Mar 15Liked by Terrell Johnson

We finished in the Paris 1/2!!! It was very cold and windy, with no rain that morning..but my daughter and I set our best 1/2 times so far. Over 50,000 runners...now for my tattoo of the Eiffel Tower :)

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Sandra this is so awesome!!! Was it last weekend? (Or today?)

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Feb 3Liked by Terrell Johnson

Er has been nuts😳. You can keep your winter right down there😎40 and no snow upstate NY I feel kinda guilty because I know it’s not right but I do appreciate it 😬. Hope all is well out there

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Feb 3Liked by Terrell Johnson

Had a crazy week at work…in some ways stressful…BUT the silver lining is I realized how much I truly love running! It bring me peace in chaos and I legit felt better just steps into a run.

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Feb 2Liked by Terrell Johnson

Sounds like you will have a great time. Hope you can attend soon.

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Feb 2Liked by Terrell Johnson

I’ve been adding .5 miles every month to my runs since last July. So for February I’m at 4 miles! I’m glad to be at this point but also been experiencing some foot pain. I’ve got new shoes coming, but in my late 30s now so I feel the shift of “everything takes longer to heal!”. So I’m debating running 4 miles every other day and then if I have the chance to run in between the days trying to do a quick 2 miler, and watch my time a bit more. I’ll let the 4 miles be as slow as I want.

Does anyone else run like this? Similar idea of longer distance alternating with timed short runs? Wondering how different folks order their running weeks (:

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I think that you need to set up a run schedule that works for yourself that doesn't entail hurting yourself. First point, if you're hurt don't run, it'll just make matters worse. Get healthy, start off slow and work up to longer distances. I'd love to be 30 again and running like I did back then, Try looking for a running group in your area or talking to someone at a good runnimg shoe store hor help... if all else fails, there is always the internet. Good luck.

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Well - 5 miles down around some lake . It was ok. I started slow and definitely was out of sync after 141 miles on the treadmill :-)

Back tomorrow - then home to the Cold on Sunday

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Feb 2Liked by Terrell Johnson

Hey everyone! I am into the last month before my 1/2 marathon in paris! I am psyched and aiming to finish. Im running with my daughter...what a treat! Its my 5th half marathon so i have some confidence...i just hope on march 3 its in the high 40 degrees and not raining!

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Was supposed to do Disney-Paris in 2020 put kybosh on that. Still have not run outside US. Have a great and healthy run in Paris … wave to Mickey for me!

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Running in one of the most beautiful cities on earth. I'm jealous.

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Thanks Steve. Its been on my list ever since I was in Paris found myself watching the elite runners coming up the Champs Elysee in the marathon! A dream come true

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This is so, so cool, Sandra!!! I'm so psyched for you -- can't wait to hear about it when you're done! How has your training been going?

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Thanks Terrell. My crazy life doesnt lend itself to as much consistency as i wish. But im getting 6 to 10 miles , 3- 4x a week. Being aware to not overdo it...

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Have I already mentioned this? 😬 We are heading out to Death Valley today for my half there tomorrow. (Camping in our trailer there.)

It’s going to be interesting! It’s only open to 300 runners. It’s on an open course, so we have to watch for traffic & stick to one side of the road (it’s an out & back) & NO HEADPHONES! You get disqualified if they find headphones on you. 😳 I just got brand new, beautiful wireless headphones for Christmas. I used them once. 😢 I’ve been doing all of my runs without them. (I usually only use them for long runs, but still.) It was a weird adjustment at first, but I’m liking it. I feel a lot more present on my runs.

I’m excited for this race! It’s been on my bucket list for a while. 🥰

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Best wishes for a great run … was in Death Valley in August 1995 on way to Vegas with family. 130 in the shade at Badwater.

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Thank you! Yeah, August is too hot to be there! It was really nice this weekend. About 55-67 degrees.

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Feb 2Liked by Terrell Johnson

Hey there ...

In Austin visiting my daughter. I will be heading out to get in a run soon. It is a little warmer here than in PA :-) . Just finished a good January ( for me ) 141 miles logged. Pretty wild :-). I started a marathon training program through Fleet Feet ... I will be kicking in next week , twice a week. First race , for 2024 is a 10K a few weeks from now. Training continues .... I have to get outside. The tread is beating up my knee. I am not a fan of running in 35 degrees in the dark but, we will forge on :-) Happy weekend! Bring on the Spring

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Plan another visit next January … did Downhill to Downtown half in January 2023 … great race, a lot to see and a lot of spectators.

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Oh .... like a week ago right ... I had a few friends do it ... good idea ... thanks

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I live in Austin! Based on your stats you should be able to complete the Roy Ann Butler loop which is a really nice run if you are visiting the city. There are also a few offshoot trails that take you northbound through the city parks which is also a nice "self tour" and helps you get out of the tourist bubble. Enjoy!

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thanks .... I am not sure where I am .... :-) ..... Windsor Park ....I am ok ... heading out now for a bit

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Go to little walnut creek greenbelt near you for some green (if you see this in time lol) :)

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141 miles is amazing!!! How did you spread out your miles during the month? (Are you an everyday runner, or did you give yourself any rest days?)

