I ran Virtual Full Marathon in my neighborhood vs Tomoka on 3-29 -2020. And I PR’d by 18 minutes.

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Wow, a virtual 26.2! That is awesome, Ani.

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Thank you.

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I haven’t run any virtual races but one thing I want to say is the importance of supporting already established races. I have race director friends and they say the growth of new virtual races has taken away from in person turned virtual races. They won’t be able to put on the in person events next year because of it. I never really thought about that!

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Wow. That's sad. I didn't even think about that. I've done two virtual just for supporting the organizers and local running companies (a small percentage of the fee goes to local stores). But I still like in-person races.

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Wow, seriously? I hadn’t thought of that either, but that’s a great point, Hollie. This is just a crazy moment we’re in right now. 😢

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Unfortunately we have to expect a lot of events and event management companies not be able to recover from this.

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A better way to ask my question, maybe: what percentage of events do you think won’t recover from this?

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To what degree do you think they won’t be able to recover?

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I agree- I am only doing races that were supposed to happen in person and now had to go virtual. So as to support them so they can return next year!

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I'm doing the Social Distance Run on May 23, which is Memorial Day Weekend. It is for a good cause, of course, the COVID-19 Relief Fund. Figure I if I can help, I will. It is a good way to stay motivated with the training plan and the online cheering on Facebook.

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If you have time this weekend, please join our event too. It supports Direct Relief, they provide medical supplies all over the country https://www.letsdothis.com/us/e/social-distancing-6k-187564

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I'd love to join, but King County in WA just closed all the Trails to Runners and Walkers yesterday. Have to try to reformat my running plan and find some different routes. Otherwise, I'd be out. :)

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I signed up for the virtual Best Damn Race New Orleans. I love that series but never travel that far for a race (yet). Taking the virtual option reimburses the race organizers for the shirts, medals and other things they already have printed and can’t use next year maybe. I feel like it helps support the race and it keeps me motivated to run during tough times. (I don’t unpack the swag until I complete the race). BDR sent me my packet within a week of me signing up!

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I do the same thing. Don't even open the swag until I've earned it. :-)

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In general a virtual race is not my thing. When it has a cause I am passionate about then I’m all for it. When it’s an in person race, cancelled because of this craziness that I previously paid for? Then yes of course that too. I understand refunding the money will basically ensure that race doesn’t exist next year. Competition produces your best results, that’s where you PR and don’t have to wonder if your garmin’s 3.11 was 3.01 or not. Races give you the opportunities to also try new products thanks to the sponsors. You lose a lot when it’s not in person. Otherwise virtual races are more of obtaining medals for our hangers in my opinion. No one actually wins a virtual, no ones results can truly be trusted to be accurate time or the distance....just one mans opinion.

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I totally hear you, Jay, and have largely thought the same thing until recently. I'd always had a little bit of skepticism about them. But I'm wondering too, now, if there could be ways to build on them when social distancing rules relax in some place but not others. I could see local group runs doing them, for example. Just a thought (and not fully fleshed out, let me admit!).

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Oh I agree, someone much smarter and creative than me surely can figure out a way to develop virtual races further to add more meat and accountability. I am not against virtual races just under their current format I feel like I am purchasing a medal for my medal displays and claiming my next normal run is instead that race when I would have run that run anyway if the medal hadn’t arrived in the mail. Sure there are tweets, you can set up your own finish line video it, get garmin to zap you when you fall off a preset pace etc....in the end the format has more to offer before I am sold on it outside of cancelled races turning virtual.

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For those of us that don't care about with win as much as the experience though....

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Oh I surely don’t speak for everyone. Everyone’s reasons for lining up are unique, virtual just are t meaty enough for me but the future changes in real time and i may be on the band wagon soon myself!

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I signed up for the Potty Paper 5K and 4 additional charms. My reason was that I wanted a medal to remember this time in our lives. A 5K was a good distance for me to do by myself. My time between and the first 5K and the fifth 5K went down 5 minutes. And, surprise!, I didn’t have a heart attack doing them.

