Jun 26, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

I have 7 half marathons that I am registered for over the rest of 2020. I expect most if not all of these will be canceled. I have already had 3 halfs canceled already and I have deferred 2 others that were scheduled for later in the year.

I am going to approach the rest of 2020 to train harder than I have ever before. I want to go into 2021 in top condition so that if races are back in 2021 I can perform better than ever.

I am anticipating 15-18 half marathons and 2 marathons in 2021 and I will use 2020 to be ready for them.

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Wow, Jamie! I want to know your secret! Seriously, that is all *really* impressive. What marathons are you planning on running in 2021?

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Jun 26, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

I'm already registered for the Disney World Marathon and I was looking at possibly Space Coast Marathon, but its possible I could pick something else in its place.

I was supposed to hit my 100th lifetime half in Feb 2021, but that will now move to later in 2021 when races will have post race parties again as well.

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Wow again!! This feed is very inspiring, as are you all!!

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I like your goals and plans. What a beast you must be to do all those marathons in a year! My goodness!

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Jun 26, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

I started running about 8 years ago and since 2014 I have completed at least 14 half marathons a year and 1 marathon each year. Pleas several 5k, 10k and 15k races a year. I have found its cheaper and more effective than therapy!

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That’s a great way to look at it! I’m in the same boat...I think 8 of mine cancelled/deferred to 2021 and even one to 2022! I’ve become discouraged but I should take on your attitude and use it to my benefit.

I have 7 coming up (Mainly Marathons group) so they’re small groups because who else is crazy enough to to 7 in a row?! Lol! Hoping they aren’t cancelled in October.

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I keep looking at the Mainly Marathons races, but I haven't tried them yet. I'm on a 50 state half marathon quest as well and I suspect that Mainly will fill in the states that are hardest to accomplish. I found it was too easy to give up and become discouraged. Its better to use the time to do everything I can to accomplish my goals.

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Jun 26, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

At the end of April, I was scheduled to run in the NJ Marathon. Like all other events, that was postponed in mid-March. It currently is still scheduled for mid-Nov and my hope is that does not change.

Since I was so far in my training for April, my plan was to continue and run my own personal marathon, but Covid had other plans for me. Spent end of March and most of April in the hospital (whole 9 yards, ventilator, ICU....). Afterwards it took several weeks just getting to walking, let alone running. Still getting checked out by specialists.

I'm back to the point where I can consistently run a 5K, albeit very slowly (was never that fast anyway). Body willing, I plan to work on my pace/distance so that I can cross the finish line.

Besides all the good will and prayers that came my way, I do credit the fact that I started down my running journey with saving my life. From a former couch-potato, that's saying a lot.

Stay safe out there!

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Jun 27, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

So sorry you had to go through that and so happy that you recovered! Keep on running!

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Wow, Sean! I too am so glad you’ve recovered and are feeling better; words cannot express what that must have been like, I have no doubt. That you are returning to running and life is an enormous tribute to your heart and spirit. I bet you have much wisdom to share with us!

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So glad that you are getting better and that you are continuing to run! One step in front of another... you are a survivor, a fighter and you won the COVID battle =) Keep on keeping on! Blessings!

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Jun 26, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

Thanks Terrell! Most of my planned races are canceled and my registration carried over to next year. Still officially on the books are Lake Washington half (November 7th) and Disney World Marathon (January 10, 2021). Even if they hold, I’m not sure I feel comfortable running them in uncertain COVID-19 times. I am using this time to back off the self imposed pressure to run faster or harder and instead refine my form (trying chi running), strengthening weak hips, and sneaking up on the mileage. I have a tendency to ambitiously sign up for races that are out of reach, go into them undertrained, and come out of them grateful for having survived the experience. Not a great long-term model for success:). In short I’m training with patience and compassion for the very first time. It feels a bit unusual but just what I need for this time. Is there such a thing as comfort food for the running soul? If so I think patience and compassion must be in the recipe.

