Greetings from Eastern Europe (Bucharest, Romania)!

We aren't close to normality, but we've adapted to the new situation.

All races were cancelled in March, only two small mountain trail ultramarathons have been held since. Few participants (a couple hundreds), separated at the start line: runners left in groups of two, a few seconds apart.

We have some amazing mountains and, because of that, our races attract lots of Europeans. As long as runners from other countries can't travel here (or it's extremely harder than before), I'm guessing it doesn't make financial sense to keep organizing them - not with an extremely low number of participants allowed.

We weren't allowed to leave our homes until May 15. Between March and May, all parks were closed and we could only go 1 km away from home, with a personal declaration regarding our purpose (we were allowed to leave only to take care of older people or a few other urgent, unavoidable reasons). After May 15th, parks and mountain trails were reopened and at least we can train again since.

Gyms also reopened, but only with schedules in advance (to avoid overcrowding) and cleaning all the equipment.

Running groups aren't back yet - at least not officially. People still gather at the old places and time as before and run together.

Masks are still mandatory in all crowded zones, but not during high intensity sports.

With no races in sight, we've been inventing new crazy challenges to face alone - or in small groups. This has been helpful to keep us motivated and continue training.

Stay safe, everyone! 👊

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So great to hear from you, Cristina! It’s amazing to hear how different things have been where you are. I’d love to hear more about the running challenges keeping you motivated! Thanks so much for writing in 😀👍

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Im in Azle, Texas. I have ran several times a week, when Im off of work. I work 12 hour shift at the hospital. Im not training like last year for the Rock n Roll Marathon, (I ran in Virginia Beach), I am trying to maintain. We moved, from where I used to run the trails downtown Fort Worth. Azle is a small town like a suburb of Fort Worth. I have been running here in our neighborhood. I like long flat road, lol. Some kids have started back to school. I also have been doing some Orangetheory, when I dont run. That may change, only because it far to get there and get back home. My mind my Motto, Is I have to "Act as If", As if I am going to run a marathon or as if things are going to get back to "normal". If for me IF I dont keep that mind set then I would be depressed, hating the world and everything in it. I have been reading your posts, thank you for taking the time ans we can stay connected because we are all in this together. But for me is one day at a time, As IF! Stay safe and Blessed <3 :)

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Thank you for being a part of our group here, Belinda! That's such an interesting mental approach, I think you're really onto something there. We do have to act as if we are going to get back to normal someday -- we can't simply stew in the bad all the time. Also taking it one day at a time. I'm going to take a page out of your book! 👍

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My last Real Half was the Golden Gate in 2019! I'm sooo glad I ran it!! :)

Real races ended up here in the Seattle area when the lockdown started in March 2020. I had counted on doing the postponed Craft Classic Half on October 18, but just found out a few days ago it has been virtualized. Oh well, scratch that one. I have been running alone as usual, no mask, but then I see few runners, mostly bikers. Our apartment complex has 1 hour reservations only for use of the gym--masks required. Most other facilities around town are closed.

Here's an example of what races are looking like here in the Pac NW. https://www.orcarunning.com/races/ Orca Running and Evergreen Trails are probably the biggest event producers in the state. I see that the Fidalgo Bay Trail Run is supposed to be a go on Oct. 10, but who knows? The next notification I get will probably be that it has changed to virtual.

Life goes on. It seems to be an adjustment we all need to make, but it is minor. Taking care of ourselves and loved ones and being happy and hopeful is what matters.

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Very well said, Nilima!

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I’m in Southern California and there are two things going on where I live: One, I’m about 20 miles from the Lake Hughes fire so our air quality is very unhealthy right now and we are encouraged to stay inside. Officials are saying it won’t be totally contained for a couple more weeks. Very happy I bought a treadmill a few months ago when the gyms all closed! Two, one of my favorite race promoters, A Better World Running, has organized a race for Sunday at the beach in Santa Monica. My husband is walking the 5K and I am running the 15K. This will be my first live race since the Disney World Princess Challenge in February, so I am super excited!

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So glad you got the treadmill too, Paula! Mine has been my savior during our summer here in Atlanta, where it's been really hot too. Hope the air is okay for you at the race this Sunday!

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I like the Better World Running races...👍🏃‍♀️

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I live in S.D. which has never officially shut down, and I am running a 1/2 marathon on Sunday in Spearfish Canyon in the Black Hills...Leading Ladies. You probably heard of July 4th at Mt. Rushmore and the Sturgis Bike rally with 250,000 bikers. (So far only 4 confirmed cases.) Thankfully most of them are gone and hopefully they have taken their germs with them. The race requires masks on the buses, before and after the race. Food will be boxed and water will be dispensed by gloved people, but we have to pick it up. No one is encouraged to stick around. It’ll be my only 1/2 this year.

