. And, to top it off, they can do everything right and still get their permits denied or taken away. It's tough.

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I haven’t run any in person races In awhile. Lots of virtual challenges. I was supposed to run NY marathon last year but when it canceled you were given an option to pick your 2 top choices (2021, 2022, 2023). I run on the National Osteoporosis team and we all elected to put 2022 as our first choice which we got. At the time we had to pick the vaccine was just coming out and there were lots of unknowns. To get the full New York Marathon experience we decided to wait. And as it turns out this was great for me because I had arthroscopic surgery 5 weeks ago and I’m just now getting ready to start running. There is a ladies half near me in a couple months that I would like to try for but I’ll have to wait and see.

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Hope you heal well

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Timing is everything, isn't it?

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It certainly is!! But speaking of timing, next year when I run NY I will be running my 9th marathon at the age of 70! I’m happy about that timing! Wish it was my 10th....you never know I might fit one in before then.

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Aug 28, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson


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Way to go!

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Still planning on the Golden Gate Half in SF in November until I hear otherwise. My main concern was a booster for J&J, but since that is coming out, I'm thinking the flight will be OK.

Seems Caldor Fire in CA has moved the Lake Tahoe Marathon (Run Tahoe) ahead to Halloween weekend. There is too much smoke. They also are having Masking and Vaccination restrictions. As of this writing, I'm not sure if it has hit the Valley yet. Yesterday, it was in Meyers, which is right outside of South Lake Tahoe. The smoke out West may have more to do with cancelling races than CoVid.

Love these Friday questions. It's really fun to see what everyone else is up to and their opinions!

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I can't image running anywhere in the western states... I live in Florida... All I see are fires and smoke filling the air... MY heart goes out to those people...

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I love the West. Grew up out here and lived on this side of the US most of my life. I've been East, but it isn't for me! :)

Most of the places that are burning in CA and NV are where I spent my childhood and younger years, so it hurts to see them go. It is not just smoke, it is emotional for many of us who have been here a long time.

At the moment, I'm glad to be in WA. It has been hot and dry, but some rain last night. Come Labor Day, the cool will come in and we'll be back to or normal Washington weather in the 60s and 70s.

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As they say... our NEW NORMAL!

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Don't you love it? :P

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Already had planned my fall schedule for local events (within 100 miles). One down four to go. It was not hard to see this coming as vaccinations slowed down and people stopped masking even prior to the governmental changes in recommendations. Did this more due to problems with cancelling hotel reservations last minute. Never stopped wearing mask in public and will do so even as the race starts. Comes off when I can get enough space and back on at finish line. I am fully vaccinated and will get the flu vaccine prior to next event. (Next shoe to drop)

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Covid isn't stopping me. I ran Peachtree in July and had an awesome time in surprisingly mild temperatures. I have a 50 states goal to run a half marathon and completed South Carolina in May at Mountains to Main Street. Next month I'm headed to Fargo, ND for the Fargo Half Marathon and my 31st state.

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Hey Gary

You and I are on the same pace with our 50-state half goal—I’m about to do #32 tomorrow in Grand Rapids, MI—and I also did Mountains to Main!

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Very cool! Good luck tomorrow and I hope the temperatures are a bit more forgiving in Grand Rapids than they are here in St. Louis. Maybe our paths will cross at another event. I'm hoping for one more event late this year at the Gulf Coast Half in Mississippi. We'll see what the rest of 2021 brings. Keep running strong!

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That would be fun currently on my way to GR for a 5:30 packet pickup-/wouldn’t normally, but I’m praying for rain😂😂🌧

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Good luck!

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Thanks! I’ll let y’all know how I goes 🙃☺️

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I tip my hat to yet another 50 state challenger

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Thanks Dave! Not sure what Alaska or Hawaii will look like. All the best!

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

My wife and I are training for the Bass Pro Marathon in Springfield, MO on Nov. 7. We have 3 half-marathons set up as part of our training schedule--the first one being the Amish Country Half in Ohio in two weeks. We are continuing to train expecting these races to be run. My thought is if one race gets cancelled, I will try and find another one to run. Most of the races in southern states (we live in Arkansas) will probably not get cancelled unless they are the bigger races, as many of you have mentioned.

