Running my first 5k this Saturday. It has been years since I ran a short race. I usually run 1/2 marathons.

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Welcome back to civilization

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Colorado-foothills outside of Denver...was a misty, cold rainy morning!

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Oct 8, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I have a question Iโ€™d love to get some help with please. I have a whole marathon coming up in 22 days and Iโ€™d love training recommendations at this stage. I regularly run half marathons (6 this year so far) and ran 11.5 miles today. I meant to more thoroughly tackle a whole training program but it hasnโ€™t happened yet (life with work and kids). Any advice on what to do now to get me over to finish line in 22 days after a 26.2 run?

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What I've always been told is to run til you can't run anymore, walk until you feel guilty. Keep Moving! Do your best. Enjoy!

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This is a tough one as this is the point where you should start tapering. Personally, I would go out for one last long run, say 14-15 miles and then taper off until the marathon. Then on race day, dial back your pace some and know the last 10k is the toughest but also the most gratifying. Keep in mind that under training is usually better than overtraining as long as you donโ€™t beat yourself up over it. Just go out and have fun, do your best.

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Open/End discussions - love it Terrell! Iโ€™m running the Detroit International Half Marathon next Sunday; it will be the first time Iโ€™m in an International race and looking forward to it! With that said, Iโ€™m worried about the significant temperature change from where I live to where Iโ€™m going; it will be about a 60 degree temperature difference projected for the morning of the run. Any advice on steps I can take in the next week to prepare without it feeling like a complete shock to my system?

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Iโ€™m guessing Detroit will be colder than where youโ€™re from. It looks like Detroit will be a low of 42 and high of 53 next Sunday and partly cloudy. In those temps, before then, can you perhaps head to higher elevation and run where itโ€™s colder? On race day in Detroit, I would still just wear a short sleeve t-shirt and shorts and perhaps gloves that Iโ€™d probably pull off pretty quickly, and a baseball cap. Iโ€™ve worn long sleeve t-shirts in that type of weather and found them a bit much. But Iโ€™ve seen other runners in long shirts in that kind of weather.

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Oct 8, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I have been travelling so haven't had access to the usual outdoor running but I ran 4 miles twice this week on a treadmill, which is great for me because I don't love running inside. Other than that, I have been hiking and seeing lots of nature in beautiful Colorado and that has been awesome

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Very nice, Minh! Which part(s) of Colorado?

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I stay in Denver but go to Garden Gods in Colorado Springs and Golden Gate Canyon State Park off Golden.

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Today was the first day I ran with gloves since early spring! Yikes! I am always never ready for the changing seasons here in Colorado but I discovered this morning how much I really miss dressing a bit warmer. Feeling the cool air and mist of a storm front moving in, seeing all the baby deer growing up definitely brings in a feeling of nostalgia! Everyone here is decorating for Halloween as well so itโ€™s fun to see the ghosts, goblins and pumpkins! Anyone else feel this way with the changing seasons?

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Where is it glove weather?

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I am running my first half marathon this weekend!

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Itโ€™s 10/7 ... if it was today, congratulations. If itโ€™s tomorrow, youโ€™ll do great ... one foot in front of another ... enjoy your surroundings, knowing that your fellow runners have your back. You go!

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Thanks it was today and went well!!

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Have a GREAT time!!!! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿƒโ€โ™€๏ธ

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Thank you, it was great!

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That's so great to hear, Sian!!

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Have a great event and stay healthy you will do great

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Thank you, it was great!

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That's so awesome, Sian!! Tomorrow or Sunday? Can't wait to hear how it goes!!! ๐Ÿ™Œ

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Hey Terrell - today I did the London royal parks half and went very well! Last few k were tough but I did it!

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I'm SO jealous! I've seen that race (through researching races for the newsletter) and it's always looked like it would be a fantastic route. That's awesome! ๐Ÿ™Œ

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Would recommend ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Thanks- itโ€™s on Sunday and will let you know!! ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿคž

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

My family & I are running a half in Long Beach Sunday!! Wish us luck!!๐Ÿ’–

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Have a great event and stay healthy

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This is so cool, Christina! Love that youโ€™re making it a family thing!!! Good luck, itโ€™ll be so great! ๐Ÿ™Œ

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

No questions here. Got to run in my new Xero HFS shoes yesterday. They are a dream come true for a minimalist runner. Hard to explain the difference between the Xero and regular shoes. If you ever read Born to Run, the Xero is based on the Huaraches of the Tarahumara. The adjustment factor in the laces make all the difference. If you'd like to run like a kid again, these are perfect. If not. . . shoe choice is up to you!

