It’s Friday, which means it’s time to power down, rest a little and take our minds off what we all see going on around us (as much as we can!).
I’d love to hear what’s going on for you — in running, or in life — that’s helping lift your spirits, something good you’ve experienced and would love to share. It can be anything — a running time or distance goal you achieved, a virtual race you loved, an in-person race that actually came off, or anything good you wanted to pass along.
This is a place to be real and to share, so I wanted to open it up to you guys — I’ll start off in the comments below. 👍 — Terrell
Hey everyone! One thing I wanted to share -- that I forgot to add in Wednesday's newsletter -- was that the New York Road Runners have announced what the virtual New York City Marathon will look like this November.
I just read about that yesterday. I have been considering it, but it's only 18 weeks to the last date to run and submit your times of November 1st and I'm worried I wouldn't have enough time to train fully for the long distances.
My husband and I are also hoping to get a spot in the virtual race in order to get entry into a future marathon. We need something to have as a goal since Berlin was cancelled.
Good morning! Happy Friday! Since March I have been running consistently. In the past when training for a half, I followed a plan, ran my race, then really backed off for two or three weeks bc my body needed the break.
In June I signed up for the blue ridge to the beach challenge. 475 miles by Dec 1. I love it! I find myself pushing a little harder to get up a hill, picking up my pace a bit to finish a run.
During all of this craziness I find that I have a better outlook on my day if I consistently run 5-6 miles four times a week. This challenge keeps me going without putting the stress of really long runs on my body.
The older I get, the more I listen to my body when I run. For me, it isn't about the bling. I just want to be able to keep on running!
Same here, Stephanie! I'm finding running is keeping my spirits up more than I realized at the beginning of all this -- when I miss a few days in a row, like I did last week, I can really tell a difference in my overall outlook. There's something about that burst of endorphins rushing through my body that I get from running that I've really been needing -- even if it's just the placebo effect, it seems to work! So glad you are well.
With all my races cancelled, then the backup races cancelled, then the backups to the backups also cancelled, I decided to participate in the self-supported Great Southern Endurance Run 100 miler through Atlanta (going to attempt this on Aug 28th). It means a TON of training in the heat, mileage upwards of 60 miles/week, and it will mean a lot of time and resources from my friends and family to help me along the way. It seemed a bit silly with everything going on, plus I was needing extra motivation - so I'll be fundraising for Back On My Feet and dedicating my run to their efforts! I launched the fundraising page yesterday, and I'm such a huge advocate for their work to combat homelessness, but it's been a big lift in my spirits this week seeing all the support and donations from my network. If you're interested in learning more, supporting, or sharing it with your network, here is the link to the fundraising page:
Ben, this is amazing! I love that you're doing this -- will definitely check out the page. What a fantastic cause; have you gone running with their chapter here in Atlanta? Love love love that you're doing this.
Thanks Terrell! Yes I ran with the Atlanta Chapter (Team Sally) for a few months last year, before my mileage starting creeping up. Such a great group to chat with. And I've participated in their big 5K fundraiser as well (this year it will be virtual, so I'm worried it won't raise the funds it typically does).
Will do! Fortunately I've got a fair amount of time left to get ready - and to fundraise! I'll likely start at about 6 or 7 in the evening, trying to finish in somewhere around 24-30 hours
Hello from Wisconsin! I would like to share that I have been seeing a physical therapist for my back. She is also a runner and she has shown me some great stretches and is helping me to correct some items that have lead to my back problems. My times are a little longer but I can really feel the difference that these appointments have made and they will only get better! Have a great Friday and weekend!
Hey there Nelda! I'd love to hear more about the stretching you're doing -- stretching properly can be such a challenge; it's so easy to do it the wrong way. Is there anything she's showing you that you think is good to pass along? So glad you're feeling better!
Well it may seem like something everyone already knows but I will share it anyways. I have a tendency to turn my one foot out really bad when I run. She has given me an elastic band that first I tighten around my knees. I then take my knees out so they are square with my shoulders and then I go up against a wall and go down to a standing sit against the wall making sure that my feet do not turn out and "sit" for approximately 3-5 seconds and then come up again keeping my toes straight. I do this about 10 times. Then I use the same band and loosen it up a bit and put around my ankles so my feet a shoulder width apart. I then side step keeping the tension in the band, keeping my toes straight and my knees apart as I step. I do this about 10-15 times. She also showed me a way to tape my back with 2 strips on either side of my spine and then one above my pelvis horizontally. And finally, she has shown me how to stretch my back going down into a plank position and then lifting my head/shoulders up and back to stretch my spine. I do this about 5 times per day. That's it!
I don’t think I mentioned the other day, but 2 weeks after I got laid off on 6/26 the company who bought my company hired me back, for a few weeks. They did not do well in the transition of my job. So my old boss asked me to consider coming back. I said I only wanted to work Mon-Thu.
So today on my day off I rode 30 miles on a paved bike trail on the other side of town. (Cincinnati) I have been riding more and more the past few weeks. It was a lot but besides the fun, I am hoping it will help with cross-training.
I did a 4 mile run yesterday and hopeful to hit the 6 tomorrow. It cooled down some here so it was only 72 when I hit the trail at 8:20 this morning 😁
These summer months are the hardest, aren't they? I'm going to run 6 tomorrow too, but probably going to run it inside (on my treadmill). Sometimes I kick myself for running so many miles on it, but Atlanta's air quality in the summer is... less than ideal, to put it mildly! Love that you did the 30-mile bike ride -- which trail(s) did you ride?