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Sorry, that should have been won't get vaccinated rather than want get vaccinated.

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Also, got to say I do look forward to these Friday blogs - makes me feel like "we're in this together"

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Me too! it's my favorite part of doing the newsletter -- it's so great to connect with everyone, and I've appreciated it even more over this past year and a half.

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I signed up to do a destination race in Florida in late Oct. I was going to do this particular race as a very good friend lives in FL who I want to see and she was going to run it with me. With the out-of-control cases in FL (thanks to the defiant GOV.) I am thinking I will cancel. On top of that, my return trip comes through TX which has a similarly defiant GOV. I signed up to do a local race with my running group which I have been training with. So very disappointing.

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It's not good here in Florida. The cases and I'm afraid the deaths are adding up. There are a few short and local races still going on, but it will probably close up even more before it gets better.

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Steve, that's what I'm seeing. We were supposed to go to Amelia Island to do a Challenge which is a 5k in the evening then a half marathon the next morning. I've not hear it's cancelled but I see no reason to rusk the trip having been so careful this long. I am fully vaccinated but so many others are not. Thanks for the info, it's appreciated.

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BDR/Orlando, Hutchinson Island, Treasure Coast, Spacecoast, Palm Beach, Sarasota… none of them are like Disney World (10s of thousands) … I believe social distance running will work.

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I only do a couple of races a year and so far - knock on wood - both are still scheduled. The first one is local, the Bighole Race-4-Renewel, and I know it is a go. My little sister is one of thee organizers and they made the decision last year to do the race hell or high water, so I'm sure this year will be the same. I always supply the PA and music for the event and to be honest, if I could only run one race a year it would be this one.

The other race I intend to try is the Montana Marathon in Billings, MT. They also ran last year, though there were no after race events and they were really strict on masks and social distancing prior to the start. As far as I know there were no Covid cases reported from last year. I would suspect most of the participants have been vaccinated already. Anyhow fingers crossed, and commiserations to those whose races were cancelled again. That is always such a disappointment.

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Very frustrating times. I won’t go into the politics of getting the vaccine, or not. I am scheduled to do a Spartan race in two weeks and will not participate, too much hands on and person to person contact. Yes, I am vaccinated, but being 63 years old it is simply not worth the risk. I’m scheduled to do a half marathon in October and I hope it does not get cancelled and feel it can be done safely with proper precautions. Like so many of us, I wish everyone would do their part to get over this pandemic sooner than later!

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Personally, I miss the commaraderie (never could spell that word) … consider getting most current field size (lots of folks may still be avoiding in-person) that may make races safe, stay positive and run strong!

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Vacation Races canceled the Wine Country events due to the increase in Covid cases - I was bummed! Safety can be accomplished by requiring vaccination and masks in the staging areas. There were races that still went on at the peak of Covid last winter but structured differently with staggered starts and masks in the staging areas. It can be done with slight modifications. I’m hoping that some of the smaller races still move forward🤞 !

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I hope so too, Donna! The smaller races can handle race logistics more easily than big-city events can, for sure. But then again, each race is unique, I'm sure, and has its own unique challenges. Here's to hoping 🤞

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I was supposed to run Berlin this year but decided to defer since Oktoberfest was cancelled as that was to be the second half of our trip. We really want to try and do both events in one trip. I think that the races that have their act together and have worked closely with public health officials will still have their events take place. We will probably see a lot of them have vaccine or testing requirements in place and post race activities will likely be scaled back. I will be surprised if Chicago or NYC end up cancelling as they seem to have put quite a lot of effort into their Covid plans/protocols. Some of the smaller races, especially those in areas that have lower vaccination rates and/or less cooperation from public health officials, may end up being cancelled. Here in Northeast Ohio we have the Akron Marathon in September and the Cleveland Marathon in October (moved from its usual mid-May date). I am not sure what Cleveland is doing, but Akron is requiring participants to be vaccinated or to get tested within 72 hours of the race. I am planning on running the half in Akron and feel pretty confident that it will take place.