Lovely dry October day here in the PacNW. May go on for a couple of weeks more. . . who knows? I'll be out running again Sunday. Gotta follow my routine for the week and get food at the Farmer's Market. :)

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So, I just googled the Xero shoes -- those look interesting! How did they feel? I've never tried minimalist shoes -- would they feel strange for someone who's never run in them?

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

They are the best I've ever worn! It's like wearing huaraches with a cover over your foot. Not confining at all, not even compared with the Altras I have, which I no longer use. These are terrific. I see that Chris McDougall is using Xero Speed Force at all his new books signings.

I don't know how they would be for you. Some people have trouble adjusting, to minimal, others don't. If you've gone around in sandals a lot (even flip flops), they should be no trouble.. My brother, for example, is a marathon runner, but he can't wear minimalist, I suppose due the Achilles being shortened. . . or something. . . (shrug!).

To answer your question, they don't feel strange, it feels like your feet have been set free from foot coffins.

Next on my list is the actual Huaraches that Xero sells. Just that having been a sandal maker, I know how hard it can be to get the size right measuring your own foot. Later, I'll try when I have a helper. :)

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

The hubby & dogs & I are heading to Lake Powell, AZ for a half marathon tomorrow! We take our trailer & camp at the marina campground. Itโ€™s my 4th time running it, so my nerves arenโ€™t bad. (I always get nervous before races.) Vacation Races puts it on and never disappoints and Page, AZ is a gorgeous location. Iโ€™m 52 & not planning a PR or anything. Iโ€™m running to enjoy it! If you happen to think of it, please send good thoughts/prayers my way. I will do the same for others running tomorrow. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ Happy Friday! ๐Ÿ˜

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I used to get nervous before races ... short conversations with runners clear my head. Cannot explain it!

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Have a great event and stay healthy

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Have fun tomorrow at Lake Powell, Corrina! Sending good vibes your way!!

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Thank you!!!

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Great ideas all! I donโ€™t have anyone to run with regularly and the streets around here are pretty quiet and lonely in the darker hours. Thatโ€™s good and bad - sunrise and sunset are still ok but once itโ€™s fully dark, Iโ€™m simply not comfortable by myself. The doubles idea is very interesting though. I could potentially get one near-dark half in and do the other on the treadmill. (Not my favorite still but at least itโ€™d be a shorter time.). Thanks!

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I ran my first "season" race the last weekend of Sept [15k], didn't well, not as well as I'd like to have though!]. Had a tough last 4 months [was in an bad car accident, had me in hospital 3 days and took and other 8 weeks before I could even think of running again] and really forgot how much a good competitive run ignites you - drives me to do more, more more. My runs are better ow for it, as well being outside again, and I'm again lookin forward to "the run" with bright eyes and full lungs! Have a 10k next weekend so looking to be out, bright and early, enjoying what we all love, the ability to compete with myself in nature!

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Oct 7, 2022ยทedited Oct 7, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Happy Friday! I finally got COVID towards the end of August and it has kept me fatigued to the point where I am afraid to run because I will exert too much - even brisk walking scares me. Those of you who have had COVID may have experienced the "out of nowhere" fears of crowds, and my fear also extends to exercise. I cratered completely the weekend after I came back to work and I truly don't want that to happen again. Any ideas? I know I need to swallow hard and just get back out there...

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I had Covid in June, and I got pretty sick. What I did was to start off walking super slow and leisurely for very short distance, and to slowly build back up to jogging and longer distances. It took me 3 weeks AFTER I was supposedly good enough to go back to work, to feel anywhere close to normal.

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It takes time ... you can't rush it....You will eventually be back to who and what you were soon...

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Oct 8, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Got Covid19 after returning from Seattle where we did Jack and Jill half diagnosed 8/5. Took antiviral meds for five days. Did 5k 4weeks later And 10k 4 weeks after that. Did 1/2 in Jacksonville FL this morning. Feel great except for occasional back ache. Covid19 is nasty. My attitude is runners are generally in good shape and not likely to be a source of Covid19... twisted but it IS allowing me to move on.

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I too, got Covid19 4 days after return from Seattle where wife and I did Jack and Jill downhill half. (Great race 1200 ft of downhill elevation over 13 miles ... if you do the race, go to the start of the full marathon and walk the Snoqualmie Tunnel ... 2.6 miles very dark ... 65 degrees in the middle of summer. Having had initial vaccines and two boosters, case was mild . Occasional backaches stlll surface 9 weeks later. Have done 5k and 10k and this morning (10/8) did my first half since the Covid19 diagnosis. Tough race ... Jacksonville USO Armed Forces half ... two bridges across St Johns River ... gee whiz, I hate bridges! Bottom line , believe that you WILL get back to where you were.

