Dec 6, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I would say the two gifts that changed my life my life the most are my marriage and sobriety. My life has a purpose that i have always longed for today and i am so grateful.

A gift I want is for Angie and is to have a beautiful healthy baby.

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My favorite Gifts or books I asked for. This year I give myself permission to run Trail fest in Apple Valley Utah. It's part of vacation racing Series. It's for 3 days I've been saving up this for 2 years I'm planning everything and it will be my 1st camping trip running and I work really hard for this.. Then I also get to do my marathon finally in Big SUR marathon And I'm very excited. I set these goals up and I accomplished them as they go A Lon G. It's worth it.

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A crazy thing that would probably appeal to kids who grow up to be runners. It was called a "space trainer". My dad found it somewhere, and I have never seen one anyplace else. You sat down in it, and locked your legs under the seat, held on to a bar in front of you and started rocking it. Pretty soon, you were doing 360's, head over heels. I remember doing as many as 100 loops non-stop. Don't do it on a full stomach.

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What about you, Terrell?

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A Speak & Spell. I wanted that thing for three years and eventually forgot about it. The Christmas when I finally got it and opened the present, i cried tears of joy, jumping up and down. I’m sure it would have been a funny video.

Now I just want a new fire pit since we left mine in the backyard of my old house in Texas by accident. It’s much colder here in Kansas, so I’m really going to need one.

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The best gift that had as child and have today was/is family. A loving mother, a father figure that always set you straight An older brother who was the only one one who could pick on you and two sisters who you could always talk to. The gift to myself for the coming year would be to have my sons find what can truly make them happy.

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When I first read the topic I’m thinking Terrell had to come up with something and was running on empty! Now, I have to admit it has been fun reading everyone’s memories! Good job Terrell getting readers to share their thoughts. Happy holidays!

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Dec 3, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Best present was when we would go to my grandfather and grandmother’s house. We would alternate Christmas and New Years between our paternal and maternal sides. My dad was the youngest of 14 kids. The family was so large that we had to rent a hall for our dinner! Always fun times with my cousins.

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The kids were 10 and 7 and it was Father’s Day … I needed a new ice chest (we eat sensibly and take home leftovers!). So I open the ice chest and it has some of my favorite things … chocolate-covered cherries, a package of fig bars, a giant size box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and a box of bleached raisins! Truly, a memorable Fathers Day

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I came from a large Catholic family. We had 10 kids... 4 girls and 6 boys... I was the first boy after they had two girls... my dad was thankful when I was born...

My dad worked two jobs and my mom stayed at home... We got two gifts at Christmas... a big one and a small one... My grandma worked as a seamstress and would buy clothes on sale and XMAS we would try on clothes, she would mark them up and tailor them for us. I used to kid my friends that the hand me down sucked... the bras never fit right and the jeans with the zipper on the side made it difficult to pee standing up... just kidding...

We really didn't want for anything growing up... everyone was satisfied with what they got...

There were many good times, a few more than others around Christmas time... and few stood out...

The best feeling I ever had, was when a group of us at Christmas bought a ton of presents and took them to a foster home... The wide eyes, smiles and laughter did more than any gift someone could give me. Every year since then my Harley group donates toys to the needy and bring gifts to a VA home a town over...Like I said, doing something for someone else makes the holiday more special for me... now, if Santa will bring me a new pair of running shoes, I wouldn't reject that gift... LOL Everyone stay safe... that is a gift we can give to our families...

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Best gift I ever received??? I can’t think of just one. Probably my parents making Christmas so special for us & spoiling us kids each year. We decorated, baked cookies, sang carols, etc. It was a blessing to grow up with all of it. This year I’m hoping for a Garmin watch! We’ll see what Santa brings. 😁

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Dec 3, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

Gosh, I don't remember now that so many years have passed!

We always got a big Naval Orange, a Hershey Chocolate bar, a fresh Tangerines with leaves plus a few goodies in our sock! Back in the 50s, we were poor folk, but my Dad always made up for it with those. He had a small disability pension from the Marine Corps from WWII. I remember him setting aside $20 for each of us kids and we could have what we chose from the Sears Christmas Catalogue. (Eventually there were 6 of us, so it must have been a pretty penny out of his pocket!)

The greatest present we ever got was just the Holiday and the Tree. It always went up on Dec. 20th--freshly harvested from the Sweetwater Mountains. From there it went on in Full Dress. Nothing can take away those memories. . .just like Christmases of old that you read about in books!

I guess that was the best present I could ask for and get. Now, I wonder what has happened to it all with modern day views, but fortunately, It's still part of me and will go on forever. . .

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Haha looks like we both have presents on the brain: I've asked the same question, but about recommendations for what to buy the kids.

I remember when I was a kid and my mum would just always ask for "a bit of peace and quiet." I never really understood it when I was young—of all the things you could ask for, why that?

Now I'm older, and with kids of my own, I totally get it!

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Dec 3, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

First snow that might stay!!! We usually have had to plow and shovel several times by now.....so we are wondering when the "real" snow is going to hit!!! As an only child I was truly Blessed.......I can not remember a Christmas that I did not get something special......we were not rich but my mom and dad always sure there was that one gift I wanted (I have a case with my antique dolls that were played with lots of love. I always wanted a train.......never would ask for it as a kid........but mentioned it to my son when we were talking about Christmas's and Grandma and Grandpa. The next Christmas, he bought me a train (not the Lionel of my kid dreams but a Polar Express Special!!!!) If nothing else gets put up at Christmas the train is there.........so many memories of the best of times. Merry Christmas to you all.........as far as buying something this year......I am heading out today to buy an 11 year old girl her "wish" list......our county gets lists from the families with kids that may not have gifts for Christmas........this little girl definitely is not asking for much......one of the things on her list is Crest Toothpaste.........No......I won't buy her a train...but her complete list and some extra's.

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Those all sound amazing, Marianne! Good luck out there today 😀

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Dec 3, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

I'm looking forward to the winter weather.. Friends Patience

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I am too, Jerry! We got the first snow on Christmas Eve of my life last year -- hoping we might get a replay this year 😀

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Snow? What’s that? It hasn’t snowed in Fort Lauderdale since 1977!

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We may get some tomorrow for our 5K in Green Lake Park in Seattle. It's sure cold enough!

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Dec 3, 2021Liked by Terrell Johnson

i think when i got my first full stereo system in high school i was pretty stoked! being able to play cds was groundbreaking for me lol. last year i got a new desktop and that was pretty great. i really think its when you're younger and have no money that you appreciate the gifts more.

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Totally agree! I can remember getting an Atari video game system -- remember those?! -- and it completely blew me away. That was the 70s/80s, though 😀

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