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I hope they have too, Mary! Wow -- 250,000 bikers! That's inconceivable where I live right now, but I'm so glad it seems not to have caused any spikes. The Black Hills are SO beautiful -- I've only seen photos of the Spearfish Canyon race, but it looks stunning.

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What’s really nice about both the marathon and 1/2 marathon is it’s all pretty much downhill in elevation. The BH are wonderful. Great running along the Mickelson Trail,too

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I ran a live, in person, other runners half marathon today in Idaho!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😊

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Awesome! Was it the Mesa Falls Half?

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It was the Couer d’Alene (ID) marathon. I did the half. It was very well executed, with start times over 3 days to ensure social distancing to the timed run. It was great to see that we could be safely doing runs again!😊

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I'm in Northern Cal and things are far from normal. Unfortunately we are now fighting a large amount of fires and have massive smoke throughout so running outside is not advised (I'm doing it anyway and not having any issues). No open gyms so no choice but to go outside to run if you can tolerate it. Ordered a Peloton bike 2 months ago, delivery should have been yesterday, but due to fires, all deliveries canceled. No in-person races on calendar here, and I don't think that will change until we have a vaccine. This all sounds so negative (and I suppose the current climate is), but I maintain my workout schedule and maintain a positive attitude. We will get through this like we are getting through everything else. :-)

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I love that spirit. You guys are dealing with some real serious stuff out there with those fires -- stay safe, my friend. Hope the Peloton gets delivered soon!

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Fort Atkinson, WI is not back to normal. I signed up for my first trail series for the summer. It was supposed to run June through October. Now we have 2 in August and 2 in October. No sponsors, no after run concessions or gathering, no timing chips or photos. The organizers are trying and allowing people to come run and track it on your Fitbit or whatever tracking system you have. They're allowing people to run virtually as well. I did my first race last weekend at the venue because they went to the trouble to still bring us the experience. It's worth the effort and it was fun!

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That's actually a really interesting way to do it, Nelda! So they'll let you run the course you would have run had it been a normal race day, is that right?

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Yep. They setup at the venue beginning 6 am thru most of the day Saturday and then again on Sunday from 7-11. It was supposed to just be Saturday but to stagger the starts of the runners, they setup twice! Great organization to say the least!

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I’m in North Carolina I work for a major trauma hospital here and nothing is normal. I still get to work on improving my running and strength training in the park along with riding my bike but no races. Everything has gone virtual so far. I had looked forward to my first half marathon in November but it doesn’t look like it will happen unless I do it virtually. I’m taking this time to improve my running time and go from there. Hope things are getting back to “normal” for everyone else.

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Wow, Valerie, my heart goes out to you for what you must be experiencing, working in healthcare right now. I'm sure you could tell us things that would really give us all pause. Thinking of you and your colleagues right now!

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We are on day 89 of protests. Not sure where normal begins!!!!!!!

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Is this in Denver, MK? I had no idea they were still continuing.

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We keep losing women who are running I'm just happened about two or three days ago I live in Seattle so I have to extremely careful I cannot run at night can I run early in the morning a lot of her races have been cancelled but we're making it up with virtual racing and just praying to be safe out there especially for women also be very careful with your apps because apparently people are tracking you and attacking you I can't believe this is happening but please tell people where you're running and what your route is going to be close to you my phone is enhanced with emergency 911 I highly recommended thaI've always lived in a dangerous cities but this one's not too good but please be safe out there

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Thank you for sharing that, Sharon! Definitely wise words worth listening to.

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So sad that people are doing this! Stay safe!

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That is awful! Are women encouraged to run in partnerships or small groups? We shouldn’t have this to worry about too. Stay safe!

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Here in the Central Valley of CA, it's finally cooling down enough to consider running again, but the air is full of smoke, and there is ash all over our cars. I have a new mask to wear running, but will be waiting a little longer to use it again. I miss the gym, but they're closed down again, so no treadmill for me. And we have fire refugees in our house... normal is a strange thought.

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Oh wow, Andrew. My heart goes out to you and yours -- will be thinking of you and hoping you all stay safe. The pictures and video I've seen of the fires out there are simply jaw-dropping.

