Oct 18, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

I'm proud of my fitness growth. I'm exercising more than I did prior to the pandemic and have made it a part of my routine. I've found that when I work out more, it uplifts my mood and makes me more motivated in other parts of my life, such as work.

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Love hearing that, Rosalie. I’m finding the same — and if I miss a few days in a row, my mood really takes a hit. Are you adding anything else to your routine besides running?

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Oct 19, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

Yes! I take a outdoor Muay Thai class with my local gym, and I do yoga with an app called Downdog.

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I’m gonna check out Downdog today — thanks for letting me know about it!

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Oct 17, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

Am grateful for 1) My adult children navigating thru these tough times with caution and common sense; 2) For not contracting covid and 3) Maintaining my weekly running distance even if i slowed down a little.

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Oct 17, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

I moved from OH to AZ in the last year which I’ve had to change up my workout routine in a new environment that my body wasn’t used to...many days with temperatures over 100 degrees (Phoenix just hit a record of more than 144 days with temps of 100+ degrees), higher elevation and a great opportunity to enjoy trails in the mountains. The feeling of being on top of a mountain is exhilarating! I signed up for my first Trail Half Marathon on 11/7 near the Grand Canyon and I’m looking forward to seeing the beautiful scenery there!

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Did my first 50k. Zion Canyon

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Awesome, Russell!

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Oct 16, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

The craziness of 2020 made me re-realize just how fragile life, freedom & secureness is to me. Running and in general with all my interests. Just go for it!

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Oct 17, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

I have to agree with all the re-evaluation, re-thinking, re-doing in 2020. It's not easy but I love to have a chance to talk to my kids about freedom and equality and life. Thank you Sean!

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Love hearing that, Sean. Amen 👊

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Oct 16, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

I'm very thankful to be able to "run" with my wife. We don't set any records but we enjoy the time together. We also have 2 "running buddies" that we take long runs with a couple times a month - friends are so important! Most important, I'm thankful for the good health God has blessed me with. 60-years old able to get out and enjoy running and hiking.

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Oct 16, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

I'm grateful for my job in a new location. We moved to North Idaho in October of 2019, and I landed a good job, (not too stressful). Despite covid and other things happening, we have been blessed to be in a small Idaho town, far away from LA! Our family members want to visit us here, whereas in LA, they didn't want to visit in the city!! I👍👍🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏞

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Oct 16, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

I was coming off an overuse injury/inflammation and prioritized rest and strength training for a while. Then more recently I've been increasing mileage a little again, and a couple virtual races I've done have gone better than expected.

I used to be lazy about walking on non-run days, but with the injury I had to switch over some of my mileage to walking, and I'm almost at 100 straight days of meeting my "activity goal" which usually ends up being about 5mi worth of walking/movement throughout the day (3mi jogging will also hit the goal). It's helped keep me sane and healthy!

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Christiana this is awesome!!! 100 days of 3 miles or more is seriously impressive!! How are you liking the walking vs running?

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Oct 16, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

Walking allows me to take in my surroundings in greater detail, which I enjoy, and it's been helpful in taking my mind off pace in my running as well, so overall I've been pressuring myself less (I just like to push myself I guess!). It's also been nice that my husband joins me for most of my walks - he hates running and will only join me for one easy run per week :)

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Oct 16, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

I realized how much the running community means to me. I did a couple of virtual races and didn't enjoy them; swore I'd never do another. But then......I signed-up for a virtual relay race and although it was still virtual, I felt connected to the other members of our team. I checked facebook constantly to see our team members turning in their times and how we stacked-up against other teams. We didn't win, but it didn't matter and it was no less exciting. I felt the community spirit and it felt good to take part.

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That's really interesting, Belle -- did the Facebook group make the difference in helping you feel connected to the team?

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Oct 16, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

Yes, because a facebook site was set-up for this race and we had to post our results. Each person had one hour to go as far as they could, then you took a selfie, posted your results and waited for the next person. It was really fun.

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How cool!!

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Oct 16, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

I looked back at the past 5 years of running...from April through September...and 2020 has been the "best" in terms of both miles and quality. Having to be intentionally about everything really made a difference.

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That's such an interesting observation, Howie -- I always learn a lot when you contribute here. 👊

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Oct 16, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

I am grateful that I live in a semi-rural suburb that allows me to run and walk on many beautiful trails despite the pandemic, and that I continue to improve strength and heart rate.

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That sounds glorious, Ruth 😃

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Oct 16, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson, Terrell Johnson

I am from Italy, on 7 March we entered total lockdown... I put on my balcony the trade mill and run! On 18 April we were allowed to run 500 meters around the neighbourhood. On 20 May we were free to run everywhere. No half marathons this here but proud to have been able to run my 150km/month without stop. :-) cheers from Udine

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Hi there Alessandra! 👋 I'd read about the lockdowns in Italy earlier this year; it sounds like you guys went through things we'd have a hard time imagining here in the U.S. I love the spirit with which you adapted to it -- putting your treadmill on the balcony is the best! How were the views?