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I love your post, Mary -- that's honestly been me at plenty of races in the past, too. I have a friend who used to train for marathons by only running the long run each weekend. She'd run a couple mid-week runs here and there, but her job kept her so busy that it was near impossible to stick to a training plan. But she loved running and racing, so she kept signing up :)

What you say about patience and compassion for ourselves is a message I definitely need to take to heart -- you put it in a way I haven't been able to 😃

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Jun 26, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

Solid pivot! Yay you! Refining my form and strengthening my weak spots were my main goals last year. Prior it was always run faster than the last time. The new plan is working out way better 😂. And slowing down is strategic - we’ll both be faster in the long run 🙌🏼

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Me too, training slowly this time..should he the right recipe!

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Jun 26, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

I live in Southern California and I'm hiking more and longer; finding low-traffic trails and as much open space as I can. I've cancelled all of the races I planned and paid for. If I can defer them then I do but if not, then I'll handle the loss. I stay close to family and friends (some virtually) and and try to remain calm amidst the uncertainty.

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Same here, Belle. What would we have done during this time without Zoom? 😀

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Jun 26, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

I am running the Blue Ridge to the Beach challenge you listed in your newsletter the beginning of June. It is 475 miles from June 1 - Dec 1. It has been really motivating and fun to record my miles after each run, then see what place I am in. There is even a map that moves "me" along the course after adding my miles. The course goes through 8 cities in NC.

When out for a run now, I find myself pushing a little harder and not walking up a hill bc I want to keep my overall pace faster on the race results page (so your article about running slower sometimes was good timing).

I usually only sign up for 1 half in the fall and 1 in the spring. This is the first virtual event I've done. As long as I can stay injury free, I'll probably look for a longer challenge event like this one for the spring.

As for wearing a mask, I live out in the country and usually run on a farm road with no one around. I don't wear a mask to run.

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Jun 26, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

i've actually been enjoying the virtual race scene. i have no desire to run in any public races any time soon. there is just too much unknown right now. i am keeping up with my running and just enjoying being out there without anything major to train for. plus i love all the money i am saving!

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I can definitely get into that too, Kel. What are you liking most about virtual races?

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they are just more relaxing. i can run them on my time. i don't have to get up at the crack of dawn and drive somewhere and then be all anxious jockeying for position and waiting to start. and the virtual races are either free or really cheap! its so funny because at first i thought they were dumb...why would i pay to just run in my neighborhood? but there are some cool sites out there with fun shirts and medals so we can pick and choose what we want to do. we did a virtual "donut worry be happy" virtual race that gave us a great excuse to eat donuts after lol.

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Jun 26, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

Yesterday I officially transferred my 2020 Berlin Marathon entry to 2021 as they finally cancelled the event this week. For the remainder of the year I plan to continue working on increasing my running base. My ankle is almost back to normal after fracturing it in December and I am running well. I have been working from home since March and now have an additional 2 hours in my day due to not commuting, so I have been able to run a little longer on my weekday runs and do a little more strength training. I have my eye on some small races that have yet to be cancelled and may run a small half in November as my goal race for later this year. I am using 2020 as a year to get into better shape by building more muscle and eating healthy. Hopefully when I run Berlin next year I will have a huge PR due to all of the good work I am doing this year.

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Really interesting, Stacy! Anything in particular you're trying vis-a-vis eating healthy? Big luck in Berlin next year, by the way!

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Thank you! Just trying to get rid of these "mid-life" pounds. I'm trying to gain some muscle so that my metabolism is a little better. Also, if I eat healthyI should be fueling my body properly for all of my workouts which means I will run better and get stronger.

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Jun 26, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

It's been a challenging few months for so many but I'm trying to run everyday either on my elliptical or outdoors. To be honest, whether it's walking with my sweet hound dog or running, it helps to keep spirits up. My daughter and I'd been training for The Flying Pig in May, due to the virus it was moved to October. The race directors were very creative in giving us options; we could run it in October, defer to run it next yr or in '22, or run it virtually on the original date. As for the masks, when biking or running I don't wear a mask, but my son's an ICU RN, and in the beginning of all of this he recommended a mask in stores and while working until we know a WHOLE lot more about COVID-19. Advice taken!

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That's awesome that the Flying Pig folks are letting you defer until 2022. That sounds like a race organization that really cares about the relationship they have with you.

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Our Indy 500 marathon gave us 2021 or 2022 option as well so grateful!

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That's great, the organizers are so generous!