There are local challenges on Facebook, like streak challenges, that I am doing as well. These Challenges keep me engaged and I have a competitive streak in me.

My favorite is the half and I look forward to when we can participate together again.

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I will be doing my first virtual race on April 25th; the inaugural (and hopefully final) "Stay Home" half marathon. I signed up because I needed the motivation and the tagline on the shirt is a blast. I got to select my own bib number (042520)and once I turn in my time, I'll get the medal. I may or may not do other virtual races, but despite the somber aura of the world right now, I wanted a race to commemorate this time as a snapshot in history. And since I'm the only one running in my race, I'll be an elite and a back-of-packer at the same time! (LOL, LOL). Go figure!

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I love that, Belle!

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I just signed up! I don’t normally care for virtual races, but for the same reasons you stated, I signed up. Thank you for sharing.

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I feel the same way! I never get to be an Elite at 73 years old, but a DFL, I've never been! :) This will be an experience!

Did I say I also get a bib, and a shirt, and a $30.00 credit for Oca Running or Evergreen Trails races this upcoming year and in 2021. They have some fun race events once we get back to somewhat normal!

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I hope I copied this correctly; here's the information.https://www.staycationraces.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/SR-Logotype.png

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Had hoped to run a race a month this year as a personal challenge. Once races started getting postponed and/or cancelled I had to take the challenge virtual. I really like RunMotivators and their virtual events as well as the fact that part of what they make is donated to a variety of charities. Yes, I am no longer registering for live races as I don’t want to risk paying for an event that ends up not taking place. However, my preference (and that of many runners I would hazard a guess) is to participate in live races. Live events will suffer in the short term but I believe there will be a pent up demand for them post pandemic and we will see registrations increase.

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That's basically where I land on this too, Michael; I can see both real and virtual races experiencing a surge in participation long after the immediate crisis has passed, as I imagine we'll see some places go back to normal at a different pace than others. But for sure, my own personal preference is for live races.

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I ran my first virtual 10k last weekend to support a local race director. I did not wear the shirt while I ran in a local park, but did put the shirt and medal on to send a picture back to them. I had not run a virtual before and didn’t see the point of it. Now I feel it’s a good motivation to get out and keep moving and stay in shape for when we can get out again. And to support local race directors who probably already spent money on the event logistics, and who I’ll want to still be there when we get back to normal.

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Agree! I was never interested in the virtual races as I wanted the accountability and accomplishment of an in person race but with Covid here, I find I'm lacking motivation to run, completely. Therefore, I'm hoping if I sign up for some Virtual races, since that's really the only option, perhaps I'll find my accountability and motivation!!

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i have always thought virtual races were kinda dumb. why am i gonna pay money to do something i am already doing on my regular running route. so i've never really been a fan. and thennnnnn....lol. this week a local organization is doing a virtual Donut Worry 5k. i love donuts and the shirt has a big donut on it so....i caved:)

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Thank you I’ll try strava tech support Let me know if you know other ways to confirm virtual race miles

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MapMyFitness- it’s shows the route via GPS. Had my time, splits, distance...etc. Took a screen shot and emailed it. We drove the route the day before and had a couple of dropped water spots. My bf does long runs do he does water drops all the time prior to his runs. But at the last minutes...we had a biker with us with a backpack of water/fuels for us. Worked absolutely fantastic.

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I've signed up for a few virtual races just to motivate me to run more than 3 miles on the weekends.

The biggest challenge is finding routes where it's easy enough to follow/there are sidewalks and you're not just running in the middle of traffic, and where you can maintain appropriate social distancing (all my usual routes on the trails/beaches/parks are closed, and LA is not exactly known as a pedestrian-friendly zone).

However, the biggest benefit is setting my own schedule. I don't think I've ever run an in-person race that started any later than 8 a.m. The "race" I ran last weekend I decided to start at 4 p.m., after sleeping in until noon and that was nice!

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Canal Roads Rock!!!

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I've run two of them - the Allstate Hot Chocolate and the Another Mother Runner 10for10. Both were 10ks which I'm trying to keep as my base so I'm ready to ramp up for a half. It helps me to have something on the books. Nothing compares to the real thing, though!

