Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

What I am about to write will probably seem silly to younger runners but some of you seniors will understand perfectly. My big goal is to run a half at 63 yo as fast as I did at 60. If I could shake the last year trend of injuries I think I can.

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It can be done. I have run eight half marathons this year at age 70, and have improved my average time (2:14) by three minutes from when I was 60 (2:17). Consistency in training, cross training, and force of will are the keys to success.

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I'm 63 too, and staying injury free is more and more difficult, isn't it? I would like to run a 50k. I don't care if it's flat as a pancake or minimal vertical, trail or road. It would be a great adventure.

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Nov 17, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Since I started running seriously the past 4 years, I have wanted to run the 50 miler in MI. (We lived in MI for 4 years in the ‘90’s) It is in the Manistee Nat’l Forest. They are called “The Hungerford Games.” (1/2, Full & 50 miler) Right now I have to scale back until I can figure out a scar tissue issue from 2 yr old surgery. But I still have a someday hope of that race. Manistee has fantastic scenery. Keep dreaming and reaching my friend.

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I wish for that too but one step at a time for me

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Comeback greater than the setback!! Best to you!

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

If you're in the NY area, try running the Livingston Manor Half in the Catskills in the Fall. I ran it last year - it was on the HalfMarathons.Net list of "all downhill" half marathons. It has some slight uphill sections, but it is mostly manageable downhill. If you can keep your stride light and steady (to minimize joint impact and maintain your balance), it is a very fast run. :)

The beer party afterward was great, too! ;)

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

(I ran it at the age of 60.)

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I am 65 this year and have posted PBs on both 5K and 1/2's. I thought I'd never see that with increasing age, but commitment to a training plan and nutrition and hydration plans have kept my body honest. As a late comer to running at 53, I have enjoyed and regret not doing it earlier in life...but that is the value of kids and family commitment to stick together and enjoy their interests as well. I recently had a friend tell me he thinks he couldn't possibly post any faster times because of age. Don't believe that! Always looking to improve and test myself, regardless of age! My Garmin info tells me I'm as healthy as a 20 year old. Maybe at 66 I might be able to be as healthy as a 21 year old?🤣 I found regardless of age you can still push yourself to limits you thought never possible! Keep enjoying the beauty and freedom of running!

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Love it, thanks for the inspiration and vote of confidence!

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(nods) I found in the last year that keeping my easy days easy and adding strength training on the hard days makes an enormous difference. After some niggles during the last marathon buildup, I am going to be adding some balance work as well for lower-leg and ankle strength. Amazing how much we lose as we age :(

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Thanks for this Steph. I am still trying to find some balance myself. I have been going to the gym for almost 6 months. I am on Day 169 of my streak. The problem is that I am too internally competitive. So if I have a good run one day I go back out the next and try to match or beat it. I hear people say to have balance like you are describing but I have not gotten there yet. So I will keep trying. I have a 10K on Thanksgiving Day. My 5th year in a row. Excited because it is fun but also know that after improving my times each year for the past 4, I will be pushing myself to do it again.

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Go for it.... At 59 yo and coming off a 6 month setback.... I totally understand!

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BTW, looking to run several 1/2s this next year. A couple out of state, maybe NC or CA. Would really love to run the Napa 1/2! Maybe even another marathon.

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

To remain healthy and continue my 50-state half marathon quest (just reached state 24 two weeks ago in Utah), knock 10 or 11 more states off the map, in between 3-month checkups and scans for Stage 2 NonHodgkins Lymphoma. #EveryMileIsAGift.

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You are my hero, Judy. 😊

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That. Is. Awesome x 50! Very inspiring!

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You can do it!

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Same here. Between marathons and halfs, I am about half way there. I am 55 and would like to have it completed by age 60.

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Judy, I haven’t run a half in Utah yet; would you tell me about yours?

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I began running at 50 years old. I began racing 5K races at 52 years old. I ran my first Half Marathon at 57, and ran two each year for a total of eight so far. I am no longer able to maintain the level of conditioning to feel comfortable and healthy running the longer distances, so I have "retired" from distances longer than ten miles.

