i went to the beach this weekend...60+ degrees in maryland on saturday! i've been sidelined with an achilles injury since august but i was feeling good and did 6 miles on the boardwalk for the first time in half a year. was great to see and hear the ocean, a wonderful sunrise, and other runners and walkers that were seemingly having a great morning like i was. lots of smiles and good mornings:)
At 66 I'm still trying to hang in there with triathlons so I joined a local club for inspiration. On Tuesday I attended a track workout. They say you only run as fast as you train. My 'training' is mostly slow jogs so I thought I'd try this to push myself a little. We'll see!
Hi All, Really enjoying reading these comments! Informative and inspirational - just what I need!
My question: I'm registered for 2 half marathons this spring/summer, and would love feedback if any of you have run them. 1st is Rock the Parkway in KC, Missouri. In July is Cherry Festival @ Traverse City, MI. Terrell, I believe the Cherry Festival was on one of your "best of" lists at one time (?). Thanks in advance for any advice or recommendations!
Hi Terrell, your post about Kara Goucher certainly hit home for me. I am not an elite runner nor famous in any sense but I stuggled severely during a half marathon two years ago (awkward gait) that turned out to be MS. I am still running but 5k is about the farthest I can run these days. I suspect that are many like me who love running but it is beyond their ability. Barry from Colorado
I really admire your courage to keep doing the thing you love while facing limits. So much to grieve and celebrate at the same time. You are an encouragement to me as I am dealing with some health set backs and trying to hold onto hope! Run strong!
Thank you for sharing this, Barry! I would imagine you're 100% correct about that -- I feel for you, my friend. How does it go when you limit your runs to about a 5K?
I went on my first run today after coming down with COVID earlier this month (double vaxxed and boosted), and unsure if it was long-term effects of COVID, or the Northeast weather, but I definitely did not feel like myself.
Is there any any research as to what the new variants do to the lungs, and any advice on how to get back out there ahead of the spring race season?
Oh Teresa! I also had COVID earlier this month and feel like I'll never return to myself....I understand it can take many weeks to really reclaim our strength. Sending hope your way and building it myself! Hope you stay well.
This is something I'm really curious about too, Teresa. I had Covid back at the beginning of 2021, and I had definitely had to take it easy for a while. Now, I feel completely back to normal. What does it feel like when you run now?
Berkeley half is the last Sunday of this month and I’m not ready! I will probably mostly walk the 13.1 interspersed with short runs. I won’t have a personal best by any means but I know it will be a fun time on a beautiful morning.
The freewalkers.org group has a virtual challenge to complete the Kennedy 50. Robert Kennedy walked 50 miles from Great Falls, MD to Harpers Ferry, WV on Feb 9, 1963. If I recall correctly took him 17 hours and 50 minutes. Freewalkers.org started the challenge back in 2013. As the last 2 years have been virtual you have 10 days to complete the challenge. I have completed 42 miles in the first 3 days.
Happy weekend, everyone! I have a question - last weekend my husband and I completed a half marathon in Death Valley (perfect weather, fun run, good finish times!) We are, obviously, runners, but focused on training for the half and followed an 8 week training plan that our friend put together for us. We really loved the structure and we both agree that we ran well in the race as a result of the scheduled plan.
Now that the run is over, we're kind of longing for another training schedule, but don't know the best path. Do you we find a recovery / maintenance schedule, do we sign up for another race and start the previous schedule over? Do we set new goals, like speed or distance and work towards that (we're interested in ALL these things).
I'd be interested to hear what others have done, and if there are any recommended training schedules.
I am looking forward to a long run after being granted a return to running ok by both my Pt and Running coach. The issue i have is it seem that sometime last summer I developed a pinched nerve in the lumber area. it does not affect me unless I am running than I just can't seem to lift my legs. That being said after many test and some Physical Therapy I am back to running. My goal for the year has had a delayed start but it just means that it will have to run into next year.
Only thing I have to add is what I've found works for me. Turn Off the Computer!!, get on running gear and go out! Post-run stretches and long yoga poses (I think they call it Yin-Yoga or Restorative Yoga. . . there are so many names, I 'm not sure) afterwards is a boon. They not only calm the body down, but build flexibility and strength. Running times have improved by 2 or 3 minutes.
It was a maximum change for me, not easy, but essential. After a few weeks, I feel so much better and there is time to do other things during the day. Everything will still be around when I can enjoy it. I'm only running 5 days a week, but the "early" is the key!
Thank God today is Friday and one of my off days. I had time to write this before going on to other chores! :)
Both restorative yoga (uses props, so you are comfortable) and Yin-Yoga which allows some discomfort--involve holding a posture longer than normal. . .up to 2 minutes so the body can unwind and sink deeper into the pose. There are so many forms and names now-- I am no expert. Search engines do not help., tho they are a handy reference.
I started yoga postures when I was 22 with what was called Hatha Yoga and sort of a forbidden topic. I'm 75 now and it is mainstream and downright confusing! I make it up as I go along and it feels right. . . helps that I know the poses, though.
My favorite is Legs Up the Wall. Really drains the legs and lets you unwind from a long run. . . easy to fall asleep in, though!
While this is for lower back pain, which I don't experience, the longer holding times do help for after-runs. And don't forget the leg-up-the wall pose (leg drains). It helps tremendously as one of your last poses. :)
Terrell, I just finished listening to the audiobook Breath by James Nestor thanks to a newsletter topic from you a few months ago. I loved it. I was a little bit skeptical of some of the claims, but all in all, it was very interesting and absorbing book. And I admit, I am playing a lot closer attention to my breathing. Thanks!