There is a really long one here that links up with others further north. It is called the Loveland bike trail. There is a small town east of me called Loveland, Ohio. From there you can take it about 10-20 south and north of there you can go about 60 I think. But somehow (my sister told me) it hooks up with another for a total of 326 miles! She wants us (me and 2 brothers and her hubby) to do ALL of it next year.
She and her hubby have done a biking event called GOBA a few times. (Great Ohio Bike Adventure) It is a road event, not trail, but it is 350 miles in 7 days! They are 7 years older than me and I am in mid-50’s.
With my wife and I both working full time and caring for our toddler (with no day care), I've had less time to run. (Unlike most other runners, it sounds like!) It was stressing me out that I couldn't find the time to get in the miles I was used to.
So I've just accepted that if I'm going to run as often as I'd like (4x/week), it'll have to be with the kiddo, and the runs will be short (2-4 miles) because of the heat. Now that I've accepted that my half-marathon-level training just doesn't make sense for the next several months, I'm not stressing out about it, and I'm just concentrating on enjoying my time with the kid. I'll get back to longer runs when I can, but in the mean time, I'm just going to do what I can do, and that will be enough.
Great to hear from you, Derek! We're in the same boat, and just found out yesterday that our school district will be virtual-only this year, at least for the fall. I completely agree with your sentiment -- right now is a time for enjoying and caring for our families, and there'll be a time for other things later. Peace right back to you! 🕊️
Short runs are still good ..and you can spend time with your toddler, who really wants to be with you so much more are building a wonderful relationship with your child!
I got a tri wet suit the other day so I've now added open water swimming to my work outs. The other day I swam 3/4s of a mile which is the furthest I've ever swam as I only go swimming once a year on dive vacations which consist of more floating than swimming. I'm pretty excited to add it into my mix of cardio as the half Iron Man I currently signed up for is still on as of yet!
Wow! How awesome, Judith! I did a triathlon years ago and the swim was about that same distance, and it was one of the hardest things I've ever done! When is your Iron Man? Can't wait to hear how it goes.
It's the first weekend in December down in La Quinta. I need to work on my form/breathing for swimming, but I think once I get it down it will be a smooth ride to get up to 1.2 miles. I still need to purchase a tri-watch too so I can clock things and it will be great for mountain runs here in WA.
I’ve stayed consistent, if not more dedicated, to my running since March. (I actually signed up with one of the coaches you had on your podcast Terrell!) Running is one of the things that has gotten me through this.
One of the best things that has come out of stay-home-&-work for me, besides being in better shape & less stressed, is that I met more people in my neighborhood! There are a consistent set of people I see out walking/running when I’m out. We talk, joke, share updates on stuff, and it’s been awesome! Their kindness & support when they see me has been life changing. I’m going to miss seeing them when/if I go back to school & have to switch to running in the afternoons. At least I’ll see them again on Saturdays, holidays, & next summer.
My 2 races in southern Utah are still on! (It’s not too far for me to travel to.) One is at the end of Aug & one in Nov. I’m excited!!!
That is so cool, Corrina! Really want to hear how working with the coach goes and what you get out of it. Hal Higdon has said in the past that he thinks most runners could benefit from working with one -- I'm sure it'll go great.
The race in August is just around the corner! Really want to hear how it goes and what the experience is like. (And if it could be a model for others) Glad you are well, my friend!
For me the best thing to happen this year is being able to work from home. My employer was really resistant to having a work from home policy and now we have proven that we can still get the work done outside of the office. Normally I commute just over an hour each way so getting that two hours back in my day has been wonderful. I have been using that time to get a little longer run or strength training session in than I used to and also to get a little extra sleep. I can get dinner done earlier and have some extra time to spend with my husband in the evenings. I am hopeful that we will continue working from home for some time.
That's been a godsend for me as well, Stacy. A lot of us are *not* going to want to go back to the office for a long time -- or ever, really. It sounds like you've used the time that no commuting has given you in really healthy, constructive ways -- I hope you're able to work from home as long as you want to. 😃
Do you miss being around people at all? That's the one thing I miss.
Yes, I do miss being around people. Also we have a really nice campus and when the weather was nice I would go for a walk or two throughout the day, so I miss that too. I live in a rural area so not much to see when out walking here. If I had things my way I would go into the office a few times a month and then work from home the rest of the time.
I'm good! I put my clothes out the night before so I see them first thing in the morning. It's warm here in Southern California, so I go out around 5:30 am and beat the traffic and most other morning exercisers. So long as I get some outside time to run/jog/walk and meditate, then I'm good and I'll be alright. On social media, I follow both the Half Fanatics site and the 100x13.1 site to stay motivated. I love seeing others' accomplishments and marvel in the occasional "real" race.
As far as the rest of social and network media, I ignore it. Too much noise and not balanced information.
You are so right about that, Belle. And I'm impressed by the early rising -- 5:30! Getting outdoors is the key, isn't it? Are you getting to participate in any real races out in California?
No real races yet and all of the other ones I signed-up for, which are out-of-state, have been cancelled. There's a possibility of a local race in November in Ventura County, so I'm hopeful. In the meantime, I'm exploring new neighborhoods and enjoying the solo meditation time. Luckily we don't have the humidity you all have down south, but I also don't want to go out in 80 degree heat.