My goal is to keep running regularly, and find a new healthy equilibrium - a "steady state" I can maintain to keep my heart and lungs strong, and to remain mobile as far as possible into my old age. It is hard to push myself each week, to find or make opportunities to run, when I have no lofty goal of a "big race" ahead.

I wonder how many others find this to be their challenge. Running long distances might not be maintainable, so how do we keep our interest and motivation going?

Peace & Good Health,


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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Way to go Nathan. You're a badass in my book. :)

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I have a similar story. I began running in 2007 at the age of 42. I have ran 17 marathons, almost 30 halves (I lost count, but know it is close), a 50 miler and several distances in between along with numerous 10k and 5k races. It is hard to make time to run after working all day and now that I am a Grandma. My plan is to not run any distance longer than 15 miles. I agree with finding a running group for camaraderie & accountability. All different paces/ages in these groups. Even if you are running every other day a few miles is enough to keep a steady state. Add some cross training on your off days (gentle stretching,light weights, elliptical, brisk walking, etc). Best to you in your quest to maintain good health!

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Nathan, do you run with a group? That can be very motivating. I run with Fleet Feet Cleveland and we have coaches that can help us with setting goals. Everyone in the group supports one another and we encourage each other to keep going on those tough days.

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Leadville 100 or bust. Attempted in 2016 was 20 behind cut off @ 60 miles & got pulled. Was in best shape of life @57 years old. If I don’t get in via lottery I am prepping to race my way in one of the qualifiers. Good luck to all in 2020.

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

You got this, Mike! A buddy I work with DNF'd in 2018, but finished it this year. He proudly wears the jacket all the time. Sounds like a terrific race. I can only dream of such a distance!

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Literally as I was typing my response below, I happened to stumble across this -- really good article by Alex Hutchinson on running ultras: https://www.outsideonline.com/2405298/ultrarunning-prediction-study

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Wow. Now THAT's impressive, Mike. Have you done many ultras in the past?

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

i want to run the philly marathon! there i said it out loud:) i haven't run a full since 2002. been feeling really good and like i finally have it in me!

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It's been since 2001 for a full marathon for me, but watching all the coverage of the NYC Marathon earlier this month made me want to do another one too.

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Write it down & put it up where you will see it every day. It's great (scary but also insipiring) to have a big goal stare you in the face every day!

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it's a great course (I ran the half in 2017). stick with your training plan, stay focused on your goal, and you will *crush* it!

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You go, Kel! Train for that sucker and crush it.

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Main goal for 2020 is to finish the full SF Marathon. I did the first half in 2018 (my first 13.1 ever!), the second half in 2019, and both times thought, "I can't imagine doing another 13.1 miles right now." Now, having finished the 'hilly' NYC marathon, I start the work toward SF. My mantra for the next several months: "I eat hills for breakfast." RAWR!

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That's awesome, Steph! How was New York?!

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Astounding. The noise of it... Indescribably energetic. My time was not the ideal I hoped because I started too fast (seriously, I'd have to wear earplugs not to get pulled along by the energy in Brooklyn!) but I ran across that finish line -- and yeah, entered the lottery to do it again because why not?!

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Steph = beastmode Enjoy the training and crossing that finish line!

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

My goal is to run again! In 2018 I was diagnosed with Spondylolisthesis, a spinal condition. My last 1/2 marathon was in 2017 and I finished 2nd in the 70-75 Women's Division. After 43 years of running, I miss the exuberant feeling of training, running, and the excitement of the 1/2 marathon. It has always been my distance and it's hard to believe I won't feel that again. So now I'm setting a goal to run a 5K and be grateful at the end.

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All the best to you!

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Nov 16, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I notice that several posts are from folks in my age bracket, so here goes... I turned 66 last week and completed my 82nd half last Saturday, my 65th since recovering from cancer five years ago. My first post-chemo race was in November 2014, and I also did one in December that year. I set a goal of completing at least one half marathon per month for as long as possible. So far, so good 😎. I’m currently registered for 10 in 2020. Half crazy?

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That is seriously awesome and inspiring, Dale! What are some of the 10 you’re running next year?

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Nov 16, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Thank you, Terrell. I live near San Diego, so most are around town: Carlsbad, San Diego, Encinitas, SD Beach&Bay, SD Rock’n’Roll, America’s Finest City. Outside of town: Death Valley (cool in February), Yosemite, Lake Tahoe Emerald Bay, Revel Big Bear. I found some of these from your website, of course.