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I'm the only one in my group of friends and family who hasn't; had Covid... Like all of us, we've had both shots and both boosters. I tell everyone it's because I'm a runner and in better shape than all of them. I'm not even going to write what they said... it wasn't nice...

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Same thing happened to me Ruth. There went the thought I might be immune. I knew I had to get going again though so I just started getting out and walking. Eventually added some running and have gotten to where itโ€™s mostly running with a little walking. Baby steps I guess. Wish you the best.

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Thanks, Jim. It will happen, it will happen....

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If you are concerned about heart/lung issues with exercise then get checked out further. Covid can damage these organs, but most likely a stress test , echocardiogram and other such testing will provide you with reassurance to ramp up your exercise. Generally it is better to check things out than to worry something is wrong in my opinion.

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It's not heart/lung issues but rather the fatigue. And my lack of patience at odds with that seemingly irrational fear that I will overdo (happened before after each new COVID week...). Thank you for your comment. I will monitor myself once I start, and if anything does come up I will definitely seek my doctor's advice.

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If you would believe it, I caught Covid running a marathon. It took me two months to get where I felt good enough to get back out and run. And when I did, I took it very easy. Started with walking and working my way up. I would advise not to push yourself too hard and listen to your body. As for your fears of crowds and exercise, these are not irrational. They are valuable tools your body and brain use to protect you. So go easy on yourself, take things slowly, and know that youโ€™ll get back to where by you want when itโ€™s right for you.

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Meli -

thanks for your comment. I do believe that I know when it will be time; it's hard to be patient.

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To be afraid is human. You've gone through something that scared the hell out of you. I can say, "suck it up," but only you can dictate what you do. You'll know when it's the right time. Just be thankful you can still go out there ... Best of luck.

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Steve - I will get back out there. I'm perhaps overly cautious about when that will be...

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Oh wow, Ruth! I'm so sorry to hear that -- hopefully you'll be on the mend soon. Have you spoken with your doctor about it? I would imagine you would not be the first person this has happened to -- I would bet they could help.

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

My doctor says to listen to myself and I will know when. It's hard being patient... Thanks for your comment.

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Happy Friday, everyone. A subject near and dear to my heart is running shoes and socks. Over 50 years, I've had both good and not-so-good luck when it came to shoes. When I first started running, I wore run-of-the-mill tennis shoes. After a couple of bouts of planters, I got serious about my shoes. I've worn Aspics, Brooks, and, lately, Nike. I was completely satisfied with Aspics until they decided to "improve" the shoe design. When the toe box got painfully narrow, I switched to Brooks. I, like everyone else, follow the top Marathons in the world. When I saw Kip running in shoes that looked like nothing I'd ever seen, I did my homework... when I saw the price, I cringed. $275 for a pair of running shoes? Has Nike lost it? The long and short of it, I bought a pair without telling my wife. Running in them felt like they were projecting me forward with every stride. My times dropped significantly, and for a 70-plus man, I felt renewed. I still run in my Brooks Ghost and Aspics Gel Nimbus Lite FlyteFoam, but I pull out my Nikes when I compete. Even though they're expensive, I tell my wife I'm worth it... When it came to socks, I figured if they were cushioned, that's all I needed. Like shoes, there are a million different types at all price ranges. I've run in Bombas socks for the last couple of years. They stay put when I put them on, cushioned, and they wear well. Well, like everyone else, they do what they can to get their times to drop, chasing the top three places in a race. I will never set a world record, but with what I wear now, I'm competitive, and that's all I can ask of my support gear.

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Wal-mart cushioned sock work for me โ€ฆ I like thick socks โ€ฆ they help with supporti

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Wow, Steve! I'm usually skeptical about claims made by the shoe companies, but what you say lines up with what I've heard about the Nike shoes you're talking about. They're almost like taking steroids, right? Amazing.

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When I can run a 5K at just over 9 1/4 min miles and drop almost 3/4 min/mile on my long runs, to me they're worth it... However, they wear out a lot faster than a normal running shoe...

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Good morning and Happy Friday, All! I have a training question--and not necessarily running related--I'm CONSIDERING training for the 29029 event--essentially a virtual Everest in that you ascend 29029 ft on a mountain (location varies)--you hike up and then chair lift down. Multiple ascents over MANY miles. Anyway--the question is this: I live in a flat area--does anyone have a gym equipment suggestion for how I could begin to train for elevation gain? Thanks!