I am mainly a runner, and have been for about 10 years since my early 50s. Mostly 5K-10K, but completed 8 half marathons, my final one at age 60. For the past year or so, I've also begun riding my bike, but not too seriously... I completed 2 duathlons last year, but not competitively.
After COVID-19 cancelled all my 2020 races, I finally gave in and signed up for (ugh!) a virtual race. It was a run-or-ride option, for 131 miles "from Central Park to Montauk Lighthouse" they said. I could record my miles however I wanted, ride or run any portion, using the honor system, and I didn't need to use any more sophisticated technology than a stopwatch.
Well, my "good thing" is that it made me start taking cycling more seriously, since I can rack up the miles so much faster! I now cycle more hours than I run, and I'm well into my third virtual duathlon.
I know I'll never lose my love for running, especially when the weather gets cooler in the fall. But for now, I have gained a serious interest in cycling. Whatever my mood, whatever the weather, I can almost always do one or the other. Ride on!!
I love hearing this, Nathan! .🙌 Are you primarily a road biker or a mountain biker? I've tried mountain biking a little in the past, but it can get a little hairy when you ride with people who are more experienced than you (and willing to take more chances!).
That virtual race sounds like a great one -- makes me want to try a virtual duathlon too.
the best thing about quarantine is all the time to exercise! i've added an extra running day to my week, and it has just been great to run relaxed because i'm not really training for anything. and doing some of the virtual runs has just been fun!
That's so great, Kel! I've had the same experience -- not having to commute a couple of hours a day has given me regular time to run, which is wonderful. You raise a really interesting point that a lot of people have struggled with, that without a race to train for, they kind of wonder "what's the point"? But it seems like for you, just getting out there to run is the point -- I imagine that's a feeling more and more of us are having (and will have, as time goes on).
Just joined your group this week so hello to everyone. I’ve continued working at my office thru all of this so far. Plenty of stress at work but very thankful for my job. I’m more consistent with my running since the pandemic with 3 runs per week. I’ve also added hiking on a weekend day in the Great Smoky Mountains. Discovered that running helps my endurance but hiking works different muscles! Running and hiking are helping me relax, sleep better and deal with all the craziness around me.
Welcome aboard, Jeff! I'm very jealous of your getting to hike regularly in the Smokies! I've been on a couple of camping trips in the national park, and oh wow it's spectacular. Which part of the park do you like to hike?
I prefer Townsend and Cosby areas since they tend to be less crowded, but the Boulevard Trail from Newfound Gap to Mt Leconte is my favorite trail - a walk in the clouds with spectacular views.
It sounds spectacular. I remember most going into Cades Cove when I was there hiking and camping with an old college friend -- we saw a couple of bear cubs playing on a grassy meadow there. Thankfully we never encountered mama bear! 😃
Well, this was the first time that I weighed in physically at WW since 3/10. So after 4 months in the time of a pandemic I only gained 1.6 pounds. It was a good affirmation that I have some control over my health and well being. Have a great weekend everyone!
Sorta hot out in Savannah, so I ran at beach at Tybee Island - every couple miles I got in the water to cool off - worked great ! Did my 8 getting ready for Rock n Roll marathon in Nov
In person - I am slow at age 77, so the plan is to get way way in the back for the start - wear a mask (ugh) for first few miles - stay 6’ or more ... evaluate how bad COVID is when the time 9th marathon in 10 years
I ran in Fussen, germany last July. Half marathon. It was so hot but the most lovely place. The people were the best part of experience other than lovely route. It’s to be enjoyed first:) It was tough. Still the best journey:)
Cool and rainy here in Seattle today. Feels great! Tomorrow the clouds are due to part and leave us cool and sunny. Looking forward to my 6 miles in the quiet morning. The Nike running app sent a reminder to put aside my obsessive pace and distance expectations and focus instead on “why I run”. Plan to try that tomorrow to see if that awakens my magical thinking and enjoyment of the experience.
This month I markEd a new milestone of running about 3 times a week for a full year! I typically would take some months off after finishing a race or not really run in the heat of summer. My PT finally helped me understand that I could reduce injury risks if I ran easy runs every week even when I’m not training. I feel great! 💪🏼 😊
I have been able to fit running into my lifestyle somewhat successfully and am starting to run more. Also my pool will be reopening so I won't have to go an entire summer without swimming!
Just received notice that the Revel Run Big Bear is canceled for Nov 2020. They offered a virtual race, but I deferred to 2021. Instead my sister and I are going to run it on our own. There's nothing more wonderful than running down the mountains at 6am.
Awesome, Mary! Take photos and send them my way, if the spirit moves you -- and we'll share them in one of our subscriber newsletters after you're done :)
I have been working from home since the end of 2007 and my wife just retired from her public education administration job and joined a consulting firm at the beginning of 2020. Since her travel plans were cancelled for the month of March (and April…and May…and June…AND July!)—to include a planned mini getaway to NYC in March and Chicago half marathon in May—she got into the “task mode” and we painted, cleaned out closets, reorganized the (my) garage, and scoped out what was stored in the (my) garage attic. While moving around in the Air Force we never had to chance to accumulate that much “stuff” (or dust) before. A few weeks ago, I actually built and installed 12 under cabinet pullout drawers. Now that was work!! (And still focused on her list of projects!) Personally, I am looking forward to being around friends and family again—and hugging—but meanwhile, it is great knowing you can still be best friends with the one you married—and it was 33 years for us this past April. That’s my “positive point” during COVID…and the running has been on track. I am seeing a lot more activity out there from others, too!