I don’t have any for June, July or December yet. Probably do the SD Holiday in December.

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Just the right amount of craziness, Dale.

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I am 64 now and going to retire in February or March after being with the same company for 43 years.

My plans are to start knocking out more of the 50 states ( half marathon distance) . I plan to do more of these with the Mainly Marathons group.

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I also like Mainly Marathons for checking off the 50 states' half marathon distances. Go for it!

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I’m running my first marathon at Disney World in January! I started my running journey with a 2018 St Paddy’s 5k, and completed my first half last November. I’ve done three halves since and really like that distance, but figured I should challenge myself with at least one (fun!) full marathon! Best of wishes and prayers to those healing and in their respective running journeys!

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I forgot to mention, I’m running the marathon with my sister! It’ll be the first marathon for both of us!

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How awesome is that, Colleen! I love the ambition and the dreaming big. Good luck at Disney! Which halves did you run?

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Thank you so much! My first half was the Kona Coffee Run in Kona, HI. I was inspired to attempt it after volunteering with the 2018 Ironman World Championship! That was super inspiring to watch and fun to be a part of! I’ve also run the Fort Collins Spring Equinox and most recently SLO Ultra half (San Luis Obispo, CA) at Lake Lopez. That was my first trail race and first with significant hills. I have found the running community to be super supportive and fun to be around! I’m thankful for you all!

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That should be a great first marathon! What fun! That one is on my list, too. Are you going to dress up??

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I’d like to! Probably nothing crazy, just some color schemes to pay tribute to some character. Trying to figure that out now so I can start running in whatever I decide on. :) You should try it sometime! If/when you go, would you dress up? What character would you do?

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If you want something simple, I got my wife to attach a pair of kids scissors to a baseball cap a few years back. A few along the course will get the joke.

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I will totally dress up when I do it!!!! I'd pick a princess but I probably would let my niece make suggestions rather than going with my own faves. So many options for cute Disney running outfits on Etsy... I'll have to watch for the sign-up dates for January 2021.... :)

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That's so sweet that you'll run with your niece's choice of character! (pun intended ;) ) Yes, if you want a spot you'll have to stay vigilant for the sign ups! The 5K filled up within hours of it opening and the marathon within the first week or so. You can sign up for email updates on the runDisney website. Thanks for letting me know about Etsy! I'll definitely have to check that out!

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runDisney races are superb. You will have a blast! Congrats on your quick run up to a marathon from a 5K. Great job, Colleen!

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Thank you so much!

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I really want to give that one a try sometime. It is on my bucket list!

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I'm planning to run my first marathon in 2020. The Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon. I have aspirations to run another marathon in the Fall. Anybody have a favorite fall marathon recommendation?

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The Pig is one of my favorites, especially the “pump and run” feature. The day before the run you are tested on the bench press with a weight based on your age and body weight. Each pump takes one minute off your run time. 30 reps gets you a gold medal in the strength component and 30 minutes off your run time. It’s a great way to evaluate your overall fitness program for both strength and endurance, and the train up really reinforces the goodness of cross training.

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I shall check this out!

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I ran the TIM Horton Half Marathon this October in Niagara Falls, Canada. Great weather, scenic, flat. I can recommend it. Will be there in 2020, signed in already.

The full Marathon starts in Buffalo.

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I ran the Mighty Niagara in September of this year. There were some really nice views. Difficult finish!

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Mount Desert Island marathon (or half) in Maine!

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Marine Corps Marathon in DC would be a good one.

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Nov 16, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Twin Cities is a good one.

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I'm pretty sure that my husband and I will be running the Flying Pig half this year. We did Chicago this year and I highly recommend it. The application for the lottery is open until 12/3.

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I like Chicago. It's worth a shot at the lottery!

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FP next year, not this year.

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Very cool, Jason. Flying Pig... for some reason that makes me think of BBQ. I'd better look that one up!

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I need to get that one on my list. In a previous life I raced sports cars, and my car was called the "Flying Pig." I still have an affinity for flying pigs and wore one (a pin) when I ran NYC Marathon last week. SO thanks for the reminder... gotta get it on the schedule! As for fall... I'll be watching this one as well. I've put my name in for Chicago but odds are good that I will need an alternative ;)

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Marine Corps Marathon is a splendid race, can't beat the finish line where a young Marine places the finisher's medal around your neck.