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Feb 2Liked by Terrell Johnson

4 or 5 days a week ... varied ... usually between 6-8 miles a shot. I am not a morning runner as I am at work between 6 am -- 7 am on the days I work ( semi-retired) so it is either later afternoon or early evening. This is a huge uptick for me ( at 67 years old) . I ran a few half marathons from 2010-2013 or so .... I was a solid 11:45 per mile guy. This past year I ran 4 10Ks, 2 halfs, and 2 10 milers ... and I was usually around 9:30 per mile ; with the exception in Philly where I came in around 10 min per mile. ( who knew Philly had so many damn hills :-). I give credit to ORANGE THEORY. After three months there I came to never worry about having a heart attack because if I was going to have one ... it would have been right there :-) . They do push ya .... not to mention the 20 somethings everywhere. Now ... my challenge is really just physical endurance. Oh .... and I lost 60 pounds over a few years leading up to last summer. That might have helped :-) Last one . I am looking at getting going on a Medium series called 26.2 @ 67 .... documenting my pathway to my first ever marathon. Could be cool?

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It’s a sunny day in the UK today and perfect for running. Thankfully it was the same yesterday when I ran (rest day today) - shorts, shades and gloves, my favourite running weather.

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That sounds so nice, Laura!

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Feb 2Liked by Terrell Johnson

GM. Looking forward to some "warmer" weather here in SW Florida and running a 1/2 marathon in St. Pete next weekend, as well the end of HS Basketball season - ref so it takes away from sometimes what I want to do, which is run!

Enjoy the weekend all.

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Finished Shark Bite Half in New Smyrna Beach (south of Daytona) three weeks ago followed by Vero Beach half two weeks ago … both had a pair of intracoastal waterway fixed bridges to cross … a lot of sights to see in both races. Melbourne next weekend followed by A1A in Fort Lauderdale the following week. Planning on travel to Illinois andvWisconsin in May … sightseeing in Chicago and visit to former neighbor in Milwaukee … sandwiching in Wisconsin Half in Kenosha … does anyone know about this half.

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Right back at you, Stan!

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Feb 2Liked by Terrell Johnson

I went through pretty catastrophic layoffs at my company this week. I survived but it was wrenching and a lot of friends and great colleagues were let go. And it wasn't not handled particularly well by our HR team. I'll be running this week to help claw back some sense of centeredness and think through the happenings of the week.

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Layoffs are not pretty … wife was laid off in October but we are both in our 70s … her departure finally gave me the guts to set the date … mid March. Younger daughter coming to visit and three of us will be doing St Patrick’s Day four-miler … it will be my first as a retiree!

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Glad you made ther cut,

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So very sorry to hear about the layoffs. Very glad you were able to hang on to your job. Very hurt for those that did not. Hoping you can get some good exercise as you say, and some rest as well this weekend. Difficult and challenging times but I know you can navigate through them.

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That’s disheartening. Hang in there Sam

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Oh, wow, Sam -- that's tough. I'm really, really sorry to hear that. I've been there too, on both sides of that situation. My heart goes out to you, big time.

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Feb 2Liked by Terrell Johnson

I had been thinking this January that I would find someone to run with. My neighbor offered to run with me a couple times a week. She is much faster than I am and I’ve been able to improve my pace quite a bit which has been encouraging. I usually put too much pressure on myself thinking I can’t keep up so I never try running with anyone. My neighbor is happy to have some accountability and run slower (as I run/walk) so it’s a win win for both of us.

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Something I thought of -- and almost sent out this morning as a question for the thread -- was, would readers here like to connect through THM and get together to run in person in their cities? I may send that out next week. We have thousands of readers, so it's highly likely that many of you all are clustered in the same cities/areas.

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Feb 3Liked by Terrell Johnson


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Feb 2Liked by Terrell Johnson

We’re wrapping up our two week winter vacation aboard Royal Caribbean’s Odyssey. Cruise ship fitness centers are well equipped with everything you would find in a typical smaller gym, with the exception of ventilation. Running on a swaying treadmill in humid heat is miserable. Running on the metal deck into a 30mph wind with a driving rain isn’t fun. I did get in two 5ks per week on the treadmill, but put most of my time on the strength machines. Back to normal starting Monday.

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I’m jealous … love cruising. Hope you got time to do shore excursions.

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Feb 2Liked by Terrell Johnson

My husband and I are heading out in March for a cruise across “the pond”. Glad to hear you were able to get some “activity” in. My goal is to get some sort of activity besides eating in.

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I just had a random thought. With Richmond past and Oregon coming, maybe our next group runcation could be aboard a cruise ship.

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Feb 2Liked by Terrell Johnson

Phil did NOT see his shadow, therefore, early spring 2024!

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Yikes!! You're right -- I'll correct it on the web version 😃

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Maybe its just me.....but I find it difficult to trust a man wearing a tuxedo holding a rodent. It is February. Of course we will have more winter although here in Texas we had a very warm week. Lots of fun to watch these guys deal with Phil. Only in America.

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Attending the ceremony is on our bucket list! It’s just so kitsch!

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