I’m glad I found this stack. I’ve always been a hiker, walker, reader, writer. But during the pandemic (in 2020) I got really into running. I was living in Manhattan. My first run I did a mile and I was winded. I kept at it and soon was running several days a week, usually 3-5 miles. My distances got longer and longer. In early 2021 I left my Lenox Hill apartment thinking I’d run 15. I ended up running 28. All over the city. It was incredible. This is making me think I should do a post on that experience. I usually write fiction/politics/culture/memoir.

Good to join y’all ❤️

Michael Mohr

‘Sincere American Writing’


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I don't need no stinking resolutions! 2023 is the year I take my regrets and use them for good!

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I love this thought, Shelly! Can you elaborate? I’m really drawn to this; there are a couple of books that have come out on this that I want to dive into: Daniel Pink’s ‘The Power of Regret’ and Susan Cain’s ‘Bittersweet’. Both seem really intriguing on this.

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I actually got this idea from reading Daniel Pink's book. He had some thought provoking ideas, and ways of looking at regret that resonated with me. One of my biggest regrets was not keeping up with my music. As there are things I cannot go back and do, I am turning that regret into a different passion. I am learning to play the cello at the age of 60! http://shellydrymon.com/taking-back-regret-at-60-one-cello-note-at-a-time/

I have yet to read Susan's new book but loved, loved her last one - being the classic introvert! thanks for the comment.

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Jan 7, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Praise the Lord Dave!!! I love being a nurse !! I love people ..

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Hwy1 is opened all the way north. . .CalTrans worked their magic. Still iffy!

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

As far as I can see on the roadway photos, it did a nice landslide, washout on the course. It has happened before and it has been resuscitated in time. CalTrans did not know when they would be able to open the road again,

You're right, it is on April 30th. . . we'll see. I've already had so many signs that it would not be a good thing to do that I slowed down way back when. Moving, Snow, Ice, Cold as well as general physical condition. I'm willing to try, but is it worth killing myself. . . I don't know. . .

I'm waiting til February to start rowing daily. I might make that marathon yet! My brother is encouraging me', but I'll be darned if I'll be a January quitter!! :)

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

As I said earlier I resolved to cut the number of races in half this year and do more casual running. The lists came out for the series that I follow and additional races have been added and it will not be possible to complete both and still hold myself to 26. So I am faced with a decision. Do I pick one to complete 100 per cent and short the other, just do some of each to make the 26 or abandon my resolution and add four more races. These are the good kind of problems.

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

I think, myself, I would revise and edit--go through the others and see if I liked them better. :)

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Usually when I work at the hospital yes. However , this is private duty patient with ventilator and trach . RN can never leave . Thats why I think I may just go straight to gym get even 2 miles in. ?

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Bless your heart ... nurses rule!

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Joined the YOU VS THE YEAR 2023 put on by MapMyRun. Just a challenge that I've done since 2017. Consists of running, walking, hiking for 1023 kilometers for 365 days. Not much, but I've done it every year and made the goal. It's easy. Map my Run keeps the log. All you have to do is the Kilometers. Other than that, it is just to stay healthy and on my feet. Managed to walk and shop yesterday at an optimal pace which was good for me!! Things change and one is not the person they were yesterday or in some yesteryear. This article was pretty eye-opening for me. . . and might be for people who tend to beat themselves up. Found it on Hollie Sick's newsletter. https://runtrimag.com/comparison-is-the-thief-of-joy/

I've read so many inspiring newsletters so far this month. Most say keep healthy, eat right, stay off the computer or doom-scrolling on the phone, minimalism. . . the list goes on and on. How many of us are going to keep up with them come February or Spring? I wonder?

I do have intentions and ambitions, just low-key. Personally, I'm happy Highway 1 at Big Sur washed out. An Act of God saved me from marathon training, can you believe it! One main ambition is still the 10K in San Francisco. . . it is do-able--my daughter might even run it with me, which is encouraging.

I may even get around to cataract surgery sometime this Spring. When fire hydrants and telephone poles start looking like people. . .well, it's time! As my daughter would tell me in her best

corporate-speak. . .it is affecting quality of life, so better do it.

Weather is fine up here in the PacNW. The Atmospheric rivers have gone south to moisten the Southwest. . . 50s during the day. I'll go out on the Trail once I get the chores done. Gotta get that 2K m walk in! :)

. .

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"How many of us are going to keep up with them come February or Spring? I wonder?" Now *this* is all too true. I read this week that January 13 is called "Quitter's Day" by Strava, as their data tells them that the 2nd Friday of the year is the day most people quit their new year's resolutions. So, how did the washout on the PCH stop your marathon training? Does that mean they won't be able to hold the marathon this year? (It's in April, right?)

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Unfortunately, no . I work 0700 tomorrow also . Safety not to bad around gym . I tried to do routine , but my work schedule , kids , church ministries, never happens lol .