Hi Maria. I read that book too (well, not quite finished). I started doing breathwork (Pure Bliss Breathwork) and it has expanded my lung capacity and tolerance for C02. Its amazing what the body will do for us when focused. What else did you get out of the book?
I have been trying to meditate for years and I have finally started doing it regularly in the past month. Sometimes though, I find it difficult to fit in for a variety of reasons. After listening to the book, I try doing some of the breathing techniques instead. Not exactly the same, but helpful nonetheless. Also, after practicing some of the breathing techniques, I find that it is a bit easier to meditate. The focus on the breathing is easier when I don't have to worry about how I am breathing since I have been practicing. I also catch myself shallow breathing when I'm a little stressed or anxious and I purposely take deeper, slower breaths. Really helps.
I have a question about running injuries..... Hip/knee/potential IT band? When do you get help? Where do you go? When do you know to run through it vs take time off? Any help would be SO appreciated.
Your physician may have you see an orthopedic doctor that specializes in lower extremity issues. A good one can diagnose your issue. And they work closely with the physical therapists, who are worth their weight in gold. My best advice is don’t put it off if you are having issues. I had hamstring tendonitis and messed around with it for much too long. I could have gotten seriously hurt.
Hi Stephanie! This is a great, great question, and one that's also really personal. Whenever I've gone to the doctor, they always have those pain threshold diagrams on the wall. You know, the one with the little smiley faces, that show in degrees how much pain you're feeling, on a scale of 1 to 5 or 1 to 10? I'm not big on running through pain -- to me, that's a sign something might be wrong, and I might injure myself more if I keep running when I'm experiencing pain.
I would start with your doctor, who might be able to recommend a sports medicine expert if that's what you need. I also find that an extended period of rest can help me too. I hope that helps!
If you must know what's on my mind, ACID REFLUX! I thought it was just me, but there's a wealth of knowledge on the Internet around this thing that attacks runners. At around 5 miles, I can feel it starting. A couple weeks ago I kinda threw up in my mouth, which was highly unpleasant while breathing heavy. I am not in the habit of running with two Tums-type antacids in a zip lock in my pocket. I just chew one at about 4.5 miles, and wash it down. Problem solved. Anyone else having this? What's your solution?
I used to deal with heart burn a lot. I modified my diet, not because of this but for other medical reasons, and started eating according to my blood type. The recommendations are based on “Eat Right for Your Type” by Adamo. I stopped using antacids in less than two months and saw my cholesterol numbers drop to the same level they were when I had been taking medication. I recommend buying the pocket book just foe your blood type ($7) rather than the text book, unless you REALLY enjoy reading.
Dilute a tablespoon of Braggs Organic Apple Cider vinegar in 8 oz. of water. Use a bit of honey if you need some sweetness. I take it after meals and before bed if any symptoms. I started this regimen when I woke up in middle of night at age 40 with the thought I was having a heart attack. It turned out to be acid reflux. I stopped eating chocolate and drinking coffee and overeating at meals. I have not had even a minor symptom since then… 35 years ago. If you try it, make sure you fully dilute it in 8 oz. of water…otherwise you could injure your self ( throat, vocal chords). It has been safe and effective for me! Please consult your doc as I am not a physician. Hope it works!
You lost me with giving up coffee... haha! I don't eat before bed, so the acid reflux is only an issue on the long runs. I'll down an 8 ounce glass before my long run tomorrow, and let you know how it goes. Thanks!
Great advice and preferable to Big Pharma. I cut out sugar, chocolate, cheese and overeating over time. Never had acid reflux except during the 8th month of pregnancy a million years ago--something you cannot identify with! :)
Love my coffee! It does not have the same effect! I still take Apple Cider Vinegar just as an all-around tonic, but like you say, check with your doc. It might not be for everyone.
I sometimes get it if I eat a heavy meal before running. I typically eat a light breakfast and still wait at least an hour, but typically two before running, but if I decide on bacon and eggs, I might get heartburn even if I wait two or more hours to run.
It's a great morning, I've been running every other day.
I got bad news about a loss in the family and pass from having covid, well in order for me to grieve I run, I loss my mom 2 years ago, than loss my sister to covid Oct 2021, it has been hard, but I go back to my running to clear my mind, talk to God for comfort and strength 🙏 so those are my week, and running is my strength, I use to eat a lot cause of pain, depression, I overcame those by talking to others and using my ordeal to my community so they can overcome by eating and not get obese, cause our life, health matters and we are loved ❤
That is my sharing for the week. Prayers help me and support of my family, so share your thoughts or ordeal it is a very good feeling afterwards. Have a blessed day 🙏❤😊
Sometimes it's good just to do something crazy. I used to do full marathons when I was younger, but now do half marathons (age 68). Last Saturday at Surfside, the weather was nice, and I just decided to do the full (no extra training of course). They will let you switch there since it is a small race. Finished with a good bit of walking on the upwind leg. You never know what your limits are until you test them.
Thanks for the advice. I must say this is such a supportive group. I really look forward to this Friday thread. I have gotten a lot of good advice from a lot of you. Most important this group makes me feel like I’m not running alone but part of a very gracious running community. Funny story, I went to support my friend on her New York City Marathon. We went to eat after the race and she was telling me how hard this particular marathon had been because she hit the wall at mile 20. She mentioned that the only thing that made her not quit was the shirt she had someone make her for the race with the Guatemalan flag and her name Dory on the front and back of the shirt. She said it saved the race because when she hit the wall and stopped running the spectators in front and in back of her started cheering her on chanting Dory!Dory! Dory! And that gave her the strength to start running again and cross the finish line.