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That was my first marathon in ‘16. Then I ran my second at the Air Force marathon in Sep of ‘16. I ran AF again in ‘18 but those are my only ones.

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I don't have 20/20 vision on my eyesight lol. However, I plan to do 20 things I have not done before (running related) in the year 2020.

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Flag on the play. Overuse of 20. 20 yard penalty and repeat 1st down. ;-) Please keep us posted on the 20 things. I'll bet many of us will be motivated by them and want to take on some of them too!

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Yes indeed!

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

1) To keep rehabbing my ankle back to running health

2) We're taking a trip to the UK in May and I'm considering doing the Snowdonia Half...it would be a bucket list race for sure! I wouldn't race it, though, just leisurely jog and enjoy the scenery.

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Oh wow... I just checked it out and it looks absolutely stunning. Very jealous here!

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Definitely do the destination race. It will make the trip that much more enjoyable and memorable. You'll meet some great folks too. Go for it!

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I think my number one goal is to stay healthy and get over this plantar fasciitis that has plagued me for almost a year. The second would be to arrive at the starting line of the 2020 Boston Marathon healthy.

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Do you run even with the pf? I’m bothered by it currently.

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I did at first, but it got unbearable. At the present, no running, only walking and cross training. It's one of those injuries that heals on its own time.

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

2016: 1st half marathon (Parks Half); 2017: 1st marathon (NYC baby!); 2019: 1st 50K (the very awesome Blues Cruise). So for 2020...goal is first 50 miler, Stone Mill 50 in my own lovely Montgomery County MD backyard. Have definitely swallowed the Kool-Aid! Good luck to everyone with all goals -- distance, speed or otherwise!

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Dang, Katrina! One can't help but wonder what you will do in 2025?! Keep running. :)

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I'm just resuming running after being out for 6 months due to meniscus injury and surgery 😢

I'm looking forward to keeping up with all my PT exercises, resuming a full running schedule, AND running my fastest 5K and 1/2 marathon ever💪

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Way to go, Nancy! And, as Christiana said below, the "comeback is greater than the setback"! We'll all be rooting for you!

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It will feel so great to hit those goals.

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I actually have a list of 10 races I want to try to run. A combo of 10ks and halfs culminating in my first marathon. It sounds nuts but I feel great and want to take advantage of that and see what I can accomplish.

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Very cool! Do you have a specific marathon in mind? It doesn't sound nuts, though I'm sure you'll revisit that from time to time as you train!! :)

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There is an Akron half and full marathon at the end of September. I ran the half this year and thought it would be cool to run the full next year!

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Gretchen, you sound like me. I have 3 half’s planned (+various 5k & 10ks) with my first full in October and then a fun half relay with my son - Beat the Train-where you race against a steam train. It’s a crazy schedule and I have a lot of strength training I’ve started working on with a running coach to help me be a better runner and better prepared for next year. I did my first 2 half’s this year on my own and did ok, but a marathon is a different animal!

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I'm going to do a ton of strength training too in the "off season." I have a half in about a week, then I'm going to back down my mileage and get some extra gym time in. I'm like you, as well. My first two halfs were this fall and I'm excited to see what I can do next year. I am going to need some more muscle to pull this off. That train race sounds so cool!! What a great thing for you and your son to do together!

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I started this crazy goal of running halfs throughout all 50 states last year! So far #13 will be in Las Vegas. So the goal is to continue to run improving time and posture while visiting new places.

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The 50-state quest has been an amazing opportunity to visit parts of the US we've never been before and some - to be honest - we might never had made the time to travel. Good luck and enjoy!

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My goal is to complete my second marathon. Aiming for the Marine Corp which takes place near my 60th birthday. (My first was the NY Marathon which I did on my 50th).

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I had so wanted to do the Key West 1/2 on my 60th birthday; didn't happen, so I'm shooting for my 65. Go for it. The big 60 needs to be a milestone. Go for it!!

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I ran Key West at 58 I need to do it again

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That's great, Bill. This post inspires me as I approach age 50 in 2020 and want to do my first marathon.

