Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Running my first half marathon tomorrow morning. Little nervous!

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You'll do great, Ann. Trust your training. I'm 63 and have run about 15 half marathons in the past 5 years, along with countless other trail runs, 10ks and 5 ks. The running is indeed the reward, the commitment to train is the hard part!

I'm running my first full marathon in March and am training for that. It's a scary thought but I'm gonna do it! I predict you'll be looking for another half to run within a week.😃 I can't wait to hear how you crushed it. Remember to stay in the mile you're in and try to relax and enjoy it!!👍

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Thank you! I am going to remember these encouraging words tomorrow while I am running. We "Seniors" are crushing it! :)

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Way to go, Jan! You might become addicted to the longer distance. Pace yourself and listen to your body while training for the full. The training is no joke. :)

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Thanks Bill. I'll definitely do that. At my age, if I don't listen to my body, it screams at me. ;)

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Take the competitive angst out of your head and just shoot for a fun day. It’ll likely be your first race of many. To quote my physical therapist, “Just run🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️“

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Thank you!

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

The nerves will help put an extra pep in your step! Good luck!

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Thank you so much!

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Love that! Good luck tomorrow, Ann!

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You got this.. Hit the porta potty first. Nothing new on race day. Kick some ass out there.

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

This made me laugh out loud because my last race I hit the porta potty too early before start, and had to stop and go around mile 3. Thankfully it was a half, so I had time to make up for it!!! Lesson learned.

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Sounds like my wife. She blew the doors off one last year in the middle of Mercedes half and we still managed to make up the time. Yes I stop and wait for her even though she tells me to keep going.

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So much encouragement! Thank you everyone!

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You've got this! Happy race to you-have fun!

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You'll do great! It's okay to feel nervous. Just stay with the tried and true (that goes for food, drink, outfits, shoes, etc!) and START EASY. It's easy to get caught up in the race excitement and go out too fast and then bonk partway through. Just comfortably and gradually ease into your pace! You'll do great!

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Enjoy!! The first is special. I ran my first half this May and thinking back I still get goosebumps... run your own race and your only problem will be becoming addicted 😉. Let us know how it went!! Fingers crossed

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Don't be nervous, enjoy it, it's a blast (PS: manage your pace from the start)!!!

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Me too!! Good luck to us 😀

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Good luck, Marianna!👍

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Get it!

It's all mental. Don't be nervous-

Enjoy, appreciate and have enjoy it.

When you finish, it will all be worth it.

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Thank you so much!

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You can do it!!! Just make sure you have everything laid out and prepared the day before so your'e ready to go!

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half marathons are my favorite! you will become addicted:) good luck!

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You're gonna be great! All of the training was the hard part, the actual race is your reward. You will see a lot of great advice from the wise people in this group.

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Yep! I'm running my 1st half marathon in Madison WI next month. Started running last fall at 59 yrs old and did a NYC 5K in March, an 8K in April and have been training for this upcoming race since then. Lost some time to a torn miniscus and T-band issues, but am determined and also had a great Physical Therapist that I listened to. Fighting an upper respiratory now that has me a bit down and wondering if I can really do this. Will do 9 miles this Sunday, 10 next Sunday, and then it's race day on the 10th. This is not for the faint of heart, me thinks! :)

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We’ll all be cheering you on, Sheri! Just take it day by day and see how you feel on race day. (That’s all any of us can do, right?) Sounds like you’ve got a great PT who’s giving you solid advice.

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You got this Sherri. I ran my first half in September with a hip at less than 100%, but thankfully it held up for me. You will be surprised what your body can do on race day!

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So it, Sherri! Also 59 here. On the plane from Denver to the AthHalf Sunday. Haven't run that far in 6 years and fighting a hamstring annoyance but SO happy to be running again! Hoping living at 7500' helps.

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Good luck, Art, and let us know how it goes! And thanks to all for your awesome support, too.

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Around Late July and into late august I get depressed because of how hard the efforts are, and how slow the times get and I feel like I’ve just lost my gift. Then fall comes and my times get faster than ever, the runs become easier than ever and it’s euphoria all over again. The routes I take suddenly have a new look and it just re energizes my running. I love the fall!

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Me too! (Not least because Atlanta in August is sweltering, so late September and October are the best.)

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Terrell! OMG! I live in Texas where in the summer someone just left the oven on! Stupid hot! Lol!