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Oct 19, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

Lucky to live close to the Alps, so from the balcony I could see part of them and dream to be free! I love this group, I love the spirit, which is not running for competing with others but competing with ourselves, bringing running in our routine and change our life in better!

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Thank you SO much, Alessandra! Love that you love it too! We do these group discussions about once every week, so always feel free to jump in and let us know what's up with you 😃

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Oct 16, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

Running is what kept me sane this year. Even at the worst of it I got out for runs and put in the miles. Instead of letting the disappointment of Boston being cancelled twice get me down for long, I reworked my running schedule to bring back my joy of running and not just the love of the races.

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Yes! Running this way has been a wonderful therapy this year! Iat always was, but currently I appreciate it so much more!!!

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Me too, Janine. So you were training for Boston?

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Oct 16, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

I ran a virtual 5K race, but most excited about increasing my distance to 7 miles in hopes of running a half marathon next year.

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This is awesome, Courtney! Are you following a training plan? (And do you have a half marathon picked out to run?)

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Oct 16, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

Thanks Terrell! I was increasing my mileage gradually this year, hoping to bump up to 10 miles in December. Currently off two week from a hamstring injury. I haven't followed any formal plan, but got a ton of books out from the library. Since I got the injury, I'm thinking I should work with a running coach to check my form and help me with heart rate training. Glad I found this space to learn from others!

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Glad you're here too! Let me know if there's anything I can help with 👍

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Last I tried to see how many days I could run, bike or at least exercise in some way... I hit 345 days. This year, if I don't get sick, I'm on course to hit 357 days...

I also posted my seventh novel on Amazon and pushing to finish my eighth by Jan 2021. Unless you push yourself you'll never know what you can achieve.

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Oct 16, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

Wow...great! You should share the titles of your latest with us!

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Wow, Steve! Both of those are AMAZING!! 🙌👊 You’ve gotta share links to your books! 357 days of running is just awesome.

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Oct 16, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

I can't say that I achieved anything in regards to my running beyond what I've done in the past. I am proud that I'm keeping at it though. During this current environment, it's been a challenge to mentally regroup and run without "purpose" if you're like I am and need deadlines of live races to keep you going. On a professional level, my job was impacted by COVID, so I found myself on the job market in my 50's during the worst time ever to have to look for a job. I am a driven person and didn't waste time looking for a new job. As it turned out, I was only unemployed for 1.5 months (April and part of May)! In addition, I ended up landing my dream job with a promotion from my previous position. Could have knocked me over with a feather. I credit the COVID environment for changing the way I went about finding a new job. I got creative and went the consulting route instead trying to find a permanent job first. My first gig turned into a permanent gig and ended up being the job I have wanted for a long time. Other than having to wear masks everywhere and enduring restrictions when going places, from a career perspective, I'm the happiest I have ever been - other than the first few years after college. Those in between years - mostly the last 15 years - were a nightmare. From a personal perspective, I really miss my adult children and I'm driving my husband of 32 years nuts with all of my talking LOL! He has told me that I've used up my 2020 allotment of words. To say the least, 2020 has been a corkscrew of a roller coaster ride. I'm grateful for what I have and blessed to have a wonderful family.

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I love this, Sandra -- I am so, so encouraged to hear that you went through such a potentially scary thing (like losing your job) and found your way to your dream job. I can so relate to what you're talking about. Have you been able to see your kids much during all this? Really inspired by your story.

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Oct 16, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

Thanks! I have been able to see my youngest son. However, our older son is a lieutenant in the Air Force and is currently stationed at NAS in Pensacola. We live in Texas, due to COVID, the military restricted travel for service members to within a certain radius from base and it didn't make sense for us to go to Florida to visit because he has been kept busy. Unfortunately, Texas is well outside of that radius. We were supposed to see him during Easter - of course that got cancelled. We haven't seen him since Christmas. We talk all of the time and zoom but it's not the same. We expect that he will be able to come home this December.

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Same here, the travel restrictions have been keeping him on base

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Congrats on the new job! And, just keeping up with healthy habits is certainly accomplishment during a mentally taxing time like now. I, too, am based in Texas, and my brother is doing his medical residency in Florida. I think Christmas is the last time I saw him, too. I hope you get to see your son sooner than later.

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I hope he's able to come home in December too. And you're right about Zoom -- it's okay as a short-term substitute, but we all need the real thing sooner or later!