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Oh I didn’t know the Allstate hot chocolate had a 10k! I ran it five years in a row (the 15k) and all they offer here in Dallas is the 5k and 15k. Is it different in different cities?

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Shorter than a 10k but hopefully the medal will make up for it and you will join our virtual run this weekend :) https://www.letsdothis.com/us/e/social-distancing-6k-187564

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Before this pandemic, I had never run a virtual race. But now, to keep motivated, it seems I have to. For 3 weeks now, I’ve signed up for a series of virtual runs that benefit food banks - if you choose to. Cost for the 5k each week is either FREE or $10 that goes to a different food bank every week. Info is here.... https://iwant2run.com/

Stay safe everyone!

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I signed up for the Horsetooth Half, a race here in Colorado. It was cancelled as it was to be run on April 19th. I will run it virtually tomorrow here in Cripple Creek. I appreciate that it went virtual so that I could stay on track with my running and not just quit because it was cancelled. It is important for me to train for at least two races a year and the virtual platform at least gives me a goal to set and a reason to train.

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Good luck!!! Wanted to do that...but for my first... that beginning up hill would have been a killer 😬

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I signed up for the Horsetooth Half too--it is one of my favorite races AND it is on my 49th birthday this year. I decided not to run this one virtually; I'm going to try to run 15 miles on the 19th instead, but I will definitely be back for it next year....and I want to look into some of the great virtual races everyone on here is writing about in the meantime.

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I like that, Bill, and agree. I was set to run the NYC Half back in March, but it was cancelled less than a week before race day; I think it was all overwhelming at the time, so I didn't even look into running it virtually. I definitely will next time.

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I started out running Virtuals as a way to keep my motivation up when I didn’t have a race. I am actually organizing one with Huntsman Cancer Institute to help raise money for them.

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That's really cool, Chris -- how involved/complicated is it to organize one? How much are you putting into it?

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Well, I organized one for my fraternity a few weeks ago (super easy on Facebook "hey lets go for a run on Saturday"). Our International Philanthripy is Huntsman Cancer. So I called one of our brothers that works there and works with fundraising and I said "We should do another virtual race, but this time have medals and tshrits and let folks register for it and the proceeds go to Huntsman". They loved the idea and their events team is working on it. I just gave the idea. We have a $20 Million pledge to them and COVID19 has hurt our fundraising abilities so this might be a way to kick start at least a little bit.

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I run virtual races pretty regularly, at least 2 per month, either from Gone for a Run or from A Better World Running. I have run several “live” races with A Better World Running in Santa Monica and had signed up for 5 or 6 at various distances this year; they have converted them to virtual and I’m doing those. Half Marathon this Sunday. I run a 5K neighborhood loop and have a bottle of water and some fuel on the front porch. As I complete each loop, I drink some water, have a snack if I need it and shed the clothes I don’t need. And I get a pretty medal! I don’t wear the bib while running, but put it on after for a pic.

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It sounds like you've got this down, Paula! How long have you been doing virtual runs?

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I’ve only been running a year; been doing virtual for about 7 months. It’s a whole lot more fun to run for a reason. Some of these are charitable events and some of them support one of my favorite Southern California race companies. Since everybody has converted to virtual, I have one scheduled every weekend this month at varying distances. Half Marathon on the 12th, 10K the next weekend and 15K the next. Did a 10K last weekend. Do my regular training runs during the week.

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If you are up for a 6K on saturday to add to your half on sunday then please consider doing https://www.letsdothis.com/us/e/social-distancing-6k-187564

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I belong to Potterhead Running Club. Have for over 3 years. Supportive group and raises money for great causes through Charity Miles, a running app that tracks miles/steps and is supported financially by corporate sponsors. Best group for fun and #DOINGSOMUCHGOOD.

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Oh you’re right! It was a 15k! I completely forgot. Great swag

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While I want to support race directors during this crisis, virtual runs feel like I'm paying for swag while out doing my normal weekly long run. I'm a lover of all things involving the community aspect of running so I struggle mentally with a a solo race. I'd rather just make a donation to the race cause and skip the swag.