Thanks so much for sharing this, Howie! I love that you guys have grown closer together through this experience, as I know it's been challenging for many of us. To hear that your love is stronger as a result of it is *really* inspiring!
And I'm looking forward to all the same things you are, too -- someday, hopefully soon! Take care, my friend. 😃
A little late but here's "a few things I'm thankful for" #1: my 5.5 mile run last week. I paced myself slow at the beginning and kept increasing my pace mile by mile. It was the first time I've run where each successive mile was faster than the one before! I'm also really enjoying my night runs (when work allows). This week hasn't been a good run week with working 7a-4p instead of 10a-7p means I can't do my night runs (8:30pm-10pm) and I'm NOT running in 90-100 degree weather + humidity. Having this week to rest is ultimately a good thing, though!
#2 A safe neighborhood to run in at night. I light myself up with a headlamp and a blinking belt and carry pepper spray just to be safe. There is something magical about how the world looks and feels once the sun goes down.
#3 A close-ish place to enjoy water and river kayaking that's only 45 min from my place. I took my dog kayking with me for the first time 4th of July weekend and he did great staying in the boat! It was so nice to be on the water and enjoy nature. I even saw a bald eagle adult and young adult!
#4 Making progress with my first online class! Working toward my Bachelor of Science while working full time, and I'm enjoying this season of few distractions and opportunity to work toward that!
That’s all so great, Colleen! Really excited about the progress you’re making and totally get the need for breaks and rest. Really happy about your degree program too! What is it in?
I have been training really hard the last 10 weeks for what would have been my 5th Revel Big Cottonwood Canyon-Salt Lake City run and first marathon. I was trying to be very optimistic that it wouldn't be cancelled, but I was training like it was still on, until I got the official cancellation email. I was truly heart broken as so many of us are and have been during this pandemic. Because Revel races are so awesome and have a fantastic option of running a non-virtual race via OYO I will still be running a certified course on that weekend and will get in some miles in the beautiful Big Cottonwood Canyon. Never give up and just keep running! :)
I have ALWAYS wanted to make it out west for one of the Revel races -- they look like they're absolutely spectacular! So I can understand why the cancellation is so disappointing, for sure.
Well... where to start? I was probably in the best shape I have ever been in for running prior to the pandemic. When all the craziness started, my wife and I started increasing our miles and ran a virtual half-marathon for five straight weeks. Because the gyms closed down, I was no longer lifting or doing any training on the elliptical, and basically started suffering foot pain from overuse. The first week of May I suffered two stress fractures in my left foot--so much for being in great shape! Six weeks and one boot later, I started riding a bike to get some fitness back. I cannot run for another two weeks, so I have really started putting in the miles on the bike (which I hate). Tomorrow, I will attempt my first 20 mile bike ride, only because I cannot run right now. I am ready to start running again!!!
That is dedication, Russell! So you and your wife ran 5 half marathons in 5 weeks? Wow! How did the downtime go for you, and did the rest help? Good luck tomorrow!
My wife and I are always doing something. So having downtime is very hard for us (especially me). She has a great routine of running 3-4 days and walking on the off days--and she is ready to have races again. As for me, I have used this time to really hit the weights and over the last three weeks riding seriously, simply because I hate to have to sit around while I am healing! Here is what I have learned--I cannot put in the miles on my feet as well as my wife! She is like a robot when it comes to running. I may be faster, but she is steady and never seems to get injured, while I am always battling some sort of injury every 6-8 months.
I have made the most of my time while working from home during this quarantine to run on my lunch breaks. I’ve been picking up virtual races here and there, and just completed the virtual run, 1 million miles for justice. All proceeds went toward the fight against injustices. Although i do miss getting out there to run with fellow runners and participate in the ambience of a big race, I am glad that there are organizations out there doing these virtual runs while still making a difference.
I am too! Thanks so much for sharing this, Joelle. I'd love to hear more about the 1 million miles for justice -- can you share a link? (And can we still participate in it?)
Don't let all the negativity of the media and what is going on in the world right now get you down! Resist the urge to judge others based on their opinions, even if you think you are right. Show grace and love to each other and you might just find your self smiling more and scowling less. Oh yeah, and turn off the news and go for a run!
I decided to sign up for a small trail race near Springfield MO. I've never done a 1/2 on trails so it is exciting. I'm hoping that a smaller race will have less chance of being cancelled. Otherwise, Ill have to do the Social Distancing Run through Marathon Training academy again. This time however, I might actually buy their medal.
Hey everyone! One thing I wanted to share -- that I forgot to add in Wednesday's newsletter -- was that the New York Road Runners have announced what the virtual New York City Marathon will look like this November.
It looks to be a really well-run and interactive virtual experience, and I'm strongly considering taking part. Here's all the info:
I just read about that yesterday. I have been considering it, but it's only 18 weeks to the last date to run and submit your times of November 1st and I'm worried I wouldn't have enough time to train fully for the long distances.
My husband and I are also hoping to get a spot in the virtual race in order to get entry into a future marathon. We need something to have as a goal since Berlin was cancelled.
I believe registration for it opens July 28 -- here's more info, straight from the New Yor Road Runners:
Good morning! Happy Friday! Since March I have been running consistently. In the past when training for a half, I followed a plan, ran my race, then really backed off for two or three weeks bc my body needed the break.
