Jun 7, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I help coordinate a half marathon and the cost are astonishing. As a runner I never knew exactly how much goes into planning a road race. Organizers are charged for everything from usage of the roads, police, EMS, permits, toilets, etc. and that doesn't even include what us runners want: premium swag, food, beer, water, and a post party with live music on top of charitable donations.

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Really worthwhile perspective. Thank you for sharing, Rose.

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Jun 8, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Fair point. Even the cost for a 5K is high for coordinators. I've helped plan one of those, and was shocked.

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Jun 12, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Very True! I am a race organizer as well, it gets expensive FAST and people will complain about every detail, when you pour your heart and soul into making it perfect that can hurt!

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Jun 7, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

As a race director the cost to put on an event has gone up over the years especially street runs. Runner safety is always important when running on the streets and the cost of police and barricading has gone up to keep you safe. We do our best to negotiate every year on all aspects of the event so we are able to offer an affordable event. Check out some of our races - PrideRunPhoenix.com, HowlingNightRun.com, CupcakeChase.com, VowtoDriverSober.org, VamosAZRun.com. All of our event registrations have no charge processing fee when checking out, the posted price is the price you pay. Also, check out RaceLookup.com for your next race|event. Happy Running!

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This is really good to know, and an important perspective to keep in mind. Thanks for sharing, Daniel!

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The problem people don’t realize is the cost to close down roads have gotten higher. If you’re running a race with closed roads, it cost money (required) to have a permit, have police, and have the roads shut down for X amount of time. That’s why I lot of big City half and full marathons have gotten more expensive without a lot of visible runner benefit.

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Great point, Hollie! The cost and logistical support required to shut down roads for all the runners, especially, is one most of us never see.

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Where I live the city has also limited the number of races that can use downtown streets. There are a limited number of approved routes and race directors have to pick one. Most of them end up on running trails to reduce the number of streets closed. At one point there were permits for more than 140 races in downtown Columbus. That's almost three a weekend!

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Jun 7, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

We host a half marathon each year, with all of the revenue (after race expenses are paid) going to local non-profits. Still, we try to balance giving our beneficiaries a good financial boost with keeping our race affordable. Our first priority is to make the race as good as it can be while keeping the costs reasonable. I think racers appreciate that we give all our money away, and that we are far from the most expensive half around, and we've been fortunate enough to sell out every year. On a personal level, I won't register for a race if I think the cost is extraordinarily high, and especially so if it is a for-profit race. I've seen smaller races that are better-organized with more amenities than larger, more expensive races, so it seems that it is often more the attitude of the organizers than the size of the race that determines cost.

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That's a really interesting perspective, Jay. Really good to know, and for all of us to keep in mind.

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Jun 7, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I like to do destination races, race-cations, so I have to figure entry into travel expense. I continually watch for deal days, such as we just had with Global Running Day. I’ve run for forty years. At this age and stage I thankfully can afford an occasional splurge.

Love the new format, by the way. Happy Running All!

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Jun 7, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I treat it as a hobby cost. I will admit I'm taken in by the swag and medals, but the locale is also of interest. Having complete this year's runDisney Star Wars run, I feel ruined for future races. The whole experience was truly, out of this world. (nerd alert).

With anything you have to balance the "get what you pay for" with "is this really practical" and mix in a little "I'm paying for the added fun, and that's ok."

It should also be said that registering for races also provides a motivation to stay on track with training and maintenance runs. While I'll likely never win a race (God built me for comfort, not speed) seeing the paid for races on the calendar helps keep me focused.

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Great points, Bill. I hear you on the "nerd alert" as well! I can only imagine what that race will be like once the new "Galaxy's Edge" is open. Will Disney route the race through that part of the park? Now THAT would be something!!!

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Jun 7, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Short answer - yes!

Understand the logistics can be complicated ($$$), but it appears some races are raising prices with little or no justification. You can reduce the "bling" as far as I am concerned. Let's bring the focus to a safe, scenic, fun run.

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Jun 7, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I have stopped running the costly races, 15, 25.00 30 are more like it. 60, 70, 100 are pretty ridiculous, avoided at these costs.