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Me too, brother. (Fort Worth, TX) Three cheers for temps lower than 95! Seems the high was set on that for three months this summer. Stepping outside to 43 this morning almost made me weep in happiness. ;-)

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Amen to that! October 8th was like heaven! First day that fall arrived! Lol!

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YES! All summer, I’m like, “oh I’m so slow, I’ll never make the distance of my big fall goal race,” and then we finally get a cold front and it’s like someone flipped a switch. I ‘trained’ all frustrating summer for a fall marathon (NYC next week) and swore all summer I would never do another big fall race — then it got cool, I got fast again, and I entered the lottery for Chicago next year because why not? 😜

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I hear you Jay!

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Did the Urban Bourbon Half 10/19....knocked 5 minutes off my best time in this race!

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How awesome is that?! How'd you like the course?

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I have run this race 4 times! It has a couple steep hills right at mile 7 & 8....but I trained for them and ran strong! The after party for this race is awesome!

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Training for a 50k trail race on 11/9.

Have been mostly been training on trails and working on elevation.

I achieved a PB in the half marathon I raced in earlier this month. Felt very accomplished and proud.

So I've been training for that and the 50k since July and logging in a lot of miles. Eating very clean and getting rest in. Running close to 50 miles a week for the last 2 weeks and now dropping to around 30 this week.

I wanted to run 40+ next week with a week left until the race.

Any tips or suggestions on training for 50k?

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I wish I did! You are going further than I've ever gone (though I dream of running a distance like 50K someday).

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Love this time of year! Had a great long run last Saturday but then when I went to do my recovery run the next day, my ankle felt like it was on fire. Guess I have an overuse injury, so it's rest for me. Race coming up on the 3rd, part of a series, so I will probably just walk it if I'm feeling good about walking 10 miles! Then more rest (just doing strength training and low impact stuff in the meantime) and hopefully good for a mid-December half. Good luck to everyone else!

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I am running California International Marathon December 8. I am a seasoned runner NOT a fast runner. I still struggle with the nutritional component of training. I am always reading that nutrition can make such a difference. I am vegetarian and would like some help in this area. I am 65, if that matters.

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I'm doing CIM too! I am also a vegetarian. Tips: Clean eating (whole foods), complex carbs until close to race day (and 1-2 days before long runs) then switch to more simple carbs (rice, potatoes, oatmeal, low-fiber crackers, breads). Don't stress about not getting enough protein as a veggie-it isn't an issue if you eat variety of foods (nuts, legumes, edamame, mushrooms, tofu all have good protein). Protein is super important for prep and recovery, but carbs should be emphasized the days leading up to long runs and race day. I have been a vegetarian my whole adult life and am working on my 8th marathon. Also working with sports nutritionist which helped me formulate better nutritional meals. Good cookbook : No Meat Athlete. Wealth of nutritional info and recipes.

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Wow, thanks so much.

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What do you feel is lacking in your nutrition? How is your protein intake, and what are the things you eat most often?

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Protein intake is my concern. I don't actually calculate my daily grams.

Most often eat nuts, nut butters, lactose free yogurt, hard cheese for protein. Get plenty of fruits and veggies.

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No need to worry about protein. There's protein in almost everything. Documented protein deficiencies are extremely rare, even among strict Vegans.

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Do you incorporate things like beans, lentils, quinoa, peas? These are all good sources of protein (and fiber) as well. You can add nutritional yeast into savory dishes as well. Maybe mix some plant-based protein powder into your yogurts (there are so many on the market now, but Vega is one brand that I've liked thus far). If you're okay with soy, firm tofu and tempeh are good options, too. Seasoning and then pan-searing the tofu in a non-stick pan helps with texture and flavor.

Protein powder is probably one of the easiest ways to supplement the rest of your diet as you can do things like mix it in with yogurt, which is something you already eat. You could also shake it up with your favorite non-dairy or lactose-free milk or even cold water (non-dairy milk makes it feel more like a treat). I hope this is helpful for your brainstorming!

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Thanks so much. All good ideas. I get stuck in eating ruts. It helps to hear from others.

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You're welcome, and good luck! And it's okay if you're not super speedy - I'm not either. I hope I can keep it up and still be running at 65, 75, and beyond if I'm still on this earth at that time! Really inspires me to see more mature/seasoned runners out there kicking butt.

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

so far so great! injury free. always have 5Ks, 5milers and halfs on the calendar. have the dc half to half in a few weeks. always a fun one!

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I've read a lot about that race over the years, but never have made it up for it. Sounds like a quirky, fun, original event -- I love events like that.

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I ran a marathon 2 weeks ago. Negative splits!