In June I signed up for the blue ridge to the beach challenge. 475 miles by Dec 1. I love it! I find myself pushing a little harder to get up a hill, picking up my pace a bit to finish a run.
During all of this craziness I find that I have a better outlook on my day if I consistently run 5-6 miles four times a week. This challenge keeps me going without putting the stress of really long runs on my body.
The older I get, the more I listen to my body when I run. For me, it isn't about the bling. I just want to be able to keep on running!
Same here, Stephanie! I'm finding running is keeping my spirits up more than I realized at the beginning of all this -- when I miss a few days in a row, like I did last week, I can really tell a difference in my overall outlook. There's something about that burst of endorphins rushing through my body that I get from running that I've really been needing -- even if it's just the placebo effect, it seems to work! So glad you are well.
Me too..the weekly runs are an important part of my schedule..I look forward to them!
I agree. Consistently one foot in front of the others.
With all my races cancelled, then the backup races cancelled, then the backups to the backups also cancelled, I decided to participate in the self-supported Great Southern Endurance Run 100 miler through Atlanta (going to attempt this on Aug 28th). It means a TON of training in the heat, mileage upwards of 60 miles/week, and it will mean a lot of time and resources from my friends and family to help me along the way. It seemed a bit silly with everything going on, plus I was needing extra motivation - so I'll be fundraising for Back On My Feet and dedicating my run to their efforts! I launched the fundraising page yesterday, and I'm such a huge advocate for their work to combat homelessness, but it's been a big lift in my spirits this week seeing all the support and donations from my network. If you're interested in learning more, supporting, or sharing it with your network, here is the link to the fundraising page:
Ben, this is amazing! I love that you're doing this -- will definitely check out the page. What a fantastic cause; have you gone running with their chapter here in Atlanta? Love love love that you're doing this.
Thanks Terrell! Yes I ran with the Atlanta Chapter (Team Sally) for a few months last year, before my mileage starting creeping up. Such a great group to chat with. And I've participated in their big 5K fundraiser as well (this year it will be virtual, so I'm worried it won't raise the funds it typically does).
Keep us posted on how you do. It sounds grueling but it will be an incredible accomplishment.
Will do! Fortunately I've got a fair amount of time left to get ready - and to fundraise! I'll likely start at about 6 or 7 in the evening, trying to finish in somewhere around 24-30 hours
Hello from Wisconsin! I would like to share that I have been seeing a physical therapist for my back. She is also a runner and she has shown me some great stretches and is helping me to correct some items that have lead to my back problems. My times are a little longer but I can really feel the difference that these appointments have made and they will only get better! Have a great Friday and weekend!
Hey there Nelda! I'd love to hear more about the stretching you're doing -- stretching properly can be such a challenge; it's so easy to do it the wrong way. Is there anything she's showing you that you think is good to pass along? So glad you're feeling better!
Well it may seem like something everyone already knows but I will share it anyways. I have a tendency to turn my one foot out really bad when I run. She has given me an elastic band that first I tighten around my knees. I then take my knees out so they are square with my shoulders and then I go up against a wall and go down to a standing sit against the wall making sure that my feet do not turn out and "sit" for approximately 3-5 seconds and then come up again keeping my toes straight. I do this about 10 times. Then I use the same band and loosen it up a bit and put around my ankles so my feet a shoulder width apart. I then side step keeping the tension in the band, keeping my toes straight and my knees apart as I step. I do this about 10-15 times. She also showed me a way to tape my back with 2 strips on either side of my spine and then one above my pelvis horizontally. And finally, she has shown me how to stretch my back going down into a plank position and then lifting my head/shoulders up and back to stretch my spine. I do this about 5 times per day. That's it!
I don’t think I mentioned the other day, but 2 weeks after I got laid off on 6/26 the company who bought my company hired me back, for a few weeks. They did not do well in the transition of my job. So my old boss asked me to consider coming back. I said I only wanted to work Mon-Thu.
So today on my day off I rode 30 miles on a paved bike trail on the other side of town. (Cincinnati) I have been riding more and more the past few weeks. It was a lot but besides the fun, I am hoping it will help with cross-training.
I did a 4 mile run yesterday and hopeful to hit the 6 tomorrow. It cooled down some here so it was only 72 when I hit the trail at 8:20 this morning 😁
These summer months are the hardest, aren't they? I'm going to run 6 tomorrow too, but probably going to run it inside (on my treadmill). Sometimes I kick myself for running so many miles on it, but Atlanta's air quality in the summer is... less than ideal, to put it mildly! Love that you did the 30-mile bike ride -- which trail(s) did you ride?
There is a really long one here that links up with others further north. It is called the Loveland bike trail. There is a small town east of me called Loveland, Ohio. From there you can take it about 10-20 south and north of there you can go about 60 I think. But somehow (my sister told me) it hooks up with another for a total of 326 miles! She wants us (me and 2 brothers and her hubby) to do ALL of it next year.
She and her hubby have done a biking event called GOBA a few times. (Great Ohio Bike Adventure) It is a road event, not trail, but it is 350 miles in 7 days! They are 7 years older than me and I am in mid-50’s.
For me, I’ve been consistently running the last few months and I finally feel like fitness is coming back.
Love hearing that, Hollie! Especially after the injury you experienced -- you've really shown the way to coming back from something like that. 👍
With my wife and I both working full time and caring for our toddler (with no day care), I've had less time to run. (Unlike most other runners, it sounds like!) It was stressing me out that I couldn't find the time to get in the miles I was used to.