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Jun 7, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Yes, some cost too much. I've cut back. HOWEVER, in some cities there is a creature known as a free Parkrun. While visiting the Twin Cities last summer, I ran in the Eagan (MN) Parkrun 5k. Not only was it free, it was great fun, professionally timed, operated by competent, friendly volunteers and on a beautiful course. I loved it. If you google Parkrun, you can see them around the country at various locations. It is available to establish one in your location. I'm doing best to rally the running community in my city, Wichita, KS to launch one. The Parkrun concept is a big-time winner.

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I've done a Parkrun too, a couple months ago in Tennessee. It was a great event, very chilled and fun on a beautiful course through the woods on Monteagle Mountain. I loved it too.

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Jun 7, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I've always been a proponent of races giving the option to forego the t-shirt in lieu of a cheaper price. I've seen it a few times but it is rare. And if you have been running for a few years or more it is in my view a bit ridiculous and wasteful the amount of shirts you acquire, many are ugly/useless to wear and you end up just giving them away at some point to goodwill or something. I think making that option would help keep the price down. (But there are certainly some you want to keep, and are of better quality, like you might find in bigger races) But I agree that the prices are getting a bit out of whack. I remember I used to run races as "training runs" for marathon training, but not so much anymore due to the prices.

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Jun 7, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I understand costs (especially if a run will necessitate multiple road closures), but damn I got into running because it was easy on the wallet. With the price of some of these runs, it emulates a much more expensive hobby.

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Jun 7, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

In a market economy, sellers will charge what the market will bear, especially if supply is limited (i.e., races like Pikes Peak with tight entry limits). You can't blame them. If cost is a key factor (as it is for me), there are not just plenty of less expensive races, but many high-quality ones. In the last two years I've gotten Bryce Canyon and Cheyenne Mountain (Colorado Springs) for $40, Coopers Rock (scenic state forest near Morgantown, WV) for $50, and Columbus, OH for $60.

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Also a great point. That's one of the wonderful byproducts of the boom in running over the past 20 years; it's enabled a whole ecosystem of large, medium and small-sized events to get created that never would have before.

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At $60, The price for Columbus is not bad. But once it starts going up, it goes up fast! In May the half is already over $90!

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Thanks for letting us know. My family all live in Columbus so free room/board if I do that one to count for OH. My cousin wants us to run the Flying Pig race in 2020. Any thoughts on that one?

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The Flying Pig is one of my all-time favorite races! The course is good but hilly. The shirts are always high quality, medals are great. Best volunteers in the world! It is getting large but is not too large for the roads. My friends and I did the Three-way with cheese a couple of years ago, and it was great! It's a 1 mile on Friday, 5K and 10K on Saturday, half marathon on Sunday. We got great shirts and really great medals.

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Thank you for all the great info. I've got this on my calendar.

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Jun 7, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Some have gotten way out of my reach. I don't' mind too much if a portion is going to a good charity but really they have gotten way too expensive

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Jun 7, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Because I have no clue of the cost of putting on a race, I've never complained about the cost. BUT, I definitely have skipped some races because of there high entry fee.

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Jun 7, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Perhaps sometimes. The larger the race though the more operating costs, in addition to raising money for causes. Part of it is also paying for a fun, exciting, competitive environment. Ran the Disneyland half marathon couple years ago, quite expensive, thousands of runners but a thrill running through the parks. I’m willing to pay for great running experiences, in addition to meeting and exceeding goals

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Jun 7, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

yes, it is becoming high. I just signed up 3 half marathons for $150, called, Tripass! I thought it is a good deal. I live in North Carolina. these 3 will be 6/1 Raleigh (completed), 10/5 Raleigh and 12/7 Durham. Tripass is still available!

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Jun 7, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I definitely feel that races have become far too expensive. I understand all that goes in to planning and executing a successful race but since so many of the items are donated, it seems that they shouldn't keep increasing so much. There have been many races I have wanted to enter but thought it just cost way too much. I am sure however there are plenty of smaller market races that are low cost.

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Jun 7, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I hear you on the fees. But that is when I do start looking for the smaller events near me. And I will really try to only sign up for one that is non-profit. There are some that don't have the timed chip (or you pay extra) and the only swag is the tee- shirt - and I have to decide if I'm cool with that and just want the time on the road and support the cause... and save a bit on money :)

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Jun 7, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

INDEED!!! Bill, Love your comments! I hope we all keep the joy in racing without getting too caught up in affordability of racing. Here's my quick thought, don't sign up for the expensive races, there are TONS that are affordable. If you really want to do a certain race or certain location than treat it like a vacation and enjoy the HECK out of it! Hearses don't have luggage racks!!!