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I did the Football Hall of Fame in Canton in May and was very pleased with the protocols and the way virtually every runner followed them. I suspect the same will be in effect for Akron.

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I think we are all hopeful our events do not get cancelled/rescheduled. I was able last "season" to pick events that were not cancelled and so was able to compete somewhat, which is partly why I/we do these things. Virtual runs do not really interest me, it's kinda' like a training run without the competitive mix creating the adrenaline needed to succeed [and, to me, succeed means reach my time goal for the event, I'm not "winning" anything!] I've got planned runs for Oct [1ok]; Nov [1/2 in St. Augustine]; Jan [1/2 in Key West]; and March [1/2 in Port Charlotte - one that was cancelled last season] so am hopeful all will go on as real events! No changes made on any yet...

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The Key West Half is on my list too!

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

let's be sure to meet up there, as long as were able...

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

The only race I and my son are signed up for is the Berkeley half and it’s been postponed from November to February, and we’re good with that. Just hoping this latest surge ends soon and that more people avail themselves of the vaccines. Stay well everyone!

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I quit training in July for the SF and Berlin marathons. Was going to train and pick one—or wait until one canceled—but decided to just wait another year. Not worth the worry or the travel expense/hassle this year.

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(Sigh) I hear you -- and agree

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I hate to point out the elephant in the room......but safety first........my fear is for big races to be targets for whatever "crazy" needs to make a statement. Unfortunately right now we have not only COVID and the new Delta Strain but we have deep seated anger! At 72 I am of the generation that was vaccinated as quickly as possible and we watched Small Pox and Polio disappear......I have also witnessed way too many acts of violence. I am praying for a hedge of protection around each and everyone of us. Continue your training..........we run for the love of our ability to do so. Be wise in when and where you run.......I know that the races are motivation........so lets keep training, they will be back. Put aside disappointment and look ahead to better and safer times. Thank You for listening to this Old Lady!

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72 … you have me by a couple of months … keep moving … that’s what my wife and I believe keeps us young.

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Went to a mask mandate meeting at our local school board... UGLY!!! I held up a sign for masks in our grade schools and I was only one of a few. The other side had a ton of people and some with bull horns. It got so ugly, the police were called.

I'm 71 and have had both shots and looking forward to my booster shot... I've got asthma and the last thing I need is to get covid... was on a ventilator once, and never want to experience that again... I train by myself and thought about Disney but am holding off. In Florida it's all about politics not science and the way I look at it, there is always next year...

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I'm sorry to hear how bad it is in Florida..I knew there were demonstrations, but not like that! Keep yourself healthy running and eating right. 71 is a good age--I've been there. Gets better as you get older. Good to look forward to each year and the years after that. :)

My brother said the same thing about a ventilator when he had heart trouble! Quite an incentive to take care of yourself and not ever do it again!

Oh, and keep that lollipop stick handy. . .you never know when it will save your life!

( Loved that story you wrote on it this year! Good to have a charm like that in your pocket)

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Wow! Steve, my hat is off to you. I think about the whole ventilator experience as we've all watched the news this past year and a half. I can't imagine what it's like, but I know I never want to experience it either.

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Have to agree with you on the vaccinations. I got all of them when we went to school as a 6 year old. . .the Salk Vaccine, the sugar cube, small pox (twice!) It sure eliminated some horrible diseases. We just took them, no opinions!

There were vaccines that came later that are still required. Some were not needed as we kids already had had the childhood diseases that were prevented by them. I'm very grateful for the vaccines having a kid of my own. Saved a lot of stress and misery!

74, still living and running and will keep it up. I for one, have lived through all of it and look forward to better times!

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wise words...

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I'm training for NYC in November like many others and I feel like they're not going to cancel it at this point. I've been training by myself all year, I work from home and wear a mask when I go to the grocery store or wherever. We eat out less now and won't go into crowded restaurants when we do eat out. There's a half-marathon we're looking at signing up for the first weekend of October but just not sure if I want to take a chance on being around 1500 people that close to the big race. I'm in Florida so wearing a mask outdoors while running is just not a viable option for me. If it wasn't always so hot and humid I'd do it but I'm just not comfortable with it in the heat. Plus as much as I sweat it just becomes a wet rag on my face. I'm all for proof of vaccination to run races but it's not likely to happen. I'll close with get vaccinated and stay safe! This is not political, it's life. You all don't complain when you have to vax your kids to get into school, do the same for yourself and others.