So I've just accepted that if I'm going to run as often as I'd like (4x/week), it'll have to be with the kiddo, and the runs will be short (2-4 miles) because of the heat. Now that I've accepted that my half-marathon-level training just doesn't make sense for the next several months, I'm not stressing out about it, and I'm just concentrating on enjoying my time with the kid. I'll get back to longer runs when I can, but in the mean time, I'm just going to do what I can do, and that will be enough.
Peace, y'all!
Great to hear from you, Derek! We're in the same boat, and just found out yesterday that our school district will be virtual-only this year, at least for the fall. I completely agree with your sentiment -- right now is a time for enjoying and caring for our families, and there'll be a time for other things later. Peace right back to you! 🕊️
Short runs are still good ..and you can spend time with your toddler, who really wants to be with you so much more are building a wonderful relationship with your child!
I got a tri wet suit the other day so I've now added open water swimming to my work outs. The other day I swam 3/4s of a mile which is the furthest I've ever swam as I only go swimming once a year on dive vacations which consist of more floating than swimming. I'm pretty excited to add it into my mix of cardio as the half Iron Man I currently signed up for is still on as of yet!
Wow! How awesome, Judith! I did a triathlon years ago and the swim was about that same distance, and it was one of the hardest things I've ever done! When is your Iron Man? Can't wait to hear how it goes.
It's the first weekend in December down in La Quinta. I need to work on my form/breathing for swimming, but I think once I get it down it will be a smooth ride to get up to 1.2 miles. I still need to purchase a tri-watch too so I can clock things and it will be great for mountain runs here in WA.
I’ve stayed consistent, if not more dedicated, to my running since March. (I actually signed up with one of the coaches you had on your podcast Terrell!) Running is one of the things that has gotten me through this.
One of the best things that has come out of stay-home-&-work for me, besides being in better shape & less stressed, is that I met more people in my neighborhood! There are a consistent set of people I see out walking/running when I’m out. We talk, joke, share updates on stuff, and it’s been awesome! Their kindness & support when they see me has been life changing. I’m going to miss seeing them when/if I go back to school & have to switch to running in the afternoons. At least I’ll see them again on Saturdays, holidays, & next summer.
My 2 races in southern Utah are still on! (It’s not too far for me to travel to.) One is at the end of Aug & one in Nov. I’m excited!!!
That is so cool, Corrina! Really want to hear how working with the coach goes and what you get out of it. Hal Higdon has said in the past that he thinks most runners could benefit from working with one -- I'm sure it'll go great.
The race in August is just around the corner! Really want to hear how it goes and what the experience is like. (And if it could be a model for others) Glad you are well, my friend!
Thanks! I will keep you updated!
For me the best thing to happen this year is being able to work from home. My employer was really resistant to having a work from home policy and now we have proven that we can still get the work done outside of the office. Normally I commute just over an hour each way so getting that two hours back in my day has been wonderful. I have been using that time to get a little longer run or strength training session in than I used to and also to get a little extra sleep. I can get dinner done earlier and have some extra time to spend with my husband in the evenings. I am hopeful that we will continue working from home for some time.
That's been a godsend for me as well, Stacy. A lot of us are *not* going to want to go back to the office for a long time -- or ever, really. It sounds like you've used the time that no commuting has given you in really healthy, constructive ways -- I hope you're able to work from home as long as you want to. 😃
Do you miss being around people at all? That's the one thing I miss.
Yes, I do miss being around people. Also we have a really nice campus and when the weather was nice I would go for a walk or two throughout the day, so I miss that too. I live in a rural area so not much to see when out walking here. If I had things my way I would go into the office a few times a month and then work from home the rest of the time.
Good news to reduce the commute to and from work! I used to have a daily 2 hr commute also, I love having more time in my day now..
I'm good! I put my clothes out the night before so I see them first thing in the morning. It's warm here in Southern California, so I go out around 5:30 am and beat the traffic and most other morning exercisers. So long as I get some outside time to run/jog/walk and meditate, then I'm good and I'll be alright. On social media, I follow both the Half Fanatics site and the 100x13.1 site to stay motivated. I love seeing others' accomplishments and marvel in the occasional "real" race.
As far as the rest of social and network media, I ignore it. Too much noise and not balanced information.
Also impressed that you are out at 5:30. I need to get out earlier. The older I get , I just can't tolerate the heat
Neither can I. I'm 65 and don't have the stamina to tolerate the heat.
You are so right about that, Belle. And I'm impressed by the early rising -- 5:30! Getting outdoors is the key, isn't it? Are you getting to participate in any real races out in California?
No real races yet and all of the other ones I signed-up for, which are out-of-state, have been cancelled. There's a possibility of a local race in November in Ventura County, so I'm hopeful. In the meantime, I'm exploring new neighborhoods and enjoying the solo meditation time. Luckily we don't have the humidity you all have down south, but I also don't want to go out in 80 degree heat.
Thanks for creating this forum. I just love it!
And I love that you're a part of it, Belle! Always love hearing from you 😃
I'll be joining you @ 530 am when my hours change at work in will be COLD in October here in North Idaho !
I am mainly a runner, and have been for about 10 years since my early 50s. Mostly 5K-10K, but completed 8 half marathons, my final one at age 60. For the past year or so, I've also begun riding my bike, but not too seriously... I completed 2 duathlons last year, but not competitively.