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Completely agree.

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First Virtual race was for the Colorado Marathon that was to be May 3. Ran it on Sunday (also my first 1/2 that I trained for to run. Harder than I expected. But I have walked a few with my mom- so I did absolute love that we could pick a day that was nice, our own starting time with no early morning freezing wait, and we chose a canal road so NO traffic. Did miss the excitement of the people, the pre-post event fun and the fun little freebies. BUT I am excited for the medal. It will forever be a remembrance of why we had to do a virtual race in the first place (and this virus didn’t take away everything!!!)

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I have a Fitbit and IPhone I heard you must have Strava to do a virtual race and it isn’t compatible with my phone Help how do you confirm the distance with the virtual race director Deb Running Happy in TX

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not necessarily, you can upload your results for this one with any type of tracking device https://www.letsdothis.com/us/e/social-distancing-6k-187564

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I used MapMyFitness - took a screenshot and e-mailed it. It worked.

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Hmm. I have an iPhone too, and I've had Strava in the past, so you can definitely download the app. Here's some instructions for the Apple Watch: https://support.strava.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000161184-Strava-Apple-Watch-App

I wonder if you have an older iPhone, or an older iPhone iOS (operating system software) -- here's Strava's info on what's required for their app on iPhone: https://support.strava.com/hc/en-us/articles/115000321350-Supported-iOS-versions-and-iPhones

Do you have an older iPhone or a later-model one?

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I think it is a good time for a "do it yourself" solo (or with a running buddy) race. Pretend you are the race director, where would you think it is really cool to have a half or full? Then go run it. By definition, this will probably be out away from traffic, a mountain run, a beach run, a trail run. Measure it on Google earth (that is very accurate) and go do it. Next winter, the races will be back. I can already see in our area, people have had enough of being locked up. (I ran 4.5 and biked 12 this morning.) So many people are out, and starting to be a lot of cars again too. Regardless of what the politicians say, the people are "voting with their feet".

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I run virtual races all the time...mostly they are for a cause, one I ran was for Australia through badass running. I ran a virtual race for 100th year of National Parks, etc.

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What got you started running virtual races? (Love the idea of running for charity/the national parks anniversary, btw.)

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Because I love to run and I often miss races due to work, so I just decided to join virtual races for causes...I like running for a cause most.

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I can totally see that. My own life (FT job + kids + this newsletter + all their activities) can mean that even when I register for races months in advance, by the time race day rolls along, the puzzle pieces have shifted for me and it's tough to travel for a race. I'd resolved earlier this year, after the NYC half cancellation especially, to focus only on local races where I live (Atlanta). The flexibility a virtual event gives you can really be a benefit.

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I like the idea of doing a virtual race which is not in your area...👍

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For the Social Distancing 6K (https://www.letsdothis.com/us/e/social-distancing-6k-187564) participants will be able to upload a link to their strava workout to validate the results they report. Of course there is no way to account for different course and weather conditions at least we have Strava to help verify the submission.

Check out the medal and the shirt at the link and sign up to reserve one for yourself.

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First virtual race I ran was Marathon Training Academy 2018 and 2019 because liked their swag, and ran them the same day I had another race , two for one, now I am opting for the virtual to the races that I signed up for if offered, and signed up for another one I heard about because wanted to support the RD and their cool swag that was offered, and couldn’t travel to the west coast to run it anyway , so will continue to search for virtual if this continues, love to train for a race

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Really cool that you'll continue running virtuals -- I can see how this would work for a lot of us in a world where we may not be able to travel much for a while.

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I ran a virtual 50 miler. It was my first Ultra. The event was a substitute for the in-person event. I liked that I could follow through on my commitment. I liked the feedback and encouragement from the Race Director. I liked being part of something. I did not like the lack of energy for me on race day, and running it alone. The last 10 miles were tough. I do not think virtual races will replace in-person races when things normalize.

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I hear you on that. Did the RD provide onoing feedback and encouragement, throughout your weeks of training leading up to it?