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Running in Florida in the summer is tough enough without having to worry about a mask...

I just hope, or pray, that it'll finally click that unless we beat this, it's going to stay around for yet another year.

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I'm with you here. Just wish people would not make this a political thing like they're doing. For 50 plus years we've been vaccinating successfully and eradicating diseases. Kids can't go to school without the vaccines. This should be similar. My opinion. Keep the faith and wear your mask when you should.

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Good luck on NYC. I hope it comes off but I also think about what a nightmare it could have been in 2019 when I ran it. Vaccine is good but not a panacea. Super-spreader events still have high illness potential.

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A prominent local running club in my city is requiring proof of vaccination and following recommended safety measures to participate in group runs and races organized by this club. So, I think I would feel comfortable if I were planning to participate. However, I have a tiny future training partner cooking (!!!), so if all goes well (fingers crossed), I won't be racing for at least a year. I may volunteer for some of the events put on by the running club, though!

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Sweet … a future runner to compete with Mom

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Congratulations, Christiana! So happy for you!

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Requiring proof of vaccination or negative test results, especially for large events, makes perfect sense to me. And congrats!

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Congratulations and well wishes!!

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thank you Bren! :)

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I signed up to run the Ann Arbor Marathon on 10/24 and am continuing to train for it despite seeing some cancellations to live events. When I saw NJ was cancelled I immediately contacted the AAM race director who, at the time, indicated they were still planning on a live event. The good news is I will be able to defer to 2022 should they change their mind. I refuse to run a marathon virtually - what's the point?

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I hear you on the virtual. They definitely have a place, but I think we all got our fill on those last year!

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Unless race organizers can set a "you have to be vaccinated or provide a negative test" rule, I think it's the most responsible thing to do to just cancel these big races. It's a huge bummer; I just started training for my fall half, and was notified yesterday that it's been canceled. If everyone does their part to get vaccinated, wear a mask, and stay home if they're sick, hopefully we can get back to our big races come spring. Right now, it's just not worth it.

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Berlin is requiring a clean PCR test even for vaccinated people.

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That's great! I wish Nashville would do that!

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When the Big Sur Marathon cancelled all its races last year for '20 and '21, I thought they were being far too pessimistic. Now I understand better why they didn't want to gear up, open up registrations, and then have to cancel again this year. They're looking forward to running them again next year, which looks pretty prescient now!

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I'll just take the hit and sign up closer to the race even though it will cost more. I also have deferred a half marathon that I was supposed to do in 2020 for May of 2022 so for fall and winter I'll train like I'm doing it to give me incentive to get out there!

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I agree with you on that... I'll also take the hit instead of waiting to get a refund that may or not happen....

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I love the "roll with it" spirit! What's the race you're looking forward to in May of '22?

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Door County half!

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Right now I can't see it affecting the smaller races since there aren't as many people and there are plenty of local ones to spread us all out. The problems are for the longer/larger races. It's a little late for the bigger fall races to put caps on the number of people which is why they are the most likely to cancel. It's not just the number of people running that the events have to consider, but also the number of people watching, supporting, staff, etc. The logistics can be a nightmare even without the added problems COVID brings. Keep in mind that people won't "just be running" outside with the larger events, they will be mingling with a lot of people in the area (especially if they've had to travel any kind of distance) in restaurants, shopping areas, etc. So, while I'll be sad if either of the two big ones I'm signed up for get cancelled (again), I understand why. It's not what anyone would prefer or wants, but we do what we can to help even if it just means being gracious about the changes.

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"It's not just the number of people running that the events have to consider, but also the number of people watching, supporting, staff, etc." -- that's very true, and I'd almost forgotten that. Especially true for the large-city races.