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It's been pretty crazy. A particularly bad fire season, aggravated by the pandemic. A large portion of the wildfire fightin crews are prison inmates, and that group is smaller this year because of COVID. (And don't get me started on how, after they finish their terms, they can't get jobs as firefighters. separate issue).

Thanks for the newsletter, I've been enjoying it.

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I'm in Tampa Bay and we are far from normal. There was a beach race scheduled for last weekend but I didn't see if it actually took place.

We can go for a run without masks here, but I have seen less people out on the trails than I have in the past several years, so I think many people are afraid to go out into those places. I still run on our trails multiple times a week and most everyone is great at distancing when someone is passing by them.

We do have a large race in St. Petersburg in November that hasn't been canceled yet, but I don't see how it can take place with 3000+ runners each in 3 different races. I'm hopeful that by January we may see some races come back, but there is nothing to indicate we'll see that happen either.

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Those bigger races, I really wonder how they can proceed right now. I really do think the smaller races can go forward, depending on the field size -- it's not easy, but it is possible. But the bigger races, it's tough to see how they move forward for the time being.

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We are nowhere near normal out in California. I just moved across the country from NJ to CA. I got to see the differences in many states and it was truly amazing! I was one of 3 people I saw in Idaho wearing a mask...compared to nearly 100% of people in NJ or CA wearing a mask.

We don't have indoor dining and gyms aren't open. Basically anything indoors? Also I guess my comfort level isn't too be inside or around a bunch of people anyway now because I've been in two states with high cases.

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Wow! That mirrors what you see here, actually. In parts of Atlanta, there's more or less 100% compliance with mask-wearing. In others, not so much. And in some of the more rural parts of Georgia, not at all.

It's probably way early to figure this out since you just moved there, but I wonder how many races will open up over the next several months -- stay safe out there! 😃

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Glad you are OK, Hollie. I was worried about you in Napa. Last year, it was on fire.

Masks are required everywhere in California. I just saw yesterday that the City Council in South Lake Tahoe has a fine for not wearing them. $100 for individuals and $500 for businesses not requiring them. Be careful if you decide to do the Lake Tahoe event in October. I understand it is still on. . .

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Just when I was enjoying my daily outings of biking, running or swimming, we're now back indoors -- this time due to ash-filled air from the fires raging nearby. There are currently three in our area: the River Fire, Carmel Fire and Dolan Fire (in Big Sur). So many people evacuated just now. Fortunately, I'm near the coast so not in imminent danger and when the wind does shift to blow from the ocean to onshore I can get out the exercise. :-)

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All of the races in Texas are virtual. No normal here! People do run maskless but keep their distance. I never see group runs here anymore. 😟

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I live in South OC (an hour from San Diego) and here people try to be normal even when they shouldn't - quite often not following advice from officials etc. Restaurants are open and loosely following guidelines. Sadly, you can't play tennis anymore because they've turned them all into condo-style pickleball courts. Nothing like packing 30 people onto 2 courts during a pandemic! I went for only my second run this morning in 5 months, but it felt great and I'm so so glad to be starting back!

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I bet that felt great, Larry! That is nuts about what you're describing, but you see it here in some places too. So glad you're back to running -- how far did you go?

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Just 3 miles - that is my usual starting point, then build up slowly similar to a race plan. I just moved last year from the ATL btw and was back to see my kids a few weeks ago. I feel like Don Sutton :-)

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I'm in Pasadena, CA and we are not normal. No local races are running and many of the popular hiking trails require a reservation (to control the crowds). I don't expect anything more for 2020 and I'm looking forward to 2021 & 2022.

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I'm finding the same thing where I live, Belle. Or at least near where I live -- we went to North Carolina a couple of weekends ago and the trails there were pretty packed. (There's not much else to do!) I'm looking forward to '21 and '22 too 👍

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I'm in Austin, TX. Things are not "normal" but does seem like more and more people are resuming some regular activities. I've been running outdoors throughout the pandemic, but sticking to less busy neighborhood streets. I miss the very popular running trail, but it will still be there in the future. I run with a buff I can pull up (keeping an eye on the research suggesting that may not be helpful) and cross the street whenever other people are approaching. Some groups seem to have resumed their group workouts. I'm a solo runner, but that's not something I would pursue right now even if I weren't. I'm also not signing up for any of the big local races (here that's Jan/Feb 2021) because I don't believe they will ultimately be held.

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I would bet you're right, Tamara. I'm increasingly thinking it's going to be 2022 before big-city races, with thousands of runners on the streets + spectators at the same time, can be held regularly again.