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Love that, Joan! So true.

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Jun 7, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I do pay attention to price, and who is benefiting, when looking at races. I won't pay more than $100.00 for a half marathon and I try to make sure there are charities that are benefiting directly. I'm not a fan of the "for profit races," though I have run some.

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That's a great point, Ted. And many, many races do a lot for the charities in their local area, which makes it easier to justify the cost. I wonder if there's a threshold for cost at which people who might have run your race start turning away.

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Jun 7, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Terrell, there definitely is a stop point, I guess it depends on your situation. For me that has been $90 or $100. And then to justify that much it has to be something special, i.e. the Seven Mile Bridge Run. We combine an annual vacation with a run.

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Jun 11, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I have to agree that sometimes I could do without the "swag" in order to reduce the price. I have found some less expensive local and smaller races that have been a lot of fun. I have run some big, more expensive races and honestly I have rarely been disappointed. One of the best organized marathons/half marathons I have ever run is the Little Rock marathon. It is a five hour drive for me, but well worth it. Of Course when you get hailed/sleeted on two years in a row it does make you question your choices! If you are looking for an inexpensive sport/hobby this is likely not it. I choose to not look at the totals of what I spend on shoes, socks, special foods, travel, registrations, sport watches, sunglasses and on and on. All in all it is all sooo worth it!

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Jun 8, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I do think prices have increased. I think popularity and costs have driven the increase. I would rather pay and have safety on a course than save money, get lost, fight traffic, and generally lack safety.

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Jun 7, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Yes and No I mean if I try to book a race early before the price goes up then that gives me motivation to sign up for a race if not I try to look for one more in my budget but if I’m really really interested in a race I’ll pay for it !

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Me too! I love races on the west coast, even though I live a couple thousand miles away in Georgia. The scenery and the experience there is like nowhere else.

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Jun 7, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Yes, but even trail races where there will be no traffic & no police are exorbitant as well. I skipped one this weekend because I figured I could save $120 (& that was with a promo code) & just make up my own half marathon along the coast instead. I still register for races but they have gone up significantly even in the past 2 year. I’ve been running marathons for 20 years, so I see the difference!

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Jun 7, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Have wondered about the graduated costs, the days of registration from manual to computerize should have lowered the costs a little yet cost keeps rising. Wonder after reaching a set count the increases are managed by the $$$.$$.

I agree costs increase as volume increases, but it seems to be attached to dates rather than quantity.

Would be nice for some “Runs” to start at midnight, wonder whether will change the dynamics of crowd control, etc!

Just idle thoughts.

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That's actually an interesting thought, and you do see some races now scheduling starting times in the evening (like the Trinity Run in Dallas, for example). There are a number of these scattered across the country, but there aren't a ton of them (yet). Scheduling also is a tough balancing act for race directors, especially in cities, because residents in affected areas can be quite vocal when they can't get to where they want to go -- and they have legitimate concerns, especially when it comes to a possible emergency. If I had to organize a major race with tens of thousands of runners in a major city, I'm not sure I'd be able to sleep at all in the days leading up to it!

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Jun 7, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I have noticed a drastic increase in the price of races. Unfortunately this is going to keep me from attending a whole lot of them next race season.

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It bums me out to hear that, but I understand. These things add up.

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Jun 12, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I realize there's mixed opinions on this but, personally, I do not need a medal for every race under a marathon. It just feels unnecessary to run a 10k and be given a medal. Also some of the swag is nice, other times, just thrown out. A band after the event doesn't draw me in. I'm glad I can afford many, but traveling adds to the expense, so it's rare. It's too bad lower income runners can't always attend. On the flip side, I'm sure it's very expensive to put on a race.