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

It's easy to forget, especially if we don't have personal problems at an event and things go smoothly for us. Natural reaction to be irked by a cancellation or change in plans. Heck, one of the big races (capped at 25k people when normally allowed up to 40k) I'm doing got moved from spring of last year to spring of this year to my 50th birthday next month! I was so annoyed at first that they chose that date (also because it's going to still be hot as hell for an unshaded race), but it's not like they did it on purpose. My friends teased me that it would be great for me to celebrate it with 1000s of my "closest" friends. Well, at least I'll be at the beginning of my age group instead of the end. So, there's that. lol

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I actually just had to cancel our running vacation. I was really looking forward to our two half marathons and traveling but I’m an immunocompromised person and had to cancel when Delta surged. I was so excited as things were looking great for a while and I thought we were really going to be able to go and then another form of hell hit. Flying and staying in a hotel are not appropriate for me at this time. I’m sad. I’m mad. I’m frustrated. I’m sick of feeling invisible. I want to travel and finish my 50 states however I’m not willing to put my health in jeopardy for it. With multiple health issues already it’s not a risk I’m willing to take.

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I feel you, Jenni! I'm mad, frustrate and also tired of feeling like every trip outside is a risk. I am focusing on taking joy in just running, safely, and keeping myself healthy physically and mentally. Be kind to yourself and know you are not alone in your feelings.

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Really bummed for you, Jenni, but I totally understand.

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I'm going full speed ahead, assuming that my races will be on. They are not big ones, they are in my state (so no big traveling) and I'm fully vaccinated. I would not be comfortable doing a big race, however, at this point. Fingers crossed that many more unvaccinated people will get the shot now that Pfizer has full approval and hopefully Moderna and J&J soon to follow.

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Yes! My main worry is that I have a child who's under age 12, so he can't get vaccinated yet. Once the vaccines are approved for younger kids like him, I'll feel a lot less stressed.

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I will plan for the worst (that they cancel one more race on me) but hope for the best. I will keep training as if there will be the marathon and if they cancel I will make my own marathon and I’ll call it the me, myself and I marathon :)

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I love that, Jacob!

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If you are disappointed, have you done your part to make things safer by getting vaccinated.

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Contrary to some who try to minimize the dangers, I believe that COVID and its dangers are very real.. I know people who have died from it. It is not a "big lie." That being said, I have participated in a number of races since last fall. They were run responsibly and were in my view safe. The bigger the races get, the more difficult it becomes to ensure proper protocols are maintained. But running outdoors is a relatively safe activity and I would encourage all to go ahead and race, but take common sense precautions, such as wearing a mask before and after the race and keeping your avoiding crowds at the start. and finish.

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I did participate in a race in April (it had been pushed back due to covid) and everyone masked at beginning and end. I don't know of anyone who got sick from that race, and it was a large race.

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Thank you for this. I intend to mask at the start where it’s crowded and at the end. Make sensible decisions and take precautions.

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

That's what I plan on doing. My next half in November is a big race, so I plan to also mask up in the first mile or so until we spread out, then drop it until the finish line. I'm vaccinated, but my partner has asthma and my kid is too young to get the vaccine yet. Gotta cover all the bases.

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I am hoping to begin again in the early spring. Come on get your shots safer than taking aspirin.

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👍 👍 👍

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I am sick of virtual events and don't plan on doing any more. In person events are outside. I don't see why they cannot be run.

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I am currently signed up for the Chicago Hoka half late sept. I have been training but my Psoas muscles left hip threw a wrench. I went to physical therapy and left with some handy tools ( stretching excercises) to do. It helped greatly. I’m still sore but was ably to run 4.5 miles yesterday. My longest run is at 7 and this Sunday I inch up to 8. Dunno how I’ll hold up but will do it one step at a time.

I am however nervous about the uptick with the new variant. I remain positive and hope to run it. The last time I ran the half was 2017 (apr and Oct). Happy training everyone. Be safe and continue to listen to your bodies.

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Glad you're feeling better -- I'm nervous, too, by the way. Good luck with the 8 miles this weekend! 👍

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Thank you.

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