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I did a lot more virtual racing and a lot more challenging challenges there were a lot of fun it also made me a better runner because I had time to improve my methods but I still miss going to racing but when I go back I will be a better person it's nice to have that time to yourself to reflect on what you have and be more positive in this world I meant a lot of people on my runs and talk to people and it was fun and give me perspective on how people lived and how I can interact with people and it was a good thing

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I miss it too, Sharon. I love hearing your thoughts about the perspective you gained -- hopefully we've all had a moment to take that in as well.

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Oct 16, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

I did the virtual Potty Paper 5K race, which consisted of 5 5Ks. I thought the medal would be a remembrance of the insanity that was 2020. I kept decreasing my time with each 5K, with my best of 13:50 min per mile. While that is just a walk in the park for most of you, for me it seemed like the speed of light!

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It's not a walk-in-the-park! You got off your duff and did something you can be proud of...

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That is so awesome, Sharon! 🙌 I bet that felt amazing -- I never get faster at the end! That inspires me.

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I run 4 races of marathon or longer this year so far (Virtual Kaunas marathon, finished in 4:05; participated in 6 hours run and my mileage were 59.850km in 6 hours; run 50 km race and finished in 4:05, run solo marathon to support my friend who run in Vilnius marathon at the same time and finished in 3:40) and tomorrow I will participate in trailkursiunerija.com trail race in most beautiful corner of Lithuania and will run 47 km and my target finish time is ~5 hours. Also this year I made my PB in amber miles event where I run 6 nautical miles (11.11 km) in 45:08 which is best than myself last year, before last year and even myself back in 2015. I'm very prod of my results. Have a nice, calm, long runs everyone, pace not the only time but also mind and find a calmness of your spirti while runing and defeat younger yourself - this is the only competitor worth to compare yourself.

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You are my new hero!!!

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This race you're running tomorrow looks amazing, Dainius! It will be in Lithuania, right? (And that's where you are based, right?)

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Yes, you are right. And this fabulous corner of Lithuania is ..... 20 km from my home :) Weather forecast is incredible (sunny, +5-10C - it shoud be ~45F, mild wind). In gallery you can see some pictures and videos from last year events. I am happy that this covid sh*t took half step back in Lithuania and we can have such an amazing event.

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Good luck tomorrow, my friend! If you have the chance to take photos, send some our way and maybe we can share them in next week's email (if you like). Can't wait to hear how it goes.

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Terrel, I have a link for you and community (also you are free to use pictures you like in newsletter). Phone quality, but I don't bring camera with me :) https://photos.app.goo.gl/rVUeUTvKNsC5j3nu9

I finished in 5:02, all 47 km, with 470 m vertical gain. Here is link to strava activity if anybody is interested: https://www.strava.com/activities/4206000876

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These are great! Thanks so much for sharing them, Dainius!

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You are welcome. Also, I forgot to mention that this beautiful nature gem The Curonian Spit [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curonian_Spit] is included in UNESCO World Heritage.

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Fo sure I will have such opportunity. Maybe on Sunday, maybe on Monday.

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Oct 16, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

It has been great to have a little extra time to run and to run with my children, who moved back home due to Covid.

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Happy that your children are safe...

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They are 19-26 and have all really become good runners. It is great to see them love running like I do.

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Wow, Julie, that is really special. How old are your kids? I've been loving the increased time I've been getting to spend with my own kids too, time I never would have had in "regular" life (life pre-Covid).

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Just wanted to say that I am still able to shuffle the trails at age 85. The views are so great.

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Awesome! I hope to follow in your footsteps!

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Oct 17, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

I am 49. I hope I can write your words when I am 85. THANK YOU!!! It will be 2056... holy cow:)

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I just turned 70 this year and run every day... people say I'm crazy and that I'm wearing out my knees... I tell them running relaxes me and helps with my asthma... I hope to be still going strong like you at 85... You're my HERO!!!

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Hi Jaypie! 👋 I love hearing that! How long have you been running? When did you start?

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Oct 16, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

Took on a trail series (with 1 more to go)! I'd never ran trails and now I love it!

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How cool, Nelda! What was the trail series you ran? (And where are the trails you run?)

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Oct 16, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

It was sponsored by Mammoth Endurance in the state trail, Kettle Moraine in the Whitewater, Wisconsin area! I did all the short distance ones (3-3.6 miles) this year but God willing I'll be able to increase to the mid distance (5-6.3 miles) next year!

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That one is on my bucket list, as I've never visited Wisconsin but have read a lot about that region (from researching races). It sounds breathtaking.

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Oct 16, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

Ran the NYC Marathon! 2 years in the making.

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That’s awesome, Jack!! 🙌 Their virtual race?

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Oct 16, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson

Nope, in person last year.

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Wow! That is really, really awesome. Are you going to try to run it again next year? (If it opens up for in-person in 2021)

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deletedOct 16, 2020Liked by Terrell Johnson
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Love that, Dinah! 👍

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