She said to me that for my first marathon she will have a shirt done for me with the Puerto Rico flag and my name Mirtha on the front and back of the shirt. That way if you hit the wall the crowd from both sides will be able to cheer you on. Then we thought about it some more and realized that it’s very hard for English speakers to pronounce my name. When they try to say my name it actually comes out as Mierda (which is the Spanish name for poop). She knows my fear of getting joggers trot and we know the last thing I would need is a crowd enthusiastically chanting Mierda(poop)! Mierda(poop)! Mierda(poop)! So after laughing really hard we decided to put the Puerto Rican flag on the shirt and print Martha instead of Mirtha on the shirt. Hope this story makes you laugh :)
I'm so glad to hear all of this, Mirtha -- and wow, what a story about your name!! I'm so glad you're here. And I'm excited for you about the chance to run the NYC Marathon -- what an experience that will be!
perhaps too sensitive or personal, but, does anyone struggle with depression? the kind where interacting with others is hard; getting out of bed is hard and putting a pretend smile is also hard. i know running/exercise is good to combat depression, but sometimes....
I am with you too. I take meds and try to eat right, but sometimes life is a lot. Medical issues kept me from running a lot and I am just now getting back into it. Sometimes just getting out and taking a walk really does help. It's hard to sometimes go to others, but if you get an invite to meet up with someone go - even if you don't feel like it. It really helps.
Not too sensitive at all, Leslie. All questions are welcome -- first of all, let me send you a virtual hug 🫂
And my first question might be, have you considered talking with a therapist where you live? If you need help finding one, there is a national hotline that's open 365 days a year, 24 hours a day -- it's 1-800-662-HELP (4357).
If you're experiencing the kinds of symptoms you describe, I'd wholeheartedly recommend talking with a therapist. I went through a period of depression about 15 years ago, and then again a few years later, and the therapist I used probably saved my life. If nothing else, our sessions were like a release valve, where I could bring the things in the back of my mind out in the open, and see that they weren't quite so scary when I exposed them to the light of day.
I also don't want to oversell the benefits of running to combat depression -- I love it because it keeps my mood up overall, but I wouldn't want to lean on it alone if I was experiencing anything more than a mild sense of the blues, you know? That's when I need a professional, or if I can't see a professional, then going for a run with a friend can really help.
I know so many of us have been isolated during these past couple of years -- it's been difficult for me too, and several friends of mine. What has really helped is, as things have opened up, making it a priority to see each other again. We've gone to concerts, Atlanta United soccer games, and just getting together when we can. There's something about the strength of loose ties -- we need those casual social interactions with people who are on the periphery of our lives, I've found.
Hi Leslie, I’m right there with you. I wonder if I’m dealing with some of that but not sure and honestly afraid to find out. I have a hard time getting out of bed to go running lately and make excuses to not go, even though the smart/logical side of me knows that if I do go run, I’ll feel much better. I’m not sure what the answer is but just wanted you know that you’re not alone. (((Hugs))
I hear you, on all of that. It's only very recently that I've come to the conclusion that we're probably all feeling some long-lasting effects from the past couple of years. Sending you a 🫂 too 😃
Ok, this is a question that I’ve always had but never dared to ask. You all seem like a safe place to ask this question so here it goes. I run half marathons and want to jump to the full marathon distance. What’s stopping me is fear. Not fear of hitting the wall or even injury but I’m terrified of joggers trot happening to me. What are the odds, does this happen often and how can I avoid it? Just thinking about it makes me 💩. Help! :)
I unfortunately suffer from this and was afraid that it would happen to me when I ran my first full. Thankfully there were a lot of porta johns along the way :)
I've found that race nerves always make my insides a little rumbly, and that makes things move a little better pre-race. I've found that I tend to go 3(!) times before a race, even an early morning race. (Maybe TMI?) Take advantage of the starting line porta-potties to make extra sure that you are ready to go. My guess is that whatever works for your half marathon will work just as well for a full marathon. That will be different for everyone. Make sure that whatever fuel you take with you sits well and doesn't cause GI distress. Use it in practice long runs to be sure! Don't use anything new on race day for fuel. And like others have said, there are usually plenty of porta-potties along the way. Put your fear behind you and just go for it!
Give yourself as much time in the morning before the marathon as you can, you won't sleep well the night before anyway, so might as well get up early and start walking around after eating to get things moving, even a shakeout jog can help with this. Don't eat anything foreign or different the two days before the race that you aren't sure will sit well with your stomach. And, if worse comes to worse and you can't void completely before the race, there will likely be portable toilets along the route--don't be ashamed, it happens to everyone.
I will say that at just about every race I've ever done, especially the ones in bigger cities, there are always plenty of port-a-potties around in case the urge strikes you. So, you should be covered there, in case it happens to you at a race.
As far as when you're on a regular run, I always try to go before I run. ALWAYS :) I definitely don't want to get caught out there and have to go either. But honestly, I don't think it's ever happened to me on a long run -- it seems like my body focuses all its energy on getting through the run and not so much about other functions 😃 Hope that helps!
This just happened … I’m signed up for a half on 2/20 (location not to be revealed … the following could happen to ANY race director). I looked at the course map for 20 minutes and could not find the Mile-11 marker. Going north, I saw the mile 5&6 markers were very near the mile 10 and 12 markers … oops! I wrote the race director a couple of days ago and looked at the map this morning and found that the turn-around is a half mile farther north … all is well!
Second week back after having my son (<3!) in December. It’s been a long road—I’ve gone from competitive paces to ones so slow they’re pretty much going backwards -_- (I was restricted from running during my pregnancy.) D: Felt a good burst of strength during the latter half of my run yesterday, though, and was able to maintain an elevated pace until the end. :D Felt great and I’m so excited to hopefully not only get back to where I was but even better! :-) Hope all is well with everyone! <3
Right back at you, Kait! And I'm so happy for you! What a wonderful gift for the holidays!! I know there are at least a few other moms with new babies here, and I'd be interested to hear what they have to say too. So glad it's going well!