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Jun 26, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

I had planned on no racing in 2020. I came off a very difficult full marathon in November and just wanted to run about 20-25 miles per week, in case I wanted to run a specific race. I signed up for a local HM for the end of March, which has been rescheduled for later in the race. I will not run the rescheduled date. Running is therapeutic for me, so I want to keep it that way, rather than feel tied to down to a 12, 16, 18 week plan to train for a race. My races are generally longer distances.

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Jun 26, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

I lived in Pueblo West next to the State Park and DOW lands, so I running trials away from most folks. First thing in the morning with my running bud Zeus a 45 pound labdoodle. Looking to do the Moab Half in October, even though have signed up for others sooner. It does make my life better to run. Currently on a running streak of at least a mile a day for the last 4 months.

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Jun 26, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

Wow a 4 month streaker! Very impressive. I would LOVE to do the Moab half! First time there 2 years ago and I am absolutely smitten with Moab. My life is much better to run even though there are always challenges to be consistent. It's like being on a different plane (and I don't mean aircraft!) to be devoted to running....any length that can work. I'm sending encouraging thoughts your way, Jay!

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I love hearing this, Jay. How far do you run with Zeus? I used to run with my golden retriever Murphy all the time, but he'd max out at 3 or (maybe) 4 miles. Love that you're doing a running streak, too! How long do you want to keep it going?

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I used to run with our lab, Diesel, but after he turned 7, he was only comfortable with about a mile..and now..just a half mile walk a few times per day is enough for him...dogs are good company though !

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I'd love to do the Moab run as well, it's so beautiful there!!

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Jun 26, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

My dream as far as running is concerned is to run the Marine Corps Marathon. I was fortunate enough to get chosen in their lottery this year, but earlier this week I made the choice to defer to 2021 and run the 2020 virtually. I had already decided that if the MCM was cancelled, I would train to run from my house in Monterey Park (suburb of L.A.) to my daughter’s in Long Beach using the bike path along the L. A. River. Not sure what the exact mileage is, but it is at least 22 miles. Now, I will still do that but make sure I make it 26.2 and make that my MCM virtual. Keeping my fingers crossed for 2021!

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Jun 26, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

Maria, the MCM is my ultimate destination dream race! Someday!

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Jun 26, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

Mary, try to get in by 2021 and I’ll meet you there !

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I am planning to do the Marine Corps Half Marathon at Camp Lejeune in September. So far,it hasn’t been cancelled. It might be a good train up for the MCM.

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Good luck!

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Jun 26, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

I was hoping to do the Portland marathon in October and the California International marathon in December, but even if those runs are not canceled I don’t think I’m going to feel comfortable running them. So for the remainder of 2020 I’m going to continue to run solo. I’m also road biking more now and I’m enjoying doing that.

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Hi Chandra! Have you run any smaller trail races, or do you think you'd feel comfortable running a race like that?

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Jun 26, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

I have not run any organized races small or large and I don’t plan to. I just don’t feel it is safe. I live in Sacramento and our numbers are rising at an alarming rate here in California.

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Jun 26, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

At this point I don't have specific goals. I was training for the SF half but it got pushed back, and to be honest I'm not really sure it's even going to happen. My goal is just to continue running consistently.

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Right now, that sounds like a great goal to me 😃

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Jun 26, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

My goal for the summer is to run a 50K, which I will do on my own. I am also hoping to run the MCM again this year. The race is still on, but they are offering a virtual race option and setting the maximum time to 12 minutes per mile. A cancellation would be a shame. It's a great race.

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How do you think they'll be able to pull it off? I've seen a lot of folks questioning it after the New York City Marathon cancelled for this year. (And Berlin, too, if I'm not mistaken.)

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Jun 26, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

They say their "working solution" is to break it up into 24 waves that will start "over an expanded window of time on event morning." They say this will require fewer participants and the people in the late waves will have less time to "beat the bridge." (Normally if you don't reach the bridge at a certain pace, you have to pull out and run an alternate route.) Will be interesting to see if this works. They say they might have to make the maximum time lower than 12 minutes per mile.

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Jun 26, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

I am looking to get a treadmill and work on my running stride. I currently run in place and though I can run pretty long distances in place when I go run outside I can't run as far. My goal is to eventually run a 5k outside. Eventually, I would like to train for a half marathon.

