Nov 14, 2022·edited Nov 14, 2022

Still plugging away at my run/walk schedule with my dog. It's been cold here but I try to get out at the warmest part of the day and when it's sunny. My hope is to not have to repeat a week and to keep increasing the run and amount of intervals. I have Turkey Trot planned in a few weeks in AZ.

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My running has been light this year. Slight tear in meniscus has slowed me down. But I'm feeling better lately, and have been adding trail runs to the mix.....less impact on the joints. Feeling better each week and confident that I can complete (not compete) in Space Force 10 miler in December.

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Hey I’m looking for a race within an hour of Gulf Shores AL between January 10th and January 25th. I’ve been searching websites but nothing jumps out at me. Any recommendations or suggestions from any of my running friends?

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Late to the game. I should be running the Berkeley 10 K today, but life turns things around. Cleaning up our old apartment for "inspection" for remodel on Tuesday. . . why management is being so difficult, I'll never know-we've been here 10 years and pay everything on time (shrug). Moving to a new unit about two buildings back that looks nicer on the exterior, is remodeled and costs less. Still on my old Trail, though, with a view of the river and trees to block the Western sun in the summer.

In any event, have not been running. We'll see. It has been cold and dry and will continue on at least for another week.

Hope you have a great time on the Thanksgiving Run. Kids and families get to be more fun once they get older!

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I have a race next weekend in Scottsdale. I was reading that it’s best to carb load two days before a race instead of the night before. What are your thoughts?

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Nov 12, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I’m not real far from you T. Weekending with family at Carter lake near Elijay. Beautiful area. Ran a couple this morning. But I am not currently in shape for these hills. Still very nice. Saw a bear yesterday while we were driving through their development. But still went running. Not bad for a yankee city boy 😁

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Nov 12, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Doing my normal Saturday morning parkrun. Which has become a very popular running activity here in Australia.

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Thanks Nilimia… she was lucky to have you!!!!!

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I hope she saw it that way. . . I was hardly her favorite child--a bit rambunctious and rebellious for her tastes!!.:)

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Happy Veteran’s Day and a huge Thank You to all of the veterans out there!

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Doing the Ocean Challenge in Monterey, CA this weekend - 5k on Saturday and half marathon on Sunday. Mostly along the coast of Monterey Bay in a stunningly beautiful part of California. Looking forward to it!

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This one is on my list.

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Running the Chickamauga Battlefield Half Marathon tomorrow morning. It's supposed to rain - hoping it isn't heavy. I don't mind running in the rain - not a fan of the chafing that happens because of it (even employing Body Glide) :)

Good luck to everyone running this weekend!

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Berkeley Half is Sunday. My son is running and I’m going to walk/run. Weather here is beautiful and we’re looking forward to a fun, sunny day through the city and along the bay!

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I have not run an half in many years, but i have recently had a total left knee replacement a year in August. Last year I did 2 miles at the Turkey Trot and this year I am doing a 5K, I do 2 plus miles , three days a week. My new knee her name is Ms. Beatrice so when I don't do something she let's me know how she feels about that decision.

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Nov 11, 2022·edited Nov 11, 2022Author

Something I'm excited about that's coming up is, my wife, our 9-year-old and me are going to run my hometown 5K on Thanksgiving morning in a couple of weeks. (We may let my son bring a scooter so he won't have to run -- but we'll be doing it together 👍

Also, a book I'm about to start and really excited about -- 'Lost & Found,' by Kathryn Schultz, a writer for the New Yorker who wrote an AMAZING article several years ago called "The Really Big One," which is (very) scary but also absolutely fascinating. The book is about her family, her father's death and falling in love with the woman she'd later marry, and the way all those events intersected in a period of just a year and a half in her life.

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

When our granddaughter was 5+ a couple of months, we did a 5K. When she complained about being tired, Gramma would say, “Look, there’s Mile Marker 1!” and she took off running ... repeat at MM2 and MM3. Have a great race ... TOGETHER!

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Thanks, Dave!