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Wow! Congrats. Quite an accomplishment

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Marine Corps Marathon is this Sunday! I am very excited, since this is the first time I have run in this marathon. Good luck to anyone else who is running. If you have any wisdom to impart, let me know!

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I ran it a LONG time ago, but loved it. I remember seeing a Marine run the entire 26.2 miles in combat boots, carrying a giant American flag the whole way. Was really inspiring. Also, you finish at the Iwo Jima monument (or at least we did back then) -- the final two-tenths of a mile was uphill!

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Good luck on your run today

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Let us know how it goes!

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My goal is to run my first marathon sometime next fall. I've done 10ks and halfs so far. Running the Marine Corp one is on my marathon bucket list. Hopefully I get to do it some day! Good luck!

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Nashville 1/2 for me in 2 weeks. Love this time of year for running!

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

One of our Doctors finished Ironman and said NUTRITION is the key Body is amazing machine but needs fuel Good luck to all !!Running Happy in Texas Deb Stuart

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Houston Half on Sunday (my 58th birthday!) but running easy because Im supposed to be tapering for NYC Marathon. 🤗 Good practice for not going out too fast, right?

(Actually I forgot I pre-registered *last year* for the Houston Half—until I got the packet-pickup email yesterday 😮I was going to do 13 on the weekend so might as well do it in the city—and take home the gi-normous medal!)

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Ha! Happy early birthday, Steph!

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Fall has helped my rehab after surgery and helped with my anxiety and depression leading up to the shorter days! I'll be participating in my first 10K this Sunday following the insertion of a screw in my big left toe this summer. I'm not looking for a PR but at this point just want to finish strong! Good luck to all on your upcoming training and races!

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I think I'm having a mid-life running crisis. I have 4 half marathons approaching in November: arlington, irving, DRC, and a waddle 1/2 with a 8 mile and 2 5k races. It's good to read the encouragement on this site. You guys are the "best-est". I am going to just go out and have fun with a fully loaded playlist, energy gels, and my favorite mismatched running socks.

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I am travelling from Maine to California next week to run the Malibu Half Marathon and to visit my best friend from childhood. This will be my 4th half this year, and I am hoping for a PR. I found out about the race on this website. Love how you highlight races. I will follow it up in December with the Millinocket Half in Northern Maine.

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Great, good luck to you too. It’s a bit hilly, but if we watch the waves maybe we won’t notice😜

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I did the Hartford Marathon Oct 12th and despite having some GI issues I PR'd and qualified for Boston!! won't be till 2021 since next year is filled up but am so happy. I am recovering from a tight hamstring and just doing some gentle runs. I have a 5K coming up - I don't like 5K's but this one is a tradition and hope to place in my age division.

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Sarah, this is amazing!!!!!!! So happy for you.

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And congrats!! Great accomplishment

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Would love to qualify for Boston sometime soon

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In Florida, unlike this year, by October the weather is cool enough for long runs most hours of the day. This year unless you're out before 8:00 the heat and humidity are so stifling it's hard to push for for the elusive times you want to hit in the upcoming races. Up in Minnesota I never had this problem.

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I'll be running the Halloween 1/2 in Morristown NJ this Sunday for the 3rd time. It will be HM #129. They're calling for heavy rain. Bring on the misery and discomfort.

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Running NYCM next Sunday! First time. So excited & honored to be a part of it!!! Love the half marathons & am sure I’ll love this one too!! 🏃‍♀️

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Prepping for the Dayton 1/2 in the spring.

Does any one have Ohio/Ohio area race recommendations for a first time marathon? Thanks in advance!

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Hi Haley! Depending on where you live, the Towpath Marathon might be a great choice, It's flat, run on trails through the Cuyahoga Valley National Park near Cleveland. And, it's part of a series called the Towpath Trilogy, so they offer a spring half, a summer 10-miler, and a fall marathon and half.

Here's more on it: https://towpathtrilogy.com

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That sounds like SO much fun! I'm a Clevelander, so this sounds pretty perfect as well. Thank you!

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Hi Haley! I'm an Ohio girl, too. You should run the Akron Children's Marathon in late September. The course is really nice, it's lined with all these kids from the hospital cheering you on and holding signs. It goes through really pretty neighborhoods, etc. And it ends in the middle of the baseball stadium. It's very well organized. I ran the half this year and plan to run the full next year. There are actually two fall marathons in Akron. There's a Goodyear one too, which I have not done. This Akron Children's one is the later of the two.