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Hi Dorian! I owe you an email, as I saw your question about the 20-week training program from a couple days ago (my apologies -- I'll reply to you today!).

Here's a great place to find good, reasonably priced treadmills -- I ordered mine from Amazon and it was very reasonably priced for the others I compared it to: https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-treadmill/

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Jun 26, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

So question: this may have been asked in a previous post and if so, I apologize, but does everyone mask while they run outdoors?

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That's a great question, Cheri -- no need to apologize 😃 I haven't been, but I've been keeping my distance when I run outside (I give people at least 6-10 feet of space on the rare occasions I run past them when I run) and have also been running at home on my own treadmill a fair amount.

I'd love to hear how others are handling it, though. I do ALWAYS wear a mask whenever I go in any indoor environment other than my own home. I use surgical gloves a lot too, when I go to places like a gas station or a grocery store. But I'm not really going anywhere very much.

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Jun 26, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

I don’t wear a mask when running outdoors in my own neighborhood. Not many folks out and about and I can cross to the other side of the street when I see someone. I too run much of my mileage on my personal treadmill when it’s too dark, rainy, cold, icy or hot. Yes, I am unabashedly a fair weather and disease averse runner :)

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I do not wear a mask during my run/walks. As a former surgical nurse, I know that a mask would not withstand the heat and humidity in southern Indiana. I have dripping sweat, not to be too gross. I workout with a core group of 3 close friends and have throughout this whole episode and we distance as best we can.

On July 4th, I will be doing a 5K. Limited to 250 participants, staggered start. Only 1 water station with bottled water. Only bottled water postrace. I will wear my mask pre- and postrace, carry hand gel, and distance myself as much as possible. I plan to concentrate on not touching my face and wear a wicking headband so as not to have to wipe sweat out of my eyes. Our race swag will be mailed to us next week, so no inperson pickup.

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Good for you. I see people running and biking wearing a mask. Why? If the virus is simply floating in the air, we're all going to get it, so why bother.

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That’s what I keep thinking Douglas!

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Jun 26, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

I have been wearing my mask when running outside. My current route is 8 laps around a city park walking trail next door. Even at 7 am, I come across neighbors walking their dog or taking a lap around the trail. It's more a force of habit to remind me to wear my mask anytime that I'm not in the house.

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Do you have a mask that's specially designed/one you recommend for running?

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Jun 26, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

I am using a cotton mask that I bought at a local Meijer store. It can be rough when breathing at times. I let it air out and run it through the washer along with my running clothes every week. I've tried using a bandana, but it's hard to keep that in place while I run.

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my running partner and i keep 6 feet apart when we run. we wear a buff and if someone approaches we cover our mouth and nose with it. also in areas where we have to single file we cover up. we have really been priding ourselves on maintaining the rules and feel we set the example in her neighborhood. it is rare to see anyone without a face covering, which is great.

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I use to run on paths that had less people on them and I would wear my mask but only pull it up when people were around. But then everybody started to hit the paths and trails and they weren’t wearing masks so I found myself pulling mask up or just keeping it up the whole time as others would pass me I would get the stink eye for wearing my mask. I have started to run on city roads and through neighborhoods to avoid contact with others and I still have my mask to pull up should I encounter people.

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I live out in the county, but I have 5 subdivisions that I can run through if I need to. I have roads that are less traveled that I'm running on the weekends. Less traffic on the roads that I like to run on Saturday and Sunday mornings than during the week. In order to make running the trail not so monotonous, I've been alternating directions. I had heard to do that when running laps on a track.

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Not me. I tend to run on some running paths that are not all that busy, and here in Florida now there really aren't many people out since it is so hot now.

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Same here.

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Jun 27, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

We have been handling the pandemic well here in BC Canada. We have great leadership Dr. Bonnie Henry (worth looking up). As long as we can stay 6' apart while outside, we don't require a mask. Only where that is not possible. People on the trails and sidewalks are very courteous and everyone complies. Life is different.

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If only we had that kind of leadership here!