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The race went virtual at the last minute. Most of the contact prior was regarding possible postponement and then the in-person cancellation. When he took it virtual he gave people a window of a few weeks to run the event. He was very enthusiastic and sent almost daily updates about completions, times, and tidbits. He did a good job dealing with it falling apart in a matter of a couple weeks. I wouldn't have wanted his job.

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I ran the Modesto 1/2 virtually. I miss running with people.

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Me too, Philip!

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I’m loving the virtual races given all races for which I've registered through June have been cancelled. 2 I’ll do virtual and I’ve registered for other virtuals. I have NO intention of not going back to live races once they can be held again. I have 3 half marathons scheduled for later in the year and will be at all three, in person, if they are held as scheduled.

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I‘ve run several times the AppRun ‚Wings for Life‘. Worldwide .Very nice.


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Thanks for sharing, Nicki! Is this series based in Germany?

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I have not run a virtual race, but now I am scheduled to run two in the next month. Should be interesting. I am trying to decide whether to run on a track in order to make sure my distance is 100% accurate. However, this might get way too tedious.

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I hear you. I’m really interested in how people plan their routes for virtual races — do they try to mimic the in-person course as much as possible?

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Good question. I imagine some are difficult to mimic due to a signature hill or other unique race features.

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I completed the runDisney Star Wars virtual half, earlier in the year. The medal is Chewbacca inspired. Love it! The wife and I are doing a couple of others, which were converted from regular to virtual.

Opinions vary when it comes to virtual races, but for those regular races which have been cancelled and they offer a virtual option, it's a great way to support the race organizers and the charities supported.

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I really like that aspect of it too, Bill -- there's so many wonderful events, I want to help support them b/c I want them to be able to return next year. Love the Chewbacca medal, btw!

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I signed up for the Marine Corps 17.75K in Virginia on March 28, 2020. It was cancelled but it became my first virtual run since I have been running. I liked the fact that I did it at my convenience, without pressure and very close to my home. I missed the crowds and the enthusiasm of the group. I did not have the opportunity to meet other runners and take part in all the festivities associated with the event. I already received my bib number, the shirt and medal. Also, I am already signed up for their marathon on October 25, 2020. It was a great experience for me.

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That was a great race. I ran the course last year and it was a very fun run through the woods. I recommend running in person another year if available.

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Hopefully next year.

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Did you run with your bib as you did the virtual race? And how did you handle the logistics -- like putting out water/refreshments for yourself? (Or did you carry them with you?) And how did you plan your route?

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No, the bib was sent to me afterward. I live close to an urban park where I normally train so I planned my route in the same area and carried water with me.

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Marine Corps Marathon is a great event, that was my first & second marathon so it has a special place in my heart.

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The Marine Corps Marathon is a great race through D.C. I was fortunate and able to serve in the USMC, 1971-77.

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I served in the Army from 1968 to 1970. One year overseas: Vietnam.

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I was in the military and I am looking forward to experience it this coming October 25, 2020.

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I have never run a virtual race. I am at the end of April though & will let you know!

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Super cute metal, is that a Disney run?

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Hi Judith! Yes, it's from a Disney run -- they've been offering virtual events for a few years now, so I imagine they're pretty busy right now!

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Allstate Hot Chocolate 15k virtual run. The swag is the reason. Love the jacket and it comes with chocolate (and a medal) :-)

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Hi Terrell and friends,

So far, I’ve done two real races turned virtual and have three more to do by the end of May. I haven’t signed up for any purely (normally) virtual races yet, but I’m considering one for June.

The thing for me that I’m able to work from home full time now, and I don’t have the 2• hour daily commute. So I have time to train and time to run now that I don’t have in normal times.

I do miss swapping stories with other runners in the starting corrals, though. That’s the biggest downside for me.

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Wanted to add a picture but couldn't.

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Hey Doug! Are you on Instagram? You can upload your photo there and tag it with @halfmarathons_net and I can re-post it to our account. (They don't allow us to upload photos here on the Substack message boards.)

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I thought I was done with running in the cold and snow but I was wrong after yesterday. I had blowing and drifts of 4 to 6 inches I was running through. I got 4 miles in and felt good after my run.

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