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That is a great idea! That sounds like a fun course too, and an even better cause. Thank you!

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Oct 29, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Hoping to complete that one in 2021!

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Oct 28, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I love that! A stamp in the passport and a marathon medal!

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Just ran my 13th half at Mount Desert Island in Maine - incredibly beautiful, well organized, and a pleasure, even with all the rolling hills! I recommend it to everyone, and it's a qualifier race for the Boston Marathon if anyone needs that. It's the first time I've enjoyed a half, which isn't my best distance. I'll miss the NYC marathon, but now that I live in Western MA, I'm sure there are many other good races.

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That's a bucket list race for me. So jealous!

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So glad you liked it! I ran a half in MDI last fall. It is so beautiful there!

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I ran my 3rd and last 1/2 marathon of the year in Louisville on October 19. The weather was ideal, a crisp 48 to start and ended at about 60. My pace was slow but steady and I managed the hills in Cherokee Park with resolve. I have a 10.4 mile trail race at Salt Fork State Park in Ohio, my last race in Ohio before I move to Vermont! I am already planning out which 1/2s I want to tackle in New England. Let me know if you all have any favorites that I need to register for in 2020!

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That sounds absolutely perfect, Jennifer! Good luck with the move, too -- here's a list we put together last year. I need to update the dates for it, but at least it'll give you an idea of some fun races out there.


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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Me and a group of 40-50 year old guys are running the Savannah Rock N Roll Marathon or Half Marathon next weekend. Four of us for the full and four of us for the half. Training has been good but challenging. I am a type one diabetic so figuring out how to maintain constant blood glucose levels for 4.5 hours.

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You may want to look at UCAN. It’s not cheap but it really has changed my long runs in terms of consistent energy.

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Thanks Steph. I've been using Tailwind. it's working pretty good.

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Great Blues Cruise 50K three weeks ago (cannot say enough good things about that race) and this weekend a humid, rainy Marine Corps Marathon beckons. So far so good. Oorah!

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I ran the Fall Foilage Half a couple of weeks ago. Thanks to the weeky words of encouragement and posts from Terrell my training was perfect and the race was FANTASTIC. Now I am keeping up with the training looking for my next half. Good luck to all running the NY marathon.

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I love hearing that, Betty! That's another race that I've always wanted to make it up to run -- the course has always looked fun and picturesque, and it's a part of the country I'd love to visit. Someday! Have a next half picked out yet?

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

In September I “slogged” through the Humana Rock N Roll in Philadelphia and the Women’s Indy Half in Indiana. Followed by the Queen Bee in Cincinnati (3-halfs in 3 states in 27 days!). I’m doing the MUM in West Virginia next weekend. Then I don’t have another one (yet) until December in Springfield, MO. Fall running is THE BEST❣️ I did one in Waco, TX Memorial Day weekend and almost passed out from the heat😬🤗🤗

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You've been busy!

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I did the Queen Bee too. It was great. Springfield in December should be great!

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I am in my peak mileage week training for the Charlotte Marathon on Nov 16th! Planning on 20-22 miles tomorrow - 77 degrees F and 65% humidity. I am so excited! I feel good, healthy and ready. I took a nice Epsom Salt Lavender bath last night to relax the muscles, too! However, working on hydration which is always a struggle for me. Does anyone have any tips as far as what to expect during this marathon? :) <3

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That's so awesome, Stephanie! You are definitely ready if you're at 20-22 miles. I have not run Charlotte, but I know a number of folks here are from that area -- hopefully they'll chime in. Good luck!!

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I ran my first half marathon in late September and am training to run another one on Nov. 24. Getting a little physical therapy to help a hip injury heal, but have still been able to train which is great. The hard thing is, due to my work/kid schedule, 2 of my 3 runs a week have to come on a treadmill. I freaking hate the treadmill. At least I get my Sunday long runs in outside! I live in the country so the trees and fields are beautiful to run through. Keeps me going!

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I’m ready to sign up for Fall races! I have been running all summer to prepare for the Fall season races. So far I only have short races in mind. I live in an area where there aren’t half marathons close by. Any suggestions for the Southwest area?

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There are TONS of great races across the Southwest. Have a particular state in mind?

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Arizona or New Mexico. Anything further out and it’s too cold to travel. lol

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I ran my first international race in Dublin, Ireland in August. Came home only to have to finally give in and have major surgery the first of October. Will be running my first 5K on November 2nd(Day of the Dead race) if my doctor clears me to run then! Nervous and excited because I want to see how my body responds after what it’s been through. If I have to walk it, I will. As slow as my body has been getting over the last few years, I’m hoping for a bit of a reset this next year.