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

When I trained for the Pikes Peak Marathon (Only 7000 feet vertical gain), in Texas, I did it entirely on a treadmill. I would go at a 10% grade for 2 hours, then the final hour at 15% grade. I was able to finish in the top third, with no training but treadmill. That is my recommendation. (P.S. I did it at a gym, and one day I "burned out" one of the treadmills. I guess they aren't made for that severe duty. )

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Thanks, Daryl--this is SUPER helpful. Between you and Steve, I think I have my answer!

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Iโ€™ve heard of people here in Oklahoma using parking garages after hours to trail for hills. May be worth checking out in your area.

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How about setting the elevation on a treadmill up as far as it will go? In Florida, major hills are few and far between.

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Thanks, Steve! (And yes, Florida is not replete with inclines.) I've not had experience with Stair Masters (do they even make those any more?) So I wasn't sure if there were some sort of new-fangled device that should be on my radar. I guess this means I'm going to have to join a gym. :)

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I just joined a gym... running is great but I needed to do some strength work outs...

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Did anyone catch Lester Holt NBC NIGHTLY NEWS last night where they featured Cincinnatian, Mike Fremont, a 100 year old vegan runner in their last segment. When asked if centenarians should start slowing down, he responded with a twinkle in his eye, โ€œ they should start speeding upโ€. My HERO...!๐Ÿ‘ฃโค๏ธ๐Ÿ‘ฃ

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

My Best Friend sent the link to me this morning!

Seems to me I read in an article on Queen Elizabeth that no one ever dies of old age, that there is some underlying medical condition. I figure I'll have to keep running until I stop!

So many well wishers on a Marathon at 75. I can't believe it and I'm not even old! Training starts on Nov. 13--until then, I'll putter along!

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Nilima, how did you select your training program and how long is itโ€ฆ?

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My coach selected it for me. She is a ChiRunning/ChiWalking Master instructor and Instuctor trainer in AZ. Since I have been a ChiRunner for so long, she recommended the 24 week beginner Marathon program. The Long Runs are the most important. At 19 Weeks you hit the 22-24 Mile LSD or a 18-20 mile Hill Run. At a 13.45 minute mile, one can finish is 6 hours and that is what I have my sights set on. If I get faster than that, it is fine with me! She said start Nov. 13 and I should be fine. . . :)

Timewise it should work. We need to move to another apartment of house in the interim. I'm taking your advice on down-sizing and getting rid of what is no longer used anymore.

Hope you decide to run a marathon, too! At our age, it is not impossible!

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Finally an excuse for dark humor โ€ฆ I mentioned to a friend that Iโ€™d like to โ€œleave this earthโ€ while doing a half marathon. My friendโ€™s response: โ€œHow selfish โ€ฆ think of all the runners that would have to break stride and go around you,โ€

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That's hilarious!

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Oct 10, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Ha Ha! That's not only funny, it's true! Some runner passed out on the trail when I was doing the 10K at Snoqualmie Valley Half in Carnation WA. . . fwoomp. He was out. . . in the middle of the road! All the other half marathoners coming in to the finish had to go around him. (this was only about a mile from the finish.) Caused quite a commotion, Had to bring in the first responders and an ambulance. A lot of runners stopped to help. I just kept on going thinking " Hmmmm, things like that really DO happen!" He may have died or he may have recovered. . . who knows! :)

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Thank you for posting this! I spent the weekend with my 64 year old childhood besties. The entire weekend maladies and limitations and retirement (boring, I'm never going to retire) were discussed--and that is NOT the narrative I choose for myself. So your share is quite timely and encouraging. My hero as well!

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Wife and I are still at it in our early 70s โ€ฆ love staying productive and working with great associates.

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If you can find fulfillment in your job keep at it. Retirement can be seriously overrated. And what better time in oneโ€™s life to demonstrate all you have learned. Your wisdom born of experience will not be lost on those starting out. You can teach by example and that can be very special. Who knew you could become a great teacher at 60+โ€ฆ?

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love this....

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Thanks for finding the segment--I'm sharing it with my 'our lives are over because we are 60-something friends'--this is so great. DMW

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YES. Enjoy ALL. Thanks Terrell. And those who know him truly love/like him. They say he is humble, modest and an environmental activist and turned Vegan at 80.

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Tomorrow, I'm running my 3rd half marathon in 11 months: The Queen Bee Half in Cincinnati. I'M SO EXCITED!!!! Based on how my training runs have been going, I'm hopeful that I'll get a PR. :)

(No question from me ... just needed to share my excitement with others who get it.)