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Since it’s Veterans Day, my mind keeps snapping back to how my running and Army careers kept intersecting. Staff Sergeant Washington encouraging me to “get my boney a$$ moving” on the 0600 morning 5 miles. Running through incoming rockets and being a little too slow and getting my bell rung before making it to the bunker. Running with 80 pounds of junk on my back, always in the rain or snow and mud, and always uphill. Sometimes running toward the guns and sometimes away from them. Running in some of the most beautiful places in the world, and occasionally running through Hell. Mostly, running with my hundreds of brothers and sisters over 30+ years, through many, many good and just a few bad times. I’m proud to have been an American soldier for all those years, and salute all I had the honor to serve (and run) with.

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Many thanks Mr David

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Thank you for your service to our great country

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So glad you shared this, David! I can only imagine what you've seen -- the scenes moving through my mind that you've described, my heart goes out to you and everyone you served with.

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The best run ever was a 200 meter dash down the ramp of a C-17 to those waiting for me on the tarmac. Usein Bolt wouldn’t have had a chance.

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I’m running my first ever half marathon race tomorrow morning in Richmond Va. I’ve been training with a run club for 12 weeks and feel like I’m ready and it’s time to get it done. I’ve heard Richmond is a fun race.

Best of luck to everyone running anywhere this weekend!! Have a great time.

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Congratulations on your first half!! You’ll rock it! Let us know how it goes. With my first, I used it at a marker to do better from the next time.

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Right back at you, Tim! I've always heard great things about the Richmond Half -- is this the one that's also part of their annual marathon? It's such a beautiful city.

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Yes, it’s officially the Allianz Partners Richmond Marathon with a Half and 8K. I was looking for fun and mostly flat for my first half. Its close by as I live about 2 hours south in NC. I haven’t decided if I’ll try the complementary pickle juice shot at mile 10 yet.

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Oh you have to!

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Looking forward to running Cades Cove Loop in the Smoky Mountains this Sunday. After unseasonably warm weather here lately, I will be digging out my cold weather running gear! I already know it's a beautiful 11 mile loop, having ridden a bike around it numerous times; I look forward to running it this time!

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That sounds so beautiful, Amanda! I had the chance to visit Cades Cove once years ago, when I went camping with a friend in the Smokies for a few days. We saw a couple of bear cubs playing on a big grassy meadow there -- it was picture-perfect! Have a great time! Which race is it?

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Cades Cove Loop Lope


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This looks like a really cool race! Thanks for sharing 🙌

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Hi! Running my first half marathon this Sunday in Boston, never having run more than a mile before this year (I’m 43 years old). Any advice?

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Congratulations on your first half!! Let us know how it goes!

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Best of luck Michael! Enjoy the race and revel in your accomplishment!

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Thanks Erin!

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Best of luck on Sunday ... on Saturday, eat right but don’t overdo it. Saturday night: lay out everything you need and make sure any electronics are charged. Race day: remember, everyone is out there for the same reason ... to finish (some faster than others!) and to have fun. Enjoy the day and don’t forget to high-five the kids who are out there with their folks cheering you on .. they love the special attention.

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Thanks Dave! My wife and I are going to a new Italian restaurant the night before, so not overdoing it might be a challenge, but good advice nonetheless. She’s bringing our two boys out to the race for some high fives, which should be extra sweet. Cheers!

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Michael, Good Luck! Enjoy the time on your feet and the scenery! There is nothing quite as special as your first half marathon. don’t focus on your time too much as the first race you run will become a baseline for many more you may run in the future.

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Thanks Karen! Boston is lively this time of year, so I’ll be soaking it all in as much as I can.

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Wow, Michael -- that's awesome! Which half is it?

- My main advice is, get as good a night's sleep the night before as you can. Being rested and ready is probably the best preparation the night before, because by the time race day arrives, your training is complete (or maybe not quite!). Either way, a good night's sleep will do you good.

- Take a couple of energy gel packs with you -- they'll give you a boost when you're feeling tired around miles 8-10.

- If you're feeling tired, especially in those last three or four miles, consider taking walk breaks, even if it's just for short stretches. Those little rest breaks will do so much good for you in getting across the finish line.

Other than that, enjoy!

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Thanks for all the great advice, and for pulling together this community. It’s also my first go at Substack, and the responses have been exceedingly thoughtful and positive.