This January was difficult to run due to weather, I was sick (excuses) I know. Luckily last week my wife said, you should go outside and run. It was cold and the excuses started coming back, but I just geared up and went. I am so grateful that I did because I realized that I need it for my mind, body and spirit. Since then I have been running and this newsletter adds encouragement, so thank you all for your comments it really helps.
Thank you for all of that!! Sometimes the hardest part of running is putting on our shoes and getting out the door, isn't it? (Especially when the weather is lousy)
How do you guys stay motivated on the treadmill? I have no problem keeping a steady pace outside and feeling good while running but on the treadmill I think I just get bored and stop. What advice/techniques have you guys used to keep treadmill workouts useful?
5k is my limit on the treadmill. The lack of ventilation indoors is suffocating. So I work on middle distance runs (1500m 800m, and 400m) in between rotations on the strength training machines. I’m anxiously waiting for the weather to break.
If you have a treadmill that has options for elevation, play around with that and speed. Change it up every 5 minutes or so. How fast can you go on this incline vs that one and so on.
I’d always advise music or movies—any form of entertainment or distraction, really. Maybe vary your pace and elevation with available presets or intended intervals. I cannot for the life of me do a treadmill (like I’ve legit run in -30 temperatures—and yes, gotten weird looks from passing motorists XD—and butt deep drifts of snow and ice rather than face the treadmill… that’s a special and arguably self-destructive level of refusal) so I understand your reluctance with it. Company or going to a gym might also help, there’s solidarity in companionship and a sense of obligation in public. Hope that helps!!
Wireless headphones and Netflix. We have 2 treadmills so that my wife and I can run together although without Netflix there is no way we could do it. We’ve gotten a lot of snow this year so it’s made it hard to get out
I can't help you here Kelly, I just can't focus on the treadmill at all. I have a monkey mind, it's hard for me to focus even with music (which by the way is the main encouragement to put me out of the door). But I love the outdoors! I need to feel the wind on my face and my hair to keep going.
I have struggled this year with the cold moreso than in years past, and have spent far more time than I would like on the treadmill. I have found that an engaging podcast, or even indulging in watching a Netflix show can help the time fly by. If you like a little creepy, I just finished Archive 81 on Netflix, and because I was "on the edge my seat" it helped me to not even notice the miles passing on the treadmill. Outside, I don't listen to anything, except on rare occasions as a treat.
I couldn't run on my treadmill without my phone -- I watch/listen to movies, podcasts and sometimes music. A lot of times I'll put on concert videos of bands I like -- the live music gets me going in a way that studio music sometimes doesn't. Podcasts are tricky -- if the subject is too esoteric, it can be hard to stay focused. But a podcast like "Serial," which has clear beats it hits, feels like the right pace to listen to when I'm running. But then again, I love interview podcasts like Tim Ferris's -- his interview with Jerry Seinfeld is a great one I've listened to when I'm running, and I can keep up with it/stay focused.
This week I have been in a funk. My dad passed away a couple of weeks ago and I have yet to get back to running like I was. Running is usually my getaway space. I do plan on trying to get a long run in this weekend.
I'll go first 😃 One thing I'm proud of myself for doing is staying consistent with my running/training routine over these past 6 weeks. I seem to have figured out a way to make it work with job + family -- and, that seems to be not trying to run more than 4 days a week. Last year, I was running 5 days a week, and when I'd fall behind or miss a day, that would give me permission to go slack the next week, and the week after that.
Other than, I've just finished "Death on the Nile" by Agatha Christie -- so good! And I've discovered the writer Amor Towles, who wrote Rules of Civility and A Gentleman in Moscow, the first of which I've started (and am loving) this week.
And, I LOVED the Book of Boba Fett finale -- just awesome, pure popcorn entertainment 😃
i went to the beach this weekend...60+ degrees in maryland on saturday! i've been sidelined with an achilles injury since august but i was feeling good and did 6 miles on the boardwalk for the first time in half a year. was great to see and hear the ocean, a wonderful sunrise, and other runners and walkers that were seemingly having a great morning like i was. lots of smiles and good mornings:)
Nice! It sounds like an absolutely perfect day. So glad your 6 miles went well -- smiles and good mornings are what we all can use more of! :)
At 66 I'm still trying to hang in there with triathlons so I joined a local club for inspiration. On Tuesday I attended a track workout. They say you only run as fast as you train. My 'training' is mostly slow jogs so I thought I'd try this to push myself a little. We'll see!
Hi All, Really enjoying reading these comments! Informative and inspirational - just what I need!
My question: I'm registered for 2 half marathons this spring/summer, and would love feedback if any of you have run them. 1st is Rock the Parkway in KC, Missouri. In July is Cherry Festival @ Traverse City, MI. Terrell, I believe the Cherry Festival was on one of your "best of" lists at one time (?). Thanks in advance for any advice or recommendations!
Hi Terrell, your post about Kara Goucher certainly hit home for me. I am not an elite runner nor famous in any sense but I stuggled severely during a half marathon two years ago (awkward gait) that turned out to be MS. I am still running but 5k is about the farthest I can run these days. I suspect that are many like me who love running but it is beyond their ability. Barry from Colorado
I really admire your courage to keep doing the thing you love while facing limits. So much to grieve and celebrate at the same time. You are an encouragement to me as I am dealing with some health set backs and trying to hold onto hope! Run strong!
Thank you for sharing this, Barry! I would imagine you're 100% correct about that -- I feel for you, my friend. How does it go when you limit your runs to about a 5K?