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Guess I’m lucky ... kids in another state (Thank G-d for FaceTime) and wife and I are both avid walkers and believe that survival is accomplished by simply “moving”. 3M half in Austin in two weeks.

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

For my resolution, I'm working on "being nicer" to my students when in school - LOL.

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Toughie. . You can do it!

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I like this, Stan! 🙌

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Had a disastrous end of the year due to a bout of acid reflux. I didn't know what was wrong until the third doctor I saw asked if I'd ever had it. No! But she didn't stop until she gave me two types of medication and a follow-up appointment. The coughing bouts are almost over, and since the new year, I've begun running again without stopping to cough up phlegm and crawl home. Found out I wasn't invincible. This is the year I resolve to get rid of the 10 pounds that found their way around my middle and return to strength training. I thought I could eat ANYTHING if I trained hard enough... I was kidding myself. 2023 will be my year to prove to myself I can still kick ass... I sincerely hope every one of you hit your goals this year.

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Keep up the good efforts. I too had reflux but that was 15 lb ago. Portion control has helped me and the exercise is always a great appetite killer.

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luckily, I've never had it. . . only when I was 8 months pregnant! I tell you, I'd never want it again!! Fortunately it went away once I got down to my normal size!

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Glad you are better. From what I gather from my dad and older brother, Acid reflux is NOT fun!

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I thought the same thing too, Steve! Alas, it has turned out to be a fairy tale -- but a lovely one while it lasted. 😊 Glad to hear you're feeling better, too.

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Need Help 😊! In addition to counting miles and calories, I need to focus on self care. I don’t like wearing hats or sunglasses but need to now given the emerging issue with my right eye. Does anyone have recommendations for good running sunglasses that don’t slide down your nose as you run and not tight behind the ear? Open to all suggestions - thank you!

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Used to play tennis (more like play at tennis) and wore strap that connected to glass frames ... this might work!

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I have used the triathlon brand wrap-arounds for the longest of times. They hold up well [I live in Florida] and get used often. They are stable and I find them to be comfortable. Might be too much of a style change though if you haven't work the like before...

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Goodr Glasses FTW! I have them in two colors and they are so fun and also do not budge, even in rain or heavy sweating.

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

I picked 1,242 miles last year as a goal for running & walking. (I walk my dogs a couple of miles a week.) I surpassed it, surprising myself, & decided I’ll up it a bit. I’m thinking 1,260. We’ll see how it goes. I don’t beat myself up if I don’t reach my goals. It just gives me something to reach for. 😊😊😊

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Twelve hundred miles is amazing, Corrina! You're my role model now 🙌

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Thanks! I wish I could be like that runner who runs the same miles as the year. Maybe someday!

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Incorporating more strength training, especially deadlifts and kettlebell, to finally get my lower back in shape for either Flying Pig or Pittsburgh marathon (both May 7). More discipline, and less brutalization of my body to eat what it needs and not necessarily what it impulsively wants, while also coming to peace with the fact that I may never attain the magic number on the scale that I want, but I am strong, and healthy, and able to run marathons, which is more than many can say. So instead of degrading myself for not being enough, I will try to commit to being thankful for what I have and am.

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"So instead of degrading myself for not being enough, I will try to commit to being thankful for what I have and am." This, especially, I love, and I'm trying to internalize for myself as well. We are bombarded with messages every day about how we're not enough; I'm finally realizing I don't have to pay attention to them in the way I used to. Thank you for this, Caroline 🙏

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Terrell, I stopped drinking 4 weeks ago now as a way to pre-empt any January resolution & test my resolve over Christmas. It was also a good way to prepare for the Boston marathon training that started January 2nd. Happy to report I made it through the holiday period & I’m 2 training runs into my marathon prep. Feeling healthy & strong!

You mentioned a few months ago you were also looking to give up alcohol. I was wondering if you’ve succeeded in staying off it & what you’ve done with all the extra time & clarity of thought that comes with it?

Happy New Year!


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Congrats! I’m 12 years sober. It’s excellent 🔥🙌

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Andrew, this is fantastic! This is something I'll write more about, but I was successful in stopping drinking for just over 80 days, and then I must confess, I let myself have a glass of wine on Thanksgiving. And that led me to say, "well, that's fine, maybe one more won't hurt..." and so on, and so now I'm back to stopping again. I will say, stopping for the 80-day period was *very* eye-opening. I'm a little mad at myself for going back on stopping, but I'm re-committing to it (along with my wife) for the whole year this year.

I do love being able to sleep easier, better and longer -- I was terrible about waking up in the middle of the night multiple times before -- and I found that my mood was better, though it took a few weeks for that to stabilize, as my brain slowly weaned itself off the effects of alcohol. That wasn't immediate -- it took time. But, I did feel sharper and clearer and just an overall better version of myself. I am human -- I stumble too. But, God gives us burdens -- also shoulders. We can do it again.

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Slow but sure. It's like riding a horse. You get thrown a few times, but pretty soon, you find out who's boss. . . and it isn't the horse! Get back on and carry-on. You'll make it someday! :)

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That’s great Terrell! 80 days, you can be very proud. Get back on that horse & go again.