After COVID-19 cancelled all my 2020 races, I finally gave in and signed up for (ugh!) a virtual race. It was a run-or-ride option, for 131 miles "from Central Park to Montauk Lighthouse" they said. I could record my miles however I wanted, ride or run any portion, using the honor system, and I didn't need to use any more sophisticated technology than a stopwatch.
Well, my "good thing" is that it made me start taking cycling more seriously, since I can rack up the miles so much faster! I now cycle more hours than I run, and I'm well into my third virtual duathlon.
I know I'll never lose my love for running, especially when the weather gets cooler in the fall. But for now, I have gained a serious interest in cycling. Whatever my mood, whatever the weather, I can almost always do one or the other. Ride on!!
I love hearing this, Nathan! .🙌 Are you primarily a road biker or a mountain biker? I've tried mountain biking a little in the past, but it can get a little hairy when you ride with people who are more experienced than you (and willing to take more chances!).
That virtual race sounds like a great one -- makes me want to try a virtual duathlon too.
the best thing about quarantine is all the time to exercise! i've added an extra running day to my week, and it has just been great to run relaxed because i'm not really training for anything. and doing some of the virtual runs has just been fun!
That's so great, Kel! I've had the same experience -- not having to commute a couple of hours a day has given me regular time to run, which is wonderful. You raise a really interesting point that a lot of people have struggled with, that without a race to train for, they kind of wonder "what's the point"? But it seems like for you, just getting out there to run is the point -- I imagine that's a feeling more and more of us are having (and will have, as time goes on).
Just joined your group this week so hello to everyone. I’ve continued working at my office thru all of this so far. Plenty of stress at work but very thankful for my job. I’m more consistent with my running since the pandemic with 3 runs per week. I’ve also added hiking on a weekend day in the Great Smoky Mountains. Discovered that running helps my endurance but hiking works different muscles! Running and hiking are helping me relax, sleep better and deal with all the craziness around me.
Welcome aboard, Jeff! I'm very jealous of your getting to hike regularly in the Smokies! I've been on a couple of camping trips in the national park, and oh wow it's spectacular. Which part of the park do you like to hike?
I prefer Townsend and Cosby areas since they tend to be less crowded, but the Boulevard Trail from Newfound Gap to Mt Leconte is my favorite trail - a walk in the clouds with spectacular views.
It sounds spectacular. I remember most going into Cades Cove when I was there hiking and camping with an old college friend -- we saw a couple of bear cubs playing on a grassy meadow there. Thankfully we never encountered mama bear! 😃
Well, this was the first time that I weighed in physically at WW since 3/10. So after 4 months in the time of a pandemic I only gained 1.6 pounds. It was a good affirmation that I have some control over my health and well being. Have a great weekend everyone!
Way to go, Sharon! 🙌 That gives me hope (and I'd bet a lot of us!). You have a great weekend too.
Great self control!! I've pur on a couple of pounds..😥but I am working to get rid of them
Sorta hot out in Savannah, so I ran at beach at Tybee Island - every couple miles I got in the water to cool off - worked great ! Did my 8 getting ready for Rock n Roll marathon in Nov
I love Tybee! It's been a long time, but I've visited there and it's just lovely. Is the RNR Savannah planning on in-person or virtual this November?
In person - I am slow at age 77, so the plan is to get way way in the back for the start - wear a mask (ugh) for first few miles - stay 6’ or more ... evaluate how bad COVID is when the time 9th marathon in 10 years
I ran in Fussen, germany last July. Half marathon. It was so hot but the most lovely place. The people were the best part of experience other than lovely route. It’s to be enjoyed first:) It was tough. Still the best journey:)
Honestly, where I run. I don’t know the exact mileage. Will figure that out:)
Cool and rainy here in Seattle today. Feels great! Tomorrow the clouds are due to part and leave us cool and sunny. Looking forward to my 6 miles in the quiet morning. The Nike running app sent a reminder to put aside my obsessive pace and distance expectations and focus instead on “why I run”. Plan to try that tomorrow to see if that awakens my magical thinking and enjoyment of the experience.
This month I markEd a new milestone of running about 3 times a week for a full year! I typically would take some months off after finishing a race or not really run in the heat of summer. My PT finally helped me understand that I could reduce injury risks if I ran easy runs every week even when I’m not training. I feel great! 💪🏼 😊
This is so awesome, Kara! 🙌
I have been able to fit running into my lifestyle somewhat successfully and am starting to run more. Also my pool will be reopening so I won't have to go an entire summer without swimming!
The goal is to make sure I run 5 or 6 days a week instead of 4 or 5 days.
That's awesome, Rebecca! 🙌
Just received notice that the Revel Run Big Bear is canceled for Nov 2020. They offered a virtual race, but I deferred to 2021. Instead my sister and I are going to run it on our own. There's nothing more wonderful than running down the mountains at 6am.
Awesome, Mary! Take photos and send them my way, if the spirit moves you -- and we'll share them in one of our subscriber newsletters after you're done :)
Will do. :-)
That sounds like fun, doing it on your own. I may have to give that some thought. I had signed up for Revel Rockies, which was cancelled.
This will be our third time, so I'm familiar with the route. I am wondering how many others will be joining us.