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Have a great event and stay healthy

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Thank you!

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You go girl!!!!

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Thanks! ๐Ÿƒโ€โ™€๏ธ

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Way to go, Jennifer!!!! That's so awesome! Good luck tomorrow!

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thank you!!

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I'm beginning to train for my first ever half marathon and wanted to see if I anyone had any resources or tips for my training schedule? I'm a regular runner but have always just run 5km 3-5 times a week as my schedule allows. I'm hoping to come in under 2hours 10 in.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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Try following one of the weekly training schedules that Terrell puts out on Wed/Thurs. That's what I'm doing and I find it helpful. It gives you something to stick to.

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Have a great event and stay healthy

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Michael I ran my very first 1/2 marathon by running on time

Not distance when I trained! I think it helped me tremendously. Also once race day is here, run the first mile

Slower than you think...this will set you up to get thru without stopping. The excitement and energy will want to make You go faster but hold back! Iโ€™ve run 26 1/2s and I only run three times a week. More than that and I risk injury! Good luck!

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Hi there Michael! I have a training plan we're using in each Wednesday's newsletter, but you can also use the training plans I put together at Half Marathon Guide (the site I used to run) here: https://www.halfmarathons.net/training-tips/

Hope that helps!

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Thanks Terrell! This is exactly what I was looking for.

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

Iโ€™m interested to hear how routines or training plans are changing with the change of the seasons. For me here in California, itโ€™s not so much about the temperature but about the amount of daylight. Iโ€™m not a treadmill fan so I struggle every year to stay engaged when I donโ€™t have as many daylight hours when Iโ€™m not working or have other obligations to devote to running. What creative ideas do folks have?

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While I've been in "different" parts of the USA [NE now SE], I've always kept a gym membership for running purposes. Where I used to be a treadmill run from Nov to May [NE], now I'm a treadmill runner from mid-June thru mid-Sept [SE]. I think that any runner will tell you that running on a treadmill is not the best, it's a necessary evil in my environment. I'm just happy now for I've been running outside for the past couple weeks and it's been as good as it gets.

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When I lived in Minnesota, I did a lot of treadmill running. But, believe it or not, I would strap on my boots, bundle up and go for a run with a ton of snow on the ground and the temp tendering just above freezing. I would come back drenched in sweat. My wife thought I was crazy back then and when it's above 90 and I go out on a run now all she does is shake her head and increase my life insurance policy... LOL

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In Florida, unless it's in the fall or winter, It's HOT!!! Being retired, I can run any time of the day, but my body performs best in the morning..., In August, when the temp is crazy hot and the humidity can be cut with a knife, I strap on my shoes and go out for a run knowing it's going to be rough. If I can survive the heat in Florida, I can run in anything.

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Great question, Meli! Hmmmm.... one way to look at might be, how many hours do you think you might have to devote to running/exercising each week? You could even break up your runs so you do 1/2 your run in the morning and 1/2 after work -- so, if you plan to run 4 miles one day, you could run 2 in the morning (or at lunch) and 2 after work. What do you think?

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

I too am a big fan of running doubles when necessary. I prefer to let discipline take over where motivation fails and do my runs early in the morning, but when I have to, running twice daily has allowed me sometimes the luxury of sleeping a few more minutes, and still completing the miles I need for the day. It's especially great when working around a work and childcare schedule. And while I do not love the treadmill, I don't absolutely hate it. Spooky season Netflix and some great podcasts get me through the drudgery of it.

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Same here! Of course I don't prefer the treadmill, but it's great to have it when you need it.

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Oct 7, 2022Liked by Terrell Johnson

During dark season running here in Ohio, my husband and I wear light vests and make sure to stay on the streets in our neighborhood that have streetlamps and good sidewalks. If I were running alone, I would probably not want to get out when it's so dark outside, but since there's two of us, both wearing super bright LED light vests and staying on sidewalks in well-lit neighborhoods, it has always felt safe to us, and we've never even had any close calls. We actually really enjoy running before sunrise in the fall and winter. There's a lovely sort of calm as the city wakes up for a new day. And, we sometimes are rewarded with GLORIOUS sunrises!

Is there anyone who can run with you on those dark mornings/evenings? And would the addition of a light vest so that others can see you make a difference for you in terms of feeling safe being out when it's dark?

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It's nice to have a running partner especially when it's a husband or wife...

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Happy Friday! Check out my Stack steelorca.substack.com for a potential running playlist! Have a great weekend everyone!

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