I’m committed at least until April 17th then lets see. I’ll probably want to enjoy the Irish bars of Boston, have a beer at Fenway Park & visit the Sam Adam’s brewery but after that I’m hoping my drinking days are over & I can become the best version of myself.

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Best of luck to you, both with your resolution and with Boston training!

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Thanks Caroline! Good luck with your strength training resolution & either Flying Pig or the Pittsburgh marathon, whichever you end up going for.

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

I'm not big on resolutions, personally, but I've definitely updated my fitness goals! I want to complete a nine-mile trail race, work more kettlebells into my cross-training and cycle 2,500 - 3,000 miles.

If people are making resolutions there are some strategies that can be helpful. Everyone is different in their motivation, but I did a podcast on this (with my content partner): https://www.practically.fit/p/pf-episode-12-how-to-make-new-years#details

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

I’m continuing in my minimalism

Journey. De-cluttering. Keeping only what I love, need and use. With that said. I want to make sure I incorporate more hygge moments regularly /weekly this year.

Lastly. I’ve started a 30 day challenge to get up earlier (5:45am) so I can make sure I stretch every day. This is the hardest because I am not a super morning person. But so far so good! Happy new year to all!

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Keep up the efforts ... like I tell folks at a race that I pass (yeah, one or two), “Lookin’ good!”

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I just Loved this article!! https://nosidebar.com/minimalism-in-the-60s/

Minimalism is natural to me. Never had much to begin with and made due with what I had

Seems that it has taken on a categorization and a name! Good Luck with your endeavors! It would be harder for me to learn to do the early riser routine! :)

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This is so great, Danielle -- we accumulate so much in our house, largely as a result of having a dog + kids, but we're to blame just as much. I have to tell you, the other day I found a copy of a book at the bookstore about hygge, called "The Little Book of Hygge: Danish Secrets to Happy Living" -- I haven't yet read it, but I'm eager to learn what there is to know about this. Glad you mentioned it!

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

I have a question . I am working 0700-1900 today . My goal for 2023 is running 5 days a week ( unless I am ill ). I am already tired . Even if I get 2 miles in I will be happy , but gym closes at 10 and its dark by 430 here and raining . Do I push myself go directly from work to gym by 2000???

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Hi Dawn, any chance you could take your lunch break and get two or three miles in? I carry extra running shoes in my car so my soles can readily feed my soul.

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Great question, Dawn! Do you have tomorrow off? You could double up then. What is the weather/safety like around the gym?

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Not a big resolution maker but my adult kids set yearly fitness goals. I decided to join them

Nerd alert: we are walking/ running on a virtual map from The Shire to Mordor(1800miles)

Probably take us more than a year but ...

There’s even a fun app to track progress if you wish

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I LOVE this!

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How cool! What's the name of the app?

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

Fantasy Hike. I suspect that the developers didn’t have permission to use Tolkiens name and characters - so you find thinly disguised alternatives but anyone familiar with LOTR will easily recognize. It’s a small fee( I think 3.99) one time :)

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definitely gonna do this one. Thx.

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I'll have to check it out!

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Jan 6, 2023Liked by Terrell Johnson

I wrote my first sub stack/LinkedIn article on this very topic a few days ago. (I love this topic. :) Years ago, I switched from making resolutions into setting more broad based "intentions" across the various "Wheel of Life" categories (ie. Business & Career, Health & Fitness, Relationships etc.). This year, in setting my intentions, I used a different starting point by asking myself this question: How can I infuse more joy into every area of my life? (That's an interesting one--in prep, I've asked everyone I know--including strangers on the street--what brings you joy? The answers have been pretty incredible--and not necessarily what I would have expected.) So--one of my intentions re: fitness is to Maximize my physical, emotional and mental (cognitive) health in order to increase both the quality and term of my life." From there, I then drill down into more specific goals--which I'm in the process of "auditioning" now. Thanks, Terrell for leading the way with your excellent newsletter!

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I really like that, Diana -- do you have a link to the piece you could share?

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I THINK this will work. I'm new to Substack and mostly doing this as a way to procrastinate on what I SHOULD be doing--which is pitching my completed novel :) Giggle... https://dianamwilson.substack.com/p/welcoming-the-new-year?utm_source=facebook&sd=pf&fbclid=IwAR2YOR5ukJ9att8B4t0uvT4u-YN2IBp7oEnIgkfmj_iFwbyVkH1UwQcPUDE

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The link worked

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I'll go first: except for one day this week, when I got in only a 0.64-mile run thanks to my treadmill conking out, I've been able to keep up a 5K-a-day running schedule every day of the year so far. I can see where this might not be as easy to keep consistent with in the not-too-distant future, but so far, so good 👍

Still working on making adjustments to my social media scrolling habits... these apps are like slot machines!! Variable reinforcement is the toughest thing to kick -- still trying :)

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