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It makes me sad but I agree. I ran my first marathon in February and I am so grateful I was able to achieve that milestone right before everything ground to a halt. I've been rehabbing an injury this summer and trying to figure out why and how much to ramp up training without a particular race in mind. I need to think of a different type of goal probably. BTW I'm a new subscriber and didn't realize you are an ATL runner. I lived there in grad school and loved it! One of my favorite cities.

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Oh, awesome, Tamara! Thank you SO much for becoming a subscriber -- if there's anything you need/want to know at any time, please don't hesitate to reach out.

How cool that you went to grad school here! Yes, I've been in Atlanta since 1994, it's such a great running city. Did you ever run the Peachtree Road Race when you were here?

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College Station, TX - Things are slowly getting back to normal here. Businesses are open, and require masks. Classes are 50% in person, 50% Zoom. The restaurants are pretty full again, and the case count is slowly declining. Kids have a choice of school or home school. On running, our excellent local BCS Marathon/Half in December is tentatively planning live running. Same for Houston Marathon & Half. If the case count keeps going down as we approach herd immunity, I am hopeful we can be back to "normal" soon.

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And, are you a Lyle Lovett/Robert Earl Keen fan? 😃

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Do you teach at Texas A&M, Daryl? My stepdaughter's classes are likely going to be the same (she's in high school). Really interesting that the Houston Marathon & Half will run -- really interested to see how it goes!

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I teach for Blinn College on the TAMU RELLIS campus. Our classes start next Monday. The students are back in town, and everything is busy again. Nobody is complaining about the traffic we are glad to have them back. Houston Marathon has announced that if it were to be cancelled for the virus, that they would credit everyone's entry fee for the following year, which I think is very reasonable. Otherwise, who is going to sign up until the last minute?

The number of cases and hospitilizations locally and in Texas continues to gradually decline, even with nearly everything open again. We are hoping that will continue.

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I am in Grand Junction, CO and was running every morning before it got hot. We have had over a month of 100 degree heat, with no rain in sight. Two weeks ago a wildfire was ignited 20 miles north of town and has grown to be the second largest fire in Colorado history. The air is full of smoke and ash. We are waking up to surfaces dusted in ash. So, needless to say, there has been no running for me lately. I refuse to go to the gym because of corona virus.

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Oh my goodness, Shelby -- thinking of you guys and hoping you all stay safe out there. I visited Grand Junction once, many years ago, and thought it was such a beautiful part of the state.

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Hi all...I am in Utah and everything is definitely not normal here either, but we seem to be on the opposite spectrum than most of you. A local run company has had actual in person Half marathon races which I have been able to do 3 of them. We had to have our temperature taken while getting on the bus and wear face masks. We were asked to wear face masks while standing at the starting line and at the finish line area. But it was awesome to be able to get out and run a race.

We also have had trail races going on that I have heard about. But lots of races have cancelled or gone virtual also.

The area I live in is saturated with people who have taken up running or biking and so I have found it is way more crowded on our trail systems now vs. pre-Covid. Also, right now our air quality is horrible due to all the fires we have in our state right now.

I don’t know how normality will look in the future but I am just grateful for the few races I have been able to participate in and for the freedom to run on trails. Let’s all just hope and pray that next years running season is able to adapt to whatever our world looks like.😁

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With you on that, Dianna! You guys are really lucky to have those events -- how awesome is that? Just goes to show you that every location is different, and dealing with things that are unique to only that place. Really glad you guys are able to do that.

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Not normal here in Montana either. Our in person races have all been cancelled or moved to virtual. I run mostly alone anyway - a mix of roads and trails and lots of people are out and unmasked outside. I wear my mask around my neck so I can pull it on if I am around a group. It flies out behind me like a tiny superhero cape!

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I love that image, Tracy!

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I am in Evansville, IN, and have continued exercising outside since the shutdown. We have a mask mandate in Indiana but exercising outside when socially distanced is exempt. Frankly, it's way too humid to be moving outside masked. Our local YMCA group is still meeting but everyone seems to be spaced out on both their starting times and the route. It totally lacks the companionship for which the group was so famous. All 3 Y races, the 5k/10k, 15k, and half marathon in October are now virtual. I did an in-person 5k with another group on July 4th and there is another one scheduled for Labor Day.

Btw, I track our county Covid rates daily and I believe the mask mandate is being reflected in significantly decreasing rates here- if we believe the data to be reliable and valid. I continue to try to embrace our new reality but EVERYTHING is so much more complex and hard right now that I have to work off my frustrations.