I’m doing my first live race since 2/29/20! Mesa half in Mesa, AZ.
How awesome is this!!! 🙌
Hey there, Half Marathoner Community!
I went on my first run today after coming down with COVID earlier this month (double vaxxed and boosted), and unsure if it was long-term effects of COVID, or the Northeast weather, but I definitely did not feel like myself.
Is there any any research as to what the new variants do to the lungs, and any advice on how to get back out there ahead of the spring race season?
Thank you!
Oh Teresa! I also had COVID earlier this month and feel like I'll never return to myself....I understand it can take many weeks to really reclaim our strength. Sending hope your way and building it myself! Hope you stay well.
This is something I'm really curious about too, Teresa. I had Covid back at the beginning of 2021, and I had definitely had to take it easy for a while. Now, I feel completely back to normal. What does it feel like when you run now?
Berkeley half is the last Sunday of this month and I’m not ready! I will probably mostly walk the 13.1 interspersed with short runs. I won’t have a personal best by any means but I know it will be a fun time on a beautiful morning.
That's the spirit! Just go and enjoy what you're able to run/walk, and have a ball. I bet it will be a beautiful experience too.
Omg! I'm headed out for 7 tomorrow...injury is healing. And it's 56 in NY!!! Hope for spring!
Good luck! You're probably out there right now -- tell us how it goes!
The freewalkers.org group has a virtual challenge to complete the Kennedy 50. Robert Kennedy walked 50 miles from Great Falls, MD to Harpers Ferry, WV on Feb 9, 1963. If I recall correctly took him 17 hours and 50 minutes. Freewalkers.org started the challenge back in 2013. As the last 2 years have been virtual you have 10 days to complete the challenge. I have completed 42 miles in the first 3 days.
Looks like a challenge as do your walks. Will have to look into it for more info! :)
Happy weekend, everyone! I have a question - last weekend my husband and I completed a half marathon in Death Valley (perfect weather, fun run, good finish times!) We are, obviously, runners, but focused on training for the half and followed an 8 week training plan that our friend put together for us. We really loved the structure and we both agree that we ran well in the race as a result of the scheduled plan.
Now that the run is over, we're kind of longing for another training schedule, but don't know the best path. Do you we find a recovery / maintenance schedule, do we sign up for another race and start the previous schedule over? Do we set new goals, like speed or distance and work towards that (we're interested in ALL these things).
I'd be interested to hear what others have done, and if there are any recommended training schedules.
Happy running!
Depending on your age I would suggest maintenance for awhile and don't over train (can lead to injury). Congrats on the half!!
I am looking forward to a long run after being granted a return to running ok by both my Pt and Running coach. The issue i have is it seem that sometime last summer I developed a pinched nerve in the lumber area. it does not affect me unless I am running than I just can't seem to lift my legs. That being said after many test and some Physical Therapy I am back to running. My goal for the year has had a delayed start but it just means that it will have to run into next year.
Only thing I have to add is what I've found works for me. Turn Off the Computer!!, get on running gear and go out! Post-run stretches and long yoga poses (I think they call it Yin-Yoga or Restorative Yoga. . . there are so many names, I 'm not sure) afterwards is a boon. They not only calm the body down, but build flexibility and strength. Running times have improved by 2 or 3 minutes.
It was a maximum change for me, not easy, but essential. After a few weeks, I feel so much better and there is time to do other things during the day. Everything will still be around when I can enjoy it. I'm only running 5 days a week, but the "early" is the key!
Thank God today is Friday and one of my off days. I had time to write this before going on to other chores! :)
Can you say more about those yoga poses?
I wish I could.
Both restorative yoga (uses props, so you are comfortable) and Yin-Yoga which allows some discomfort--involve holding a posture longer than normal. . .up to 2 minutes so the body can unwind and sink deeper into the pose. There are so many forms and names now-- I am no expert. Search engines do not help., tho they are a handy reference.
I started yoga postures when I was 22 with what was called Hatha Yoga and sort of a forbidden topic. I'm 75 now and it is mainstream and downright confusing! I make it up as I go along and it feels right. . . helps that I know the poses, though.
My favorite is Legs Up the Wall. Really drains the legs and lets you unwind from a long run. . . easy to fall asleep in, though!
Oddly enough, Yoga Journal came up with a sequence of Yin Yoga poses that pretty much duplicate what I do after running. Hope that you can get into the article and hope that it helps. https://www.yogajournal.com/practice/yoga-sequences-type/yin-yoga-sequences/yin-yoga-for-lower-back-pain/
While this is for lower back pain, which I don't experience, the longer holding times do help for after-runs. And don't forget the leg-up-the wall pose (leg drains). It helps tremendously as one of your last poses. :)
Terrell, I just finished listening to the audiobook Breath by James Nestor thanks to a newsletter topic from you a few months ago. I loved it. I was a little bit skeptical of some of the claims, but all in all, it was very interesting and absorbing book. And I admit, I am playing a lot closer attention to my breathing. Thanks!
Hi Maria. I read that book too (well, not quite finished). I started doing breathwork (Pure Bliss Breathwork) and it has expanded my lung capacity and tolerance for C02. Its amazing what the body will do for us when focused. What else did you get out of the book?
I have been trying to meditate for years and I have finally started doing it regularly in the past month. Sometimes though, I find it difficult to fit in for a variety of reasons. After listening to the book, I try doing some of the breathing techniques instead. Not exactly the same, but helpful nonetheless. Also, after practicing some of the breathing techniques, I find that it is a bit easier to meditate. The focus on the breathing is easier when I don't have to worry about how I am breathing since I have been practicing. I also catch myself shallow breathing when I'm a little stressed or anxious and I purposely take deeper, slower breaths. Really helps.