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Hey Michael, if you did your training you will do great (I did my first half at age 56). In addition to all the good advice above, as weather conditions here in Boston tomorrow AM look to be rainy and low 50s what you wear is key: keep warm before the race starts but for the race short sleeve under and long sleeve over (2 layers) with a light weight water repellent cover and hat with brim and gloves you can take off eventually may be best. Enjoy every moment of the Emerald Necklace.

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Thanks Bill!

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

How quickly these storms move. We are near Fort Lauderdale and prepared for Nicole on Wednesday afternoon, closing the shutters, and moving all the patio furniture from the patio and pool deck into the living room (I have this down to a science). Wife’s zillion plants came in too. We were on the south side of this storm so it turned out to be a non-event for us. Sunny here this morning so off to do a 10K in prep for Space Coast in Cocoa FL on thanksgiving weekend.

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So relieved Nicole wasn't what we thought it might be! Enjoy your 10K this morning, Dave!

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My big win this week was visiting my 99 year old Mom on Florida’s east coast while Nicole decided to visit. Fortunately I was able to be with her and we hunkered down, never lost power and experienced little damage to her independent living facility. Nicole had teeth but fortunately for us only baby teeth. 🙏🏻

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Good for you! I don't think we realize that Mom's get old, too! I'm sure my mom would have had the same old pizazz that your Mom does if she had lived that long. (stroke) But I did get two years in with her whether she liked it or not. Only one of 6 kids who wanted to take care of a bedridden old lady! (Darn, she was good with crosswords and her memory did not quit!)

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Your mom is my hero, Clark! I want to get to 99 someday -- SO glad Nicole only had "baby teeth," as you say. Glad the storm wasn't nearly as bad as we thought it might be a few days ago. How is your mom?

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Mom is amazing. Still completes the “jumble words” faster than me, plays a very good game of bridge and still walks a half of mile a day, albeit with a walker. She’s my hero also.

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I was just having a conversation with my 9-year-old this morning, and he was asking how old I am and how old I want to be. I told him, if I can stay healthy, I want to live to be really old, so I can see him and his sister grow up. I'm fascinated with aging, and how some people seem to do it so well. I bet your mom could teach us a thing or two!

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I don't mind being older. When things happen, tho, that compromise one's health and thinking, I'd just as soon start over again. . . :)

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I've just returned to Switzerland - where I live - from New York where I was hosting a pop-up gallery for Like the Wind magazine. It was so inspiring to have the chance to meet hundreds of runners and then watch the race unfold. It was a tough day for many of the runners.

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Great to hear from you, Simon! Especially from so far away -- Switzerland is on my bucket list of countries to visit someday. What was the race you watched?

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I was in New York for the marathon. It was amazing. 50,000 stories about running. I wish I could tell them all in Like the Wind magazine.

And if you can, you should visit Switzerland. It is a pretty special place.

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I ran my first race, and went my longest distance, since my quadruple bypass in May. I ran a 5k in 34:14. Slower than before the surgery but I'm only 23 weeks out so I'm very happy!!

Ran 2 more 5k's on the treadmill this week and shaved off almost 2 minutes from the race. Feels so good to be back at it!!

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Wow, Brad, this is AMAZING! Where did you run your 5K? And what did your doctor say? This is so encouraging! Thanks for sharing.

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Nov 11, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

My wife and I both ran the Hot Chocolate 5k in Chicago. Doctors said from the beginning, the more walking I did the better. I walked 1/4 mile the day I got out of the hospital and was walking a mile a week after surgery. I was cleared to start jogging at week 12. I might have started on my own at week 11.....😂

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Question, energy drinks yes or no? And if so what is your favorite? Half tomorrow in 40 degrees and rain, maybe hot herbal tea for me!

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I've never used them during a race. I usually drink Gatorade zero during training after a run. And even the zero leaves an aftertaste for me. I can't deal with that during a run.

If you haven't trained with using an energy drink during runs, don't try it tomorrow for the race. You have no idea the consequences of it. Could be nothing or could be something bad. Wouldn't take the chance

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Best of luck in your “post-surgery journey “. The running community is bind you every step, every mile.

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