I have been working from home since the end of 2007 and my wife just retired from her public education administration job and joined a consulting firm at the beginning of 2020. Since her travel plans were cancelled for the month of March (and April…and May…and June…AND July!)—to include a planned mini getaway to NYC in March and Chicago half marathon in May—she got into the “task mode” and we painted, cleaned out closets, reorganized the (my) garage, and scoped out what was stored in the (my) garage attic. While moving around in the Air Force we never had to chance to accumulate that much “stuff” (or dust) before. A few weeks ago, I actually built and installed 12 under cabinet pullout drawers. Now that was work!! (And still focused on her list of projects!) Personally, I am looking forward to being around friends and family again—and hugging—but meanwhile, it is great knowing you can still be best friends with the one you married—and it was 33 years for us this past April. That’s my “positive point” during COVID…and the running has been on track. I am seeing a lot more activity out there from others, too!
Thanks so much for sharing this, Howie! I love that you guys have grown closer together through this experience, as I know it's been challenging for many of us. To hear that your love is stronger as a result of it is *really* inspiring!
And I'm looking forward to all the same things you are, too -- someday, hopefully soon! Take care, my friend. 😃
A little late but here's "a few things I'm thankful for" #1: my 5.5 mile run last week. I paced myself slow at the beginning and kept increasing my pace mile by mile. It was the first time I've run where each successive mile was faster than the one before! I'm also really enjoying my night runs (when work allows). This week hasn't been a good run week with working 7a-4p instead of 10a-7p means I can't do my night runs (8:30pm-10pm) and I'm NOT running in 90-100 degree weather + humidity. Having this week to rest is ultimately a good thing, though!
#2 A safe neighborhood to run in at night. I light myself up with a headlamp and a blinking belt and carry pepper spray just to be safe. There is something magical about how the world looks and feels once the sun goes down.
#3 A close-ish place to enjoy water and river kayaking that's only 45 min from my place. I took my dog kayking with me for the first time 4th of July weekend and he did great staying in the boat! It was so nice to be on the water and enjoy nature. I even saw a bald eagle adult and young adult!
#4 Making progress with my first online class! Working toward my Bachelor of Science while working full time, and I'm enjoying this season of few distractions and opportunity to work toward that!
That’s all so great, Colleen! Really excited about the progress you’re making and totally get the need for breaks and rest. Really happy about your degree program too! What is it in?
I have been training really hard the last 10 weeks for what would have been my 5th Revel Big Cottonwood Canyon-Salt Lake City run and first marathon. I was trying to be very optimistic that it wouldn't be cancelled, but I was training like it was still on, until I got the official cancellation email. I was truly heart broken as so many of us are and have been during this pandemic. Because Revel races are so awesome and have a fantastic option of running a non-virtual race via OYO I will still be running a certified course on that weekend and will get in some miles in the beautiful Big Cottonwood Canyon. Never give up and just keep running! :)
I have ALWAYS wanted to make it out west for one of the Revel races -- they look like they're absolutely spectacular! So I can understand why the cancellation is so disappointing, for sure.
What you say about the OYO non-virtual race sounds really interesting -- is it the same thing as this? 👉
I just learned about the OYO running here is the website
Thanks, Mindi!
you are welcome! Happy running :)
Well... where to start? I was probably in the best shape I have ever been in for running prior to the pandemic. When all the craziness started, my wife and I started increasing our miles and ran a virtual half-marathon for five straight weeks. Because the gyms closed down, I was no longer lifting or doing any training on the elliptical, and basically started suffering foot pain from overuse. The first week of May I suffered two stress fractures in my left foot--so much for being in great shape! Six weeks and one boot later, I started riding a bike to get some fitness back. I cannot run for another two weeks, so I have really started putting in the miles on the bike (which I hate). Tomorrow, I will attempt my first 20 mile bike ride, only because I cannot run right now. I am ready to start running again!!!
That is dedication, Russell! So you and your wife ran 5 half marathons in 5 weeks? Wow! How did the downtime go for you, and did the rest help? Good luck tomorrow!
My wife and I are always doing something. So having downtime is very hard for us (especially me). She has a great routine of running 3-4 days and walking on the off days--and she is ready to have races again. As for me, I have used this time to really hit the weights and over the last three weeks riding seriously, simply because I hate to have to sit around while I am healing! Here is what I have learned--I cannot put in the miles on my feet as well as my wife! She is like a robot when it comes to running. I may be faster, but she is steady and never seems to get injured, while I am always battling some sort of injury every 6-8 months.
I have made the most of my time while working from home during this quarantine to run on my lunch breaks. I’ve been picking up virtual races here and there, and just completed the virtual run, 1 million miles for justice. All proceeds went toward the fight against injustices. Although i do miss getting out there to run with fellow runners and participate in the ambience of a big race, I am glad that there are organizations out there doing these virtual runs while still making a difference.
I am too! Thanks so much for sharing this, Joelle. I'd love to hear more about the 1 million miles for justice -- can you share a link? (And can we still participate in it?)
It just ended on Wednesday, 7/15! If there any others that I come across that are like that, I will be sure to share in the future!
Don't let all the negativity of the media and what is going on in the world right now get you down! Resist the urge to judge others based on their opinions, even if you think you are right. Show grace and love to each other and you might just find your self smiling more and scowling less. Oh yeah, and turn off the news and go for a run!
I decided to sign up for a small trail race near Springfield MO. I've never done a 1/2 on trails so it is exciting. I'm hoping that a smaller race will have less chance of being cancelled. Otherwise, Ill have to do the Social Distancing Run through Marathon Training academy again. This time however, I might actually buy their medal.