I have a question about running injuries..... Hip/knee/potential IT band? When do you get help? Where do you go? When do you know to run through it vs take time off? Any help would be SO appreciated.
Your physician may have you see an orthopedic doctor that specializes in lower extremity issues. A good one can diagnose your issue. And they work closely with the physical therapists, who are worth their weight in gold. My best advice is don’t put it off if you are having issues. I had hamstring tendonitis and messed around with it for much too long. I could have gotten seriously hurt.
Hi Stephanie! This is a great, great question, and one that's also really personal. Whenever I've gone to the doctor, they always have those pain threshold diagrams on the wall. You know, the one with the little smiley faces, that show in degrees how much pain you're feeling, on a scale of 1 to 5 or 1 to 10? I'm not big on running through pain -- to me, that's a sign something might be wrong, and I might injure myself more if I keep running when I'm experiencing pain.
I would start with your doctor, who might be able to recommend a sports medicine expert if that's what you need. I also find that an extended period of rest can help me too. I hope that helps!
If you must know what's on my mind, ACID REFLUX! I thought it was just me, but there's a wealth of knowledge on the Internet around this thing that attacks runners. At around 5 miles, I can feel it starting. A couple weeks ago I kinda threw up in my mouth, which was highly unpleasant while breathing heavy. I am not in the habit of running with two Tums-type antacids in a zip lock in my pocket. I just chew one at about 4.5 miles, and wash it down. Problem solved. Anyone else having this? What's your solution?
I used to deal with heart burn a lot. I modified my diet, not because of this but for other medical reasons, and started eating according to my blood type. The recommendations are based on “Eat Right for Your Type” by Adamo. I stopped using antacids in less than two months and saw my cholesterol numbers drop to the same level they were when I had been taking medication. I recommend buying the pocket book just foe your blood type ($7) rather than the text book, unless you REALLY enjoy reading.
No ice cream? That’s crazy talk! I’ll give it a try. Thanks!
Dilute a tablespoon of Braggs Organic Apple Cider vinegar in 8 oz. of water. Use a bit of honey if you need some sweetness. I take it after meals and before bed if any symptoms. I started this regimen when I woke up in middle of night at age 40 with the thought I was having a heart attack. It turned out to be acid reflux. I stopped eating chocolate and drinking coffee and overeating at meals. I have not had even a minor symptom since then… 35 years ago. If you try it, make sure you fully dilute it in 8 oz. of water…otherwise you could injure your self ( throat, vocal chords). It has been safe and effective for me! Please consult your doc as I am not a physician. Hope it works!
You lost me with giving up coffee... haha! I don't eat before bed, so the acid reflux is only an issue on the long runs. I'll down an 8 ounce glass before my long run tomorrow, and let you know how it goes. Thanks!
Great advice and preferable to Big Pharma. I cut out sugar, chocolate, cheese and overeating over time. Never had acid reflux except during the 8th month of pregnancy a million years ago--something you cannot identify with! :)
Love my coffee! It does not have the same effect! I still take Apple Cider Vinegar just as an all-around tonic, but like you say, check with your doc. It might not be for everyone.
I sometimes get it if I eat a heavy meal before running. I typically eat a light breakfast and still wait at least an hour, but typically two before running, but if I decide on bacon and eggs, I might get heartburn even if I wait two or more hours to run.
Good morning from Apache land,
It's a great morning, I've been running every other day.
I got bad news about a loss in the family and pass from having covid, well in order for me to grieve I run, I loss my mom 2 years ago, than loss my sister to covid Oct 2021, it has been hard, but I go back to my running to clear my mind, talk to God for comfort and strength 🙏 so those are my week, and running is my strength, I use to eat a lot cause of pain, depression, I overcame those by talking to others and using my ordeal to my community so they can overcome by eating and not get obese, cause our life, health matters and we are loved ❤
That is my sharing for the week. Prayers help me and support of my family, so share your thoughts or ordeal it is a very good feeling afterwards. Have a blessed day 🙏❤😊
I can only imagine your pain and loss. Blessings to you and your family.
🙏 for you and your family, Elva! Thank you for all of the thoughts you've shared, especially these.
Thank you and I'm ok, running will help me to overcome it, I'm a strong woman and I have God in my life. 🙏
Sometimes it's good just to do something crazy. I used to do full marathons when I was younger, but now do half marathons (age 68). Last Saturday at Surfside, the weather was nice, and I just decided to do the full (no extra training of course). They will let you switch there since it is a small race. Finished with a good bit of walking on the upwind leg. You never know what your limits are until you test them.
Wow! Go on with your bad self! 🙌
Thanks for the advice. I must say this is such a supportive group. I really look forward to this Friday thread. I have gotten a lot of good advice from a lot of you. Most important this group makes me feel like I’m not running alone but part of a very gracious running community. Funny story, I went to support my friend on her New York City Marathon. We went to eat after the race and she was telling me how hard this particular marathon had been because she hit the wall at mile 20. She mentioned that the only thing that made her not quit was the shirt she had someone make her for the race with the Guatemalan flag and her name Dory on the front and back of the shirt. She said it saved the race because when she hit the wall and stopped running the spectators in front and in back of her started cheering her on chanting Dory!Dory! Dory! And that gave her the strength to start running again and cross the finish line.