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I have entered the lottery for the Berlin Marathon. If selected I would be running my 3rd world major marathon. I love that Berlin allows you to sign up as a team of up to 3 people. My husband and a friend will also be running if we get in. If that doesn't happen I may decide to run a fall half instead and am considering Rock & Roll Las Vegas or Niagara Falls.

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Fantastic! (My hidden bucket list / dream is to run the Berlin some day. Shhhh. Don't tell anyone.) Best of luck with the lottery!!

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My husband has Oktoberfest on his bucket list. He will have to run a marathon before he gets to celebrate though (if we get in of course)!

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I am signed up for the Dublin Half Marathon in August 2020. I am pretty excited for this one.. I have been lucky enough to run some pretty amazing races... NYC Marathon twice, Big Sur, Marine Corps, a bunch of Disney Worlds.. Anchorage Alaska. But the fulls just aren't in my lifestyle any longer.. So I do half's now. You can still travel- I ran the Capitola to Santa Cruz in Cali a year ago, and that was pretty awesome.

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All of those sound amazing, Gaile. I'd love to hear more about the Capitola to Santa Cruz race -- how was that?

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Nov 17, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Capitola to Santa Cruz was really awesome.. It's called Run Surfer's Path. Its along Monterrey Bay and yep, you get to see the surfers out there. There is also a full marathon with it. The weather is always great in California and the folks are just awesome. Plus you finish on the beach! How Cali is that? I lived in Florida for 20 years and did some fun half's down there. Ft. Lauderdale A1A is a good one too.. All along the beach, and some finish there on the beach with a great post race party.

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That's all great, Gaile! if you can extend your trip to Dublin by a week, the following weekend there's a half in Reykjavik, Iceland. I ran it last year and it's a terrific race (and it anchored our ten-visit Iceland visit). I met a woman at the starting line who had run Dublin the previous weekend and then popped over to Reykjavik to run a second European half in the same trip. Good luck!

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That sounds amazing!!

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

A 50 miler in Mar then a 100k in Sept and maybe a 100 miler in Oct

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Wow, Diane! Which 100-miler are you looking at? The ultra distances fascinate me. I haven't tried one myself, but a good friend of mine has gotten into them and now that's all he runs.

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

The Mo'Bell put on by Awesome Sauce. Ultras especially the 50k distance is very doable...time limits are much greater with some than most marathons, pacing is slower, lots of food. The ones on Rail Trails are similar to road running in that they are flat and crushed limestone. The KS Rail Trail Extravaganza is a good first one with a 28 hour cut off for the 50k. Another good way is to do a Fixed Time race...12 or 24 hours, some are on tracks, some wooded trails.

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As Gaile said, I am probably only going to do halves at 55. Not the age that stops me but some physical issues as yet unsolved. My hope is to do 3 halves next year. Cincinnati does a Heart mini in March (for the AMA) and I want to do the half Pig and then half AF marathon.

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

2020 race goals- Looking to move up from the 50k distance to my first 50 mile race. Time goal for the 50 miler would be sub 8 hour (in the 60-69 AG group). Probably get in 4-5 races with perhaps 2 of them as the goal races for me. Also all races will be on trails as opposed to road races, a major change.

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Dang, Larry! All pro, buddy. Sounds like a great plan.

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I'd like to do one of the beautiful Utah trail 50ks or longer, one of these years. They have such beautiful scenery to run. Haven't yet done a trail 'race' but I love to do my long runs on the local trail system rather than the roads.

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Steph- I agree with you with regards to scenery on trails, much to take in. Have run couple of trail races, and quickly found out how challenging a technical course can be. Non-technical trail running allows one to look around and enjoy surrounding instead of watching your feet :).

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I would like to run a 50K. I turned 50 this year, so it is a great way to celebrate that! The Niagara Ultra is the one I have my eye on. :-)

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Sounds perfect, BD. What a great goal race to target. Good luck!

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Just finished my 2nd half for the year and wondered why my training seemed to be getting worse. Realized that the two races were 3 months apart which meant 6 months of solid training. Ugh. This year my goal is to run for fun. Back to enjoy running and adding in trails. I will probably do 2 races again this year but I will do one in the spring, one in the fall. I'm 64 and have to learn to enjoy more than compete with myself!