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Jun 8, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I honestly can’t say I pay much attention to price now. I get the chance to travel a lot and I’m so focused on making the most of whatever opportunity I can to race somewhere different, that I just throw myself in the event. (Understand that I’m also new to running and still on a high😃). So the experience for me is worth more than anything else. I never pass up on those opportunities. I would rather sacrifice shopping for stylish shoes or something like that ... lol ... than pass up the chance to race in like say the Chicago Half (which was the first half for me last year and by far the most pricey of all the events I have entered so far). I know at some point in time I will have to be more selective with regard to cost. The comments are worth bearing in mind for sure especially if you have to take a lot of other factors into consideration: accommodation, food, family (if they are along for the support), etc. Thanks for throwing this out there, Terrell.

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Races serve two important functions in my fitness program. The first is they are a forcing function to keep me sticking to my training. Once signed up for a half marathon, I am going to prep for it come hall or high water. I average about 9 per year, so I am pretty much committed to maintaining consistent training all year. The second goal is to keep me incentivized by providing interesting opportunities for fun, travel, and adventure. I meet most of the goals for the first through local, low-cost, charity-supporting runs that are basically day trips within about a 50-mile radius, and usually cost well under $100. Then I splurge on about two big-ticket runs that involve travel. Last year’s adventure was the RunDisney Castle to Chateau Challenge with one at WDW and the other at Disneyland Paris. The cost of registration for the runs themselves was high, but a relatively small line item lost in the cost of transportation, hotels, and park tickets (worth it). When I average out the costs for the local and the destination runs, I can rationalize what I get out of my annual investment in both fitness and fun. This year’s two adventures will be the Rock Hall of Fame half in Cleveland (August) and the Niagra Falls half (October) on the Canadian side. I hope to see some of our readers there.

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Jun 7, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

There are so many races packed onto the calendar, that a runner can really be careful about paying for a race that is very expensive. In NYC, I know that a NYRR race is going to cost me way more than a race put on by one of the newer organizations. With that in mind, I'll pick the races that I love and then try out some newer races that are less expensive. Those races are usually less well known and it's good to run them the first few times they are offered before they become popular via word of mouth. Global running day offered many races at a discount, and if you can wait, you can usually find a break being offered somewhere. As a race director, the hidden fees are mind boggling, but if I want runners to keep coming back to my race, I need to make it the best I can right from the start.

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Jun 7, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Yes, many races are highly expensive. So I am selective on which half-marthon I run in each state with lots of research online and asking others on social media about xyz race. Also I wait as well before registering and many times miss out on the early fee because you never know with weather or unexpected family issues (many are up in age). My biggest beef is the registration added fee for paying through a running race site. I've had some go up from $1-$10 before the actual race cost. I only run ones with medals and a nice shirt (one I can run in/do Crossfit in our TX weather). All the other crap in the goodie bags many times gets thrown away because its useless. I'm setting a goal 50 states half-marathon (maybe by my 50th birthday day year) and look at these as adventures (I can control to a certain extent my travel expenses). My first half-marathon in this new (3rd half-marathon since April 2018) is at end of month in Missoula, MT.

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Jun 7, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

At my age (69) I'm doing many destination races so the high cost of the race is just another expense besides the hotel, travel, food, etc. If it's a race I haven't done before, and it looks like a good event, then I just pay the high fee. I've noticed that many in the Houston area that I visit a lot are a lot cheaper than here in the MD/DC area where I live.

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Jun 7, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

Great question, thanks for asking and allowing us to see others responses. See my response in comments.

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Thanks, Ed!

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Jun 7, 2019Liked by Terrell Johnson

I feel that a number of races are on the pricey side however I look at what you are getting and who the benefactor of the event is. Unfortunately with security concerns many of the larger, high profile events have an even greater cost for keeping runners and spectators safe. If the runner is getting a safe, well organized event with a quality shirt, etc the cost is worth it. I have an issue with a local marathon/half/10K event that keeps raising prices while they downgrade the quality of the items that the runner receives and race day organization is less than optimal. In order to make events more affordable I plan my race calendar close to a year in advance and take advantage of any and all early bird offers. This can be a significant savings over waiting until later to register. This also allows me to budget for the more expensive races that I wish to participate in.

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Yes, races are becoming extremely costly and very discouraging to new runners especially. It's a shame that we can't keep these costs down a bit (maybe consider doing away with t-shirt) so that more people can participate and enjoy the benefits of our amazing sport!

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Some races are WAY too expensive... there are so many I would love to run with my friends and family, but as soon as I see the final price of the race at checkout- I have to cancel because as a college student.. it’s too expensive and I don’t have that type of money to continuously throw down. It makes me sad and discouraged knowing I’m unable to run a race that’s looks like such an amazing experience.