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Oct 29, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Completed the Great Turtle 1/2 marathon on Michigan’s beautiful Mackinac Island last weekend. It’s a hill-filled course, but especially beautiful with the fall colored leaves. Since I don’t run in the cold OR where there are hills it was a challenge for me but I’d recommend it for any runner/walker to do.

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That's one I've always wanted to run! So glad you were able to do it.

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I actually completed “the trio” which was the 10k in June, the 8-mile around the island in Sept. (my favorite of the 3) and then the half) Nice swag involved for that!

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Oct 27, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Sun was shining Friday so went out for a slow recovery run. Felt so good I ended up with my fastest 10K. Running Icebox 480 Saturday, November 4th. It's an 8 hour trail run. You do as many 7 mile laps as possible in 6.5 hours then as many 1 mile loops for the remaining 1.5 hours. My goal is full laps this year. Looks like it's going to be a cold one!

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Wow, Michelle! Will this be your first time running the Icebox 480, or have you done it before? I am officially in awe.

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Oct 28, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Thank you but, no need to be in awe! I always test the limits on my body and I'm uber slow but, who cares? I enjoy being outside and the trail running community is amazing! I ran it last year but couldn't stay for the entire 8 hours. I did learn that the yummy cookies, candy and pop don't fair well on my stomache! 😂I was like a kid in the candy store! Not your typical aid station gels, bananas, bagels, and Gatorade! We shall see!

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Oct 26, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

They are going great. Took the neighbors kids tonight for his first 5K tonight in the cold rain. So proud of him. He came in fourth. Makes it all worth it.

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I PR’d in my half marathon race and then the next weekend won my division in the 10k. I’m in the best running shape of my life (at 55). I thank Garmin for a great training program. Now if I can just keep some of the fitness gains after race season concludes. 😆 Best wishes to all of you yet to race!

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Malibu Half next Sunday. Encouragement is always welcome😜🏃🏻‍♀️👍

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Malibu is going to be SUCH an amazing race, Linda. I actually signed up for it this year, but can't make it out to California this year (lots of kid stuff going on!). I can't wait to hear how it goes.

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Oct 25, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I hear ya. Thanks for the 👍. If all else fails, you can’t beat the view🏖

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I am running Malibu, too! Flying into LAX on Friday and staying with a friend. Best to you!

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Getting ready for a small town half, “Fall into Winter” next weekend, in Granville, Ohio. Loving the cooler temps (finally 🙌🏻) and changing leaves... and fewer skunks! Lol.

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Fox Cities half and full was cancelled the last weekend in September but they offered a virtual option that I did a week later. I managed a PR. Then 2 weeks ago I did one of the first 5ks I've done in a few years and placed 2nd in my (I'm 62) age group. Quite surprising but it was fun. So I must say that my fall running is going very well. Still doing some training albeit light compared to what others here are doing...for the Houdini 10k next week. I live in Appleton WI. Harry Houdini lived here for a bit.

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Current training cycle came to an end last week with my first full marathon. I plan to do a few more recovery runs an look for a half in a warm spot in the middle of February. Is there any one that you would suggest?

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I was looking forward to the cooler temperatures.... forgot about the rain...😆... I last minute decided to run a full marathon in December after my first half this past May and a 30k in September... keeps me busy... I feel lost without a training schedule

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Me too. I love the structure.

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I also feel kinda useless if I'm not training for something!

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Chun Chon half tomorrow.

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RnR Vegas in 3 weeks. Getting there.

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Gearing up for C.I.M. on Dec 8. CIM is the largest Boston qualifier and Olympic qualifying race so if anyone is close to qualifying I recommend this one. Doing 20 mile training run tomorrow. It's going well, better than my previous marathons' training which I am crediting to joining Orange Theory. Adding the strength training and the crazy fast running required on endurance days has already made a difference. PR'd in my half done in August.

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That's so exciting!! Good luck!

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I just ran my first half(the Mo'Cowbell) a couple weeks ago and went sub 2! Now I'm gearing up for a 15k next month, hoping for a PR from last year!

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Love this time of year as the weather cools running becomes easier- did my annual Ragnar Bourbon Chase run last weekend and it went great- after a year of injuries and having difficulty running in the 95degree heat this summer, the race went great and I felt I ran strong- no PR but I felt good. I ran the NYC marathon 6 years ago so this will always be a special time of year.

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