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That's really encouraging to hear about the mask mandate, Sharon. And I'm with you -- EVERYTHING is so much more complex today. Running is bringing me some well-deserved zen on days when it's tough to come by!

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Madison, Wisconsin, here. All races around here so far are cancelled or virtual, including the Madison Marathon (and Half) in November. I signed up for my usual New Year’s Day Dash because that will make me run that day anyway, but there is no way it is actually happening. I run on our extensive bike path system here and folks are good about distancing; I put on a mask on the several bridges I cross that are not 6 feet wide or if I somehow have to get too close which is very rare. But most runners around here do not wear masks; a lot of bikers do. As for normal: a coffee shop one town over is losing its lease because it declared itself a “mask-free zone.” 🙄😬

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I'm near Cleveland, Ohio and things are not back to normal here. We usually have a pretty robust race schedule with multiple events scheduled throughout the area every weekend. Most everything has either gone virtual or been cancelled. Our governor is still encouraging Ohioans to not get together in large groups so our Fleet Feet training has also been cancelled. That said, I have still been getting together with a very small group of friends to run every Saturday morning. We are blessed with so many nice parks will paved trails to run on. (We also have an abundance of technical trails too!) Most things have reopened here but we have been careful of what we do. We used to eat out a couple of times every week and now if we go out we only go to places with an outdoor patio. We are also still taking advantage of carry out, but we are definitely spending less eating out. Life is still not back to normal but we have been able to keep a couple of things going so that we feel a little bit closer to normal.

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It's nice you have all those trails so close by, Stacy! That sounds a lot like life here, to be honest. I'm still a little wary of getting back together with my old running group friends; I'd LOVE to see them, but I still worry. (Georgia is in a unique place with all of this, though.)

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Totally understand. We do try and stay appropriately distanced, with no hugging or high fives, etc. But we have all been getting together since this started. Outdoor exercise has been allowed even through lockdown.

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In San Francisco, things are not back to normal, although some things have opened up. As for running, it's still the same as it was all pandemic, although I'll wear a mask when I run on Great Highway along the beach as there are more people. The city closed down that street so there's more room for pedestrians.

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Oh wow -- so the Great Highway is still closed, even now? That's kind of amazing -- the views out there are spectacular, aren't they? How are the fires affecting you all?

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I’ve started back at my gym (in Texas, north of Houston). Trainers all wear masks and wipe down equipment for us; it looks like most people doing self-training are wiping down nicely, at least at 6:30 am when I’m there. Some people wear masks while exercising but everything is far enough apart that I am comfortable taking mine off. Races so far have been canceled or ‘virtualized.’ My trainer (also a runner) told me a couple of upcoming races that have been silent about their plans will be going virtual too. (A mutual friend of ours is on the race committee.) It’s still hot as blazes here so really the ‘race season’ doesn’t start until November. But my favorite November half marathon never even opened registration this year :(

trying to decide whether to bother entering the Houston marathon (January) and Woodlands marathon (March). I am tired of paying $100s for a medal, a shirt I don’t need, and another training run.

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Totally hear you on that, Steph. I think the longer this goes on, there will be a broad re-imagining of the race experience, especially around the swag/medals/etc., in the direction of what's really meaningful and worthwhile. Not sure what the answers are yet, but I feel a shift in that area. Really interested to hear what your friend on the race committee would say.

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I totally understand that race organizers have expenses for a live event, and it’s nice that they will mail the medal and shirt after swapping to virtual. I just don’t see the point to sign up early for an event to ‘save’ a few bucks when it’s likely to go virtual anyway. Right now I’m holding out on registering for anything in the area until I see some live races.

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so normal is not happening again. its life before corona and after. i will never feel comfortable being near others and thats just the way it is. i've adapted and i'm loving life! have been able to run and exercise so much more without having to commute to work. things may be reopening and there are people out there who are comfortable going about their daily lives but i avoid people and places. until there is a reputable vaccine i think we shouldn't be letting our guards down.

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I hear you on that, Kel. I live in a place that's been designated a "red zone" by the CDC, and my city is (finally!) mandating wearing masks. Hopefully that will help us get control of this thing sooner rather than later 🤞

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Hi, yes here in Idaho not many people are wearing masks. Only in big chain stores where it's required are people complying with the mask mandate. We had a bicycle race here in our town with staggering start times..I didn't join, I was running🤪🏃‍♀️. However, the races here are still all virtual..

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There are a handful of trail races here that are going forward in-person, but not most.

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