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I totally get that! If it's not enjoyable anymore, why do it? All the best to you.

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

For sure, my first marathon. I was training for this year (Nov. 10th) but was sidelined with two injuries that cratered my ability to complete the training. 2020 for sure, even if I have to walk the thing!

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I want to run a 1/2 this spring. I haven't run a 1/2 in going on 2 years; the 1st one wasn't bad, the 2nd one I was so not prepared and I thought I would die. It kind of burned me, a little. After several family issues, illnesses in the rear view mirror, I have a new resolve for 2020 to be my best year---for 62 yrs. young. I do not feel my age!! Thank you running.

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Nov 16, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

While not solely a running goal, I have signed up for my first half Ironman in April in Hanes

City Fl and plan to do the full Ironman next November, here in Florida.

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

My plans are to train at least 5 days a week while running in as many marathons as I can. The end goal is to qualify for the Boston Marathon for 2021. Current Pace is 7:23 a mile and need it to be below 7.

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

For better or worse, I signed up for my 4th half marathon after saying after the last one, I'd never do another. After surgery on my big toe and it seems that my rheumatoid arthritis is coming out of remission, I'm doing it May 2, 2020!

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

My plan is to train and run the Backcountry Rise 20 mile trail run at Mt. Saint Helens, Washington. The elevation change is 4,900 feet, up then down in a big loop. It's going to take a lot of training between now and the end of August, but I want this challenge to push myself this year. I'm 53 years old, and have taken the oath of "If I'm healthy and want to do it, train and do it!"

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I love that, Beth! I just looked up that race and it looks INCREDIBLE. What an awesome experience that will be. Keep me posted on how your training goes!!

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Very scenic runs. I've done the Wyeast Howl 1/2 marathon on Mount Hood, and recommend it to anyone looking for a challenge. The races are put on by Daybreak Racing here in Portland Oregon.

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I am also rehabbing an injury ! The ligament in my right foot is at about 85 %- feeling pretty good. My running goals for 2020 are to run comfortably, continue to build friendships, improve my form, and run fast as I can :-D

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happy rehabbing and hoping you are back to 100% soon!

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Good Luck!!

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Nov 16, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

This is my 2nd year of running in races. I'm planning on 3 half-marathons [January, 2020 - Daily News Naples, Fl half; March, 2020 - Marco Island, Fl half; May, 2020 - YMCA Sky Y half in Englewood, Fl] and I'm hopeful of improving my time to get below 1:50:00. Ran a 1:58:01 in St. Petersburg last January. I'm enjoy the competitive nature of running thru competing with myself to reach goals. As a former college athlete [a LONG time ago] it's made me compete again, which I do appreciate.

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My current plans and goals for the 2020 running season is to get my during the race nutrition under control. Last year I had issues with running out of energy just short of the end for my halfs it happened about mile 10 for my full it hit me at mile 22. I am hoping to resolve that issue I am currently looking to see if I should overload at the start and use my current maintenance fro during the race or change everything. I have a couple of halfs early in the year so I will have time to work it out before my full late in the year.

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Preparing to run the Marine Corps Half in May and the MCN again in October. I am really hoping to improve my time and take on some other remote races.

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That's awesome, Rebecca! How was this year's Marine Corps Marathon?

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It was extremely rainy. We all got completely soaked so not the best race for most.

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I ran my first one at 54 so at 61 my hats off to you

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That is very impressive. I really hope I will still be running when I reach my 50s.

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I would like to run more races. This year I ran two races, one being a half marathon. I would also like to improve my time.

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I would like to run a marathon some day.

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Have one in particular that you'd like to run?

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No! I'm thinking it would have to be in the fall. The winters are tough here, so it's difficult to build up mileage during the winter months.

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Heh I have the opposite problem — the Summers here are so brutal, it’s very hard (disheartening because you feel soooo slow and sluggish) to train for a fall marathon!

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You can do it!