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I question the need for a service fee on top of the registration fee. Albeit, it is small, I don't like service fees. Hide that fee and I would not even notice.

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I understand the reason behind the high costs - but I can't afford those races. I make a point to register on the earliest possible date for the lowest price and I stretch my race budget even further by no longer paying to run 5k races. I wish I could and I know most of them are charity runs, but I can't afford to pay $30+ for a 5k distance that I normally run each morning in my neighborhood for free. When I see a race that I consider a 'deal' ... cost per mile or with nice swag ... I'll register mainly because I need to have an upcoming race on my calendar so I continue to be motivated to run.

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I’m new to running men I thought it was high at first, but considering I usually get a T-shirt and a medal and there is water and fruit waiting for me when I’m done, and cones/signs to mark the way, a sound system for the announcers, police to hold traffic, etc. I can see where the cost comes into it. I never really thought about it this way until reading this. Thanks!

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With you on that Stephanie. I started running last year and still get excited by just being out there and getting my medal at the end. This is for me a real eye opener as well.

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I definitely have to pick and choose due to the cost, especially with half and full marathons but I do understand there are hidden costs that as runners we forget about i.e., organizational costs.

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I have to pick and choose due to prices, but I understand how expensive it is for the organizers so it makes sense.

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As a runner..I see it how? What? And why?..then politics and black market ?we all runners we share common races..

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Yes, I do think they are too high - but I understand the issues others have brought up. It would be nice if they didn't then charge so much for other things - like pictures.

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My limit is $45-$50. A budget is a budget. There are plenty of other people to run those more expensive races. Im happy running on my own. I don’t need medals.

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Absolutely!!! I call it the R n R factor. The Rock n Roll races are way too expensive -- won't do one. Once other races saw that R n R was getting away with it they all raised their prices. In Columbus, I used to do Cap City and Columbus every year. Not any more. I volunteer to get in Cap City for free. I ask for my kids to give me registration to Columbus for Mother's Day.

I try to choose smaller more affordable races. News and Sentinel in Parkersburg, WV is a great deal! It used to be $40 and included spaghetti dinner night before, pizza after, a shirt and medal.

I also hate the fact the women-only races are more expensive. Queen Bee in Cincinnati is outrageous.

I have greatly reduced the number of halves I do because of the cost.

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Some are also too large. I used to love the Indy Mini Marathon, but it is too large and no longer fun. If you are shoulder-to-shoulder on the Motor Speedway, it is a crowded race.

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Yes, I don't sign up for ANY big races (price). I usually run with the smaller race company's. However, if I feel a need to run a bigger race I offset it by volunteering. I love cheering runners on.

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Yes, in some cases, it's hard to believe that the registration fees charged are reasonable. On the other hand, costs and fees have escalated. Without significant sponsorship $$, the race has to bare the brunt of those costs. Having been a race director for 25+ years, I am well aware what it takes to put on a quality race. Folks want high quality apparel and bling (medals) for their money. Only so much discretionary cash available.

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Yes, some are astronomical. I would love to run Disney and R&R Vegas, but I’m not paying the entry fee. It’s ridiculous especially having to travel for it. I love running, but before I pay those fees, I’ll run on my city’s greenbelt.

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I hear you. I think there's a difference between event series like the ones you mention -- which have the support of a big organization behind them year-round -- and races that run only once a year, which is what you find in most cities, most of the time. They basically have to re-create their organization every year, at least partially, with new volunteers and may have to re-route their races. So it's all a balancing act.

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Local races are all high here. Pretty much all around $100. I don’t know of many races much less than that. And I will never sign up early just to save ten bucks because in Kansas, you never know what the weather will be like and I’ve already wasted $100 on a race I never ran...lol

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Too high and not as nice as ten years ago....Just dried up bagels and no swag....also, very cold towards older runners....sux

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True about the older runners, sometimes I feel like they really wish we would not be there. Once they "forgot" to announce and give the awards for the senior runners.

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I agree with you. Lots of local races can be run for a pretty reasonable cost, especially if you're willing to sign up well ahead of time. But some of the large, national races are definitely cost prohibitive, especially if more than one person in your family wants to do them.

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