She said to me that for my first marathon she will have a shirt done for me with the Puerto Rico flag and my name Mirtha on the front and back of the shirt. That way if you hit the wall the crowd from both sides will be able to cheer you on. Then we thought about it some more and realized that it’s very hard for English speakers to pronounce my name. When they try to say my name it actually comes out as Mierda (which is the Spanish name for poop). She knows my fear of getting joggers trot and we know the last thing I would need is a crowd enthusiastically chanting Mierda(poop)! Mierda(poop)! Mierda(poop)! So after laughing really hard we decided to put the Puerto Rican flag on the shirt and print Martha instead of Mirtha on the shirt. Hope this story makes you laugh :)
I'm so glad to hear all of this, Mirtha -- and wow, what a story about your name!! I'm so glad you're here. And I'm excited for you about the chance to run the NYC Marathon -- what an experience that will be!
Ready for the weekend, about to get out for a 7km now to get it started here in Ireland!
Have a great one everyone.
How awesome is that? What time is it there? And what's the weather like?
its fantastic!
It’s 16:50 & a cold 6 degrees Celsius, you’ll have to Google that in Fahrenheit!
That's chilly! (42 degrees, as we'd say over here)
perhaps too sensitive or personal, but, does anyone struggle with depression? the kind where interacting with others is hard; getting out of bed is hard and putting a pretend smile is also hard. i know running/exercise is good to combat depression, but sometimes....
I am with you too. I take meds and try to eat right, but sometimes life is a lot. Medical issues kept me from running a lot and I am just now getting back into it. Sometimes just getting out and taking a walk really does help. It's hard to sometimes go to others, but if you get an invite to meet up with someone go - even if you don't feel like it. It really helps.
Agree with Terrell … know folks who deal with depression … know that we in this community have your back … hope your journeys thru this go well.
Leslie, thank you for opening up. Many may feel like you do and benefit from knowing they are not alone.
I agree wholeheartedly with Terrell's advice. Talk to a professional or at least a very trusted friend or family member about your feelings.
Not too sensitive at all, Leslie. All questions are welcome -- first of all, let me send you a virtual hug 🫂
And my first question might be, have you considered talking with a therapist where you live? If you need help finding one, there is a national hotline that's open 365 days a year, 24 hours a day -- it's 1-800-662-HELP (4357).
If you're experiencing the kinds of symptoms you describe, I'd wholeheartedly recommend talking with a therapist. I went through a period of depression about 15 years ago, and then again a few years later, and the therapist I used probably saved my life. If nothing else, our sessions were like a release valve, where I could bring the things in the back of my mind out in the open, and see that they weren't quite so scary when I exposed them to the light of day.
I also don't want to oversell the benefits of running to combat depression -- I love it because it keeps my mood up overall, but I wouldn't want to lean on it alone if I was experiencing anything more than a mild sense of the blues, you know? That's when I need a professional, or if I can't see a professional, then going for a run with a friend can really help.
I know so many of us have been isolated during these past couple of years -- it's been difficult for me too, and several friends of mine. What has really helped is, as things have opened up, making it a priority to see each other again. We've gone to concerts, Atlanta United soccer games, and just getting together when we can. There's something about the strength of loose ties -- we need those casual social interactions with people who are on the periphery of our lives, I've found.
I hope all this helps -- forgive my rambling!
Hi Leslie, I’m right there with you. I wonder if I’m dealing with some of that but not sure and honestly afraid to find out. I have a hard time getting out of bed to go running lately and make excuses to not go, even though the smart/logical side of me knows that if I do go run, I’ll feel much better. I’m not sure what the answer is but just wanted you know that you’re not alone. (((Hugs))
I hear you, on all of that. It's only very recently that I've come to the conclusion that we're probably all feeling some long-lasting effects from the past couple of years. Sending you a 🫂 too 😃
thanks all. i've been seeing someone and take meds. this time of year is tough for me. i'll be fine and I sincerely appreciate ur concerns
Ok, this is a question that I’ve always had but never dared to ask. You all seem like a safe place to ask this question so here it goes. I run half marathons and want to jump to the full marathon distance. What’s stopping me is fear. Not fear of hitting the wall or even injury but I’m terrified of joggers trot happening to me. What are the odds, does this happen often and how can I avoid it? Just thinking about it makes me 💩. Help! :)
Humorous response … did Palm Beach Half Provo’s decade ago … was IN a porta-potty when the National Anthem was playing.
I hear ya. Not advising this but I have been known to take Immodium pre-race.
I unfortunately suffer from this and was afraid that it would happen to me when I ran my first full. Thankfully there were a lot of porta johns along the way :)
I've found that race nerves always make my insides a little rumbly, and that makes things move a little better pre-race. I've found that I tend to go 3(!) times before a race, even an early morning race. (Maybe TMI?) Take advantage of the starting line porta-potties to make extra sure that you are ready to go. My guess is that whatever works for your half marathon will work just as well for a full marathon. That will be different for everyone. Make sure that whatever fuel you take with you sits well and doesn't cause GI distress. Use it in practice long runs to be sure! Don't use anything new on race day for fuel. And like others have said, there are usually plenty of porta-potties along the way. Put your fear behind you and just go for it!
Give yourself as much time in the morning before the marathon as you can, you won't sleep well the night before anyway, so might as well get up early and start walking around after eating to get things moving, even a shakeout jog can help with this. Don't eat anything foreign or different the two days before the race that you aren't sure will sit well with your stomach. And, if worse comes to worse and you can't void completely before the race, there will likely be portable toilets along the route--don't be ashamed, it happens to everyone.
Ha! Well, that's a great question. Runner's World wrote a whole book about it: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07C9WDG8S/
And they have an article about it here: https://www.runnersworld.com/health-injuries/g20840527/how-to-avoid-pooping-during-a-race/
I will say that at just about every race I've ever done, especially the ones in bigger cities, there are always plenty of port-a-potties around in case the urge strikes you. So, you should be covered there, in case it happens to you at a race.