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Jul 25, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Wow, love the picture ....wanna be there right now😊 Actually tried the discussion thread, just this morning and waiting to see the response. So far, Readers click, comment but don't subscribe. Write on we go

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OK, maybe it's a little bit late response, but I come here from Substack newsletter today :) My plans are very big for 2020. Longest distance run so far are marathon (two times, both ~3:30) on the road and 53 km on trail (actually it was unfinished 83 km). This year I would like to finish my first "mini ultra" trail (67 km with approximately 950 m vertical), 100 km on asphalt (50 laps x 2 km, should finish in 13 hours or DNF), try marathon in 3:15 as part of my journey to sub3 hour marathon.

My plans for March are to maintain 4-4:10 min/km pace for 14.3 km distance on 11th of March (race dedicated to restoration of independence of Lithuania, 30 years anniversary, yay!!!) and try to run at least 60 km in 6 hour race on 21st of March.

Good luck for you all and for me :)

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Nov 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Time for me to get back to the Oakland half marathon — it’ll be 4 years. The good news is that all of a sudden, I’m injury-free, and I’m going to take advantage of that (carefully).

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Nov 18, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I'd love to run my fourth half marathon somewhere in the USA (my new home) and be more structured in my regular running and diet. I'd like to work with a nutritionist to determine what is best for me and my running and really crack into it early in 2020. 2019 began with a hip injury that hindered my running for 3 months, but it was great to be able to work back into running in the latter part of the year and (for me) the most regular running I've ever done :D

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That's awesome, Amy! Are there any particular nutrition questions you have? And do you have a race (or races) in mind?

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Hi Terrell, mostly around how much protein and carbs a runner of approx. 20 miles per week should be eating. Sometimes I feel great and other times I feel I'm not eating enough. Any general tips or help would be greatly appreciated! I'd really like to get more competitive in my running and races. I'm hoping to run a race around October next year, I haven't decided which one yet, but probably one in Colorado.

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Nov 18, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

My plan is to run at least two half marathons in different states than my own here in PA. I am also planning on running the steamtown marathon here near my home. I love to run in the winter and the cold, so this is my favortie time of year to get out there now! I will plan an early spring half too! I'm really interested in running the zion half marathon. Any thoughts on this one???

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Nov 16, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Bear Lake Trifecta is one of my 2020 Goals. Trying to check these states off the list (21 so far) and decided to focus on multi-states for 2020. Bear Lake will be the first time I run 3 half-marathons in 3-days. I plan to do a couple of back to back Halfs in preparation for this June event.

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Nov 16, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I just ran that for the first time! Beautiful! ❤️❤️

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Nov 15, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I hope to run the MB half in 2020. I ran it last in 2017. I have run the Pacific Grove 5k for the last 5 years. It is held in conjunction with the MB half.

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At 61 years of age, I intend to run my first marathon in September of 2020!

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That’s so inspiring! You got this!

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I’ve run the Monterey Bay half, an amazing experience. For 2020 would love to start running again, just not motivated anymore.

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I hear you. I've struggled with motivation at times over the years, too. Sometimes I take a break for a while (sometimes that while has lasted a lot longer than I intended!); but seeing things like all the excitement around the NYC Marathon earlier this month got my wheels turning again. Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. 😊

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I’ll be running the NYC Marathon ... my first marathon. I decided to do this two years ago when wondering how to celebrate my 50th birthday in 2020 and I’m doing this as a challenge to myself. I dream of having my entire family there to see me do it. I think it’ll be very emotional for me. All the best to all of you in your running goals!

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I’m undecided on a half because I’ve committed to run the NE 10 miler series Portland ME in April, May is Newport RI and November is Stowe VT. I’m also training for my 7th Dan in martial arts. Pretty full plate for an old girl of 62. My main goal is always to stay healthy, and to run until I’m 101!

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Keep working on my 50 states at least a 3 mile run in each goal. Also keep getting better.

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I’m 50 yo and running my first half in 6 years on December 1. My goal for 2020 is to run 2 more half marathons—1 in spring (hopefully Shape all women’s half in NYC) and 1 in fall (hopefully on Nantucket). When I started running at 40 I had to overcome an overuse injury for every half marathon. At 50, after overcoming hip bursitis from Ragnar training in 2017, I finally have learned not to force a training plan that leads to injury. I only run 3 times/week and practice yoga for recovery plus strengthening. If I can stay injury free, I want to consider a full marathon, maybe 2022 when I become an empty nester!

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