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Jun 27, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

In life, or at least my home's life, we are hoping to finish the exterior reconstruction and landscaping. It's been a 10+ year journey that SIP has helped decrease. In running I am happy that we are doing this plan together. I had been having a hard time getting in to the rhythm of running regularly due my crazy work hours, but I now have made the running schedule a priority and am doing great! On top of staying on the running schedule I also have a goal of "closing all 3 rings" on my activity app for the month of June (and hopefully beyond).. 27 days and counting so far =)

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Love that, Dina! The rings on the Apple Watch can be a powerful motivator, can’t they?

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Jun 27, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

They are getting me out there!

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Jun 26, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

My goal is to go from sub 2hr half marathons to sub 4hr full marathons. I will take this time to build my distance up running at my easy pace. Then once I have the distance I will work on bringing my speed up. It has taken me 8 months to come back from an abductor strain. In that time I started cross training more and signed up for a triathlon only to have it canceled. I now can work on my number one sport of running and secondly maintaining for triathlon cross training. I really don't have to look hard to find a new challenge or a new trail to explore. The hard part is consistency and not over doing it. I just am addicted to the way it makes me feel.

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My goal and plan every year is to run a half marathon every month. Last year, I completed 16 of them and I am trying to maintain that level in 2020. I love how the race directors are starting to get creative, like the Zion at night half marathon. Doing the courses are so much more fun, than running at home in a virtual race. When my races and training are in the same place, it can get harder to keep the excitement level high. I would love to hear what other s are doing.

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I don’t wear a mask when I’m outside running, biking, or walking around my neighborhood. It’s just too darned hot in Vegas & I don’t encounter many people lately. (It’s also 5:45am when I start, so only a crazy person like me would be out that early.)

I have 2 half marathons scheduled in Southern Utah this fall & both are still on! I’m excited!

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I start at 5:30 am or earlier sometimes :) don't meet a soul so don't feel I need a mask when i run or walk. Stores, buildings etc - it's another story.

Good luck with Southern Utah later this year.

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Thanks! I’m crossing my fingers it isn’t postponed.

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Step one was this morning. I ran my first real race since February - the Jackson Valley 10k. Nice flat, straight course and excellent Covid control by the run staff. It was my diagnostic for the way ahead, and the challenges of the last four months really showed. I was humbled by how far I have declined since February.

Step two starts Monday. Now that my gym has opened I will get my program back on schedule.

Step three starts in September. I have four runs scheduled- the Marine Corps Half in September at Camp Lejeune, the Niagra Falls Half in October in Ontario, the Charlotte NC Half in November, and the Busch Gardens Williamsburg Christmas Town 8k in December. All are still scheduled, and I hope they remain open.

Now that I have something to train for it will be easier to stay on the path of righteousness.

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Trust the training...trust the process. Trying to stay half marathon ready. Joined MK Fleming's program after listening to your podcast. It helps to have another eternal source pushing and holding you accountable. Like everyone, I miss the thrill of the big crowds...in the big races.

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Loving the inspiration from everyone! Idk if 100 halves are in my sights...🤪🤪 but I'm working on this one in November!

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deletedJun 26, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson
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I think lots of us are right there with you, Jennie. I'm *really* loving having no Atlanta rush hour commute to get in everyday too (that's where I live). Like you, too, I'm trying to make an effort to see the glass half full as well -- some days are easier than others 😃

I love your spirit and sticking with the trip to Oregon to see all things Prefontaine. I remember seeing a movie about him years ago (called "Pre," I think?). At the time, I didn't know much about him, but I came away from the film just blown away by him. Can't wait to hear how the trip goes!

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Yeah he has a couple movies about him, and then the more documentary type “Fire on the Track”. Very inspiring!

I just jotted down an itinerary of stuff to do/visit and most places are closed now i.e. NikeTown, Coos Bay Museum, Nike headquarters. I’m hoping and praying that changes for the better by the time I fly out mid-September. Plenty of time right?

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I live in Coos Bay (well, in the zip code). They have already cancelled the annual Prefontaine Memorial 10k in September, so that's unfortunate. Thankfully, we are spared from any meaningful number of COVID cases for now, and there are endless places to run without dealing with any people, even in town. There just aren't any upcoming events (at least official ones, which are the most motivating for me).

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Yeah I got that call from Linda Prefontaine herself. I was supposed to do the “Tour De Pre” but she said she won’t risk it, which I completely understand. Y’all stay safe there!!

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