As far as when you're on a regular run, I always try to go before I run. ALWAYS :) I definitely don't want to get caught out there and have to go either. But honestly, I don't think it's ever happened to me on a long run -- it seems like my body focuses all its energy on getting through the run and not so much about other functions 😃 Hope that helps!
This just happened … I’m signed up for a half on 2/20 (location not to be revealed … the following could happen to ANY race director). I looked at the course map for 20 minutes and could not find the Mile-11 marker. Going north, I saw the mile 5&6 markers were very near the mile 10 and 12 markers … oops! I wrote the race director a couple of days ago and looked at the map this morning and found that the turn-around is a half mile farther north … all is well!
Good to know!
Second week back after having my son (<3!) in December. It’s been a long road—I’ve gone from competitive paces to ones so slow they’re pretty much going backwards -_- (I was restricted from running during my pregnancy.) D: Felt a good burst of strength during the latter half of my run yesterday, though, and was able to maintain an elevated pace until the end. :D Felt great and I’m so excited to hopefully not only get back to where I was but even better! :-) Hope all is well with everyone! <3
Congrats on the baby and getting back to running!
Right back at you, Kait! And I'm so happy for you! What a wonderful gift for the holidays!! I know there are at least a few other moms with new babies here, and I'd be interested to hear what they have to say too. So glad it's going well!
When’s your son’s first 5K or color run?
As soon as he can walk ;D lolz!
Thank youuuu!! ^_^ <3
This January was difficult to run due to weather, I was sick (excuses) I know. Luckily last week my wife said, you should go outside and run. It was cold and the excuses started coming back, but I just geared up and went. I am so grateful that I did because I realized that I need it for my mind, body and spirit. Since then I have been running and this newsletter adds encouragement, so thank you all for your comments it really helps.
Bless your wife … my wife and I are also each other’s motivators
Thank you for all of that!! Sometimes the hardest part of running is putting on our shoes and getting out the door, isn't it? (Especially when the weather is lousy)
Today I am grateful I can enjoy life's simple things, like wearing your favorite sports team jersey to work or eating a donut with coffee.
Right there with you, Brian! Do you have a team in this Sunday's Super Bowl?
Not this year. I am rooting for team chicken wing.
How do you guys stay motivated on the treadmill? I have no problem keeping a steady pace outside and feeling good while running but on the treadmill I think I just get bored and stop. What advice/techniques have you guys used to keep treadmill workouts useful?
5k is my limit on the treadmill. The lack of ventilation indoors is suffocating. So I work on middle distance runs (1500m 800m, and 400m) in between rotations on the strength training machines. I’m anxiously waiting for the weather to break.
If you have a treadmill that has options for elevation, play around with that and speed. Change it up every 5 minutes or so. How fast can you go on this incline vs that one and so on.
I’d always advise music or movies—any form of entertainment or distraction, really. Maybe vary your pace and elevation with available presets or intended intervals. I cannot for the life of me do a treadmill (like I’ve legit run in -30 temperatures—and yes, gotten weird looks from passing motorists XD—and butt deep drifts of snow and ice rather than face the treadmill… that’s a special and arguably self-destructive level of refusal) so I understand your reluctance with it. Company or going to a gym might also help, there’s solidarity in companionship and a sense of obligation in public. Hope that helps!!
Wireless headphones and Netflix. We have 2 treadmills so that my wife and I can run together although without Netflix there is no way we could do it. We’ve gotten a lot of snow this year so it’s made it hard to get out
I can't help you here Kelly, I just can't focus on the treadmill at all. I have a monkey mind, it's hard for me to focus even with music (which by the way is the main encouragement to put me out of the door). But I love the outdoors! I need to feel the wind on my face and my hair to keep going.
I have struggled this year with the cold moreso than in years past, and have spent far more time than I would like on the treadmill. I have found that an engaging podcast, or even indulging in watching a Netflix show can help the time fly by. If you like a little creepy, I just finished Archive 81 on Netflix, and because I was "on the edge my seat" it helped me to not even notice the miles passing on the treadmill. Outside, I don't listen to anything, except on rare occasions as a treat.
I couldn't run on my treadmill without my phone -- I watch/listen to movies, podcasts and sometimes music. A lot of times I'll put on concert videos of bands I like -- the live music gets me going in a way that studio music sometimes doesn't. Podcasts are tricky -- if the subject is too esoteric, it can be hard to stay focused. But a podcast like "Serial," which has clear beats it hits, feels like the right pace to listen to when I'm running. But then again, I love interview podcasts like Tim Ferris's -- his interview with Jerry Seinfeld is a great one I've listened to when I'm running, and I can keep up with it/stay focused.
This week I have been in a funk. My dad passed away a couple of weeks ago and I have yet to get back to running like I was. Running is usually my getaway space. I do plan on trying to get a long run in this weekend.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
So sorry for your loss.
My sincerest condolences. Maybe you can run past some of his favorites locations. May the days ahead be filled with fond memories.
I'm so, so sorry to hear that, Kim. My heart goes out to you, and to your family 🙏
I'll go first 😃 One thing I'm proud of myself for doing is staying consistent with my running/training routine over these past 6 weeks. I seem to have figured out a way to make it work with job + family -- and, that seems to be not trying to run more than 4 days a week. Last year, I was running 5 days a week, and when I'd fall behind or miss a day, that would give me permission to go slack the next week, and the week after that.
Other than, I've just finished "Death on the Nile" by Agatha Christie -- so good! And I've discovered the writer Amor Towles, who wrote Rules of Civility and A Gentleman in Moscow, the first of which I've started (and am loving) this week.
And, I LOVED the Book of Boba Fett finale -- just awesome, pure popcorn entertainment 😃